Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, verbose=False):
     self.packetSize = 0
     self.timeInterval = None
     # channels
     self.achannel = AcousticChannel(k=2.0, s=0.0, w=0.0)
     self.ochannel = OpticalChannel(c  = 4.3e-2, T = 298.15, \
                                    S = OM.sensitivity, \
                                    R = OM.shuntResistance, \
                                    Id = OM.maxDarkCurrent, \
                                    Il = OM.incidentCurrent, \
                                    Ar = OM.Ar, At = OM.At, \
                                    bw = OM.bandWidth, \
                                    theta = OM.beamDivergence)
     # application parameters
     self.appStart = INFINITY
     self.appInterval = INFINITY
     self.appStop = INFINITY
     # control
     self.clock = Clock()
     self.verbose = verbose
     self.firstNode = 0
     # node control
     self.nodesUpdated = True
     self.numNodes = 0
     self.nodesRef = {}  # __
     self.aneighbors = {}  # __
     self.oneighbors = {}  # __
     # statistics
     self.atransmissions = 0
     self.otransmissions = 0
Exemple #2
from tools import Series
from tools import Clock
import poker as pkr

game = pkr.Game()
player_1 = game.players[0]
player_2 = game.players[1]
player_3 = game.players[2]

results = []
n_stories = 100000
for i in range(n_stories):
    game.deal_card_to_player(player_1, "As")
    game.deal_card_to_player(player_1, "Ks")

    game.deal_card_to_player(player_2, "9d")
    game.deal_card_to_player(player_2, "9c")



    winning_players = game.get_winning_players()
Exemple #3
deck = pkr.Deck.standard_32_card_deck()
# deck = pkr.Deck.standard_52_card_deck()
n_drawn_cards = 5
# n_drawn_cards = 7

n_cards = len(deck)
print("The deck has {} cards.".format(n_cards))

n_combi = int(
    math.factorial(n_cards) /
    (math.factorial(n_drawn_cards) * math.factorial(n_cards - n_drawn_cards)))
print("{} combinations of {} cards among {} cards.".format(
    n_combi, n_drawn_cards, n_cards))

# generating combinations
Clock.elapsed()  # prints the elapsed time as a reference
best_hands = []
# exhaustive search
for i, cards in enumerate(itertools.combinations(
        deck, n_drawn_cards)):  # iterates through all the combinations
    best_hand = pkr.Hand.best_from_cards(cards)
    if i % (n_combi // 100) == 0:
        print("simulation progress: {:.1%}".format(i / n_combi))
print("{} combinations evaluated".format(len(best_hands)))
)  # prints the elapsed time since the last call to Clock.elapsed()

# counting the results
combination_count = {}
for hand in best_hands:
Exemple #4
class Simulator:
    beta = 0

    def __init__(self, verbose=False):
        self.packetSize = 0
        self.timeInterval = None
        # channels
        self.achannel = AcousticChannel(k=2.0, s=0.0, w=0.0)
        self.ochannel = OpticalChannel(c  = 4.3e-2, T = 298.15, \
                                       S = OM.sensitivity, \
                                       R = OM.shuntResistance, \
                                       Id = OM.maxDarkCurrent, \
                                       Il = OM.incidentCurrent, \
                                       Ar = OM.Ar, At = OM.At, \
                                       bw = OM.bandWidth, \
                                       theta = OM.beamDivergence)
        # application parameters
        self.appStart = INFINITY
        self.appInterval = INFINITY
        self.appStop = INFINITY
        # control
        self.clock = Clock()
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.firstNode = 0
        # node control
        self.nodesUpdated = True
        self.numNodes = 0
        self.nodesRef = {}  # __
        self.aneighbors = {}  # __
        self.oneighbors = {}  # __
        # statistics
        self.atransmissions = 0
        self.otransmissions = 0

    def create_node(self, addr, x, y, depth, energy):
        assert addr is not BROADCAST_ADDR, 'Node can\' t have broadcast addr'
        node = Node(addr, x, y, depth, energy, self.clock, self.verbose)
        self.nodesRef[addr] = node
        self.nodesUpdated = False

    def add_node(self, node):
        assert node.__class__.__name__ is 'Node', 'Node must be of class Node'
        assert node.addr is not BROADCAST_ADDR, 'Node addr is invalid (addr=0)'
        self.nodesRef[node.addr] = node
        self.nodesUpdated = False

