def plotPerLumiSection(options): """Save profile histograms per lumisection to PDF files""" name = options['name'] + '_perLS' f = openRootFileR(name) histname = plotName(options['title'] + '_perLS', timestamp=False) filename = plotName(options['title'] + '_perLS', timestamp=True) filepath = plotPath(options['title'] + '_perLS', timestamp=True) print '<<< Save plot:', filepath hist = f.Get(histname) canvas = TCanvas() canvas.SetLogy(options['logy']) gStyle.SetOptStat(options['optstat']) hist.Draw() gPad.Update() hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Lumisection') hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(options['ytitle']) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) for axis in [hist.GetXaxis(), hist.GetYaxis()]: axis.SetTitleFont(133) axis.SetTitleSize(16) axis.SetLabelFont(133) axis.SetLabelSize(12) axis.CenterTitle() drawSignature(filename) gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() #canvas.Print(filepath) #canvas.Close() #closeRootFile(f, name) return [canvas, hist, f]
def plotPerTimeStamp(options): """Save profile histograms per timestamp to PDF files""" name = options['name'] + '_' + options['scan'] + '_perTime' if options['extra']: name += '_' + options['extra'] f = openRootFileR(options['name'] + '_perTime') histname = plotName(name, timestamp=False) filename = plotName(name, timestamp=True) filepath = plotPath(name, timestamp=True) print '<<< Save plot:', filepath hist = f.Get(histname) hist.SetErrorOption(options['error']) if options['big']: canvas = TCanvas('c', '', 8000, 1200) else: canvas = TCanvas('c', '', 1400, 500) canvas.SetLogy(options['logy']) gStyle.SetOptStat(options['optstat']) hist.Draw() gPad.Update() hist.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1) hist.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat('#splitline{%d.%m.%y}{%H:%M:%S}%F1969-12-31' \ +' 22:00:00') hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.03) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') if 'xmin' in options and 'xmax' in options: hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(options['xmin'], options['xmax']) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(options['ytitle']) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) for axis in [hist.GetXaxis(), hist.GetYaxis()]: axis.SetTitleFont(133) axis.SetTitleSize(16) axis.SetLabelFont(133) axis.SetLabelSize(12) axis.CenterTitle() if options['big']: axis.SetTickLength(0.01) if options['big']: hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.25) drawSignature(filename) gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() if options['retrn']: return [canvas, hist, f] else: canvas.Print(filepath) canvas.Close() closeRootFile(f, options['name'] + '_perTime')
def plotPerBxStep(options): """Save histograms (per BX and step) to PDF files""" name = options['scan'] + '_' + options['name'] + options['extra'] if 'method' in options: name += '_' + options['method'] f = openRootFileR(name) for bx in options['crossings']: for step in range(len(O['nominalPos'][options['scan']])): histname = plotName(name+'_bx'+str(bx)+'_step'+str(step), \ timestamp=False) filename = plotName(name+'_bx'+str(bx)+'_step'+str(step), \ timestamp=True) filepath = plotPath(name+'_bx'+str(bx)+'_step'+str(step), \ timestamp=True) print '<<< Save plot:', filepath hist = f.Get(histname) canvas = TCanvas() canvas.SetLogx(options['logx']) canvas.SetLogy(options['logy']) gStyle.SetOptStat(options['optstat']) gStyle.SetOptFit(options['optfit']) hist.Draw() gPad.Update() hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(options['xtitle']) hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(options['xmin'], options['xmax']) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(options['ytitle']) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) for axis in [hist.GetXaxis(), hist.GetYaxis()]: axis.SetTitleFont(133) axis.SetTitleSize(16) axis.SetLabelFont(133) axis.SetLabelSize(12) axis.CenterTitle() stats = hist.FindObject('stats') stats.SetTextFont(133) stats.SetTextSize(16) drawSignature(filename) gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() if 'custom' in options: extragraphs = options['custom'](hist) canvas.Print(filepath) canvas.Close() closeRootFile(f, name)
