def create_topology(a, g, arrangement, seed=0): start_time = time.time() G, local_links, global_links = tp.build_drgonfly(a=a, p=a // 2, h=a // 2, gl_arrangmnt=arrangement, g=g, seed=seed) # print("test printing the global links:") # for idx, (link, props) in enumerate(global_links.items()): # print(idx,link,props) # # print("test printing the local links:") # for idx, (link, props) in enumerate(local_links.items()): # print(idx,link, props) end_time = time.time() print("topology creation time:", end_time - start_time) if ut.validate_DF(G, global_links, local_links, a, g): print("Valid topology") validity = "Valid" else: print("Invalid topology") validity = "Invalid" return G pass
def run_test_practice(): a = 4 h = a // 2 Gs = [4] #Gs = [x for x in range(2, a*h+1 + 1)] #topology = "practice" topology = "absolute_improved" seed = 0 #Gs = [129] for g in Gs: start_time = time.time() #print("a {}, h {}, g {}".format(a,h,g) ) #run_test_for_a_config(a, h, g, topology) #build a topology G, local_links, global_links = tp.build_drgonfly(a=a, p=a // 2, h=h, gl_arrangmnt=topology, g=g, seed=seed) #draw it draw_graph_circular(G) #get_path_stat #group_pair_vs_global_links_dict = generate_global_link_list_for_all_group_pairs(Graph = G, a = a) #min_path_for_an_SD_pair(src = 5, dst = 5, Graph = G, a = a, group_pair_vs_global_links_dict = group_pair_vs_global_links_dict) #SD_pairs_vs_paths = min_paths_for_all_SD_pairs(Graph = G, a = a, group_pair_vs_global_links_dict = group_pair_vs_global_links_dict) #path_distribution_overall(SD_pairs_vs_paths, a) #path_distribution_analytical(a = a, g = g, h = h) #print("total nodes:", len(G.nodes)) reachability_test(Graph=G, a=a, h=h, g=g) end_time = time.time() print("total time: ", end_time - start_time) pass
def get_node_reachablity_data(): ''' calculates how many nodes are reachable in 1-hop, 2-hop and 3-hop long min paths from each node. ''' a = 16 h = a // 2 #Gs = [2, 10, 20, 33] Gs = [x for x in range(2, a * h + 1 + 1)] #topology = "practice" topology = "absolute_improved" seed = 0 records = [] for g in Gs: G, local_links, global_links = tp.build_drgonfly(a=a, p=a // 2, h=h, gl_arrangmnt=topology, g=g, seed=seed) records.append(reachability_test(G, a, h, g)) results = pd.concat(records, axis=0, ignore_index=True) #print(results) folder_name = "Path_Stats/Path_Stats_2018_August" os.makedirs(folder_name, exist_ok=True) filename = "reachability_a_{}_g_{}.csv".format(a, g) results.to_csv(folder_name + "/" + filename, index=False) pass
if __name__ == "__main__": from test_jains_and_mcf import draw_graph_circular print("Hello world!") a = 4 g = 5 p = a//2 arrangement = "absolute_improved" #G = create_topology(a,g,arrangement) G, local_links, global_links = topologies.build_drgonfly(a=a, p=a // 2, h=a // 2, gl_arrangmnt=arrangement, g=g, seed = 0) graph_adj_list = generate_graph_adjacency_list(G) group_pair_vs_global_links = get_list_of_links_between_each_group_pair(G, edge_weight = "w", a = a, g = g ) paths_dj = all_pair_all_shortest_paths_djkstra(G, print_paths = False) group_pair_vs_nodes = generate_list_of_nodes_connected_to_group_pairs(graph_adj_list, a) two_hop_neighbor_list = generate_list_of_2hop_neighbors(G, group_pair_vs_global_links, edge_weight = "w", a = a, g = g) from traffic import create_random_permutation_pattern SDpairs = create_random_permutation_pattern(a = a, g = g, seed = 10, verbose = False) print("\nTraffic pattern:")
def run_test_for_a_config(a, h, g, arrg, *, seed=0): print( "\nStarting test for: a {}, h {}, g {}, arrangment {}, seed {}".format( a, h, g, arrg, seed)) config = (a, h, g, arrg) #folder_name = "Path_Stats" folder_name = "TestFolder_supposedly_unimportant_data" os.makedirs(folder_name, exist_ok=True) # file_name1 = folder_name + "/" + "a_{}_h{}_g{}_global_paths.csv".format(a,h,g) # file_name2 = folder_name + "/" + "a_{}_h{}_g{}_global_paths_detailed.csv".format(a,h,g) # file_name3 = folder_name + "/" + "a_{}_h{}_g{}_all_paths_overall.csv".format(a,h,g) file_name1 = folder_name + "/" + arrg + "_global_paths.csv" file_name2 = folder_name + "/" + arrg + "_global_paths_detailed.csv" file_name3 = folder_name + "/" + arrg + "_all_paths_overall.csv" if arrg == "practice": arrg = "absolute_improved" start_time = time.time() G, local_links, global_links = tp.build_drgonfly(a=a, p=a // 2, h=a // 2, gl_arrangmnt=arrg, g=g, seed=seed) end_time = time.time() #print("topology creation time:", end_time - start_time) if ut.validate_DF(G, global_links, local_links, a, g): #print("Valid topology") validity = "Valid" else: #print("Invalid topology") validity = "Invalid" #print_graph(G) #draw_graph_circular(G, a = a) N = len(G) #print("\ncalling all_pair_djkstra: ") start_time = time.time() paths_djk = all_pair_all_shortest_paths_djkstra(G, edge_weight="w") end_time = time.time() #print("djkstra returned.") #print("execution time: ", end_time - start_time) get_path_len_stat(paths_djk, G, config, seed=seed, validity=validity, file_name1=file_name1, file_name2=file_name2, file_name3=file_name3) # print("\ncalling all_pair_networkx: ") # start_time = time.time() # paths_nx = all_pair_all_shortest_paths_networkx(G, edge_weight = "w") # end_time = time.time() # print("netowkrx returned.") # print("execution time: ", end_time - start_time) # get_path_len_stat(paths_nx, G, config, seed = seed, validity = validity, file_name1 = file_name1, file_name2 = file_name2, file_name3 = file_name3) pass
