def _crop_pool_layer(bottom, rois, max_pool=True):
    # code modified from 
    # implement it using stn
    # box to affine
    # input (x1,y1,x2,y2)
    [  x2-x1             x1 + x2 - W + 1  ]
    [  -----      0      ---------------  ]
    [  W - 1                  W - 1       ]
    [                                     ]
    [           y2-y1    y1 + y2 - H + 1  ]
    [    0      -----    ---------------  ]
    [           H - 1         H - 1      ]
    rois = rois.detach()
    batch_size = bottom.size(0)
    D = bottom.size(1)
    H = bottom.size(2)
    W = bottom.size(3)
    roi_per_batch = rois.size(0) / batch_size
    x1 = rois[:, 1::4] / 16.0
    y1 = rois[:, 2::4] / 16.0
    x2 = rois[:, 3::4] / 16.0
    y2 = rois[:, 4::4] / 16.0

    height = bottom.size(2)
    width = bottom.size(3)

    # affine theta
    zero = Variable(, 1).zero_())
    theta =[\
      (x2 - x1) / (width - 1),
      (x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1),
      (y2 - y1) / (height - 1),
      (y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)], 1).view(-1, 2, 3)

    if max_pool:
      pre_pool_size = cfg.POOLING_SIZE * 2
      grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, pre_pool_size, pre_pool_size)))
      bottom = bottom.view(1, batch_size, D, H, W).contiguous().expand(roi_per_batch, batch_size, D, H, W)\
                                                                .contiguous().view(-1, D, H, W)
      crops = F.grid_sample(bottom, grid)
      crops = F.max_pool2d(crops, 2, 2)
      grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE)))
      bottom = bottom.view(1, batch_size, D, H, W).contiguous().expand(roi_per_batch, batch_size, D, H, W)\
                                                                .contiguous().view(-1, D, H, W)
      crops = F.grid_sample(bottom, grid)
    return crops, grid
Exemple #2
	def stn(self, z, c):
		zs = z.view(-1, 10 * 3 * 3)
		theta = self.fc_loc(zs)
		theta = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
		grid = F.affine_grid(theta, c.size())
		cond = F.grid_sample(c, grid)
		return cond
Exemple #3
def window_to_image(z_where, window_size, image_size, windows):
    n = windows.size(0)
    assert windows.size(1) == window_size ** 2, 'Size mismatch.'
    theta = expand_z_where(z_where)
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((n, 1, image_size, image_size)))
    out = F.grid_sample(windows.view(n, 1, window_size, window_size), grid)
    return out.view(n, image_size, image_size)
Exemple #4
def image_to_window(z_where, window_size, image_size, images):
    n = images.size(0)
    assert images.size(1) == images.size(2) == image_size, 'Size mismatch.'
    theta_inv = expand_z_where(z_where_inv(z_where))
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta_inv, torch.Size((n, 1, window_size, window_size)))
    out = F.grid_sample(images.view(n, 1, image_size, image_size), grid)
    return out.view(n, -1)
 def forward(self, theta):
     if not theta.size()==(b,2,3):
         theta = theta.view(-1,2,3)
     theta = theta.contiguous()
     batch_size = theta.size()[0]
     out_size = torch.Size((batch_size,self.out_ch,self.out_h,self.out_w))
     return F.affine_grid(theta, out_size)
Exemple #6
	def stn(self, x):
		xs = self.localization(x)
		xs = xs.view(-1, 10 * 3 * 3)
		theta = self.fc_loc(xs)
		theta = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
		grid = F.affine_grid(theta, x.size())
		x = F.grid_sample(x, grid)
		return x
Exemple #7
    def init_coord_feature_map(self, required_batch_rows_cols, device):
        if self.coord_feature_map is not None:
            if (self.coord_feature_map.shape[0] == required_batch_rows_cols[0] and
                    self.coord_feature_map.shape[2] == required_batch_rows_cols[1] and
                    self.coord_feature_map.shape[3] == required_batch_rows_cols[2]):

        theta = torch.FloatTensor([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]).view(1, 2, 3)
        theta =, ) * required_batch_rows_cols[0], dim=0)

        self.coord_feature_map = \
                          (required_batch_rows_cols[0], 1, required_batch_rows_cols[1], required_batch_rows_cols[2])
                          ).transpose(1, 3).to(device)
def find_tensor_peak_batch(heatmap, radius, downsample, threshold = 0.000001):
  assert heatmap.dim() == 3, 'The dimension of the heatmap is wrong : {}'.format(heatmap.size())
  assert radius > 0 and isinstance(radius, numbers.Number), 'The radius is not ok : {}'.format(radius)
  num_pts, H, W = heatmap.size(0), heatmap.size(1), heatmap.size(2)
  assert W > 1 and H > 1, 'To avoid the normalization function divide zero'
  # find the approximate location:
  score, index = torch.max(heatmap.view(num_pts, -1), 1)
  index_w = (index % W).float()
  index_h = (index / W).float()
  def normalize(x, L):
    return -1. + 2. * / (L-1)
  boxes = [index_w - radius, index_h - radius, index_w + radius, index_h + radius]
  boxes[0] = normalize(boxes[0], W)
  boxes[1] = normalize(boxes[1], H)
  boxes[2] = normalize(boxes[2], W)
  boxes[3] = normalize(boxes[3], H)
  #affine_parameter = [(boxes[2]-boxes[0])/2, boxes[0]*0, (boxes[2]+boxes[0])/2,
  #                   boxes[0]*0, (boxes[3]-boxes[1])/2, (boxes[3]+boxes[1])/2]
  #theta = torch.stack(affine_parameter, 1).view(num_pts, 2, 3)

  affine_parameter = torch.zeros((num_pts, 2, 3))
  affine_parameter[:,0,0] = (boxes[2]-boxes[0])/2
  affine_parameter[:,0,2] = (boxes[2]+boxes[0])/2
  affine_parameter[:,1,1] = (boxes[3]-boxes[1])/2
  affine_parameter[:,1,2] = (boxes[3]+boxes[1])/2
  # extract the sub-region heatmap
  theta =
  grid_size = torch.Size([num_pts, 1, radius*2+1, radius*2+1])
  grid = F.affine_grid(theta, grid_size)
  sub_feature = F.grid_sample(heatmap.unsqueeze(1), grid).squeeze(1)
  sub_feature = F.threshold(sub_feature, threshold, np.finfo(float).eps)

