def plot_imag(fig,imag,mask,wcs,ftsize='xx-large',coor=None,title=None,beam=None,cmap='hot',colorbar=False,size=10): ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection=wcs) # ------------------------ # Display the image im = ax.imshow(imag,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest',cmap=colormap(cmap),\ aspect='equal',vmin=0.) ax.contour(mask,linewidths=4,levels=[0.001],colors='blue') # ------------------------ # coordinates ra = ax.coords['ra'] de = ax.coords['dec'] ra.set_axislabel('R.A. (J2000)',minpad=0.5,size=ftsize) de.set_axislabel('Dec. (J2000)',minpad=0.5,size=ftsize) ra.set_separator(('$\mathrm{^h}$','$\mathrm{^m}$')) ra.set_ticklabel(size=ftsize) de.set_ticklabel(size=ftsize) # ------------------------ if title is not None: ax.set_title(title,fontsize=ftsize) if coor is not None: ax.set_xlim(coor[0]-size,coor[0]+size) ax.set_ylim(coor[1]-size,coor[1]+size) if colorbar: cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im)'mJy$\,$beam$^{-1}$ km$\,$s$^{-1}$',fontsize=ftsize) if beam is not None: bm = patches.Circle((5,5),radius=args.beam/2,edgecolor='k',facecolor='w',alpha=0.5) # pixel coordinates ax.add_patch(bm) return ax
def plot_imag(fig, imag, mask, wcs, ftsize='x-large', coor=None, title=None, cmap='hot'): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection=wcs) # ------------------------ # Display the image im = ax.imshow(imag,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest',cmap=colormap(cmap),\ aspect='equal',vmin=0.)#,norm=LogNorm()) #,vmin=0.0005,vmax=0.005 ax.contour(mask, linewidths=2, levels=[0.001], alpha=0.8, colors='grey') # ------------------------ # coordinates ra = ax.coords['ra'] de = ax.coords['dec'] ra.set_axislabel('R.A. (J2000)', minpad=0.5, size=ftsize) de.set_axislabel('Dec. (J2000)', minpad=0.5, size=ftsize) ra.set_separator(('$\mathrm{^h}$', '$\mathrm{^m}$')) ra.set_ticklabel(size=ftsize) de.set_ticklabel(size=ftsize) # ------------------------ if title is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=ftsize) if coor is not None: ax.plot(coor[0], coor[1], marker='*') cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im)'mJy$\,$beam$^{-1}$ km$\,$s$^{-1}$', fontsize=ftsize) return ax
def plot_image(file_in, file_out=None, file_contour=None, file_reg=None, resize=None, contour=False, levels=None, contour_color='#d0d0d0', plot=False, oformat='png', skycoor='equ', vmin=None, vmax=None, pmin=0.25, pmax=99.75, stretch='linear', vmid=None, exponent=2, cmap='hot', beam=None, colorbar=None, dendro=None, file_catalog=None, addgal=True, save=True, smooth=None, beamcolor='blue'): if smooth == 0: smooth = None fig = aplpy.FITSFigure(file_in) fig.show_colorscale(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, cmap=colormap(cmap), aspect='equal', smooth=smooth, stretch=stretch, vmid=vmid, exponent=exponent) # fig.hide_colorscale() if resize is not None: fig.recenter(resize[0], resize[1], width=resize[2], height=resize[3]) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADD beam if beam is not None: fig.add_beam(major=beam / 60, minor=beam / 60, angle=0, corner='bottom left') fig.beam.set_alpha(0.5) fig.beam.set_edgecolor(beamcolor) fig.beam.set_facecolor('white') fig.beam.set_linewidth(3) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # fig.show_circles([50.05,], [-0.85,], 0.028,color='white',linewidth=1) # fig.add_label(50.05, -0.95,"FWHM 3.4'",color='white') #------------------------------------------------------------------- if addgal: l = np.arange(30, 70, 0.05) b0 = np.zeros(int((70 - 