def main():
    from sys import argv as __ARGV__

    from tools import loadJson
    from argparse import ArgumentParser

    parser = ArgumentParser(description='List mean and RMS of histograms '+ \
                            'in data files')
    parser.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='enable batch mode')
    parser.add_argument('json', nargs=1, help='specify JSON file containing '+ \
                        'config information')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--preliminary', action='store_true', \
                        help='use data files with only 1/80 of data')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    json = loadJson(args.json[0])
    bcids = [str(bx) for bx in json['bunchCrossings']]
    scaling = float(json['scaling'])
    offsetx = float(json['offsetx'])
    offsety = float(json['offsety'])
    filepath = str(json['datapath'])
    filename = str(json['prefix']) + '_' + str(json['suffix'])
    preliminary = args.preliminary
    if preliminary:
        filename += '_prel'

    evaluateScaling(bcids, scaling, offsetx, offsety, filepath, filename, \
Exemple #2
def renderFabricExplorer(yamlContent):
    clusterName = yamlContent["clusterName"]
    PORTSTARTFROM = yamlContent["fabricPortStartFrom"]
    nfsExportDir = yamlContent["nfsServer"]["exportDir"]
    nfsIp = yamlContent["nfsServer"]["hostname"]
    mountPoint = yamlContent["nfsServer"]["mountPoint"]
    templatesDir = dataPath("templates")
    env = jinjaEnv(templatesDir)
    template = env.get_template("fabric_1_0_explorer.yaml")
    hostNodePort = PORTSTARTFROM + 2067
    content = template.render(clusterName=clusterName,
    explorerYaml = mountPoint + "/" + clusterName + "/resources/explorer-artifacts/fabric_1_0_explorer.yaml"
    with open(explorerYaml, "w") as f:

    #render config.json
    channelName = yamlContent["channelName"]
    cryptoConfig = mountPoint + "/" + clusterName + "/resources/crypto-config.yaml"
    cryptoYaml = readYaml(cryptoConfig)
    networkConfig = mountPoint + "/" + clusterName + "/resources/explorer-artifacts/config.json"
    networkTemplatePath = dataPath("resources/explorer-artifacts/config.json")
    networkTemplate = loadJson(networkTemplatePath)
    networkTemplate["channel"] = channelName
    renderNetwork(cryptoYaml, networkConfig, networkTemplate)
Exemple #3
def json2csv(fName):
    tmp = tools.loadJson(fName)
    if type(tmp) == types.DictType:
        Dicts = buildListOfDictionaries(tmp,"key")
    elif type(tmp) == types.ListType:
        Dicts = tmp
        print "type unknown"
    dicts2csv(Dicts, fName+".csv")
Exemple #4
def parseJson(fin, constraint, feature):
    jText = tools.loadJson(fin)
    if jText == -1:
        return -1
    statistics = {}
    lines = filter(constraint, jText)
    for line in lines:
        if not statistics.has_key(line["word"]):
            statistics[line["word"]] = {}
        if not statistics[line["word"]].has_key(line[feature]):
            statistics[line["word"]][line[feature]] = 0
        statistics[line["word"]][line[feature]] += 1 
    return statistics
Exemple #5
def localGroup(fName):
    lines = tools.loadJson(fName)
    if lines == -1:
        return -1
    i = 0
    while i < len(lines):
        j = i
        i = group(lines, i, "PER")
        i = group(lines, i, "LOC")
        i = group(lines, i, "ORG")
        if i == j:
            i += 1
    tools.dumpJson(lines, fName)
Exemple #6
def main():
    from sys import argv as __ARGV__

    from tools import loadJson
    from argparse import ArgumentParser

    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Plot overlap integral as function '+ \
                            'of vertex resolution')
    parser.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='enable batch mode')
    parser.add_argument('json', nargs='+', help='specify one or more JSON '+ \
                        'files containing config information')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', required=True, choices=['SingleGauss', \
                        'SingleGaussUncorrelated', 'DoubleGauss', 'SuperGauss', \
                        'TripleGauss', 'SuperDoubleGauss'], help='specify '+ \
                        'fit model')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--bcid', required=True, nargs='+', \
                        help='list one or more bunch crossings')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--vtxres', nargs='+', choices=['default', 'low', \
                        'high', 'half', 'onehalf', 'double'], \
                        default=['default'], help='specify one or more '+ \
                        'options to modify vertex resolution')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    from shapes.SingleGauss import SingleGauss, SingleGaussUncorrelated
    from shapes.DoubleGauss import DoubleGauss, SuperGauss
    from shapes.TripleGauss import TripleGauss, SuperDoubleGauss