  X = torch.arange(-radius, radius+1).to(heatmap).view(1, 1, radius*2+1)
  Y = torch.arange(-radius, radius+1).to(heatmap).view(1, radius*2+1, 1)
  sum_region = torch.sum(sub_feature.view(num_pts,-1),1)
  x = torch.sum((sub_feature*X).view(num_pts,-1),1) / sum_region + index_w
  y = torch.sum((sub_feature*Y).view(num_pts,-1),1) / sum_region + index_h
  x = x * downsample + downsample / 2.0 - 0.5
  y = y * downsample + downsample / 2.0 - 0.5
  return torch.stack([x, y],1), score
def warp_feature(feature, pts_location, patch_size):
  # pts_location is [X,Y], patch_size is [H,W]
  C, H, W = feature.size(0), feature.size(1), feature.size(2)
  def normalize(x, L):
    return -1. + 2. * x / (L-1)

  crop_box = [pts_location[0]-patch_size[1], pts_location[1]-patch_size[0], pts_location[0]+patch_size[1], pts_location[1]+patch_size[0]]
  crop_box[0] = normalize(crop_box[0], W)
  crop_box[1] = normalize(crop_box[1], H)
  crop_box[2] = normalize(crop_box[2], W)
  crop_box[3] = normalize(crop_box[3], H)
  affine_parameter = [(crop_box[2]-crop_box[0])/2, MU.np2variable(torch.zeros(1),feature.is_cuda,False), (crop_box[0]+crop_box[2])/2,
                      MU.np2variable(torch.zeros(1),feature.is_cuda,False), (crop_box[3]-crop_box[1])/2, (crop_box[1]+crop_box[3])/2]

  affine_parameter =, 3)
  theta = affine_parameter.unsqueeze(0)
  feature = feature.unsqueeze(0)
  grid_size = torch.Size([1, 1, 2*patch_size[0]+1, 2*patch_size[1]+1])
  grid = F.affine_grid(theta, grid_size)
  sub_feature = F.grid_sample(feature, grid).squeeze(0)
  return sub_feature
Exemple #10
  def _crop_pool_layer(self, bottom, rois, max_pool=True):
    # implement it using stn
    # box to affine
    # input (x1,y1,x2,y2)
    [  x2-x1             x1 + x2 - W + 1  ]
    [  -----      0      ---------------  ]
    [  W - 1                  W - 1       ]
    [                                     ]
    [           y2-y1    y1 + y2 - H + 1  ]
    [    0      -----    ---------------  ]
    [           H - 1         H - 1      ]
    rois = rois.detach()

    x1 = rois[:, 1::4] / 16.0
    y1 = rois[:, 2::4] / 16.0
    x2 = rois[:, 3::4] / 16.0
    y2 = rois[:, 4::4] / 16.0

    height = bottom.size(2)
    width = bottom.size(3)

    # affine theta
    theta = Variable(, 2, 3).zero_())
    theta[:, 0, 0] = ((x2 - x1) / (width - 1)).view(-1)
    theta[:, 0 ,2] = ((x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1)).view(-1)
    theta[:, 1, 1] = ((y2 - y1) / (height - 1)).view(-1)
    theta[:, 1, 2] = ((y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)).view(-1)

    pre_pool_size = cfg.POOLING_SIZE * 2 if max_pool else cfg.POOLING_SIZE
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, pre_pool_size, pre_pool_size)))
    torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
    crops = F.grid_sample(bottom.expand(rois.size(0), bottom.size(1), bottom.size(2), bottom.size(3)), grid)
    torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
    if max_pool:
      crops = F.max_pool2d(crops, 2, 2)
    return crops
Exemple #11
def test_grid_sample(mode, padding_mode, align_corners):
    from mmcv.onnx.symbolic import register_extra_symbolics
    opset_version = 11

    from mmcv.ops import get_onnxruntime_op_path
    ort_custom_op_path = get_onnxruntime_op_path()
    if not os.path.exists(ort_custom_op_path):
        pytest.skip('custom ops for onnxruntime are not compiled.')

    input = torch.rand(1, 1, 10, 10)
    grid = torch.Tensor([[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]])
    grid = F.affine_grid(grid, (1, 1, 15, 15),

    def func(input, grid):
        return F.grid_sample(input,

    return process_grid_sample(func, input, grid, ort_custom_op_path)
Exemple #12
def image_to_object(images, pose, object_size):
  Inverse pose, crop and transform image patches.
  param images: (... x C x H x W) tensor
  param pose: (N x 3) tensor

    # Note: Images: [1280, 1, 64, 64], # Pose: [1280, 3]
    N, pose_size = pose.size()
    n_channels, H, W = images.size()[-3:]
    images = images.view(N, n_channels, H, W)
    if pose_size == 3:
        transformer_inv = expand_pose(pose_inv(pose))
        # [s, x, y] -> [[s, 0, x],
        #               [0, s, y]]
    elif pose_size == 6:
        transformer_inv = pose_inv_full(
            pose)  # Note: inverse of the affine matrix

    grid = F.affine_grid(transformer_inv,
                         torch.Size((N, n_channels, object_size, object_size)))
    obj = F.grid_sample(images, grid)
    return obj
def translate_rotate(img, disp=16, angle=2):
    """ displacement in pixels, angle in degrees"""
    h, w, _ = tuple(img.size())