30) / 0.05)) bp = np.zeros(int((70 - 30) / 0.05)) + 0.5 bm = np.zeros(int((70 - 30) / 0.05)) - 0.5 gal_c0 = SkyCoord(l, b0, frame=Galactic, unit="deg") gal_cp = SkyCoord(l, bp, frame=Galactic, unit="deg") gal_cm = SkyCoord(l, bm, frame=Galactic, unit="deg") ra0 = gal_c0.icrs.ra.value rap = gal_cp.icrs.ra.value ram = gal_cm.icrs.ra.value dec0 = gal_c0.icrs.dec.value decp = gal_cp.icrs.dec.value decm = gal_cm.icrs.dec.value fig.show_lines([np.array([ra0,dec0]),np.array([rap,decp]),np.array([ram,decm])], \ color='darkgrey', linewidths=2, linestyle=['-','--','--']) fig.add_label(283.95, 2.18, r"b=$0^{\circ}$", color='black', fontsize=14) fig.add_label(283.38, 2.18, r"b=$0.5^{\circ}$", color='black', fontsize=14) fig.add_label(284.42, 1.8, r"b=$-0.5^{\circ}$", color='black', fontsize=14) if skycoor == 'gal': fig.axis_labels.set_xtext('Galactic Longitude') fig.axis_labels.set_ytext('Galactic Latitude') fig.tick_labels.set_xformat('dd.d') fig.tick_labels.set_yformat('dd.d') fig.ticks.set_xspacing(0.5) fig.ticks.set_yspacing(0.5) #fig.ticks.set_minor_frequency(5) else: z = 0 fig.axis_labels.set_font(size='xx-large') fig.tick_labels.set_font(size='xx-large') fig.ticks.show_x() fig.ticks.show_y() fig.ticks.set_linewidth(1) fig.ticks.set_length(2) fig.ticks.set_color('black') fig.set_nan_color('white') if colorbar is not None: fig.add_colorbar() fig.colorbar.set_axis_label_text(colorbar) fig.colorbar.set_axis_label_font(size='xx-large') fig.colorbar.set_font(size='xx-large') #------------------------------------------- # DS9 regions if file_reg is not None: fig.show_regions(file_reg) #------------------------------------------- # add contour #------------------------------------------- if contour: if levels is not None: if file_contour is None: file_contour = file_in fig.show_contour(file_contour, levels=levels, smooth=1, colors=contour_color, linewidths=1) else: print("contour levels is not set") #------------------------ # Plot all leaves and branches on full frame of Moment0 map. #------------------------ # add sources in catalog # add_source(ax0,catalog,wcs) # ------------------------ # leaf label list_idx = [] # raw index list_idv = [] # sorted index list_peak = [] # raw peaks for i, struc in enumerate(dendro.leaves): peak = struc.get_peak()[1] list_peak.append(peak) list_idx.append(struc.idx) peak_ind = np.argsort(np.array(list_peak))[::-1] leaves_idx_arr = np.array(list_idx)[peak_ind] # ------------------------ colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green'] c = 1 for i, struc in enumerate(dendro.trunk): if struc.is_leaf: leaf_label = add_leaf_label(fig, leaves_idx_arr, struc) color = colors[0] subtree = [] line = 'solid' elif struc.is_branch: # branch color = colors[c] c = c + 1 subtree = struc.descendants line = 'dashed' mask = struc.get_mask().mean(axis=0) fig.show_contour(mask, linewidths=1.5, levels=[0.001], alpha=0.8, colors=[color], linestyles=line) #,smooth=1) fig.add_label(283.95, 2.18, r"b=$0^{\circ}$", color='black', fontsize=14) print(color) for j, sub_struc in enumerate(subtree): if sub_struc.is_leaf: leaf_label = add_leaf_label(fig, leaves_idx_arr, sub_struc) mask = sub_struc.get_mask().mean(axis=0) fig.show_contour(mask, linewidths=1.5, levels=[0.001], alpha=0.8, colors=[color]) #,smooth=1) if file_catalog is not None: add_source(fig, file_catalog) if save: if file_out is None: file_out = 'm0-clumps_{}.png'.format(cmap), dpi=300, format=oformat, adjust_bbox=True) if plot: fig.close() return 0