def extractPerDirectionBx(options): """Extract results from directional fits (per BX)""" name = options['scan'] + '_'+ options['name'] + options['fitted'] \ + '_collected' f = openRootFileR(name) crossings = O['crossings'][:] if options['combine']: crossings.append('all') average = dict(zip(crossings, [[0, 0] for i in range(len(crossings))])) averror = dict(zip(crossings, [[0, 0] for i in range(len(crossings))])) def extract(graph): func = graph.GetFunction(options['fit']) return func.GetParameter(options['parameter']), \ func.GetParError(options['parameter']) for bx in crossings: plotname = plotName(name+'_bx'+str(bx), timestamp=False) print '<<< Access plot:', plotname graphs = f.Get(plotname) for j, graph in enumerate(graphs.GetListOfGraphs()): average[bx][j], averror[bx][j] = extract(graph) return average, averror
def plotPerDirectionBx(options): """Save directional fit plots (per BX) to PDF files""" name = options['scan'] + '_' + options['name'] + options['fitted'] if 'method' in options: name += '_' + options['method'] name += '_collected' f = openRootFileR(name) for bx in options['crossings']: plotname = plotName(name + '_bx' + str(bx), timestamp=False) filename = plotName(name + '_bx' + str(bx), timestamp=True) filepath = plotPath(name + '_bx' + str(bx), timestamp=True) print '<<< Save plot:', filepath graphs = f.Get(plotname) residuals = f.Get(plotname + '_residuals') if 'final' in options: graphs.SetTitle('') residuals.SetTitle('') gStyle.SetOptFit(options['optfit']) canvas = TCanvas(plotname + '_canvas', '', 700, 600) canvas.SetMargin(0.13, 0.03, 0.33, 0.05) graphs.Draw('AP') gPad.Update() text = TLatex() text.SetNDC() for j, graph in enumerate(graphs.GetListOfGraphs()): graph.SetMarkerStyle(21) graph.SetMarkerColor(2 + 2 * j) graph.GetFunction(options['fit']).SetLineColor(2 + 2 * j) stats = graph.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject('stats') stats.SetTextColor(2 + 2 * j) stats.SetBorderSize(0) stats.SetTextSize(0.04) inverted = graph.GetFunction( options['fit']).GetParameter('p1') < 0.0 text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.SetTextColor(2 + 2 * j) if inverted and j == 0: text.DrawLatex(0.18, 0.54, options['scan'] + ' scan forward') stats.SetX1NDC(0.16) stats.SetX2NDC(0.53) stats.SetY1NDC(0.38) stats.SetY2NDC(0.53) elif inverted and j == 1: text.DrawLatex(0.61, 0.9, options['scan'] + ' scan backward') stats.SetX1NDC(0.59) stats.SetX2NDC(0.96) stats.SetY1NDC(0.74) stats.SetY2NDC(0.89) elif j == 0: text.DrawLatex(0.18, 0.9, options['scan'] + ' scan forward') stats.SetX1NDC(0.16) stats.SetX2NDC(0.53) stats.SetY1NDC(0.74) stats.SetY2NDC(0.89) else: text.DrawLatex(0.61, 0.54, options['scan'] + ' scan backward') stats.SetX1NDC(0.59) stats.SetX2NDC(0.96) stats.SetY1NDC(0.38) stats.SetY2NDC(0.53) graphs.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Nominal Position [#mum]') graphs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(options['ytitle']) graphs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) if ('final' in options): text.SetTextColor(1) text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.SetTextAlign(31) text.DrawLatex(0.97, 0.96, O['plotsig']) text.SetTextAlign(11) if options['final'] == 'wip': text.SetTextFont(52) text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.DrawLatex(0.13, 0.96, 'Work in Progress') else: text.SetTextFont(62) text.SetTextSize(0.05) text.DrawLatex(0.13, 0.96, 'CMS') text.SetTextFont(52) text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.DrawLatex(0.22, 0.96, 'Preliminary') for axis in [graphs.GetYaxis(), graphs.GetXaxis()]: axis.SetTitleSize(0.05) axis.SetLabelSize(0.04) axis.SetLabelOffset(0.01) axis.CenterTitle() pad = TPad('pad', 'pad', 0, 0, 1, 0.2) pad.Draw() pad.SetMargin(0.13, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01) for j, residual in enumerate(residuals.GetListOfGraphs()): residual.SetMarkerStyle(21) residual.SetMarkerColor(2 + 2 * j) residuals.Draw("AP") residuals.