def __init__(self, loader: DataLoader, mean: list, std: list): """ Args: loader (DataLoader): data loader mean (list): mean value for each channel std (list): std value for each channel """ super(DataPrefetcher, self).__init__() self.loader = iter(loader) = torch.cuda.Stream() # RGB channels self.mean = torch.new_tensor(mean).cuda().view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.std = torch.new_tensor(std).cuda().view(1, 3, 1, 1) self.preload()
def maybe_copy(a, pin_memory): if isinstance(a, torch.Tensor): if pin_memory: return a.pin_memory() else: return torch.new_tensor(a) else: return a
def train(self): print("GPU/CPU:", torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)) # Start timer model_file = open(self.out_folder + '/model_notes.txt', "w") start_time = time.time() training_notes_file = open(self.out_folder + '/training_notes.txt', "w") losses_file = open(self.out_folder + '/losses_notes.txt', "w") if self.dataset == 'cifar10': data = dset.CIFAR10(root=self.dataroot, download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(self.image_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ])) elif self.dataset == 'lsun': transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(self.image_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ]) dataset = dset.ImageFolder(root=self.dataroot, transform=transform) # dataset = dset.LSUN(opt.dataroot, classes=['bedroom_train'], # transform=transforms.Compose([ # transforms.Resize(opt.imageSize), # transforms.CenterCrop(opt.imageSize), # transforms.ToTensor(), # transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), # ])) else: # Get dataset data = get_dataset(self.dataroot) # # Set the type of GAN dataloader =, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=int(self.workers)) # # Set the type of GAN if self.type == "dcgan": if self.image_size == 32: self.generator = Generator32(self.z_noise, self.channels, self.num_gen_filters).to( self.device) self.discriminator = Discriminator32(self.ngpu, self.channels, self.num_disc_filters).to( self.device) else: self.discriminator = DcganDiscriminator( self.channels, self.num_disc_filters).to(self.device) criterion = nn.BCELoss() if self.type == "can": self.generator = Can64Generator(self.z_noise, self.channels, self.num_gen_filters).to( self.device) self.discriminator = Can64Discriminator(self.channels, self.y_dim, self.num_disc_filters).to( self.device) style_criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # setup optimizers # todo : options for SGD, RMSProp if self.smoothing: self.disc_optimizer = optim.SGD( self.discriminator.parameters(), # betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) else: self.disc_optimizer = optim.Adam( self.discriminator.parameters(), # betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) # recommended in GANhacks self.gen_optimizer = optim.Adam( self.generator.parameters(), #, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) if self.lsgan: criterion = nn.MSELoss() else: criterion = nn.BCELoss() self.discriminator.apply(self.weights_init) self.generator.apply(self.weights_init) if self.disc_path != '': self.discriminator.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.disc_path)) model_file.write("Discriminator:\n") model_file.write(str(self.discriminator)) model_file.write("\nGenerator:\n") model_file.write(str(self.generator)) real_label = 1 fake_label = 0 # Normalized noise fixed_noise = torch.randn(self.batch_size, self.z_noise, 1, 1, device=self.device) # Generator class/style labels gen_style_labels = torch.new_ones(self.batch_size, device=self.device) # Actual training! for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): epoch_start_time = time.time() training_notes_file.write("\nEpoch" + str(epoch) + ":\n") data_iterator = iter(dataloader) i = 0 # Heavily inspired by while i < len(dataloader): disc_loss_epoch = [] gen_loss_epoch = [] if self.type == "can": disc_class_loss_epoch = [] gen_class_loss_epoch = [] curr_start = time.time() # WGAN # Train Discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() # real data = real_images, image_labels = data real_images = batch_size = real_images.size(0) real_image_labels = torch.LongTensor(batch_size).to( self.device) real_image_labels.copy_(image_labels) # label smoothing # rand_labels = np.random.uniform(low=0.7, high=1.2, size=(batch_size,)) # r_labels = torch.from_numpy(rand_labels) # labels.copy_(r_labels) #print(labels) if self.type == 'can': predicted_output_real, predicted_styles_real = self.discriminator( real_images.detach()) disc_class_loss = style_criterion(predicted_styles_real, real_image_labels) disc_class_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) else: predicted_output_real = self.discriminator( real_images.detach()) if self.smoothing: labels_real = [] labels_fake = [] for n in range(self.batch_size): labels_real.append(random.uniform(0.7, 1.3)) labels_fake.append(random.uniform(0.0, 0.3)) labels_real = np.asarray(labels_real) labels_fake = np.asarray(labels_fake) if self.flip: prob = random.uniform(0.0, 2.0) if prob < 0.3: labels = torch.new_tensor(labels_fake, device=self.device) else: labels = torch.new_tensor(labels_real, device=self.device) #labels= torch.full((self.batch_size,), labels_, device=self.device) else: if self.flip: prob = random.uniform(0.0, 2.0) if prob < 0.3: labels = torch.new_tensor(fake_label, device=self.device) else: labels = torch.full((self.batch_size, ), real_label, device=self.device) disc_loss_real = criterion(predicted_output_real, labels) disc_loss_real.backward(retain_graph=True) disc_x = predicted_output_real.mean().item() # fake noise = torch.randn(batch_size, self.z_noise, 1, 1, device=self.device) fake_images = self.generator(noise) if self.flip: prob = random.uniform(0.0, 2.0) if prob < 0.3: if self.smoothing: labels = torch.new_tensor(labels_real) else: labels.fill_(real_label) else: labels.fill_(fake_label) if self.type == 'can': predicted_output_fake, predicted_styles_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images.detach()) else: predicted_output_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images.detach()) disc_loss_fake = criterion(predicted_output_fake, labels) disc_loss_fake.backward(retain_graph=True) disc_gen_z_1 = predicted_output_fake.mean().item() disc_loss = disc_loss_real + disc_loss_fake if self.type == 'can': disc_loss += disc_class_loss self.disc_optimizer.step() # train generator self.generator.zero_grad() labels.fill_(real_label) if self.type == 'can': predicted_output_fake, predicted_styles_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images) else: predicted_output_fake = self.discriminator(fake_images) gen_loss = criterion(predicted_output_fake, labels) gen_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) disc_gen_z_2 = predicted_output_fake.mean().item() if self.type == 'can': fake_batch_labels = 1.0 / self.y_dim * torch.ones_like( predicted_styles_fake) fake_batch_labels = torch.mean(fake_batch_labels, 1).long().to(self.device) gen_class_loss = style_criterion(predicted_styles_fake, fake_batch_labels) gen_class_loss.backward() gen_loss += gen_class_loss #disc_loss += torch.log(gen_class_loss) self.gen_optimizer.step() disc_loss_epoch.append(disc_loss.item()) gen_loss_epoch.append(gen_loss.item()) if self.type == "can": disc_class_loss_epoch.append(disc_class_loss.item()) gen_class_loss_epoch.append(gen_class_loss.item()) if self.type == 'can': print( '[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Class_D: %.4f Class_G: %.4f D(x): %.4f D(G(z)): %.4f / %.4f' % (epoch, self.num_epochs, i, len(dataloader), disc_loss.item(), gen_loss.item(), disc_class_loss.item(), gen_class_loss.item(), disc_x, disc_gen_z_1, disc_gen_z_2)) # training_notes_file.write('\n[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Class_D: %.4f Class_G: %.4f D(x): %.4f D(G(z)): %.4f / %.4f' # % (epoch, self.num_epochs, i, len(dataloader), # disc_loss.item(), gen_loss.item(), disc_class_loss.item(), gen_class_loss.item(), disc_x, disc_gen_z_1, disc_gen_z_2)) else: print( '[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f D(x): %.4f D(G(z)): %.4f / %.4f' % (epoch, self.num_epochs, i, len(dataloader), disc_loss.item(), gen_loss.item(), disc_x, disc_gen_z_1, disc_gen_z_2)) # training_notes_file.write('\n[%d/%d][%d/%d] Loss_D: %.4f Loss_G: %.4f Class_D: %.4f Class_G: %.4f D(x): %.4f D(G(z)): %.4f / %.4f' # % (epoch, self.num_epochs, i, len(dataloader), # disc_loss.item(), gen_loss.item(), disc_class_loss.item(), gen_class_loss.item(), disc_x, disc_gen_z_1, disc_gen_z_2)) if (i > 0 and (i % 10000 == 0)) or i == (len(dataloader) - 1): fake = self.generator(fixed_noise) vutils.save_image(, '%s/fake_samples_epoch_%03d_%04d.jpg' % (self.out_folder, epoch, i), normalize=True) i += 1 epoch_end_time = time.time() training_notes_file.write( "\nEpoch training time: {} seconds".format(epoch_end_time - epoch_start_time)) # Metrics for Floydhub