def main(args): # #------------------------ # # Load DataCube # #------------------------ # print('Load DataCube') # hdu =[0] # hdr = hdu.header # wcs = WCS(header=hdr).celestial # data = # nchan = data.shape[0] # velo = (np.arange(nchan) - hdr['CRPIX3'] + 1) * hdr['CDELT3'] + hdr['CRVAL3'] # ny = data.shape[1] # nx = data.shape[2] # # # unit convert: Jy/beam -> mJy/pix # beam = 4.7 # arcmin # pix = 1.0 # arcmin # pix_over_beam = pix**2/((beam/2)**2*np.pi) # data = data * 1000 * pix_over_beam # x Jy/beam = (x * pix/beam) Jy/pix # imag0 = data[args.chan_0:args.chan_1,:,:].mean(axis=0) # print(imag0.shape) #------------------------ # Load Moment 0 map #------------------------ hdu =[0] hdr = hdu.header wcs = WCS(header=hdr).celestial imag0 = print(imag0.shape) #------------------------ # Load dendrogram #------------------------ print('Load Dendrogram') d = Dendrogram.load_from(args.file_d + '.hdf5') #------------------------ # Plot all leaves and branches on full frame of Moment0 map. #------------------------ norm = simple_norm(imag0, stretch='asinh', asinh_a=0.18, min_percent=5, max_percent=100) fig0 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax0 = fig0.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=wcs) im0 = ax0.imshow(imag0,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest',cmap=colormap(args.cmap),\ aspect='equal')#,norm=norm) # coordinates if args.proj == 'equ': ra0 = ax0.coords['ra'] de0 = ax0.coords['dec'] ra0.set_axislabel('R.A. (J2000)', minpad=0.5, size="xx-large") de0.set_axislabel('Dec. (J2000)', minpad=0.5, size="xx-large") ra0.set_separator(('$\mathrm{^h}$', '$\mathrm{^m}$')) ra0.set_ticklabel(size="xx-large") de0.set_ticklabel(size="xx-large") elif args.proj == 'gal': l0 = ax0.coords['glon'] b0 = ax0.coords['glat'] l0.set_axislabel('l deg', minpad=0.5, size="xx-large") b0.set_axislabel('b deg', minpad=0.5, size="xx-large") l0.set_ticklabel(size="xx-large") b0.set_ticklabel(size="xx-large") # beam if args.beam is not None: beam = patches.Circle((5, 5), radius=args.beam / 2, edgecolor='k', facecolor='w', alpha=0.5) # pixel coordinates ax0.add_patch(beam) # ------------------------ # add sources in catalog if args.file_c is not None: add_source(ax0, args.file_c, wcs) # ------------------------ # leaf label list_idx = [] # raw index list_idv = [] # sorted index list_peak = [] # raw peaks for i, struc in enumerate(d.leaves): peak = struc.get_peak()[1] list_peak.append(peak) list_idx.append(struc.idx) peak_ind = np.argsort(np.array(list_peak))[::-1] leaves_idx_arr = np.array(list_idx)[peak_ind] # ------------------------ colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green'] c = 1 for i, struc in enumerate(d.trunk): if struc.is_leaf: leaf_label = add_leaf_label(ax0, leaves_idx_arr, struc) file_out = 'leaf_{:d}_{}.png'.format(leaf_label, args.cmap) color = colors[0] subtree = [] line = 'solid' elif struc.is_branch: # branch file_out = 'branch_{:d}_{}.png'.format(struc.idx, args.cmap) color = colors[c] c = c + 1 subtree = struc.descendants line = 'dashed' mask = struc.get_mask().mean(axis=0) ax0.contour(mask, linewidths=1.5, levels=[0.001], alpha=0.8, colors=[color], linestyles=line) for j, sub_struc in enumerate(subtree): if sub_struc.is_leaf: leaf_label = add_leaf_label(ax0, leaves_idx_arr, sub_struc) file_out = 'leaf_{:d}_{}.png'.format(leaf_label, args.cmap) mask = sub_struc.get_mask().mean(axis=0) print(mask.shape) ax0.contour(mask, linewidths=1.5, levels=[0.001], alpha=0.8, colors=[color]) fig0.savefig('m0-clumps_{}.png'.format(args.cmap), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight') return 0