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') residuals.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.0) residuals.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(0.151) residuals.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(305) residuals.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(0.019) residuals.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.2) residuals.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.01) pad.Update() line = TLine(pad.GetUxmin(), 0.0, pad.GetUxmax(), 0.0) line.SetLineColor(14) line.SetLineStyle(3) line.Draw() text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextSize(0.05) text.SetTextAngle(90.0) text.DrawLatex(0.035, 0.0, 'Resid. ' + options['restitle']) if not 'final' in options: drawSignature(filename) # canvas.Modified() # canvas.Update() canvas.Print(filepath) canvas.Close() closeRootFile(f, name)
def collectPerDirectionBx(options): """Fit data in both directions of a scan""" nSteps = len(O['nominalPos'][options['scan']]) for i in range(nSteps - 1): if O['nominalPos'][options['scan']][i+1] == \ O['nominalPos'][options['scan']][i]: break else: for i in range(nSteps - 1): if abs(O['nominalPos'][options['scan']][i+1] - \ O['nominalPos'][options['scan']][i]) < 10.0: break else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find change of direction.') if 'nominalPos' in options: nominalPos = options['nominalPos'] else: nominalPos = O['nominalPos'][options['scan']] oldname = options['scan'] + '_' + options['name'] + options['fitted'] if options.get('newname', False): newname = options['scan'] + '_' + options['newname'] + \ options['fitted'] else: newname = oldname if options.get('method', False): oldname += '_' + options['method'] newname += '_' + options['method'] newname += '_collected' f = openRootFileR(oldname) g = openRootFileW(newname) for bx in options['crossings']: average = [0 for j in range(nSteps)] averror = [0 for j in range(nSteps)] for step in range(nSteps): print '<<< Access data from:', options['scan'], bx, 'step', step histname = plotName(oldname+'_bx'+str(bx)+'_step'+str(step), \ timestamp=False) hist = f.Get(histname) if options['custom']: average[step], averror[step] = options['custom'](hist, step) else: average[step] = hist.GetMean() averror[step] = hist.GetMeanError() plotname = plotName(newname + '_bx' + str(bx), timestamp=False) plottitl = plotTitle(options['scan'] + ' BX ' + str(bx)) print '<<< Create plot:', plotname graphs = TMultiGraph(plotname, plottitl) residuals = TMultiGraph(plotname + '_residuals', '') for n, rnge in zip([i+1, nSteps-i-1], [lambda l: l[:i+1], \ lambda l: l[i+1:]]): graph = TGraphErrors(n, \ array('d', [options['x'](a) for a in rnge(nominalPos)]), \ array('d', [options['y'](a) for a in rnge(average)]), \ array('d', [0]*n), \ array('d', [options['e'](a) for a in rnge(averror)])) graph.Fit(options['fit']) residual = TGraphErrors(n, \ array('d', [options['x'](a) for a in rnge(nominalPos)]), \ array('d', [options['y'](a) - graph.GetFunction( \ options['fit']).Eval(options['x'](b)) for a, b \ in zip(rnge(average), rnge(nominalPos))]), array('d', [0]*n), \ array('d', [options['e'](a) for a in rnge(averror)])) graphs.Add(graph) residuals.Add(residual) graphs.Write('', TObject.kOverwrite) residuals.Write('', TObject.kOverwrite) closeRootFile(g, newname) closeRootFile(f, oldname)