Exemple #1
 def supply(self):
     >>> sp.var('p q', positive=True)
     (p, q)
     >>> f = Firm(q, p, q**2/1000., SFC=1000)
     >>> f.supply()
     Piecewise((0, p < 1000.0), (500.0*p, And(0 <= p, p >= 1000.0)))
     >>> f = Firm(q, p, 10*q, SFC=0, FC=0)
     >>> f.supply()
     p - 10 == 0
     min_atc, min_atc_cond = self.min_atc_sfc()
     supply, supply_cond = tools.maximize(self.earnings(), over=self.q)
     if supply is None:
         return sp.Eq(sp.diff(self.earnings(), self.q), 0)
     return sp.Piecewise((0, sp.Lt(self.p, min_atc)),
                         (supply, sp.And(sp.Ge(self.p, min_atc),
Exemple #2
 def supply(self):
     >>> sp.var('p q', positive=True)
     (p, q)
     >>> f = Firm(q, p, q**2/1000., SFC=1000)
     >>> f.supply()
     Piecewise((0, p < 1000.0), (500.0*p, And(0 <= p, p >= 1000.0)))
     >>> f = Firm(q, p, 10*q, SFC=0, FC=0)
     >>> f.supply()
     p - 10 == 0
     min_atc, min_atc_cond = self.min_atc_sfc()
     supply, supply_cond = tools.maximize(self.earnings(), over=self.q)
     if supply is None:
         return sp.Eq(sp.diff(self.earnings(), self.q), 0)
     return sp.Piecewise(
         (0, sp.Lt(self.p, min_atc)),
         (supply, sp.And(sp.Ge(self.p, min_atc), supply_cond,
Exemple #3
    def demand(self, rational=True):
        """Compute the demand as the maximization of the utility function.

        >>> sp.var('x p')
        (x, p)
        >>> cu = Consumer(x, p, benefit=tools.benefit_from_demand(x, p, 9/p - 1))
        >>> sp.simplify(cu.benefit() - 9*sp.log(x + 1))
        >>> cu.demand()
        Piecewise((0, p < 0), ((-p + 9)/p, True))
        >>> tau = sp.Symbol('tau')
        >>> cu_rat = Consumer(x, p, benefit=2*sp.sqrt(x))
        >>> cu_del = Consumer(x, p, benefit=2*sp.sqrt(x),
        ...                   decision_benefit=20*sp.sqrt(x),
        ...                   other=-(1+tau)*p*x)
        >>> sp.solve(cu_del.demand(rational=False)-cu_rat.demand(), tau)
        [-11, 9]
        maxima, condition = tools.maximize(self.utility(rational), over=self.x)
        if maxima is None:
            maxima = 0
        return sp.Piecewise((0, sp.Lt(self.p, 0)), (maxima, condition),
                            (0, True))
Exemple #4
    def demand(self, rational=True):
        """Compute the demand as the maximization of the utility function.

        >>> sp.var('x p')
        (x, p)
        >>> cu = Consumer(x, p, benefit=tools.benefit_from_demand(x, p, 9/p - 1))
        >>> sp.simplify(cu.benefit() - 9*sp.log(x + 1))
        >>> cu.demand()
        Piecewise((0, p < 0), ((-p + 9)/p, True))
        >>> tau = sp.Symbol('tau')
        >>> cu_rat = Consumer(x, p, benefit=2*sp.sqrt(x))
        >>> cu_del = Consumer(x, p, benefit=2*sp.sqrt(x),
        ...                   decision_benefit=20*sp.sqrt(x),
        ...                   other=-(1+tau)*p*x)
        >>> sp.solve(cu_del.demand(rational=False)-cu_rat.demand(), tau)
        [-11, 9]
        maxima, condition = tools.maximize(self.utility(rational), over=self.x)
        if maxima is None:
            maxima = 0
        return sp.Piecewise((0, sp.Lt(self.p, 0)),
                            (maxima, condition),
                            (0, True))