    [dx, dy] = [random.uniform(-disp, disp) / w for i in range(2)]
    angle = random.uniform(-angle, angle) * math.pi / 180

    thetas = np.zeros((h, 2, 3))

    thetas[:, 0, 2] = dx
    thetas[:, 1, 2] = dy

    thetas[:, 0, 0] += np.cos(angle)
    thetas[:, 1, 0] -= np.sin(angle)
    thetas[:, 0, 1] += np.sin(angle)
    thetas[:, 1, 1] += np.cos(angle)

    thetas = Variable(torch.Tensor(thetas), requires_grad=False)  # H, 2, 3
    grid = F.affine_grid(thetas, torch.Size((h, 2, w, w)))
    res = F.grid_sample(img.unsqueeze(1), grid).squeeze()
    del grid, thetas

    return res.unsqueeze(0)
Exemple #14
    def forward(self, inputs, whbias=None):
        _device = inputs.device
        N = inputs.size(0)
        _theta = self._eye.repeat(N, 1, 1)

        if whbias is None:
            whbias = self._sample_latent(inputs)

        _theta[:, 0, 0] = whbias[:, 0]
        _theta[:, 1, 1] = whbias[:, 1]
        _theta[:, 0, 2] = whbias[:, 2]
        _theta[:, 1, 2] = whbias[:, 3]

        grid = F.affine_grid(_theta, inputs.size(), **kwargs).to(_device)
        output = F.grid_sample(inputs,

        if self.size is not None:
            output = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(output, self.size)

        return output
Exemple #15
    def forward(self, input_g):
        transform_t = self._build2dTransformMatrix()

        affine_t = F.affine_grid(
            .expand(input_g.size(0), -1, -1)
            .to(input_g.device, torch.float32),

        augmented_input_g = F.grid_sample(
            input_g, affine_t, padding_mode="border", align_corners=False

        if self.noise:
            noise_t = torch.randn_like(augmented_input_g)
            noise_t *= self.noise

            augmented_input_g += noise_t

        return augmented_input_g
 def forward(self, x):
     bsz, c, t, h, w = x.size()
     output = torch.zeros_like(x).cuda()
     theta = torch.zeros((bsz, 2, 3)).cuda()
     for j in range(bsz):
         # theta[j] = self.rotate()
         theta[j] = self.scale()
         # theta[j] = self.translation()
         # theta[j] = self.shear()
         # theta[j] = self.reflection()
     grid = F.affine_grid(theta, (bsz, c, h, w))
     for i in range(t):
         output[:, :, i, :, :] = F.grid_sample(x[:, :, i, :, :], grid)
     # new_theta = self.maxtrix_padding(theta, (bsz, 3, 3))
     # # for each sample in batch size, should get inverse
     # inverse_theta = new_theta.clone()
     # for j in range(bsz):
     #     inverse_theta[j] = torch.inverse(new_theta[j])
     # inverse_theta = self.matrix_reduce(inverse_theta, (bsz, 2, 3))
     # inverse_grid = F.affine_grid(inverse_theta, (bsz, c, h, w))
     # for i in range(t):
     #     output[:, :, i, :, :] = F.grid_sample(x[:, :, i, :, :], inverse_grid)
     return output
Exemple #17
def stn(x, theta, mode='rotation', reduce_ratio=28 / 224):
    rr = reduce_ratio
    if mode == 'affine':
        theta1 = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
        theta1 = Variable(torch.zeros([x.size(0), 2, 3],
        theta1 = theta1 + 0
        theta1[:, 0, 0] = 1.0
        theta1[:, 1, 1] = 1.0
        if mode == 'rotation':
            angle = theta[:, 0]
            theta1[:, 0, 0] = torch.cos(angle) * rr
            theta1[:, 0, 1] = -torch.sin(angle) * rr
            theta1[:, 1, 0] = torch.sin(angle) * rr
            theta1[:, 1, 1] = torch.cos(angle) * rr

    target_size = [x.size(0), x.size(1), 28, 28]
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta1, target_size)
    x = F.grid_sample(x, grid)
    return x
def _affine_grid_gen(rois, input_size, grid_size):

    rois = rois.detach()
    x1 = rois[:, 1::4] / 16.0
    y1 = rois[:, 2::4] / 16.0
    x2 = rois[:, 3::4] / 16.0
    y2 = rois[:, 4::4] / 16.0

    height = input_size[0]
    width = input_size[1]

    zero = Variable(, 1).zero_())
    theta =[\
      (x2 - x1) / (width - 1),
      (x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1),
      (y2 - y1) / (height - 1),
      (y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)], 1).view(-1, 2, 3)

    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, grid_size, grid_size)))

    return grid
def _affine_grid_gen(rois, input_size, grid_size):

    rois = rois.detach()
    x1 = rois[:, 1::4] / 16.0
    y1 = rois[:, 2::4] / 16.0
    x2 = rois[:, 3::4] / 16.0
    y2 = rois[:, 4::4] / 16.0

    height = input_size[0]
    width = input_size[1]

    zero = Variable(, 1).zero_())
    theta =[\
      (x2 - x1) / (width - 1),
      (x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1),
      (y2 - y1) / (height - 1),
      (y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)], 1).view(-1, 2, 3)

    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, grid_size, grid_size)))

    return grid
    def forward(self, images, position, zoom, hidden=None):

        batch_size = images.shape[0]

