Exemple #1
    def analyze(self, timestamp, cron_str):
        :param cron_str: 
        x = time.localtime(timestamp)
        second = x.tm_sec
        minute = x.tm_min
        hour = x.tm_hour
        day = x.tm_mday
        month = x.tm_mon
        year = x.tm_year

        cron_list = cron_str.split(' ')

        second_str = cron_list[0]
        minute_str = cron_list[1]
        hour_str = cron_list[2]
        day_str = cron_list[3]
        month_str = cron_list[4]

        right_second, second_index, next_second_index, second_list, second_carry = self.process_base(second_str, 0, 59, second, 0)
        right_minute, minute_index, next_minute_index, minute_list, minute_cary = self.process_base(minute_str, 0, 59, minute, second_carry)
        right_hour, hour_index, next_hour_index, hour_list, hour_carry = self.process_base(hour_str, 0, 23, hour, minute_cary)
        right_day, day_index, next_day_index, day_list, day_cary = self.process_base(day_str, 1, 31, day, hour_carry)
        right_month, month_index, next_month_index, month_list, month_carry = self.process_base(month_str, 1, 12, month, day_cary)

        # left_days = (datetime.date(year, right_month, right_day) - datetime.date(year, month, day)).days
        # left_hour = right_hour - hour
        # left_minute = right_minute - minute
        # left_second = right_second - second
        # # 从小时到秒,挨个判断
        # if left_hour < 0:
        #     # 处理小时
        #     left_hour += 24
        # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute < 0:
        #     left_minute += 60000
        # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute == 0 and left_second < 0:
        #     if minute_str == '*':
        #         left_second += 60
        #     elif hour_str == '*':
        #         left_minute += 60
        #     elif day_str == '*':
        #         left_hour += 24
        # left_timestamp = (((left_days * 24 + left_hour) * 60) + left_minute) * 60 + left_second
        if month_carry:
            right_month += month_carry
        date = ('{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([('00'+str(i))[-2:] for
                                             i in (month, day, hour, minute, second)])).format(year)
        right_date = ('{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([('00'+str(i))[-2:] for
                                             i in (right_month, right_day, right_hour, right_minute, right_second)])).\

        left_timestamp = DateUtils.str_to_time(right_date) - DateUtils.str_to_time(date)
        return left_timestamp
Exemple #2
async def cal_next_start_time(job, is_normal=True):
    :param job: 
    :param is_normal
    # 无限循环执行, 必定带正则表达式,否则直接报错
    # 解析正则表达式,  计算出下一次需要执行的时间点
    if not is_normal:
        current_time = int(DateUtils.timestamps_now())
        current_time = DateUtils.str_to_time(job['start_time'])
    left_time = cron_utils.analyze(current_time + 1, job['cron'])
    start_time = DateUtils.format_time(current_time + left_time)
    # 计算距离start_time最近的RUN_TIME秒
    current_date = start_time[:16] + ':00'
    current_count = 1
    while current_date < start_time:
        # 避免死循环
        if current_count >= 1000:
        current_count += 1
        current_date = DateUtils.add_second(current_date, seconds=run_time)
    start_time = current_date
    job['start_time'] = start_time
    cache_key = ServiceBase.schedule.JOB_KEY + job['start_time'].replace(
        ' ', '').replace('-', '').replace(':', '')
    now_date = DateUtils.time_now()
    # 如果下一次的执行时间小于当前时间,则跳至下一个执行的时间节点
    if job['start_time'] < now_date:

        current_date = now_date[:16] + ':00'

        while current_date < now_date:

            current_date = DateUtils.add_second(current_date,
                                                seconds=2 * run_time)

        job['start_time'] = current_date

        cache_key = ServiceBase.schedule.JOB_KEY + job['start_time'].replace(
            ' ', '').replace('-', '').replace(':', '')

    model = importlib.import_module('task.schedule.model')
    model = model.Model()
    await model.update_job(job)
    await redis.sadd(cache_key, json.dumps(job, cls=CJsonEncoder))
    length = await redis.scard(cache_key)
    await redis.hset(ServiceBase.schedule.SCHEDULE_KEY, cache_key, length)
Exemple #3
    def analyze(self, timestamp, cron_str):
        :param cron_str: 
        x = time.localtime(timestamp)
        second = x.tm_sec
        minute = x.tm_min
        hour = x.tm_hour
        day = x.tm_mday
        month = x.tm_mon
        year = x.tm_year

        month_max_days = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]

        cron_list = cron_str.split(' ')

        second_str = cron_list[0]
        minute_str = cron_list[1]
        hour_str = cron_list[2]
        day_str = cron_list[3]
        month_str = cron_list[4]

        right_second, second_index, next_second_index, second_list, second_carry = self.process_base(
            second_str, 0, 59, second, 0)
        right_minute, minute_index, next_minute_index, minute_list, minute_cary = self.process_base(
            minute_str, 0, 59, minute, second_carry)
        right_hour, hour_index, next_hour_index, hour_list, hour_carry = self.process_base(
            hour_str, 0, 23, hour, minute_cary)
        right_day, day_index, next_day_index, day_list, day_cary = self.process_base(
            day_str, 1, month_max_days, day, hour_carry)
        right_month, month_index, next_month_index, month_list, month_carry = self.process_base(
            month_str, 1, 12, month, day_cary)

        # left_days = (datetime.date(year, right_month, right_day) - datetime.date(year, month, day)).days
        # left_hour = right_hour - hour
        # left_minute = right_minute - minute
        # left_second = right_second - second
        # # 从小时到秒,挨个判断
        # if left_hour < 0:
        #     # 处理小时
        #     left_hour += 24
        # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute < 0:
        #     left_minute += 60000
        # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute == 0 and left_second < 0:
        #     if minute_str == '*':
        #         left_second += 60
        #     elif hour_str == '*':
        #         left_minute += 60
        #     elif day_str == '*':
        #         left_hour += 24
        # left_timestamp = (((left_days * 24 + left_hour) * 60) + left_minute) * 60 + left_second
        if month_carry:
            right_month += month_carry
        date = (
            '{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' %
            tuple([('00' + str(i))[-2:]
                   for i in (month, day, hour, minute, second)])).format(year)
        right_date = ('{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([('00'+str(i))[-2:] for
                                             i in (right_month, right_day, right_hour, right_minute, right_second)])).\

        left_timestamp = DateUtils.str_to_time(
            right_date) - DateUtils.str_to_time(date)
        return left_timestamp