def like(tid): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('like.html') log.debug('debug - like - info - tid=' + str(tid)) # to like a tweet # the logged in users id should be added to like_tweet collection # get the uid of the session # get the tid of the tweet # use tid to update uid in the like_tweet collection global mc tweet_coll = mc.twitterclone.tweet like_coll = login_coll = mc.twitterclone.login session = request.cookies.get('cookie') # get session request_json = request.json # get session uid docs = check_login(login_coll, mem, session) uid = docs[0]['uid'] # get tweet tid tid = loads('{"$oid": "' + tid + '"}') # TODO if this works migrate it to follow # like or unlike like_bool = bool(request_json.get('like', True)) if like_bool != False: action = "$addToSet" # like increment = 1 else: action = "$pull" # unlike increment = -1 # update collection tweet = dict() # added this idk - check this TODO tweet['tid'] = tid like = dict() like[action] = {'uids': uid} like['$inc'] = {'like_count': increment} log.debug('debug - like - info - tweet', tweet) log.debug('debug - like - info - like', like) if like_coll.update(tweet, like)['nModified'] == 0: return error_msg({'error': 'cannot like or unlike twice'}) else: # increment intrest rating in tweet object tweet = dict() tweet['_id'] = tid like = dict() like['$inc'] = {'intrest': increment} if tweet_coll.update(tweet, like)['nModified'] == 0: return error_msg({'error': 'cannot update tweet intrest'}) return success_msg({})
def check_iface(iface,error_msg = "bad interface"): a = re.compile(r'\Aeth[0-9]\Z') if not a.match(iface): tools.error_msg(error_msg) try: netinfo = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0] tools.insert_dict(, [iface], netinfo) except ValueError as e: print "\n\nSomething WRONG with iface (" + iface + "): " + error_msg
def followers(username): log.debug('debug - followers - GET - username:'******'limit'] > 200: limit = 200 elif request_json['limit'] < 1: limit = 50 else: limit = request_json['limit'] # get uid from username check = dict() check['username'] = username docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - followers - error - uid - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'user not found'}) uid = docs[0]['_id'] #print('uid:', str(uid))app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] # get followers check = dict() check['uid'] = uid docs = [doc for doc in followers_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - followers - error - fid - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'user not found'}) followers = docs[0]['followers'] followers = followers[:limit] # get usernames for followers check = dict() check['_id'] = {'$in': followers} usernames = [doc['username'] for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(usernames) < 0: log.warning('debug - followers - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug log.warning('usernames:', str(usernames)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'no users found for tweets - server issue'}) #print('followers:', str(usernames)) # return the names of the followers other_response_fields = dict() other_response_fields['users'] = usernames log.debug('debug - followers - success - output:', str(other_response_fields)) return success_msg(other_response_fields)
def config(fname = "cluster.conf"): tools.header_msg( __name__ + ": Reading conf file in json format ...") data = json.load(open(fname)) grupos = data['grupos'] if len(grupos) == 0: tools.error_msg("Not find groups in [" + fname + "]") for grupo in grupos: if 'ipmi' in grupos[grupo]: iface = grupos[grupo]['ipmi']['iface'] check_iface(iface," in ipmi group" + grupo) iface = grupos[grupo]['iface_install'] check_iface(iface," in group" + grupo) info.cluster = data tools.footer_msg()
def adduser(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register.html') request_json = request.json # get json log.debug('debug - adduser - json:', str(request_json)) # debug # connect to user collection global mc user_coll = mc.twitterclone.user # check for existing verified user check = dict() check["$or"] = [{ 'username': request_json['username'] }, { 'email': request_json['email'] }] docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) > 0: log.debug('debug - adduser - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) return error_msg({'error': 'username or email already used'}) # insert new user user = dict() user['username'] = request_json['username'] user['email'] = request_json['email'] user['password'] = request_json['password'] user['verified'] = False user['verify_key'] = randomString() result = user_coll.insert_one(user) #sendemail(key, email) log.debug('debug - adduser - success') return success_msg({})