        # do affine transformation
        theta = position * self.theta_position + torch.exp(
            zoom) * self.theta_zoom
        grid = F.affine_grid(
            torch.Size((batch_size, 3, self.affine_size, self.affine_size)))
        x = F.grid_sample(images, grid)
        x = self.avg_pool(x)

        # resnet layers
        x = self.resnet(x)
        x = self.maxPool(x)
        x = F.sigmoid(self.conv(x))
        x = x.view(-1, 100)

        # add recursion
        x =
            [x, torch.squeeze([position, zoom], dim=1), dim=2)],

        # fully connected layer
        x_tmp = F.sigmoid(self.lin1(x))
        x = F.sigmoid(self.lin2(x_tmp))
        x = F.sigmoid(self.lin3(x))
        x = F.sigmoid(self.lin4(x))
        x = F.tanh(self.lin5([x, x_tmp], dim=1)))

        # update recurrence / position / zoom
        x = x.unsqueeze(2)
        position = position + torch.exp(zoom) * x[:, 0:2]
        zoom = zoom + x[:, 2:3]

        return position, zoom, hidden
Exemple #21
    def eval_error(self):
        loss_list = []
        for batch in self.eval_loader:
            image, labels = batch['image'].to(
                self.device), batch['labels'].to(self.device)
            orig = batch['orig'].to(self.device)
            orig_label = batch['orig_label'].to(self.device)
            n, l, h, w = orig.shape
            theta = self.model(labels)
            cens = calc_centroid(orig_label)
            assert cens.shape == (n, 9, 2)
            points =[cens[:, 1:6],
                                cens[:, 6:9].mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)],
            theta_label = torch.zeros(
                (n, 6, 2, 3), device=self.device, requires_grad=False)
            for i in range(6):
                theta_label[:, i, 0, 0] = (81. - 1.) / (w - 1)
                theta_label[:, i, 0, 2] = -1. + (2. * points[:, i, 1]) / (w - 1)
                theta_label[:, i, 1, 1] = (81. - 1.) / (h - 1)
                theta_label[:, i, 1, 2] = -1. + (2. * points[:, i, 0]) / (h - 1)
            loss = self.metric(theta, theta_label)

            temp = []
            for i in range(theta.shape[1]):
                test = theta[:, i]
                grid = F.affine_grid(theta=test, size=[n, 3, 81, 81], align_corners=True)
                temp.append(F.grid_sample(input=orig, grid=grid, align_corners=True))
            parts = torch.stack(temp, dim=1)
            assert parts.shape == (n, 6, 3, 81, 81)
            for i in range(6):
                parts_grid = torchvision.utils.make_grid(
                    parts[:, i].detach().cpu())
                self.writer.add_image('croped_parts_%s_%d' % (uuid_8, i), parts_grid, self.step)
        return np.mean(loss_list)
Exemple #22
    def forward(self, A: Tensor, L: Tensor, T: int) -> Tensor:
        Given a set of predicted actions probabilities A_{i}s, upsamples them w.r.t. the given projected L_{i}s.
        :param L: [K] The projected lengths.
        :param A: [K x C] The predicted actions' probabilities.
        :return: [1 x C x ~T] Upsampled A_{k}s.

        A = A.squeeze().permute(1, 0)  # [K x C]
        L = L.squeeze()  # [K]
        L_prime = project_lengths_softmax(T=T, L=L)
        K = A.shape[0]
        C = A.shape[1]
        l_max = int(L_prime.max() + 0.5)  # round to the nearest int
        pis = torch.zeros_like(L_prime)  # [K]

        normalized_l = self._normalize_scale(l_max, L_prime)
        normalized_p = self._normalize_location(l_max, pis, L_prime)

        params_mat = self._create_params_matrix(normalized_l,
                                                normalized_p)  # [K x 3]
        theta = self._create_theta(params_mat)  # [K x 2 x 3]

        grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((K, C, 1, l_max)))

        temp_A = A.view(K, C, 1, 1).expand(-1, -1, -1, self.temp_width)
        upsampled_probs = F.grid_sample(temp_A, grid, mode="bilinear")
        upsampled_probs = upsampled_probs.view(K, C, l_max)  # [K x C x l_max]
        upsampled_cropped = []
        for i, prob in enumerate(upsampled_probs):
            prob_cropped = prob[:, 0:round(L_prime[i].item())]

        out =,
                        dim=1).unsqueeze(dim=0)  # [1 x C x ~T]
        out = F.interpolate(input=out, size=T)  # [1 x C x T]
        return out  # [1 x C x T]
Exemple #23
    def forward(self, sample, support=False):
        # do the actual forward passes
        # dropout probability for dropping the final theta and putting
        # default value of [1....10]
        self.identity_transform =
        if and not support:
            dropout = self.dropout
            dropout = 1

        sample = Variable(sample)
        inp_flatten = sample
        # do the forward pass
        theta = self.module(inp_flatten)
        theta = theta + 0

        # Scale it to have any values
        B = sample.shape[0]
        U = torch.rand(B)
        idx = (U <= dropout).nonzero().squeeze()
        theta[idx, :] = self.identity_transform

        # constrain if enabled
        if self.constrained:
            theta = self.clipper.clip(theta)
        # print(theta)

        # change the shape
        theta = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
        grid = F.affine_grid(theta, inp_flatten.size(), align_corners=True)
        results = F.grid_sample(inp_flatten,

        transform = theta
        return results, transform, {}
Exemple #24
    def plot(self, images):
        perrow = 5

        num, c, w, h = images.size()

        rows = int(math.ceil(num/perrow))

        thetas = self.preprocess(images)
        thetas = thetas * self.scale + self.identity[None, None, :, :]

        b, g, _, _ = thetas.size()
        grid = F.affine_grid( thetas.view(b*g, 2, 3), torch.Size((b*g, self.in_size[0], self.k, self.k)) )
        means = grid.view(b, -1, 2).data.cpu()

