def _wrap_distributed(self): """Wrap modules with distributed wrapper when requested.""" if not self.distributed_launch and not self.data_parallel_backend: return elif self.distributed_launch: for name, module in self.modules.items(): if any(p.requires_grad for p in module.parameters()): # for ddp, all module must run on same GPU module = SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(module) module = DDP(module, device_ids=[self.device]) self.modules[name] = module else: # data_parallel_backend for name, module in self.modules.items(): if any(p.requires_grad for p in module.parameters()): # if distributed_count = -1 then use all gpus # otherwise, specify the set of gpu to use if self.data_parallel_count == -1: module = DP(module) else: module = DP( module, [i for i in range(self.data_parallel_count)], ) self.modules[name] = module
def build_model(self): ########## Networks ########## self.enc = DP(image_encoder()).to(self.device) self.gen = DP(generator(seg_channel=self.seg_channel)).to(self.device) self.disORI = DP(discriminator(down_scale=1)).to(self.device) self.disHAL = DP(discriminator(down_scale=2)).to(self.device) # self.disQUA = DP(discriminator(down_scale=4)).to(self.device) ########## Init Networks with Xavier normal ########## self.enc.apply(networks._init_weights) self.gen.apply(networks._init_weights) self.disORI.apply(networks._init_weights) self.disHAL.apply(networks._init_weights) # self.disQUA.apply(networks._init_weights) ########## Loss ########## self.KLloss = KL_loss(self.device) self.GAN_D_loss = GAN_D_loss(self.device, GAN_D_loss_type=self.GAN_D_loss_type) self.GAN_G_loss = GAN_G_loss(self.device, GAN_G_loss_type=self.GAN_G_loss_type) self.FMloss = FM_loss(self.device) if self.use_vgg: self.VGGloss = VGG_loss(self.device) ########## Optimizer ########## self.G_optim = torch.optim.Adam(list(self.gen.parameters()) + list(self.enc.parameters()), lr=self.lr_G, betas=(self.beta_1, self.beta_2)) self.G_lambda = lambda epoch: max(self.end_lr, ( epoch - self.start_annealing_epoch) * (self.lr_G - self.end_lr) / (self.start_annealing_epoch - self. end_annealing_epoch) + self.lr_G) self.G_optim_sch = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( self.G_optim, lr_lambda=self.G_lambda) self.D_optim = torch.optim.Adam( list(self.disORI.parameters()) + list(self.disHAL.parameters()) # + list(self.disQUA.parameters()) , lr=self.lr_D, betas=(self.beta_1, self.beta_2)) self.D_lambda = lambda epoch: max(self.end_lr, ( epoch - self.start_annealing_epoch) * (self.lr_D - self.end_lr) / (self.start_annealing_epoch - self. end_annealing_epoch) + self.lr_D) self.D_optim_sch = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( self.D_optim, lr_lambda=self.D_lambda)
def __init__(self, args, loader, is_train): self.loader = loader self.dataset = loader.dataset self.is_train = is_train self.device = args.device self.gather = False self.gpu_gather = args.gpu_gather self.resume_epoch = 0 self.has_val_score = False self.exp_dir = args.exp_dir if self.is_train: self.last_lr = self.lr_update_per_epoch = args.lr_update_per_epoch self.model = build_model(args, self.dataset) logging.debug(str(self.model)) logging.debug( f'Total number of parameters: {sum([p.numel() for p in self.model.parameters()])}' ) self.rank = dist_get_rank() if self.rank >= 0: self.device = torch.cuda.current_device( ) if args.use_cuda else 'cpu' self.model = self.model = DDP( self.model, [self.device] if args.use_cuda else None, find_unused_parameters=True, ) else: if args.use_cuda: if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: self.model = DP(self.model) self.model = self.output_device = args.device if args.gpu_gather else 'cpu' if is_train: logging.debug( f'Optimizer: {args.optim} with base learning rate {}' ) self.set_optim(args) self.set_lr_schedule(args) self.auto_load(args)
def _wrap_distributed(self): """Wrap modules with distributed wrapper when requested.""" if not self.distributed_launch and not self.data_parallel_backend: return elif self.distributed_launch: for name, module in self.modules.items(): if any(p.requires_grad for p in module.parameters()): module = SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(module) module = DDP( module, device_ids=[self.device], find_unused_parameters=self.find_unused_parameters, ) self.modules[name] = module else: # data_parallel_backend for name, module in self.modules.items(): if any(p.requires_grad for p in module.parameters()): module = DP(module) self.modules[name] = module
if torch.cuda.is_available(): DEVICE = torch.device('cuda') device_ids = list(range(torch.cuda.device_count())) gpus = len(device_ids) print('GPU detected') else: DEVICE = torch.device("cpu") device_ids = -1 print('No GPU. switching to CPU') model = 'textattack/albert-base-v2-MRPC' tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model) if not device_ids == -1: print('Porting model to CUDA...') model = DP(model, device_ids=device_ids)'cuda:{model.device_ids[0]}') model.eval() if args.dtypes is None: dtypes = ['mini'] if args.debug else ['validation', 'train'] if not == 'squad' and not args.debug: dtypes.append('test') else: dtypes = args.dtypes.split(',') print('Running KG builder for {} sets'.format(', '.join(dtypes))) results = [] for dtype in dtypes: start_time = time() oie_fn = os.path.join(data_dir, 'oie_data', 'predictions_{}.json'.format(dtype))
def __init__( self, env: MultiAgentVecEnv, device="cpu", dtype=torch.float32, memory_units=256, out_features=256, model="default", data_parallel=False, lstm_mode='cat', nan_check=False, input_shape=None, # if set overrides environment observation shape ): input_shape = input_shape or env.observation_space.shape assert env.observation_space.dtype == np.uint8, "Observation space should be 8bit integer" self.lstm_mode = lstm_mode if self.lstm_mode == 'residual': assert memory_units == out_features self.encoder_output_features = out_features elif self.lstm_mode == 'off': self.encoder_output_features = out_features elif self.lstm_mode == 'on': self.encoder_output_features = memory_units elif self.lstm_mode == 'cat': self.encoder_output_features = memory_units + out_features else: raise ValueError(f"invalid lstm mode {self.lstm_mode}.") super().__init__() # environment is channels last, but we work with channels first. self.input_shape = tuple(input_shape) self.n_actions = env.action_space.n self.device = device self.dtype = dtype self.lstm_mode = lstm_mode self.nan_check = nan_check if model.lower() == "default": self.encoder = DefaultEncoder(self.input_shape, out_features=out_features) elif model.lower() == "fast": self.encoder = FastEncoder(self.input_shape, out_features=out_features) else: raise Exception( f"Invalid model {model}, expected [default|fast|global]") self.encoder_features = self.encoder.out_features self.memory_units = memory_units # note, agents are AI controlled, players maybe scripted, but an AI still needs to predict their behaviour. self.n_agents = env.total_agents self.n_players = env.max_players # hardcode this to 3 for simplicity, could use env.max_roles, but then it might change from game to game self.n_roles = 3 # memory units self.lstm = torch.nn.LSTM(input_size=self.encoder_features, hidden_size=self.memory_units, num_layers=1, batch_first=False, dropout=0) self.encoder_type = type( self.encoder ) # the type of encoder before and data_parallel was applied if data_parallel: # enable multi gpu :) print( f" -enabling {utils.Color.OKGREEN}Multi-GPU{utils.Color.ENDC} support" ) self.encoder = DP(self.encoder)