Exemple #1
crit_z = float(argv[2])
file_name = argv[3]
data_path = "/mnt/ddnfs/data_users/hkli/CFHT/gg_lensing/result/mass_map/CFHT_cluster/w_1/filter_%s/source_%s/"%(file_name,source_no)
h5f = h5py.File("/mnt/ddnfs/data_users/hkli/CFHT/gg_lensing/data/redshift.hdf5","r")

# data_path = "G:\Backup\works\Mass_Mapping/source_2/".replace("\\","/")
# h5f = h5py.File("G:/Backup/works/Mass_Mapping/redshift.hdf5","r")

dist_refer = h5f["distance"].value
red_refer = h5f["redshift"].value

gets_item = [["para", "nx", "0"], ["para", "ny", "0"],
             ["para", "delta RA (arcmin)", "0"],["para", "delta Dec (arcmin)", "0"]]
para_items = tool_box.config(data_path+"result.dat", ["get" for i in range(len(gets_item))], gets_item)

nx, ny, d_dx, d_dy = int(para_items[0]), int(para_items[1]), float(para_items[2]),float(para_items[3])

np_data = numpy.load(data_path + "result.npz")

block_num = 10

data_set = np_data["arr_0"]
sp = data_set.shape

redshift_bin_num = int(sp[0]/block_num/ny)

ra_bin = np_data["arr_1"]
dec_bin = np_data["arr_2"]
redshift_bin = np_data["arr_3"]
import tool_box
import time

sources = ["/mnt/ddnfs/data_users/hkli/selection_bias/paper_data/pts_dimmer_new",
max_radius = 6
cpus = 60
num = 40
jobs = numpy.zeros((num, 1))

t1 = time.time()
for source in sources:

    # the parameters
    para_contents = [["para", "noise_sig", 1], ["para","shear_num",1]]
    para_items = tool_box.config(source + "/parameters/para.ini", ['get',"get"], para_contents)

    noise_sig = float(para_items[0])
    shear_num = int(para_items[1])

    # while True:
    #     if os.path.exists("%s/work/test/job/%s/finish.dat"%(my_home, source)):
    #         break

    # while True:
    #     if jobs.sum() == num and os.path.exists("%s/work/test/job/%s/finish.dat"%(my_home, source)):
    #         break
    #     for i in range(num):
    #         if os.path.exists("%s/work/test/job/%s/finish_%d.dat"%(my_home, source, i)):
    #             jobs[i, 0] = 1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

cut, filter_name, source, sig, r_thresh = argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[
    4], float(argv[5])

t1 = time.clock()

env_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home

path_items = tool_box.config(
    env_path, ['get', 'get', 'get'],
    [['selection_bias', "%s_path" % source, '1'],
     ['selection_bias', "%s_path_result" % source, '1'],
     ['selection_bias', "%s_path_para" % source, '1']])

total_path, result_path, para_path = path_items
shear_path = para_path + "shear.npz"
shear = numpy.load(shear_path)
fg1 = shear["arr_0"]
if len(fg1.shape) == 2:
    fg1 = fg1[:, 0]
    fg2 = shear["arr_1"][:, 0]
    fg2 = shear["arr_1"]

sex_path = total_path + "result/data/%s/sex_%d.npz" % (filter_name, rank)
para_h5_path = para_path + "para_%d.hdf5" % rank
Exemple #4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tool_box
from mpi4py import MPI
import h5py
import time

para_path, loops = argv[1], int(argv[2])

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

para_ini_path = para_path + "/para.ini"
paras = tool_box.config(
    para_ini_path, ["get", 'get', "get", 'get', "get", 'get'],
    [["para", "total_num", "0"], ["para", "stamp_size", "0"],
     ["para", "mag_s", "0"], ["para", "mag_e", "0"], ["para", "radius_s", "0"],
     ["para", "radius_e", "0"]])

num = int(paras[0])
size = int(paras[1])
num_i = int(num / loops)
mag_s, mag_e = float(paras[2]), float(paras[3])
radius_s, radius_e = float(paras[4]), float(paras[5])
stamp_num = 10000
if rank == 0:
    print(num * stamp_num, size, mag_s, mag_e, radius_s, radius_e)
pic = para_path + "/pic/ellip_%d.png" % rank
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
Exemple #5
from subprocess import Popen
import os
from sys import path
my_home = os.popen("echo $MYWORK_DIR").readlines()[0][:-1]
path.append('%s/work/fourier_quad/' % my_home)
import tool_box
import shutil