print('{{"metric": "disc_loss", "value": {:.4f}}}'.format( np.mean(disc_loss_epoch))) print('{{"metric": "gen_loss", "value": {:.4f}}}'.format( np.mean(gen_loss_epoch))) training_notes_file.write("\nEpoch " + str(epoch) + " average losses:\n") training_notes_file.write("Discriminator loss: " + str(np.mean(disc_loss_epoch))) training_notes_file.write("\nGenerator loss: " + str(np.mean(gen_loss_epoch))) if self.type == 'can': print( '{{"metric": "disc_class_loss", "value": {:.4f}}}'.format( np.mean(disc_class_loss_epoch))) print('{{"metric": "gen_class_loss", "value": {:.4f}}}'.format( np.mean(gen_class_loss_epoch))) training_notes_file.write( "\nDiscriminator classification loss: " + str(np.mean(disc_class_loss_epoch))) training_notes_file.write( "\nGenerator `classification` loss: " + str(np.mean(gen_class_loss_epoch))) # Get the mean of the losses over the epoch for the loss graphs disc_loss_epoch = np.asarray(disc_loss_epoch) gen_loss_epoch = np.asarray(gen_loss_epoch) if self.type == 'can': disc_class_loss_epoch = np.asarray(disc_class_loss_epoch) self.train_history['disc_class_loss'].append( np.mean(disc_class_loss_epoch)) gen_class_loss_epoch = np.asarray(gen_class_loss_epoch) self.train_history['gen_class_loss'].append( np.mean(gen_class_loss_epoch)) self.train_history['disc_loss'].append(np.mean(disc_loss_epoch)) self.train_history['gen_loss'].append(np.mean(gen_loss_epoch)) # do checkpointing if (epoch > 1 and (epoch % 5 == 0)) or (epoch == self.num_epochs - 1):, '%s/netG_epoch_%d.pth' % (self.out_folder, epoch)), '%s/netD_epoch_%d.pth' % (self.out_folder, epoch)) training_notes_file.write( "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) training_notes_file.write( "\nTotal training time: {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) model_file.close() training_notes_file.close() losses_file.write(str(self.train_history)) losses_file.close()
def decode(self, input_word, input_char, input_pos, mask=None, beam=1, leading_symbolic=0): # reset noise for decoder self.decoder.reset_noise(0) # output_enc [batch, length, model_dim] # arc_c [batch, length, arc_space] # type_c [batch, length, type_space] # hn [num_direction, batch, hidden_size] output_enc, hn = self._get_encoder_output(input_word, input_char, input_pos, mask=mask) enc_dim = output_enc.size(2) device = output_enc.device # output size [batch, length_encoder, arc_space] arc_c = self.activation(self.arc_c(output_enc)) # output size [batch, length_encoder, type_space] type_c = self.activation(self.type_c(output_enc)) type_space = type_c.size(2) # [decoder_layers, batch, hidden_size] hn = self._transform_decoder_init_state(hn) batch, max_len, _ = output_enc.size() heads = torch.zeros(batch, 1, max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) types = torch.zeros(batch, 1, max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) num_steps = 2 * max_len - 1 stacked_heads = torch.zeros(batch, 1, num_steps + 1, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) siblings = torch.zeros( batch, 1, num_steps + 1, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) if self.sibling else None hypothesis_scores = output_enc.new_zeros((batch, 1)) # [batch, beam, length] children = torch.arange(max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.int64).view(1, 1, max_len).expand( batch, beam, max_len) constraints = torch.zeros(batch, 1, max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.bool) constraints[:, :, 0] = True # [batch, 1] batch_index = torch.arange(batch, device=device, dtype=torch.int64).view(batch, 1) # compute lengths if mask is None: steps = torch.new_tensor([num_steps] * batch, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) mask_sent = torch.ones(batch, 1, max_len, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) else: steps = (mask.sum(dim=1) * 2 - 1).long() mask_sent = mask.unsqueeze(1).bool() num_hyp = 1 mask_hyp = torch.ones(batch, 1, device=device) hx = hn for t in range(num_steps): # [batch, num_hyp] curr_heads = stacked_heads[:, :, t] curr_gpars = heads.gather(dim=2, index=curr_heads.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2) curr_sibs = siblings[:, :, t] if self.sibling else None # [batch, num_hyp, enc_dim] src_encoding = output_enc.gather( dim=1, index=curr_heads.unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, num_hyp, enc_dim)) if self.sibling: mask_sib = output_enc_sibling = output_enc.gather( dim=1, index=curr_sibs.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, enc_dim)) * mask_sib src_encoding = src_encoding + output_enc_sibling if self.grandPar: output_enc_gpar = output_enc.gather( dim=1, index=curr_gpars.