Exemple #1
 def __get_federal_state_id(self, zipcode):
     comp = str(zipcode)
     if len(comp) == 4:
         comp = "0" + comp
     return jsontools.get_first_where(
         self.data['cities'], {'zip_code': comp})['federal_state_id']
Exemple #2
    def get_federal_state_name(self, federal_state_code):
    Returns federal state name that belongs to ISO 3166-2.

    :param federal_state_code: ISO 3166-2 code of federal state.
    :return: Name of federal state
        return jsontools.get_first_where(
            {'iso3166_2': federal_state_code})['name']
Exemple #3
    def get_federal_state_code(self, federal_state_name):
    Returns ISO 3166-2-code of federal state

    :param federal_state_name: Name of the federal state
    :return: ISO 3166-2 of federal state
        return jsontools.get_first_where(
            {'name': federal_state_name})['iso3166_2']
Exemple #4
    def get_federal_state(self, zipcode):
    Gets the federal state of a zipcode.
    For that the zipcode has to belong to only one federal state

    :param zipcode: The zipcode
    :return: The name of the federal state
        state_id = self.__get_federal_state_id(zipcode)
        return jsontools.get_first_where(self.data['federal_states'],
                                         {'id': state_id})['name']
Exemple #5
    def no_school_at_zipcode(self, checkdate, zipcode):
    This functions checks for a zipcode whether a day is off school.

    :param checkdate: The day to check
    :type checkdate: date
    :param zipcode: The zipcode of the location
    :return: True or False
        federal_state_id = self.__get_federal_state_id(zipcode)
        federal_state = jsontools.get_first_where(
            self.data['federal_states'], {'id': federal_state_id})['name']
        return self.no_school_in_federal_state(checkdate, federal_state)
Exemple #6
    def is_school_holiday_at_zipcode(self, checkdate, zipcode):
    Checks whether a date is a school holiday at a zipcode.
    The zipcode has to belong to only one federal state.

    :param checkdate: The date
    :param zipcode: The zipcode
    :return: True/False
        federal_state_id = self.__get_federal_state_id(zipcode)
        federal_state = jsontools.get_first_where(
            self.data['federal_states'], {'id': federal_state_id})['name']
        return self.is_school_holiday_in_federal_state(checkdate,
Exemple #7
    def is_bank_holiday(self, checkdate):
    Checks whether a date is a bank

    :param checkdate: The date
    :return: True/False
        country_id = jsontools.get_first_where(self.data['countries'],
                                               {'name': 'Deutschland'})['id']
        federal_states = jsontools.get_all_where(self.data['federal_states'],
                                                 {'country_id': country_id})

        for dataline in federal_states:
            if not (self.is_bank_holiday_in_federal_state(
                    checkdate, dataline['name'])):
                return False
        return True
Exemple #8
    def is_school_holiday_in_federal_state(self, checkdate, federal_state):
    Checks whether a date is a school holiday in federal state.

    :param checkdate: The date
    :param federal_state: The federal state name or ISO 3166-2
    :return: True/False
        federal_state = self.__convert_federal_state_code_if_needed(
        federal_state_id = jsontools.get_first_where(
            self.data['federal_states'], {'name': federal_state})['id']
        holidays = jsontools.get_all_where(
            self.data['periods'], {'federal_state_id': federal_state_id})

        for dataline in holidays:
            if self.__dictionary_contains_date(checkdate, dataline):
                return True
        return False
Exemple #9
    def is_bank_holiday_in_federal_state(self, checkdate, federal_state):
    Checks whether a date is a bank holiday in a federal state

    :param checkdate: The date
    :param federal_state: The federal state name or ISO 3166-2
    :return: True/False
        federal_state = self.__convert_federal_state_code_if_needed(
        federal_state_id = jsontools.get_first_where(
            self.data['federal_states'], {'name': federal_state})['id']
        holidays = jsontools.get_all_where(self.data['holidays'], {
            'federal_state_id': federal_state_id,
            'day': checkdate.isoformat()
        if len(holidays) > 0:
            return True
            return False