envs_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home
get_contents = [['cfht', "cfht_path_cut", '1']]
gets = ["get" for i in range(len(get_contents))]
cut_path = tool_box.config(envs_path, gets, get_contents)[0]
cut = "flux_alt"
stars = [10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
areas = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
for i in stars:
    for j in areas:

        old_nm = cut_path + cut
        new_nm = cut_path + cut + "_s%d_a%d" % (i, j)
        if os.path.exists(old_nm):
            # remove the old directory
            # build new one

        cmd = "mpirun -np 50 python sym_mc_plot_cfht.py %s %d %d result_int" % (
            cut, i, j)
rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

ts = time.clock()

source = argv[1]

envs_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home
get_contents = [['selection_bias', "%s_path" % source, '1'],
                 "%s_path_result" % source, '1'],
                 "%s_path_para" % source, '1'],
                 "%s_path_log" % source, '1']]
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, ['get', 'get', 'get', 'get'],
total_path, result_path, para_path, log_path = path_items

logger = tool_box.get_logger(log_path + "%d_logs.dat" % rank)

# the parameters
para_contents = [["para", "total_num", 1], ["para", "stamp_size", 1],
                 ["para", "stamp_col", 1], ["para", "shear_num", 1],
                 ["para", "noise_sig", 1], ["para", "pixel_scale", 1]]
para_items = tool_box.config(para_path + "para.ini",
                             ['get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get'],

total_chips_num = int(para_items[0])
stamp_size = int(para_items[1])
stamp_col = int(para_items[2])
Exemple #7
# shear field
g = MCMC_program.shear_field(profile_params, x, y)

contents = [['param', "grid_nx", '%d' % nx], ['param', "grid_ny",
                                              '%d' % ny],
            ['param', "RA", '%.2f' % delta_ra],
            ['param', "DEC", '%.2f' % delta_dec],
            ['param', "pixel_scale",
             '%.6f' % pixel_scale], ['param', "sigma",
                                     '%.4f' % sigma],
            ['param', "amplitude", '%.2f' % amplitude],
            ['param', "dx", '%.4f' % dx], ['param', "dy",
                                           '%.2f' % dy],
            ['param', "density/arcmin^2",
             '%d' % dens_num]]
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, ['add' for i in range(len(contents))],
                             contents, True)

img = Image_Plot()
img.subplots(2, 2)
inverse = range(nx - 1, -1, -1)
for i in range(2):
    for j in range(2):
        tag = i * 2 + j
        if tag < 3:
            fig = img.axs[i][j].imshow(g[tag][inverse], cmap="jet")
            img.figure.colorbar(fig, ax=img.axs[i][j])
            num_dens = numpy.histogram2d(gal_coord[0], gal_coord[1],
                                         [ra_bin, dec_bin])[0]
            fig = img.axs[i][j].imshow(num_dens, cmap="jet")
            img.figure.colorbar(fig, ax=img.axs[i][j])
    ['cfht', "cfht_path_result", '1'],
    ['cfht', "cfht_path_data", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "nstar", "1"],
    ["%s" % fresh, "total_area", "1"],
    ["%s" % fresh, "flux2", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "flux_alt", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "gf1", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "gf2", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "g1", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "g2", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "de", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "h1", '1'],
    ["%s" % fresh, "h2", '1'],
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path,
                             ["get" for i in range(len(get_contents))],
result_path, data_path = path_items[0], path_items[1]

# column labels
nstar_lb = int(path_items[2])
area_lb = int(path_items[3])
flux2_lb = int(path_items[4])
flux_alt_lb = int(path_items[5])
gf1_lb = int(path_items[6])
gf2_lb = int(path_items[7])

g1_lb = int(path_items[8])
g2_lb = int(path_items[9])
de_lb = int(path_items[10])
h1_lb = int(path_items[11])
rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

cmd = argv[1]
# mpirun -np 1 ....py grid
# mpirun -np 12 ....py filter cal
# mpirun -np 1 ....py filter plot

parent_path = "/mnt/perc/hklee/CFHT/multi_shear/cluster_field/"

envs_path = parent_path + "param_slope.dat"
contents = [['param', "RA", "1"], ['param', "DEC", "1"], ['param', "a1", "1"],
            ['param', "a2", "1"], ['param', "a3", "1"]]

var_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, ['get' for i in range(len(contents))],