        # scale to image resolution
        means = ((means + 1.0) * 0.5) * torch.tensor(self.in_size[1:], dtype=torch.float)[None, None, :]

        b, k, _ = means.size()
        sigmas = torch.ones((b, k, 2)) * 0.001
        values = torch.ones((b, k))

        images =

        plt.figure(figsize=(perrow * 3, rows*3))

        for i in range(num):

            ax = plt.subplot(rows, perrow, i+1)

            im = np.transpose(images[i, :, :, :].cpu().numpy(), (1, 2, 0))
            im = np.squeeze(im)

            ax.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest', extent=(-0.5, w-0.5, -0.5, h-0.5), cmap='gray_r')

            util.plot(means[i, :, :].unsqueeze(0), sigmas[i, :, :].unsqueeze(0), values[i, :].unsqueeze(0), axes=ax, flip_y=h, alpha_global=0.8/self.num_glimpses)

    def extract_patch(self, x, l):
        Extract a single patch for each image in the
        minibatch `x`.

        - x: a 4D Tensor of shape (B, C, H, W). The minibatch
          of images.
        - l: a 2D Tensor of shape (B, 2).        

        - patch: a 4D Tensor of shape (B, C, size, size)
        size = self.g
        B, C, H, W = x.shape
        # calculate coordinate for each batch samle (padding considered)
        from_x, from_y = l[:, 0], l[:, 1]

        # build fluid-flow grid
        if self.use_gpu:
            theta = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(B * 2, 3).fill_(0)
            theta = torch.zeros(B * 2, 3)

        # see onenote of affine transform for this algorithm (Pytorch theta is different with cv2's affine matrix)
        theta[torch.arange(0, B * 2, 2), 0] = size / W
        theta[torch.arange(1, B * 2, 2), 1] = size / H
        theta[torch.arange(0, B * 2, 2), 2] = from_x
        theta[torch.arange(1, B * 2, 2), 2] = from_y
        theta = theta.reshape((B, 2, 3))

        grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((B, C, size, size)))

        return F.grid_sample(x, grid, mode='nearest',
                             padding_mode='zeros')  #padding_mode='reflection'
Exemple #26
def stn_loss(features,motion,pose,pose_mask_reg=0.0):
    # ignore_index=255, view as motion
    for i in range(n-1):
        # loss=F.l1_loss(features[0],features[i+1],reduction='none')
        if pose_mask_reg<-1:
        elif pose_mask_reg<0:
            assert s>0 and e>0,'start index and end index must large than 0'
        elif pose_mask_reg==0:
            assert s>0 and e>0,'start index and end index must large than 0'
        elif pose_mask_reg>0:
            assert False,'pose mask reg error'
    return total_loss
Exemple #27
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.backbone(x)

        # extract attentional regions of each parcel
        x_obj = []
        for i in range(self.num_classes):
            x_tmp = self.conv_parcels[i](x)
            tmp = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(x_tmp), 2).view(
                -1, int(self.num_moda * self.feature_size**2 / 4))
            tmp = self.stn_params[i](tmp).view(-1, 2, 3)
            affine_grid_points = F.affine_grid(tmp,
                                                   (tmp.size(0), self.num_moda,
                F.grid_sample(x_tmp, affine_grid_points, align_corners=True))

        # build relations between each label pair
        idx_g = 0
        outputs = []
        for i in range(self.num_classes):
            relation_inter = 0
            # g_theta
            for j in range(self.num_classes):
                if not i == j:
                    relation_inter += F.relu(self.g_theta[idx_g](
                        [x_obj[i], x_obj[j]], axis=1)))
                    idx_g += 1
            relation_accum = self.avg(relation_inter).view(-1, self.num_units)
            # f_phi

        outputs =, axis=-1)

        return outputs
Exemple #28
def warp_feature_batch(feature, pts_location, patch_size):
  # feature must be [1,C,H,W] and pts_location must be [Num-Pts, (x,y)]
  _, C, H, W = list(feature.size())
  num_pts = pts_location.size(0)
  assert isinstance(patch_size, int) and feature.size(0) == 1 and pts_location.size(1) == 2, 'The shapes of feature or points are not right : {} vs {}'.format(feature.size(), pts_location.size())
  assert W > 1 and H > 1, 'To guarantee normalization {}, {}'.format(W, H)

  def normalize(x, L):
    return -1. + 2. * x / (L-1)

  crop_box =[pts_location-patch_size, pts_location+patch_size], 1)
  crop_box[:, [0,2]] = normalize(crop_box[:, [0,2]], W)
  crop_box[:, [1,3]] = normalize(crop_box[:, [1,3]], H)
  affine_parameter = [(crop_box[:,2]-crop_box[:,0])/2, crop_box[:,0]*0, (crop_box[:,2]+crop_box[:,0])/2,
                      crop_box[:,0]*0, (crop_box[:,3]-crop_box[:,1])/2, (crop_box[:,3]+crop_box[:,1])/2]
  #affine_parameter = [(crop_box[:,2]-crop_box[:,0])/2, MU.np2variable(torch.zeros(num_pts),feature.is_cuda,False), (crop_box[:,2]+crop_box[:,0])/2,
  #                    MU.np2variable(torch.zeros(num_pts),feature.is_cuda,False), (crop_box[:,3]-crop_box[:,1])/2, (crop_box[:,3]+crop_box[:,1])/2]
  theta = torch.stack(affine_parameter, 1).view(num_pts, 2, 3)
  feature = feature.expand(num_pts,C, H, W)
  grid_size = torch.Size([num_pts, 1, 2*patch_size+1, 2*patch_size+1])
  grid = F.affine_grid(theta, grid_size)
  sub_feature = F.grid_sample(feature, grid)
  return sub_feature
Exemple #29
def roi_align(feat, roi, pool_size):
    # INPUT:
    # feat: N * C * H * W
    # roi: N * roi_num_per_img * 4  x1 y1 x2 y2