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, enc_dim)) src_encoding = src_encoding + output_enc_gpar # transform to decoder input # [batch, num_hyp, dec_dim] src_encoding = self.activation(self.src_dense(src_encoding)) # output [batch * num_hyp, dec_dim] # hx [decoder_layer, batch * num_hyp, dec_dim] output_dec, hx = self.decoder.step(src_encoding.view( batch * num_hyp, -1), hx=hx) dec_dim = output_dec.size(1) # [batch, num_hyp, dec_dim] output_dec = output_dec.view(batch, num_hyp, dec_dim) # [batch, num_hyp, arc_space] arc_h = self.activation(self.arc_h(output_dec)) # [batch, num_hyp, type_space] type_h = self.activation(self.type_h(output_dec)) # [batch, num_hyp, length] out_arc = self.biaffine(arc_h, arc_c, mask_query=mask_hyp, mask_key=mask) # mask invalid position to -inf for log_softmax if mask is not None: minus_mask_enc = mask.eq(0).unsqueeze(1) out_arc.masked_fill_(minus_mask_enc, float('-inf')) # [batch] mask_last = steps.le(t + 1) mask_stop = steps.le(t) minus_mask_hyp = mask_hyp.eq(0).unsqueeze(2) # [batch, num_hyp, length] hyp_scores = F.log_softmax(out_arc, dim=2).masked_fill_( mask_stop.view(batch, 1, 1) + minus_mask_hyp, 0) # [batch, num_hyp, length] hypothesis_scores = hypothesis_scores.unsqueeze(2) + hyp_scores # [batch, num_hyp, length] mask_leaf = curr_heads.unsqueeze(2).eq( children[:, :num_hyp]) * mask_sent mask_non_leaf = (~mask_leaf) * mask_sent # apply constrains to select valid hyps # [batch, num_hyp, length] mask_leaf = mask_leaf * (mask_last.unsqueeze(1) + mask_non_leaf = mask_non_leaf * (~constraints) hypothesis_scores.masked_fill_(~(mask_non_leaf + mask_leaf), float('-inf')) # [batch, num_hyp * length] hypothesis_scores, hyp_index = torch.sort(hypothesis_scores.view( batch, -1), dim=1, descending=True) # [batch] prev_num_hyp = num_hyp num_hyps = (mask_leaf + mask_non_leaf).long().view(batch, -1).sum(dim=1) num_hyp = num_hyps.max().clamp(max=beam).item() # [batch, hum_hyp] hyps = torch.arange(num_hyp, device=device, dtype=torch.int64).view(1, num_hyp) mask_hyp = # [batch, num_hyp] hypothesis_scores = hypothesis_scores[:, :num_hyp] hyp_index = hyp_index[:, :num_hyp] base_index = hyp_index / max_len child_index = hyp_index % max_len # [batch, num_hyp] hyp_heads = curr_heads.gather(dim=1, index=base_index) hyp_gpars = curr_gpars.gather(dim=1, index=base_index) # [batch, num_hyp, length] base_index_expand = base_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, max_len) constraints = constraints.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) constraints.scatter_(2, child_index.unsqueeze(2), True) # [batch, num_hyp] mask_leaf = hyp_heads.eq(child_index) # [batch, num_hyp, length] heads = heads.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) heads.scatter_( 2, child_index.unsqueeze(2), torch.where(mask_leaf, hyp_gpars, hyp_heads).unsqueeze(2)) types = types.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) # [batch, num_hyp] org_types = types.gather(dim=2, index=child_index.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2) # [batch, num_hyp, num_steps] base_index_expand = base_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, num_steps + 1) stacked_heads = stacked_heads.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) stacked_heads[:, :, t + 1] = torch.where(mask_leaf, hyp_gpars, child_index) if self.sibling: siblings = siblings.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) siblings[:, :, t + 1] = torch.where(mask_leaf, child_index, torch.zeros_like(child_index)) # [batch, num_hyp, type_space] base_index_expand = base_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, type_space) child_index_expand = child_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, type_space) # [batch, num_hyp, num_labels] out_type = self.bilinear( type_h.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand), type_c.gather(dim=1, index=child_index_expand)) hyp_type_scores = F.log_softmax(out_type, dim=2) # compute the prediction of types [batch, num_hyp] hyp_type_scores, hyp_types = hyp_type_scores.max(dim=2) hypothesis_scores = hypothesis_scores + hyp_type_scores.masked_fill_( mask_stop.view(batch, 1), 0) types.scatter_( 2, child_index.unsqueeze(2), torch.where(mask_leaf, org_types, hyp_types).unsqueeze(2)) # hx [decoder_layer, batch * num_hyp, dec_dim] # hack to handle LSTM hx_index = (base_index + batch_index * prev_num_hyp).view(batch * num_hyp) if isinstance(hx, tuple): hx, cx = hx hx = hx[:, hx_index] cx = cx[:, hx_index] hx = (hx, cx) else: hx = hx[:, hx_index] heads = heads[:, 0].cpu().numpy() types = types[:, 0].cpu().numpy() return heads, types