# the field size in unit of arcmin
delta_ra = float(var_items[0])
delta_dec = float(var_items[1])
parameters = [float(var_items[2]), float(var_items[3]), float(var_items[4])]

# read the data
fq = Fourier_Quad(10, 123)
read_expo = 1
for i in range(read_expo):
    h5f = h5py.File(parent_path + "result/expo_%d_slope.hdf5" % i, "r")
    temp = h5f["/data"].value
    if i == 0:
        data = temp
import h5py


# stack the CFHT shear catalog files into one big .hdf5 file.

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

ts = time.clock()

envs_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home
get_contents = [['cfht', "cfht_path_catalog", '1'],
                ['cfht', "cfht_path_result", '1']]
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, ['get', 'get'], get_contents)
total_cata_path, result_path = path_items

field_dict, fields = tool_box.field_dict(total_cata_path +

area_num = 4
if rank == 0:
    h5f = h5py.File(total_cata_path + "cfht_cata/cata.hdf5", "w")
    gal_count = 0

num_in_field = []

for area_id in range(1, 1 + area_num):
    field_paths = []
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

area_num = 4
area_id = 1

result_source = "result_ext"

envs_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home

gets_item = [["cfht", "cfht_path_catalog", "0"],
             ["gg_lensing", "ggl_path_data", "0"]]
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, ["get", "get"], gets_item)

cata_path, data_path = path_items

cfht_cata_path = cata_path + "cfht_cata/"

pic_path = data_path + "pic/"

gets_item = [["fresh_para_idx", "nstar", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "flux_alt", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "ra", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "dec", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "gf1", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "gf2", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "g1", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "g2", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "de", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "h1", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "h2", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "total_area", "0"]]
Exemple #12
ts = time.clock()

total_path = argv[1]
source = total_path.split("/")[-1]
result_path = total_path + "/result"
para_path = total_path + "/parameters"
log_path = total_path + "/logs"

logger = tool_box.get_logger(log_path + "/%d_logs.dat" % rank)

# the parameters
para_contents = [["para", "total_num", 1], ["para", "stamp_size", 1],
                 ["para", "stamp_col", 1], ["para", "shear_num", 1],
                 ["para", "noise_sig", 1], ["para", "pixel_scale", 1]]
para_items = tool_box.config(para_path + "/para.ini",
                             ['get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get'],

total_chips_num = int(para_items[0])
stamp_size = int(para_items[1])
stamp_col = int(para_items[2])
shear_num = int(para_items[3])
noise_sig = int(para_items[4])
pixel_scale = float(para_items[5])
stamp_num = 10000

# finish_path = "%s/work/test/job/%s/finish_%d.dat"%(my_home, source, rank)
# if rank == 0:
#     indicator = "%s/work/test/job/%s"%(my_home, source)
#     if os.path.exists(indicator):
#         shutil.rmtree(indicator)
                  str(2 * delta_ra)],
                 ["para", "Dec width (arcmin)",
                  str(2 * delta_dec)],
                 ["para", "delta RA (arcmin)",
                  str(ra_bin[1] - ra_bin[0])],
                 ["para", "delta Dec (arcmin)",
                  str(dec_bin[1] - dec_bin[0])],
                 ["para", "max radius (arcsec)",
                  str(radius * 60)],
                 ["para", "smooth radius (arcsec)",
                  str(smooth_len * 60)], ["para", "ny", str(ny)],
                 ["para", "nx", str(nx)], ["para", "delta Z",
                 ["para", "block num", str(block_num)]]
        cmd = ["add" for i in range(len(paras))]
        tool_box.config(log_path, cmd, paras, write=True)
    it2 = time.time()
    # print(rank, "%d galaxy: %.2f sec" %(igal, it2 - it1))

t3 = time.time()
print(rank, "total: %.2f sec,%.2f sec" % (t2 - t1, t3 - t2))