def login(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html') request_json = request.json # get json log.debug('debug - login - json:', str(request_json)) # debug # connect to user and login collections global mc user_coll = mc.twitterclone.user login_coll = mc.twitterclone.login # check for existing verified user check = dict() check['username'] = request_json['username'] check['password'] = request_json['password'] check['verified'] = True docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - login - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) return error_msg({ 'error': 'incorrect password or user not verified or user does not exist' }) # login user login = dict() login['uid'] = docs[0]['_id'] login['session'] = randomString() login['last_login'] = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) mem_login(mem, login['session'], login['uid']) # TODO test result = login_coll.insert_one(login) resp = make_response(success_msg({})) resp.set_cookie('cookie', login['session']) return resp
def user(username): log.debug('debug - user - GET - username:'******'username'] = username docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: return error_msg({'error': 'user not found'}) uid = docs[0]['_id'] email = docs[0]['email'] # get followers check = dict() check['uid'] = uid docs = [doc for doc in followers_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - user - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'user not found'}) followers_num = len(docs[0]['followers']) # get following docs = [doc for doc in following_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - user - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'user not found'}) following_num = len(docs[0]['following']) # return email followers and following user_parts = dict() user_parts['email'] = email user_parts['followers'] = followers_num user_parts['following'] = following_num other_response_fields = dict() other_response_fields['user'] = user_parts log.debug('debug - user - success - output:', str(other_response_fields)) return success_msg(other_response_fields)
def verify(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('verify.html') request_json = request.json # get json log.debug('debug - verify - json:', str(request_json)) # debug # connect to user collection global mc user_coll = mc.twitterclone.user # check for unverified email and matching key check = dict() check['email'] = request_json['email'] check['verified'] = False if request_json['key'] != 'abracadabra': check['verify_key'] = request_json.get('key', 'abracadabra') docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - verify - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg( {'error': 'wrong key or email not found or user already verified'}) # verifiy user Oid = docs[0]['_id'] user = dict() # user['_id'] = docs[0]['_id'] user['username'] = docs[0]['username'] user['email'] = docs[0]['email'] user['password'] = docs[0]['password'] user['verified'] = True #print(user) result = user_coll.replace_one({'_id': Oid}, user) following_coll = mc.twitterclone.following followers_coll = mc.twitterclone.followers # insert new user following = dict() following['uid'] = Oid following['following'] = list() result = following_coll.insert_one(following) #print('added following row', str(result)) followers = dict() followers['uid'] = Oid followers['followers'] = list() result = followers_coll.insert_one(followers) #print('added followers row', str(result)) log.debug('debug - verify - success') return success_msg({})
def logout(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('logout.html') session = request.cookies.get('cookie') # get session log.debug('debug - logout - session:', str(session)) # debug # connect to user and login collections global mc user_coll = mc.twitterclone.user login_coll = mc.twitterclone.login # check for logged in user check = dict() check['session'] = session docs = [doc for doc in login_coll.find(check)] log.debug(str(len(docs)) + str(docs)) if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - logout - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'not logged in'}) # logs out user mem_logout(mem, session) result = login_coll.delete_many(check) log.debug('debug - logout - success', str(result)) return success_msg({})