def main(link_arrngment): a, g, iterations, isomorfic = parse_args() global graphs links = [] all_result = [] # iterations = 10 # which = 1 # for g in range(9, 10): # plt.close('all') #fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2) for indx, arrg in enumerate(link_arrngment): #print("\n\n") if 'random' not in arrg: G, local_links, global_links = TP.build_drgonfly(a=a, p=a // 2, h=a // 2, gl_arrangmnt=arrg, g=g) if not UT.validate_DF(G, global_links, local_links, a): continue links.append((global_links, local_links)) G, best_results = UT.link_usage( G, global_links, local_links, arrg, list(permutations(list(G.nodes()), 2))) best_results['a'] = a best_results['g'] = g all_result.append(best_results) UT.print_the_result(G, best_results, arrg, g, a) #draw_graph(G, a, indx, arrg,len(link_arrngment)) graphs.append([G, arrg]) else: best_g = nx.Graph() best_avrage = float("inf") # best_avr_sh = float("inf") best_global_max = float("inf") ave_path = [] var = [] results = {} best_results = {} best_global_link = {} best_local_link = {} for x in tqdm(range(iterations)): G, local_links, global_links = TP.build_drgonfly( a=a, p=a // 2, h=a // 2, gl_arrangmnt=arrg, g=g) if not UT.validate_DF(G, global_links, local_links, a): continue #G, results = link_usage(G, global_links, local_links, arrg,list(permutations(list(G.nodes()),2))) #links.append((global_links, local_links)) asp = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G) #print("avrage shortest path :",asp,"\n") if asp < best_avrage: best_avrage = asp best_g = copy.copy(G) best_global_link = copy.copy(global_links) best_local_link = copy.copy(local_links) #G, results = link_usage(G, global_links, local_links, arrg) # ave_path.append([results['avr_l_global']]) # var.append([math.sqrt(np.var(results['link_load_global']))]) # if results['over_all_load'] < best_global_max: # best_g = G # best_global_max = results['over_all_load'] # best_results = results if best_avrage != float("inf"): #print([edg for edg in list(best.edges()) if edg not in global_links and edg not in local_links]) best_g, best_results = UT.link_usage( best_g, best_global_link, best_local_link, arrg, list(permutations(list(best_g.nodes()), 2))) best_results['a'] = a best_results['g'] = g #random_prem_flows(0best_g,global_links,local_links,arrg,best_results) all_result.append(best_results) UT.print_the_result(best_g, best_results, arrg, g, a) #draw_graph(best_g, a, indx, arrg,len(link_arrngment)) graphs.append([best_g, arrg]) thr = UT.random_perm_thro(graphs, 35, graphs[0][0].number_of_nodes(), 'perm') for x, G in enumerate(graphs): all_result[x]['perm_thr'] = sum(thr[x]) / len(thr[x]) thr = UT.random_perm_thro(graphs, 35, graphs[0][0].number_of_nodes(), 'shift', shift=a) for x, G in enumerate(graphs): all_result[x]['shift_thr'] = sum(thr[x]) / len(thr[x]) if isomorfic: UT.check_isomorphics(graphs) print(Style.BRIGHT) print( Back.CYAN + "{:<20} {:<30} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20}" .format('config (a,h,g)', 'Arrangment Name', 'max load(g/l)', 'avg load (g/l/all)', '#global links', 'avg sh path', 'avg sh path (opt)', 'bi bw', 'rand perm thrput', 'sh by (a) th')) print(Style.RESET_ALL) for i, v in enumerate(all_result): print( "{:<20} {:<30} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20}" .format( "\t(" + str(v['a']) + ',' + str(v['a'] // 2) + ',' + str(v['g']) + ')', v['name'], str(round(v['global_max'], 2)) + '/' + str(round(v['local_max'], 2)), str(round(v['avr_l_global'], 2)) + '/' + str(round(v['avr_l_local'], 2)) + "/" + str(round(v['over_all_load'], 2)), round(v['g_l_count'] // 2, 2), round(v['avr_shp'], 2), round(v['avr_shp_opt'], 2), v['bw'], round(v['perm_thr'], 2), round(v['shift_thr'], 2))) # # for indx,G in enumerate(graphs): # draw_graph(G, a, indx, all_result[indx]['name'], len(graphs)) print(Style.RESET_ALL) return links, all_result
@author: oem """ import topologies as TP import utilites as UT import jains as JS import convert_topsim_to_nx as CTN import networkx as nx import traffic as TF import time import numpy as np #G = TP.build_drgonfly(16,1,16,'random',g=30)[0] G = TP.build_drgonfly(4,1,1,'random',g=5)[0] print(G) sd = TF.traffic_pattrens(G.number_of_nodes(),t='all') l1 = [] start_time = time.time() l2 = UT.floyd_warshall_all_pairs_sp(G,weight='w') print("\nrunning time f-w", (time.time() - start_time)," seconds") for src,neighbors in enumerate(l2): print("src: ",src) for dst,paths in enumerate(neighbors): print(dst, paths)