    jsons = [loadJson(filename) for filename in args.json]
    prefix = [str(json['prefix']) for json in jsons]
    suffix = [str(json['suffix']) for json in jsons]
    scaling = [float(json['scaling']) for json in jsons]
    model = locals()[args.model].Shortname
    vtxres = [str(v) for v in args.vtxres]
    legend = [str(json['legend']) for json in jsons]

    for bcid in args.bcid:
        evaluateResolutionVariation(model, bcid, prefix, suffix, vtxres, \
                                    scaling, legend)
def main():
    from sys import argv as __ARGV__

    from tools import loadJson
    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    from re import match

    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Make list of ROOT files')
    parser.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='enable batch mode')
    parser.add_argument('json', nargs=1, help='specify JSON file containing '+ \
                        'config information')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    json = loadJson(args.json[0])
    name = str(json['prefix'])
    directories = [
        json['sourcepath'] + '/' + d for d in json['sourcedirectories']
    times = {name[4:6]: (json[name][0], json[name[:-5]+'End'][-1]) \
             for name in json if match('^scan[12][XY]MoveBegin$', name)}
    prepareFileList(directories, name, times)
def main():
    from sys import argv as __ARGV__

    from tools import loadJson
    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    from re import match

    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Extract Beam Imaging data from ROOT '+ \
    parser.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='enable batch mode')
    parser.add_argument('json', nargs=1, help='specify JSON file containing '+ \
                        'config information')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--preliminary', action='store_true', help='run '+ \
                        'only on 1/80 of data')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    json = loadJson(args.json[0])
    listfile = {name: 'filelist/'+str(json['prefix'])+'_'+name+'.txt' for \
                name in ['1X', '1Y', '2X', '2Y']}
    times = {name[4:6]: [(bg, ed) for bg, ed in zip(json[name], \
             json[name[:-5]+'End'])] for name in json if \
             match('^scan[12][XY]MoveBegin$', name)}
    minTrk = int(json['minTrk'])
    nbins = int(json['nbins'])
    bcids = [str(bx) for bx in json['bunchCrossings']]
    scaling = float(json['scaling'])
    offsetx = float(json['offsetx'])
    offsety = float(json['offsety'])
    outputpath = str(json['datapath'])
    outputname = str(json['prefix']) + '_' + str(json['suffix'])
    preliminary = args.preliminary
    if preliminary:
        outputname += '_prel'

    prepareDataFile(listfile, times, minTrk, nbins, bcids, scaling, offsetx, \
                        offsety, outputpath, outputname, preliminary)
Exemple #9
def tagFile(f, dictionary):
    jText = tools.loadJson(f)
    if jText == -1:
        return -1
    jNewText = tag(jText, dictionary)
    tools.dumpJson(jNewText, f+".t")
Exemple #10
    for k in store.keys():
        for v in store[k].keys():
    return list(b)

class record():
    def __init__(self, dictionary, word):
        self.tags = {'I-FAC':0, 'I-LOC':1, 'B-ORG':2, 'O':3, 'B-PER':4, 'I-PER':5, 'B-FAC':6, 'I-ORG':7, 'B-LOC':8, 'PER':9, 'LOC':10, 'ORG':11}
        self.freqs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        for k in dictionary.keys():
            self.freqs[self.tags[k]] = dictionary[k]
            self.word = word
    def __str__(self):
        return self.word+','+','.join([str(i) for i in self.freqs])

if __name__=="__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print "usage: fileName\n the file should in json format"
    f = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
    store = tools.loadJson(f)
    if store == -1:
    records = []
    for k in store.keys():
    text  = [str(rec) for rec in records]