    # Output:
    # crop_feat: N * roi_num_per_img * C * pool_size * pool_size

    N = feat.shape[0]
    C = feat.shape[1]
    H = feat.shape[2]
    W = feat.shape[3]
    roi_num_per_img = roi.shape[1]

    x1 = roi[..., 0].view(-1)
    y1 = roi[..., 1].view(-1)
    x2 = roi[..., 2].view(-1)
    y2 = roi[..., 3].view(-1)

    theta = Variable( * roi.size(1), 2, 3).zero_())
    theta[:, 0, 0] = (x2 - x1) / (W - 1)
    theta[:, 0, 2] = (x1 + x2 - W + 1) / (W - 1)
    theta[:, 1, 1] = (y2 - y1) / (H - 1)
    theta[:, 1, 2] = (y1 + y2 - H + 1) / (H - 1)

    theta = theta.view(N, roi_num_per_img, 2, 3).view(N * roi_num_per_img, 2,

    grid = F.affine_grid(theta,
                         torch.Size((theta.size(0), 1, pool_size, pool_size)))
    feat = feat[:, None,
                ...].expand(-1, roi_num_per_img, -1, -1,
                            -1).contiguous().view(N * roi_num_per_img, C, H, W)
    crop_feat = F.grid_sample(feat, grid).view(N, roi_num_per_img, C,
                                               pool_size, pool_size)
    return crop_feat
    def forward(self, input_g, label_g):
        transform_t = self._build2dTransformMatrix()
        transform_t = transform_t.expand(input_g.shape[0], -1, -1)
        transform_t =, torch.float32)
        affine_t = F.affine_grid(transform_t[:, :2],

        augmented_input_g = F.grid_sample(input_g,
        augmented_label_g = F.grid_sample(,

        if self.noise:
            noise_t = torch.randn_like(augmented_input_g)
            noise_t *= self.noise

            augmented_input_g += noise_t

        return augmented_input_g, augmented_label_g > 0.5
Exemple #31
    def forward(self, x, x_to_pool_from):
        batch_size = x.size(0)
        c_, h_, w_ = x_to_pool_from.size(-3), x_to_pool_from.size(
            -2), x_to_pool_from.size(-1)
        c, h, w = x.size(-3) // self.num_groups, x.size(-2), x.size(-1)

        assert c == c_, "Channel dimensions of augmented and pooled tensors should be equal, got [{}, {}]".format(
            c, c_)

        theta = self.localization(x)
        grid = F.affine_grid(
            theta, torch.Size((batch_size * self.num_groups, c, h, w)))

        x_to_pool_from = x_to_pool_from.repeat(1, self.num_groups, 1, 1)
        x_to_pool_from = x_to_pool_from.view(-1, c_, h_, w_)

        x_to_pool_from = F.grid_sample(x_to_pool_from,
        x_to_pool_from = x_to_pool_from.view(batch_size, self.num_groups * c,
                                             h, w)

        x_out = x + x_to_pool_from
        x_out = x_out.view(batch_size, self.num_groups, c, h, w)

        grid = grid.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        grid = grid.view(batch_size, self.num_groups, 2, h, w)

        x_out =[x_out, grid], dim=2).view(batch_size,
                                                     self.num_groups * (c + 2),
                                                     h, w)

        x_out = self.block(x_out)

        return x_out, grid
Exemple #32
    def forward(self, input, sign=None, bias=None, rotation=None):
        _device = input.device
        N = input.size(0)
        _theta = self._eye.repeat(N, 1, 1)

        if sign is None:
            sign = torch.bernoulli(torch.ones(N, device=_device) * 0.5) * 2 - 1
        if bias is None:
            bias = torch.empty(
                (N, 2), device=_device).uniform_(-self.max_range,
        _theta[:, 0, 0] = sign
        _theta[:, :, 2] = bias

        if rotation is not None:
            _theta[:, 0:2, 0:2] = rotation

        grid = F.affine_grid(_theta, input.size(), **kwargs).to(_device)
        output = F.grid_sample(input,

        return output
Exemple #33
    def forward(self, x, h_0):
        # ==== extract features ==== #
        feats = self.conv(x)
        feats = feats.view(-1, self.rnn_input_shape)

        # ==== produce <num_steps> many views ==== #
        views = []
        thetas = []
        curr_h = h_0
        for step in range(self.num_steps):
            # regress the affine matrix
            curr_h = self.RNN(feats, curr_h)
            theta = self.fc_theta(curr_h.squeeze(0))

            # produce the view
            theta = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
            output_size = torch.Size([x.shape[0], *self.input_shape])
            grid = F.affine_grid(theta, output_size, align_corners=False)
            view = F.grid_sample(x, grid, align_corners=False)
            view = self.transform(view)[0]

        return views, thetas
Exemple #34
    def patches_from_z(self, x_img, z_obj):
        """From z and image get object patches.

