def __process_term(self, terms, node):
        """Adds the term to the terms table."""

        term = node[0]
        pos = node[1]
        pos_key = pos[0].lower()

        # continue only if we have a noun or a verb
        if not pos_key in ('n', 'v'):

        term = self._lemmatizer.lemmatize(term, pos_key)
        if term is None:

        term = normalize_feature_name(term)
        if term in self._stopwords:

        key = make_feature_key(term)

        if key not in terms:
            terms[key] = 0
        terms[key] += 1
                raise ProcessingException(str(e))
            self._cache.put(resource.uri, result)
            self._logger.debug('Read from cache.')

        # extracted entities
        entities = {}

        # parse the XML data
        tree = parse_xml(result)
        entity_ets = tree.xpath('//entity')

        if len(entity_ets) < self._min_entity_count:
            raise ProcessingException('Insufficient entities')

        for entity_et in entity_ets:
            type = entity_et.find('type').text.lower()
            name = entity_et.find('text').text
            score = float(entity_et.find('relevance').text)

            disambiguated_et = entity_et.find('disambiguated')
            if disambiguated_et is not None:
                name = disambiguated_et.find('name').text

            name = normalize_feature_name(name)

            key = make_feature_key((type, name))
            entities[key] = score

        context[ProcessingContext.EXTRACTED_ENTITIES] = entities