def display(self, covariance=None, logalpha=None, name=None, extra=1, k=3, figures=(1, 2)): """Display covariances and alphas with matplotlib.""" pyplot.close('all') super(SplineModelPCAGaussianMixture, self).display(covariance, logalpha, name, figures[0]) figurenum = figures[1] if PLOTTING_AVAILABLE: print "Okay plotting" pyplot.ioff() pyplot.figure(figurenum) pyplot.clf() rows = cols = np.ceil(np.sqrt(self._ncomponent())) if rows * cols == self._ncomponent(): rows = rows + 1 ncomp, ndim = self._means.shape perspline = (ndim - extra) / 2 for clust in xrange(self._ncomponent()): t = internal_knots(coef2knots(perspline)) t = np.concatenate((np.zeros(4), t, np.ones(4))) pyplot.subplot(rows, cols, clust + 1) means = self._pc.reconstruct(self._means[clust, :]).squeeze() spline1, spline2 = unmix(means, k=k, extra=extra) plot_from_spline(spline1) plot_from_spline(spline2) pyplot.ylim(-0.2, 1.01) pyplot.ion()
def display(self, covariance=None, logalpha=None, name=None, extra=1, k=3, figures=(1,2)): """Display covariances and alphas with matplotlib.""" pyplot.close('all') super(SplineModelPCAGaussianMixture, self).display(covariance, logalpha, name, figures[0]) figurenum = figures[1] if PLOTTING_AVAILABLE: print "Okay plotting" pyplot.ioff() pyplot.figure(figurenum) pyplot.clf() rows = cols = np.ceil(np.sqrt(self._ncomponent())) if rows * cols == self._ncomponent(): rows = rows + 1 ncomp, ndim = self._means.shape perspline = (ndim - extra) / 2 for clust in xrange(self._ncomponent()): t = internal_knots(coef2knots(perspline)) t = np.concatenate((np.zeros(4),t,np.ones(4))) pyplot.subplot(rows, cols, clust+1) means = self._pc.reconstruct(self._means[clust, :]).squeeze() spline1, spline2 = unmix(means,k=k,extra=extra) plot_from_spline(spline1) plot_from_spline(spline2) pyplot.ylim(-0.2, 1.01) pyplot.ion()
def display(self, covariance=None, logalpha=None, name=None, extra=1, k=3, figures=(1, 2)): """Display covariances and alphas with matplotlib.""" pyplot.close('all') super(SplineModelGaussianMixture, self).display(covariance, logalpha, name, figures[0]) figurenum = figures[1] print figurenum if PLOTTING_AVAILABLE: pyplot.ioff() pyplot.figure(figurenum) pyplot.clf() rows = np.floor(np.sqrt(self._ncomponent())) cols = np.ceil(np.sqrt(self._ncomponent())) while rows * cols < self._ncomponent(): rows += 1 ncomp, ndim = self._means.shape perspline = (ndim - extra) / 2 for clust in xrange(self._ncomponent()): t = internal_knots(coef2knots(perspline)) t = np.concatenate((np.zeros(4), t, np.ones(4))) pyplot.subplot(rows, cols, clust + 1) pyplot.title('Mean curves for component %d' % (clust + 1), fontsize='medium') pyplot.xlabel('Position along medial axis', fontsize='x-small') pyplot.ylabel('Fraction of principal axis width', fontsize='x-small') spline1, spline2 = unmix(self._means[clust, :], self._normmean, self._normstd, k=k, extra=extra) pyplot.vlines(spline1[0], -0.2, 1.01, color='0.8', linestyles='dotted') if len(self._covariances.shape) > 2: eva, evec = np.linalg.eig(self._covariances[clust]) pc = evec[:, np.argmax(eva)] uponestd = self._means[clust, :] + \ pc * 3*np.sqrt(np.max(eva)) downonestd = self._means[clust, :] - \ pc * 3*np.sqrt(np.max(eva)) spline1u, spline2u = unmix(uponestd, self._normmean, self._normstd, k=k, extra=extra) spline1d, spline2d = unmix(downonestd, self._normmean, self._normstd, k=k, extra=extra) plot_from_spline(spline1u, color='0.3') plot_from_spline(spline1d, color='0.3') plot_from_spline(spline2u, color='0.3') plot_from_spline(spline2d, color='0.3') pyplot.ylim(-0.2, 1.01) plot_from_spline(spline1) plot_from_spline(spline2) pyplot.ion()
def display(self, covariance=None, logalpha=None, name=None, extra=1, k=3, figures=(1,2)): """Display covariances and alphas with matplotlib.""" pyplot.close('all') super(SplineModelGaussianMixture, self).display(covariance, logalpha, name, figures[0]) figurenum = figures[1] print figurenum if PLOTTING_AVAILABLE: pyplot.ioff() pyplot.figure(figurenum) pyplot.clf() rows = np.floor(np.sqrt(self._ncomponent())) cols = np.ceil(np.sqrt(self._ncomponent())) while rows * cols < self._ncomponent(): rows += 1 ncomp, ndim = self._means.shape perspline = (ndim - extra) / 2 for clust in xrange(self._ncomponent()): t = internal_knots(coef2knots(perspline)) t = np.concatenate((np.zeros(4),t,np.ones(4))) pyplot.subplot(rows, cols, clust + 1) pyplot.title('Mean curves for component %d' % (clust + 1), fontsize='medium') pyplot.xlabel('Position along medial axis', fontsize='x-small') pyplot.ylabel('Fraction of principal axis width', fontsize='x-small') spline1, spline2 = unmix(self._means[clust, :], self._normmean, self._normstd, k=k, extra=extra) pyplot.vlines(spline1[0], -0.2, 1.01, color='0.8', linestyles='dotted') if len(self._covariances.shape) > 2: eva, evec = np.linalg.eig(self._covariances[clust]) pc = evec[:, np.argmax(eva)] uponestd = self._means[clust, :] + \ pc * 3*np.sqrt(np.max(eva)) downonestd = self._means[clust, :] - \ pc * 3*np.sqrt(np.max(eva)) spline1u, spline2u = unmix(uponestd, self._normmean, self._normstd, k=k, extra=extra) spline1d, spline2d = unmix(downonestd, self._normmean, self._normstd, k=k, extra=extra) plot_from_spline(spline1u, color='0.3') plot_from_spline(spline1d, color='0.3') plot_from_spline(spline2u, color='0.3') plot_from_spline(spline2d, color='0.3') pyplot.ylim(-0.2, 1.01) plot_from_spline(spline1) plot_from_spline(spline2) pyplot.ion()