        Grid sample expects input of shape (-1, c, *h*, *w*). But I think, we
        can ignore this here. This effectively switches our x and y as given in
        theta around. There should be no side effects from this. (Also have to
        switch w_out and h_out w.r.t torch documentation.)

            x_img (torch.Tensor), (nT, c, w, h): Images.
            z_obj (torch.Tensor), (nTo, 4): Object states.

            out (torch.Tensor), (n4o, c, w_out, h_out): Object patches.

        theta = self.expand_z(z_obj)

        # broadcast x s.t. each image is repeated as many times as there are
        # objects in the scene. I checked that images are repeated next to each
        # other, i.e. same as in z, shape (n4o, c, w, h)
        x_obj = x_img.flatten(start_dim=1).repeat(1, self.c.num_obj)
        x_obj = x_obj.view(-1, *x_img.size()[1:])

        # output shape of grid (n4o, c, patch_width, patch_height)
        w_out, h_out = self.c.patch_width, self.c.patch_height

        # grid shape (n4o, w_out, h_out, 2)
        # grid contains parameters of img used for each sample pixel
        # (also note that this ignores channel, just like it should)
        # we take channel from x_obj!
        grid = F.affine_grid(
            theta, torch.Size((x_obj.size(0), x_img.shape[1], w_out, h_out)))

        out = F.grid_sample(x_obj, grid)
        return out
def gen_mask_parsing_labels(parsing_labels, mask_rois):
  # parsing_labels (48, 320, 320)  mask_rois (48, 5)
  # rois = rois.detach()

  x1 = mask_rois[:, 1::4]
  y1 = mask_rois[:, 2::4]
  x2 = mask_rois[:, 3::4]
  y2 = mask_rois[:, 4::4]

  height = parsing_labels.size(1)
  width = parsing_labels.size(2)
  # affine theta
  theta = Variable(, 2, 3).zero_())
  theta[:, 0, 0] = (x2 - x1) / (width - 1)
  theta[:, 0, 2] = (x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1)
  theta[:, 1, 1] = (y2 - y1) / (height - 1)
  theta[:, 1, 2] = (y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)
  pre_pool_size = cfg.POOLING_SIZE * 8
  grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((mask_rois.size(0), 1, pre_pool_size, pre_pool_size)))
  mask_parsing_labels = F.grid_sample(parsing_labels.unsqueeze(1), grid) # (48,1, 320, 320)
  mask_parsing_labels = torch.round(mask_parsing_labels)
  # mask_parsing_labels[mask_parsing_labels >=0.5] = 1
  # mask_parsing_labels[mask_parsing_labels < 0.5] = 0
  return mask_parsing_labels
    def test_affine_grid_3d(self):
        N = 8
        C = 3
        D = 64
        H = 256
        W = 128
        theta = np.random.randn(N, 3, 4).astype(np.float32)
        features = np.random.randint(256,
                                     size=(N, C, D, H, W)).astype(np.float32)

        torch_theta = torch.Tensor(theta)
        torch_features = torch.Tensor(features)
        torch_grid = F.affine_grid(torch_theta,
                                   size=(N, C, D, H, W),
        torch_sample = F.grid_sample(torch_features,

        jt_theta = jt.array(theta)
        jt_features = jt.array(features)
        jt_grid = affine_grid(jt_theta,
                              size=(N, C, D, H, W),
        jt_sample = grid_sample(jt_features,

        assert np.allclose(jt_theta.numpy(), torch_theta.numpy())
        assert np.allclose(jt_features.numpy(), torch_features.numpy())
        assert np.allclose(jt_grid.numpy(), torch_grid.numpy(), atol=1e-05)
        assert np.allclose(torch_sample.numpy(), jt_sample.numpy(), atol=1e-01)
Exemple #37
    def forward(self, inp):
        batch_size = inp.size(0)

        x = inp[:, :, self.pad:-self.pad, self.pad:-self.pad]    # inp: 720x720, x: 480x480. Only use the center portion for training (not the black triangles)
        x = self.downsample(x) # 3x60x60
        x = self.net1_conv1(x) # 20x56x56
        x = self.net1_PReLU(x) # 20x56x56
        x = self.net1_pool(x) # 20x28x28
        x = self.net1_conv2(x) # 48x24x24
        x = self.net1_PReLU(x) # 48x24x24
        x = self.net1_pool(x) # 48x12x12
        x = self.net1_conv3(x) # 64x10x10
        x = self.net1_PReLU(x)# 64x10x10
        x = self.net1_pool(x)# 64x5x5
        x = self.net1_conv4(x) # 80x3x3
        x = self.net1_PReLU(x) # 80x3x3
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # 720
        x = self.net1_fc5_1(x) # 512
        x = self.net1_PReLU(x) # 512
        x = self.net1_drop6(x) # 512
        x = self.net1_68point(x) # 136
        landmarks = self.net1_PReLU(x)    # landmarks: 136 (68x2 very inaccurate landmarks)
        theta = self.loc_reg_(landmarks) # 6
        theta = theta.view(batch_size, 2, 3)

        if theta.is_cuda:
            self.base_theta = self.base_theta.cuda()
        theta += self.base_theta