# # rotation
# center = SkyCoord(ra=foreground_ra*astro_unit.degree,
#                   dec=foreground_dec*astro_unit.degree, frame='icrs')
# background_pos = SkyCoord(ra=data[:, names.index("RA")]*astro_unit.degree,
#                           dec=data[:, names.index("DEC")]*astro_unit.degree, frame='icrs')
data_path = "/mnt/perc/hklee/CFHT/gg_lensing/data/"

cfht_cata_path = cata_path + "cfht_cata/"
fourier_cata_path = cata_path + "%s/" % origin_data

envs_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home
gets_item = [["fresh_para_idx", "nstar", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "flux_alt", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "ra", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "dec", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "gf1", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "gf2", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "g1", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "g2", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "de", "0"], ["fresh_para_idx", "h1", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "h2", "0"],
             ["fresh_para_idx", "total_area", "0"]]
gets = ["get" for i in range(len(gets_item))]
para_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, gets, gets_item)

############################# Fourier_Quad Option ################################################
# the column label in Fourier_Quad catalog,
# used in Fourier_quad related option
nstar_lb = 3
total_area_lb = 7
flux2_lb = 10
flux_alt_lb = 11

ra_lb = 12
dec_lb = 13

field_g1_lb = 14
field_g2_lb = 15
Exemple #15
select_cri, nstar_thres, area_thres, result_source = argv[1], int(argv[2]), int(argv[3]), argv[4]

ts = time.time()

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

envs_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home
fresh = "fresh_para_idx"
get_contents = [['cfht', "cfht_path_result", '1'],['cfht', "cfht_path_data", '1'],['cfht', "cfht_path_cut", '1'],
                ["%s" % fresh, "nstar", "1"], ["%s" % fresh, "total_area", "1"],
                ["%s" % fresh, "flux2", '1'], ["%s" % fresh, "flux_alt", '1']]
gets = ["get" for i in range(len(get_contents))]
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, gets, get_contents)

result_path, data_path, cut_path = path_items[0:3]
nstar_lb, total_area_lb = int(path_items[3]), int(path_items[4])
flux2_lb, flux_alt_lb = int(path_items[5]), int(path_items[6])

get_contents = [["%s"%fresh, "g1_num", '1'], ["%s"%fresh, "g2_num", '1'],
                ["%s"%fresh, "g1_e", '1'], ["%s"%fresh, "g2_e", '1']]
gets = ["get" for i in range(len(get_contents))]
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, gets, get_contents)

# parameters for segment
g1_num = int(path_items[0])-1
g2_num = int(path_items[1])-1
g1_e = float(path_items[2])
g2_e = float(path_items[3])
import tool_box
import numpy
from sys import argv
import galsim
from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad
from astropy.io import fits

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

source = argv[1]

ini_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home
total_path, para_path = tool_box.config(
    ini_path, ['get', 'get'],
    [['selection_bias', "%s_path" % source, '1'],
     ['selection_bias', "%s_path_para" % source, '1']])

log_name = total_path + "logs/R_%02d.dat" % rank
logger = tool_box.get_logger(log_name)

# the parameters
para_contents = [["para", "total_num", 1], ["para", "stamp_size", 1],
                 ["para", "stamp_col", 1], ["para", "shear_num", 1],
                 ["para", "noise_sig", 1], ["para", "pixel_scale", 1]]
para_items = tool_box.config(para_path + "para.ini",
                             ['get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get'],

total_chip_num = int(para_items[0])
stamp_size = int(para_items[1])
Exemple #17
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import time

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

area_num = 4

result_source = "result_ext"

envs_path = "%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home

gets_item = [["gg_lensing", "ggl_path_data", "0"]]
path_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, ["get"], gets_item)

data_path = path_items[0]

h5f_path_cut = data_path + "cata_%s_cut.hdf5" % result_source
h5f_path_grid = data_path + "cata_%s_grid.hdf5" % result_source

logger = tool_box.get_logger(
    "/home/hklee/work/CFHT/gg_lensing/log/check_%d.dat" % rank)

pre_h5f = h5py.File(h5f_path_cut, "r")
grid_h5f = h5py.File(h5f_path_grid, "r")

data_name = [
    "Z", "DISTANCE", "RA", "DEC", "COS_DEC", "G1", "G2", "N", "U", "V",
    "num_in_block", "block_start", "block_end", "block_boundy", "block_boundx"