    # necessary for broadcast
    def update_nodes_info(self):
        if self.verbose:
            print('Updating nodes information')
        self.numNodes = len(self.nodesRef)
        for addr1 in self.nodesRef.keys():
            aneighbors = []
            oneighbors = []
            for addr2 in self.nodesRef.keys():
                if addr1 is not addr2:
                    node1 = self.nodesRef[addr1]
                    node2 = self.nodesRef[addr2]
                    distance = Tools.distance(node1.position, node2.position)
                    if distance <= AM.maxrange:
                    if distance <= OM.maxrange:
            self.aneighbors[addr1] = aneighbors
            self.oneighbors[addr1] = oneighbors

    def create_app_msgs(self):
        # Method to feed the routing algorithm with application messages.
        for node in self.nodesRef.values():
            if node.energy > 0 and node.isSink is False:

    def print_data(self):
        print('Time: ' + str(self.clock.read()))
        print('Number of acoustic transmissions: ' + str(self.atransmissions))
        print('Number of optical transmissions: ' + str(self.otransmissions))

    def start(self, stopExec):
        assert (stopExec > 0), 'Execution time must be > 0'
        assert (self.packetSize > 0), 'Packet size can not be <= 0'
        assert (len(self.nodesRef) is not 0), 'Missing nodes'
        assert (self.appStart is not INFINITY), 'Missing app start time'
        assert (self.appInterval is not INFINITY), 'Missing app interval time'
        assert (self.appStop > self.appStart), 'Stop time must be > start time'

        if not self.clock.alarm_is_on():
            self.clock.set_alarm(self.create_app_msgs, self.appStart, \
                                 self.appInterval, self.appStop)

        if self.timeInterval is None:
            # If any time interval is informed, then it calculates the minimum
            # time required (acoustic transmission with ack).
            self.timeInterval = 1.5 * (self.packetSize *
                                       8) / AM.transmssionRate
            print('Time interval: ' + str(self.timeInterval))
        # Updating node information because some node was recently added
        if not self.nodesUpdated:
        # Creating a basic payload to avoid large memory usage
        payloadSize = self.packetSize - (2 * Message.headerSize)
        basicPayload = list(x for x in range(0, payloadSize))
        for node in self.nodesRef.values():
            node.timeInterval = self.timeInterval
            node.cbrInterval = self.appInterval
            node.basicPayload = basicPayload
        nodesList = list(self.nodesRef.values())
        numSlots = int(stopExec / self.timeInterval)
        print('Simulation started')
        for slot in range(0, numSlots):
            # Choosing the node that will trasmit in this time slot
            # (in ascending order)
            currNode = (self.firstNode + slot) % self.numNodes
            node = nodesList[currNode]
            if self.verbose:
                print('::Time slot of node ' + str(node.addr))
            # If the node is out of energy, then just skip its time.
            if node.energy <= 0:
                if self.verbose:
                    print('Node ' + str(node.addr) + ' zZzz')
            remainingTime = self.timeInterval
            beginTimeSlot = True
            while remainingTime > 0:
                # message is transmitted by the node
                timeSpent, msg = node.execute(remainingTime, beginTimeSlot)
                # _, msg = node.execute(remainingTime, beginTimeSlot)
                beginTimeSlot = False
                if msg is None:
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('No more messages')
                remainingTime -= timeSpent
                # data in message header
                isAcoustic = (msg.flags & UOARFlags.ACOUSTIC)
                needACK = (msg.flags & UOARFlags.WITH_ACK)
                if msg.dst == BROADCAST_ADDR:
                    assert isAcoustic, 'Optical broadcasts are not allowed'
                    destinations = self.aneighbors[msg.src]
                    self.atransmissions += 1
                    destinations = [msg.dst]
                # sending messages
                for dst in destinations:
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('Sending message to ' + str(dst))
                    srcPos = self.nodesRef[msg.src].position
                    dstPos = self.nodesRef[dst].position
                    dist = Tools.distance(srcPos, dstPos)
                    # checking if the transmission was successful
                    if isAcoustic:
                        success = self.achannel.use(AM.frequency, \
                                                    AM.txPower, \
                                                    dist, \
                        self.atransmissions += 1
                        success = self.ochannel.use(OM.txPower, dist, \
                                                    dist, self.beta, \
                        self.otransmissions += 1
                    # If the transmission succed, then destination node receive
                    # the message and may send an ack
                    if success:
                        # Getting ack and time spent sending it (if sent)
                        if self.verbose:
                            print('Receiving message')
                        ackTime, ack = self.nodesRef[dst].recv_msg(msg)
                        # Removing time, if required.
                        if needACK:
                            if isAcoustic:
                                ackTime = self.nodesRef[dst].acousticAckTime
                                ackTime = self.nodesRef[dst].opticalAckTime
                            remainingTime -= ackTime
                        # Sending ack.
                        if needACK and ack is not None:
                            if isAcoustic:
                                success = self.achannel.use(AM.frequency, \
                                                            AM.txPower, \
                                                            dist, \
                                self.atransmissions += 1
                                success = self.ochannel.use(OM.txPower, dist, \
                                                            dist, self.beta, \
                                self.otransmissions += 1
                            if success:
                                if self.verbose:
                                    print('Failed to send ACK')
                        elif needACK:
                            if self.verbose:
                                print('Failed to ack')
                        if self.verbose:
                            print('Failed to send')
            assert remainingTime >= 0, 'error: time interval was not ' + \
                                       'respected by node ' + str(node.addr) + \
                                       ' (' + str(remainingTime) + ')'
        self.firstNode = currNode + 1  # saving for possible future executions
        print('Simulation finished')