        # For testing
        # theta = Variable(torch.Tensor([[1, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0]]).cuda().view(1, 2, 3).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1), requires_grad=True)    # identity transform matrix
        # theta = Variable(torch.Tensor([[1.1, 0.5, 0.3], [0, 0.8, -0.1]]).cuda().view(1, 2, 3).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1), requires_grad=True)    # stretching transform matrix

        grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size([batch_size, 3, 256, 256]))   # Prepare the transfomer grid with (256, 256) size that FAN expects, w.r.t theta
        outp = F.grid_sample(inp, grid)    # "Rotate" the image by applying the grid
        return outp, theta    # outp: 256x256, theta: 2x3
Exemple #38
    def forward(self, x):
        x1 = self.conv1(x)
        x1 = self.conv2(x1)
        x1 = self.conv3(x1)
        x1 = self.conv4(x1)

        x1 = x1.view(-1, 20 * 3 * 3)

        x1 = self.fc_loc(x1)

        x1 = x1.view(-1, 2, 3)  # change it to the 2x3 matrix #1*2*3
        affine_grid_points = F.affine_grid(
            x1, torch.Size((x.size(0), self._in_ch, self._h,
                            self._w)))  # 1,2,3  * 1,128,128,128 = 1,64,64,2

        assert (
            affine_grid_points.size(0) == x.size(0)
        )  #"The batch sizes of the input images must be same as the generated grid."  1=1
        rois = F.grid_sample(x, affine_grid_points)
        #print("rois found to be of size:{}".format(rois.size()))
        return rois  ## 1,128,128,128
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     info_path = self.infos[index]
     img_path = info_path.replace('.txt', '').replace('anno', 'images')
     original_img ="RGB")  #加载初始图片
     full_img = self.transforms(original_img)
     with open(info_path) as fil:
         json_content = json.load(fil)
         compare_labels = torch.Tensor(json_content['pairs'])
         # print("numbers", len(compare_labels), compare_labels[0], len(json_content["scores"]))
         crop_coordinates = json_content['bboxes']
         best_rank = torch.Tensor(json_content['best_bboxes_id'][:1])
         # print(len(crop_coordinates))
         # print("content", best_rank)
     compare_imgs = torch.zeros(len(crop_coordinates), 3, 224, 224)
     for i, coordinate in enumerate(crop_coordinates):
         new_raw_img = full_img[:, coordinate[1]:coordinate[3],
         theta = torch.zeros(1, 2, 3)
         theta[:, 0, 0] = 1
         theta[:, 1, 1] = 1
         grid = F.affine_grid(theta, (1, 3, 224, 224))
         new_img = F.grid_sample(new_raw_img.unsqueeze(0), grid).squeeze(0)
         compare_imgs[i] = new_img
     return compare_imgs, compare_labels, best_rank
def affine_grid_3d(size, theta):
    """ Defines an affine grid in 3 dimensions.
        size (tuple): tuple of ints containing the dimensions to the moving patch
            B = batch size
            C = number of channels
            D, H, W = dimensions of the input volume in depth, height and width
        theta (tensor): predicted deformation matrix
        A 3d affine grid that is used for transformation
        Return size: [B, D, H, W, 3]

    # Extract dimensions of the input
    B, C, D, H, W = size

    # Expand to the number of batches needed
    theta = theta.expand(B, 3, 4)

    # Define grid
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, size=(B, C, D, H, W))
    grid = grid.view(B, D, H, W, 3)

    return grid
Exemple #41
def elastic(x, ratio=0.8, n=3, p=0.1):

    N, C, H, W = x.shape
    H_c, W_c = int((H * W * p)**0.5), int((H * W * p)**0.5)

    grid = F.affine_grid(affine(x), size=x.size())
    grid_y = grid[:, :, :, 0].unsqueeze(3)
    grid_x = grid[:, :, :, 1].unsqueeze(3)

    # stretch/contract n small image regions
    for i in range(0, n):
        x_coord = int(random.uniform(0, H - H_c))
        y_coord = int(random.uniform(0, W - W_c))

        x_scale = random.uniform(0, 1 - ratio) + 1
        y_scale = x_scale / ratio
        grid_y[:, x_coord:x_coord + H_c, y_coord:y_coord + W_c] = (
            grid_y[:, x_coord:x_coord + H_c, y_coord:y_coord + W_c] * y_scale)
        grid_x[:, x_coord:x_coord + H_c, y_coord:y_coord + W_c] = (
            grid_x[:, x_coord:x_coord + H_c, y_coord:y_coord + W_c] * x_scale)

    grid =[grid_y, grid_x], dim=3)
    img = F.grid_sample(x, grid, padding_mode="border")
    return img
Exemple #42
import torch.nn.functional as F

eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 10

Affine crop testing

img_t = F.interpolate(transforms.ToTensor()(scipy.misc.face()).unsqueeze(0), size=(768, 768), mode='bilinear')

theta = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[[0.2, 0.0, 0.2], [0.0, 0.2, 0.3]]]))

grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((1, 3, 768, 768)))

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8, 8

fig, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)

axis[0].imshow(grid[0, :, :, 0])

axis[1].imshow(grid[0, :, :, 1])

G = torch.bmm(grid[:, :, 0, 1].unsqueeze(2), grid[:, 0, :, 0].unsqueeze(1))
Exemple #43
		data, class_labels = zip(*train_loader)

	data =

	batch_size = args.batch_size
	n_inputs = 2

	ortho_grids = []
	for flip in [1,-1]:
		for theta in [0, math.pi/2, math.pi, 3*math.pi/2]:

			trans = torch.Tensor([[math.cos(theta), flip*-math.sin(theta), 0], [math.sin(theta), flip*math.cos(theta), 0]]).view(1,2,3)
			trans = trans.repeat(1,1,1) #??
			grid = F.affine_grid(trans,torch.Size([1,1,28,28]))
			ortho_grids.append( grid ) 

	ortho_grids =,0)

	small_grids = []
	for _ in range(20):
		trans = torch.Tensor([[1,0,0],[0,1,0] ]).view(1,2,3) + torch.randn(1,2,3)*0.05
		trans = trans.repeat(1,1,1)
		grid = F.affine_grid(trans, torch.Size([1,1,28,28]))
		small_grids.append( grid ) 
	small_grids =, 0)
Exemple #44
def grid_cropper(img_t, theta, h=768, w=768):
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((1, 3, h, w)))
    crop = F.grid_sample(img_t, grid.type(torch.float32), padding_mode='zeros')
    return crop