def unwrap_tensor_args(sig: DispatcherSignature, *,
                       is_view_op: bool) -> Tuple[str, List[Binding]]:
    context: List[Binding] = []
    unwrapped_tensor_args: List[str] = []
    for arg in sig.arguments():
        if is_tensor_like(arg.argument):
            # for tensor inputs, we want to unwrap them before passing them into the redispatch calls.
            unwrapped_name = f'{}_'
            # For most ops, the functionalization needs to sync any pending updates on the input tensors
            # before calling the operator, since otherwise the operator will act on stale data.
            # For view ops though, we can continue to defer syncing until the tensor is used by
            # a non-view operator.
            maybe_sync_input = '' if is_view_op else f'at::functionalization::impl::sync({});'
      {arg.nctype.remove_const_ref().cpp_type()} {unwrapped_name};
      if (at::functionalization::impl::isFunctionalTensor({})) {{
        {unwrapped_name} = at::functionalization::impl::from_functional_tensor({});
      }} else {{
        {unwrapped_name} = {};
            # for non-tensor inputs, we want to pass them directly into the redispatch calls.
    unwrap_tensor_args_str = '\n      '.join(unwrapped_tensor_args)
    return unwrap_tensor_args_str, context
def unwrap_tensor_args(sig: DispatcherSignature) -> Tuple[str, List[Binding]]:
    context: List[Binding] = []
    unwrapped_tensor_args: List[str] = []
    for arg in sig.arguments():
        if is_tensor_like(arg.argument):
            # for tensor inputs, we want to unwrap them before passing them into the redispatch calls.
            unwrapped_name = f'{}_'
                f'auto {unwrapped_name} = at::functionalization::impl::from_functional_tensor({});')
            # for non-tensor inputs, we want to pass them directly into the redispatch calls.
    unwrap_tensor_args_str = '\n      '.join(unwrapped_tensor_args)
    return unwrap_tensor_args_str, context
def convert_to_meta_tensors(sig: DispatcherSignature) -> Tuple[str, List[Binding]]:
    context: List[Binding] = []
    unwrapped_tensor_args: List[str] = []
    for arg in sig.arguments():
        if is_tensor_like(arg.argument):
            # for tensor inputs, we want to unwrap them before passing them into the redispatch calls.
            # for tensor inputs, we want to unwrap them before passing them into the redispatch calls.
            a_ =
            unwrapped_name = f'{}_meta'
                f"auto {unwrapped_name} = at::native::empty_strided_meta({a_}.sizes(), {a_}.strides(), \
/*dtype=*/c10::make_optional({a_}.scalar_type()), /*layout=*/c10::make_optional({a_}.layout()), \
/*device=*/c10::make_optional(c10::Device(kMeta)), /*pin_memory=*/c10::nullopt);"
            # for non-tensor inputs, we want to pass them directly into the redispatch calls.
    unwrap_tensor_args_str = '\n        '.join(unwrapped_tensor_args)
    return unwrap_tensor_args_str, context
def gen_composite_view_copy_kernel(
        g: NativeFunctionsViewGroup) -> Optional[str]:

    if g.view_copy is None:
        return None
    # view_copy is a native signature, since we're generating an at::native:: kernel
    view_copy_sig = NativeSignature(g.view_copy.func)
    # view is a dispatcher signature, since we're calling into the at::_ops API
    view_sig = DispatcherSignature(g.view.func)

    view_api_name =
    exprs = ', '.join([
        for e in translate(view_copy_sig.arguments(), view_sig.arguments())

    # view ops today always return either a Tensor or a list of Tensors
    assert len(g.view.func.returns) == 1
    assert g.view.func.returns[0].type == BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor) \
           or g.view.func.returns[0].type == ListType(BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor), None)

    if g.view.func.returns[0].type == BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor):
        return_cloned_output = '''\
  return output.clone();'''
        # If the return type is a list, we need to clone each tensor in the list.
        return_cloned_output = f'''\
  {view_copy_sig.returns_type().cpp_type()} out_clone;
  for (const auto i : c10::irange(output.size())) {{
  return out_clone;'''

    # The default generated composite kernel for {view}_copy() operators just clones
    # the input tensor, and runs the underlying view on the clone.
    return f"""