Exemple #1
 def fingerprint(self):
     if self.Jcoord:
         return fingexp.fingerprint(
             (self.ECG, self.infty, self.x, self.y, self.z, self.Jcoord))
         return fingexp.fingerprint(
             (self.ECG, self.infty, self.x, self.y, self.Jcoord))
Exemple #2
    def reshuffleBucket(self, bucket):
        This method randomly shuffles the bucket and update the positionList,
        the positionMap and the clientStash accordingly.
        bucket is a list of tuples (is_real_block, position, blockID_or_dummyBlock)
        We assume all real blocks are stored in the client Stash

        #positionL = []

        first_pos = bucket[0][1]

        #print '\t --> reshuffling bucket', first_pos,'to',first_pos+self.SZ-1

        #for i in range(len(bucket)):
        #    positionL.append(bucket[i][1])

        #print 'bucket',bucket

        perm_bucket = randomPermutation(bucket)

        #print 'perm_bucket',perm_bucket

        for i in range(len(bucket)):
            #position = positionL[i]
            position = first_pos + i
            if perm_bucket[i][0] == True:
                # a real block
                blockID = perm_bucket[i][2]
                block = self.clientStash.pop(blockID)
                assert block != None
                #print 're-inserting block',blockID,'from stash'
                old_pos, path = self.positionMap[blockID]
                assert not path == None
                self.positionList[position] = blockID, path, True
                #print '(3) modifying positionList at',position
                self.positionMap[blockID] = position, path
                #print '(1) updtating position map of ',blockID, 'to ',position, path
                perm_bucket[i] = (position, blockID, block)
                # a dummy block
                self.positionList[position] = None, None, True
                #print '(4) modifying positionList at',position
                perm_bucket[i] = (position, 'dummy', perm_bucket[i][2])

        #print 'permuted bucket', perm_bucket

        for i in range(len(perm_bucket)):
            perm_bucket[i] = (perm_bucket[i][0], perm_bucket[i][2])

        subpath = positionToSubPath(perm_bucket[0][0], self.nbChildren,
                                    self.SZ, self.depth, self.sPD)
        B = []
        for i in range(self.SZ):
        self.hashDic[subpath] = fingexp.fingerprint(B)

        return perm_bucket
Exemple #3
 def hashf(self,L):
     ''' Return a number in Zr computed from a list L of elements
         Assuming that all elements of the list has a fingerprint
     order = self.pairing.r
     f = fingexp.fingerprint(L)
     z = utils.b64tompz(f)%order
     return z
Exemple #4
 def hashf(self,L):
     ''' Return a number in Zq computed from a list L of elements
         Assuming that all elements of the list has a fingerprint
     q = self.PPATCpp.order
     f = fingexp.fingerprint(L)
     r = utils.b64tompz(f)%q
     return r
Exemple #5
    def hashNode(self, subpath):

        hashList = []
        for i in range(self.nbChildren):
            hashList.append(self.hashDic[subpath + str(i)])

        self.hashDic[subpath] = fingexp.fingerprint([self.hashDic[subpath]] +
Exemple #6
 def hashf(self, L):
     ''' Return a number in Zq computed from a list L of elements
         Assuming that all elements of the list has a fingerprint
     q = self.PPATCpp.order
     f = fingexp.fingerprint(L)
     r = utils.b64tompz(f) % q
     return r
Exemple #7
 def fingerprint(self):
     return fingexp.fingerprint(self.val)
Exemple #8
 def fingerprint(self):
     L = []
     for c in self.coef:
     return fingexp.fingerprint(L)
Exemple #9
 def fingerprint(self):
     return fingexp.fingerprint(self.val)
Exemple #10
 def fingerprint(self):
     L = []
     for c in self.coef:
     return fingexp.fingerprint(L)
Exemple #11
    def fillupTree(self, blockList):
        This method assigns blocks to the tree nodes and pad with dummy
        We assume here that the tree is empty

        #print 'blockList',blockList

        t = self.tLoad

        t1 = time.time()
        #permuted_blockList, permutation = randomPermutation(blockList)
        permuted_blockList = randomPermutation(blockList)
        t2 = time.time()

        #print 'permuted_blockList',permuted_blockList

        new_blockList = []
        while permuted_blockList != []:
            bucket = []
            i = 0
            while permuted_blockList != [] and i < self.Z:
                bucket.append((permuted_blockList.pop(), True))
                i += 1

            while len(bucket) < (self.SZ):
                bucket.append((self.createDummyBlock(), False))

            #permuted_bucket, perm = randomPermutation(bucket) #TODO: time-consuming!
            permuted_bucket = randomPermutation(bucket)  #TODO: time-consuming!

            new_blockList = permuted_bucket + new_blockList

        k = max(t - len(new_blockList), 0)

        #print 'new_blockList',new_blockList

        t3 = time.time()

        for i in range(k):
            new_blockList = [(self.createDummyBlock(), False)] + new_blockList

        assert len(new_blockList) == t

        #print 'new_blockList',new_blockList

        t4 = time.time()

        for i in range(0, t, self.SZ):
            bucket = []
            subpath = positionToSubPath(i, self.nbChildren, self.SZ,
                                        self.depth, self.sPD)
            for j in range(self.SZ):
                bucket.append(new_blockList[i + j][0])

            self.hashDic[subpath] = fingexp.fingerprint(bucket)

        self.treeHash = self.hashDic['0']

        t4b = time.time()

        for i in range(t):
            if new_blockList[i][1] == True:
                blockID, block = new_blockList[i][0]
                subpath = positionToSubPath(i, self.nbChildren, self.SZ,
                                            self.depth, self.sPD)
                path = randomPath(subpath, self.nbChildren, self.depth + 1)
                self.positionList[i] = (blockID, path, True)
                self.positionMap[blockID] = (i, path)
                new_blockList[i] = new_blockList[i][0][1]

                # the block is a dummy one
                new_blockList[i] = new_blockList[i][0]

        t5 = time.time()

        L = enumerate(new_blockList)
        #print 'new_blockList',new_blockList


        t6 = time.time()

        print 'permutation of blockList:', t2 - t1, '\n buckets creation:', t3 - t2, '\n dummy block creation:', t4 - t3, '\n hashing nodes of the tree:', t4b - t4, '\n filling up of the tree:', t5 - t4b, '\n block rerwriting in tree:', t6 - t5
Exemple #12
 def fingerprint(self):
     if self.Jcoord :
         return fingexp.fingerprint((self.ECG,self.infty,self.x,self.y,self.z,self.Jcoord))
     else :
         return fingexp.fingerprint((self.ECG,self.infty,self.x,self.y,self.Jcoord))