def follow(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('follow.html') log.debug('debug - follow - request: ', str(request)) request_json = request.json # get json log.debug('debug - follow - json:', request_json) # debug session = request.cookies.get('cookie') # get session # connect to login, user, following, and followers collections global mc login_coll = mc.twitterclone.login user_coll = mc.twitterclone.user following_coll = mc.twitterclone.following followers_coll = mc.twitterclone.followers # check for session check = dict() check['session'] = session docs = check_login(login_coll, mem, session) # get session uid uid = docs[0]['uid'] # get follower id check = dict() check['username'] = request_json['username'] docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - follow - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': "follower doesn't exist"}) fid = docs[0]['_id'] # add or remove follower if request_json['follow'] in ['False', 'false', False]: log.debug('unfollowtest!@#$%') # remove follower #print(request_json['follow']) #print('unfollow') # you have a list of people you are following # to remove someone you follow # you must remove yourself from their followers list check = dict() check['uid'] = fid docs = [doc for doc in followers_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - unfollow - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': "follower doesn't exist"}) followers = docs[0]['followers'] if followers is None: followers = list() try: followers = list(set(followers)) if uid not in followers: return error_msg({ 'error': "cannot unfollow - username knows you don't follow them" }) followers.remove(uid) except ValueError: return error_msg( {'error': "cannot unfollow someone you are not following"}) result = followers_coll.update_one({'_id': docs[0]['_id']}, {'$set': { "followers": followers }}) # you also must remove them from your following list check['uid'] = uid docs = [doc for doc in following_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - unfollow - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': "following doesn't exist"}) following = docs[0]['following'] #print('following - ', following) if following is None: following = list() try: following = list(set(following)) if fid not in following: return error_msg( {'error': "cannot unfollow - you don't follow username"}) following.remove(fid) except ValueError: return error_msg( {'error': "cannot unfollow someone you are not following"}) #result = following_coll.update_one(check) result = following_coll.update_one({'_id': docs[0]['_id']}, {'$set': { "following": following }}) else: log.debug('followtest!@#$%') # add follower #print(request_json['follow']) #print('follow') # you have a list of people you are following # to add a follower # you must add yourself to their followers list check = dict() check['uid'] = fid docs = [doc for doc in followers_coll.find(check)] log.debug('followers doc - ', str(docs)) if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - follow - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': "follower doesn't exist"}) #followers = docs[0]['followers'].append(uid) followers = docs[0]['followers'] #print('followers - ', followers) if followers is None: followers = list() followers = list(set(followers)) if uid in followers: return error_msg({ 'error': "cannot follow - username already knows you follow them" }) followers.append(uid) #print('followers - ', followers) #result = followers_coll.update_one(check) result = followers_coll.update_one({'_id': docs[0]['_id']}, {'$set': { "followers": followers }}) # you also must add them to your following list check['uid'] = uid docs = [doc for doc in following_coll.find(check)] #print('following doc - ', str(docs)) if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - follow - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': "following doesn't exist"}) following = docs[0]['following'] #print('following - ', following) if following is None: following = list() following = list(set(following)) if fid in following: return error_msg({ 'error': "cannot follow - you are already following username" }) following.append(fid) #print('following - ', following) #result = following_coll.update_one(check) result = following_coll.update_one({'_id': docs[0]['_id']}, {'$set': { "following": following }}) other_response_fields = dict() log.debug('debug - follow - success - output:', str(other_response_fields)) return success_msg(other_response_fields)
def search(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('search.html') # connect global mc session = request.cookies.get('cookie') # get session request_json = request.json log.debug('debug - search - json:', request_json) # debug tweet_coll = mc.twitterclone.tweet user_coll = mc.twitterclone.user login_coll = mc.twitterclone.login following_coll = mc.twitterclone.following # get default values timestamp = int( request_json.get('timestamp', calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))) limit = int(request_json.get('limit', 25)) if limit > 100: limit = 25 log.debug("limit - ", limit) q = request_json.get('q', None) username = request_json.get('username', None) following = bool(request_json.get('following', True)) rank = request_json.get('rank', 'intrest') parent = request_json.get('parent', None) replies = bool(request_json.get('replies', True)) hasMedia = bool(request_json.get('hasMedia', False)) # form query M1 check = dict() if timestamp is not None: check['timestamp'] = {"$lt": timestamp} sort = list() if rank == 'intrest': # from M3 query sort.append(('intrest', pymongo.DESCENDING)) # sort.append(("timestamp", pymongo.DESCENDING)) # maybe else: # from M2 query sort.append(("timestamp", pymongo.DESCENDING)) # form query M2 if following != False: # get list of following ids check_session = dict() check_session['session'] = session docs = check_login(login_coll, mem, session) s_uid = docs[0]['uid'] log.debug("session", str(session), "session_uid", str(s_uid)) check_following = dict() check_following['uid'] = s_uid docs = [doc for doc in following_coll.find(check_following)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - search - error - check:', str(check_following), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'user not found'}) following = docs[0]['following'] check['uid'] = {"$in": following} if username is not None: # get username id # check for existing verified user check_user = dict() check_user['username'] = username docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check_user)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - search - error - check:', str(check_user), 'docs:', str(docs)) return error_msg({'error': 'uid username error'}) if docs[0]['_id'] not in following: return success_msg({'items': []}) else: if username is not None: # get username id # check for existing verified user check_user = dict() check_user['username'] = username docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check_user)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - search - error - check:', str(check_user), 'docs:', str(docs)) return error_msg({'error': 'uid username error'}) check['uid'] = docs[0]['_id'] if q is not None: check['$text'] = {'$search': q} log.debug('debug - search - error - check - q:', str(check)) # form query M3 - TOD # sort by interest - TOD # filter on whether a tweet is a child of parent id - TOD # filter on whether a tweet had a parent or not - TOD if parent is not None: check['parent'] = parent if not replies: check['parent'] = {'$exists': False} if hasMedia: check['media'] = {'media': {'$not': {'$size': 0}}} # get tweets #docs_t = [doc for doc in tweet_coll.find(check).sort(sort)][:limit] docs_t = [doc for doc in tweet_coll.find(check).sort(sort).limit(limit)] log.debug('debug - search - doc - q:', str(docs_t)) if len(docs_t) == 0: # print('debug - search - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs_t)) # debug # return error_msg({'error': 'no tweets found'}) return success_msg({"items": []}) # get usernames for tweets check = dict() check['_id'] = {'$in': [doc['uid'] for doc in docs_t]} docs_u = [(doc['_id'], doc['username']) for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs_u) == 0: log.debug('debug - search - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'no users found for tweets - server issue'}) id_username = dict() for i in docs_u: id_username[i[0]] = i[1] def make_tweet_item(tid, uid, content, timestamp): # respond with tweet item_details = dict() item_details['id'] = str(tid) item_details['content'] = content item_details['timestamp'] = timestamp item_details['username'] = id_username[uid] #print("make tweet item - return") #debug return item_details tids = [ make_tweet_item(doc['_id'], doc['uid'], doc['content'], doc['timestamp']) for doc in docs_t ] # return other_response_fields = dict() other_response_fields['items'] = tids log.debug('debug - search - success - output:', str(other_response_fields)) return success_msg(other_response_fields)
def item(tid): log.debug('got to item') tid = '{"$oid": "' + tid + '"}' global mc if request.method == 'GET': log.debug(tid) log.debug(loads(tid)) # connect to tweet and user collection tweet_coll = mc.twitterclone.tweet user_coll = mc.twitterclone.user # check for tweet with tid check = dict() check['_id'] = loads(tid) docs = [doc for doc in tweet_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - item/get - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'incorrect tweet id'}) # respond with tweet item_details = dict() item_details['id'] = str(docs[0]['_id']) item_details['content'] = docs[0]['content'] item_details['timestamp'] = docs[0]['timestamp'] # TODO might want to if statement just in case item_details['parent'] = docs[0]['parent'] item_details['media'] = docs[0]['media'] # TOD add parent id - optional # TOD add media id's - optional # check for user of tweet check = dict() check['_id'] = docs[0]['uid'] docs = [doc for doc in user_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.warning('debug - item/get - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'database issue'}) item_details['username'] = docs[0]['username'] other_response_fields = dict() other_response_fields['item'] = item_details log.debug('debug - item/get - success - output:', str(other_response_fields)) return success_msg(other_response_fields) elif request.method == 'DELETE': # connect to tweet collection tweet_coll = mc.twitterclone.tweet # check for tweet with tid check = dict() check['_id'] = loads(tid) docs = [doc for doc in tweet_coll.find(check)] if len(docs) != 1: log.debug('debug - item/delete - error - check:', str(check), 'docs:', str(docs)) # debug return error_msg({'error': 'incorrect tweet id'}) # TOD delete media files related to tweet log.debug("docs['media'] =", str(docs)) for file_name in docs[0]['media']: # print() # debug # for file_name in docs['media'] # file system remove #print('debug - item/delete file - ', str(os.path.join(media_path, file_name))) #os.remove(os.path.join(media_path, file_name)) # Cassandra remove query = "DELETE FROM images WHERE key=%s" rows = cass.execute(query, [file_name]) log.debug("deleted image from cass") log.debug(rows) # delete tweet result = tweet_coll.delete_many(check) other_response_fields = dict() log.debug('debug - item/delete - success - output:', str(other_response_fields)) return success_msg(other_response_fields) return 405
def additem(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('addtweet.html') request_json = request.json # get json log.debug('debug - additem - json:', request_json) # debug session = request.cookies.get('cookie') # get session parent = request_json.get('parent', None) media = request_json.get('media', list()) # connect to login and tweet collections global mc login_coll = mc.twitterclone.login tweet_coll = mc.twitterclone.tweet parent_coll = mc.twitterclone.parent like_coll = # check for session docs = check_login(login_coll, mem, session) # insert tweet tweet = dict() tweet['uid'] = docs[0]['uid'] tweet['content'] = request_json['content'] tweet['timestamp'] = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) tweet['parent'] = parent # maybe put entry into an if statement tweet['media'] = media tweet['intrest'] = 0 result = tweet_coll.insert_one(tweet) # TOD if there are media files, insert the media id's into the media table sorted by tid. # or store the mid's in the tweet object # TOD if there is a parent, let the parent know there is a reply in the parent table # when a tweet becomes a parent it gets a list of tid replies in the parent table # if tweet is a child then inform the parent # if parent is not None: # print('debug - additem - parent format', parent) # # update collection # parent['tid'] = loads('{"$oid": "' + parent + '"}') # changed the formating of parent # child['$addToSet'] = {'children_tid': tid} # if like_coll.update(tweet, like)['nModified'] == 0: # return error_msg({'error': 'server issue - parent child insert error'}) # #return success_msg({}) # didn't think this was necessary # if tweet is a child then inform the parent if parent is not None: log.debug('debug - additem - parent format', parent) # update collection # parent = dict() parent_d = dict() parent_d['tid'] = loads('{"$oid": "' + parent + '"}') # changed the formating of parent tid = result.inserted_id child = dict() child['$addToSet'] = {'children_tid': tid} log.debug('debug - additem - parent info', parent_d) log.debug('debug - additem - child info', child) if parent_coll.update(parent_d, child)['nModified'] == 0: return error_msg( {'error': 'server issue - parent child insert error'}) #return success_msg({}) # didn't think this was necessary # initialize parent entry in parent table parent = dict() log.debug("result:", result) parent['tid'] = result.inserted_id # parent['tid'] = result parent['children_count'] = 0 parent['children_tid'] = list() result_parent = parent_coll.insert_one(parent) # initialize like entry like = dict() like['tid'] = result.inserted_id like['like_count'] = 0 like['uids'] = list() result_like = like_coll.insert_one(like) # TODO might have to do retweet stuff as well #print('result') #print(result) #print(str(result)) other_response_fields = dict() #other_response_fields['id'] = dumps(result.inserted_id) other_response_fields['id'] = str(result.inserted_id) log.debug('debug - verify - success - output:', str(other_response_fields)) return success_msg(other_response_fields)