def decode(self, input_word, input_char, input_bert, input_pos, mask=None, beam=1, leading_symbolic=0): def creates_cycle(index, arcs): head = arcs[index] if head == 0: return False iter = len(arcs) + 1 elto = arcs[head] while iter > 0: if elto == 0: return False if elto == index: return True elto = arcs[elto] iter -= 1 return False def hasCycles(A, head, dep): if head == dep: return True aux = set(A) aux.add((head, dep)) if count_cycles(aux) != 0: return True return False def count_cycles(A): d = {} for a, b in A: if a not in d: d[a] = [b] else: d[a].append(b) return sum([1 for e in tarjan(d) if len(e) > 1]) def is_nonproj(A, head_node, node): left_node = int(node) right_node = int(head_node) if int(node) > int(head_node): left_node = int(head_node) right_node = int(node) for head, index in A: left = int(index) right = int(head) if int(index) > int(head): left = int(head) right = int(index) if (left < left_node and left_node < right and right < right_node) or (left_node < left and left < right_node and right_node < right): return True return False debug = False # reset noise for decoder self.decoder.reset_noise(0) # output_enc [batch, length, model_dim] # arc_c [batch, length, arc_space] # type_c [batch, length, type_space] # hn [num_direction, batch, hidden_size] output_enc, hn = self._get_encoder_output(input_word, input_char, input_bert, input_pos, mask=mask) enc_dim = output_enc.size(2) device = output_enc.device # output size [batch, length_encoder, arc_space] arc_c = self.activation(self.arc_c(output_enc)) # output size [batch, length_encoder, type_space] type_c = self.activation(self.type_c(output_enc)) type_space = type_c.size(2) # [decoder_layers, batch, hidden_size] hn = self._transform_decoder_init_state(hn) batch, max_len, _ = output_enc.size() heads = torch.zeros(batch, 1, max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) types = torch.zeros(batch, 1, max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) num_steps = max_len - 1 stacked_heads = torch.ones( batch, 1, num_steps + 1, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) #Starts in position 1, instead of 0 hypothesis_scores = output_enc.new_zeros((batch, 1)) # [batch, beam, length] children = torch.arange(max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.int64).view(1, 1, max_len).expand( batch, beam, max_len) constraints = torch.zeros(batch, 1, max_len, device=device, dtype=torch.bool) constraints[:, :, 0] = True # [batch, 1] batch_index = torch.arange(batch, device=device, dtype=torch.int64).view(batch, 1) # compute lengths if mask is None: steps = torch.new_tensor([num_steps] * batch, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) mask_sent = torch.ones(batch, 1, max_len, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) else: steps = (mask.sum(dim=1) - 1).long() mask_sent = mask.unsqueeze(1).bool() num_hyp = 1 mask_hyp = torch.ones(batch, 1, device=device) hx = hn for t in range(num_steps): if debug: print(t, '---------------------') # [batch, num_hyp] curr_heads = stacked_heads[:, :, t] if debug: print('CURHEAD', curr_heads) #, stacked_heads) #NOT USED curr_gpars = heads.gather(dim=2, index=curr_heads.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2) #curr_sibs = siblings[:, :, t] if self.sibling else None # [batch, num_hyp, enc_dim] src_encoding = output_enc.gather( dim=1, index=curr_heads.unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, num_hyp, enc_dim)) """ NOT USED if self.sibling: mask_sib = output_enc_sibling = output_enc.gather(dim=1, index=curr_sibs.unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, num_hyp, enc_dim)) * mask_sib src_encoding = src_encoding + output_enc_sibling if self.grandPar: output_enc_gpar = output_enc.gather(dim=1, index=curr_gpars.unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, num_hyp, enc_dim)) src_encoding = src_encoding + output_enc_gpar """ # transform to decoder input # [batch, num_hyp, dec_dim] src_encoding = self.activation(self.src_dense(src_encoding)) # output [batch * num_hyp, dec_dim] # hx [decoder_layer, batch * num_hyp, dec_dim] output_dec, hx = self.decoder.step(src_encoding.view( batch * num_hyp, -1), hx=hx) dec_dim = output_dec.size(1) # [batch, num_hyp, dec_dim] output_dec = output_dec.view(batch, num_hyp, dec_dim) # [batch, num_hyp, arc_space] arc_h = self.activation(self.arc_h(output_dec)) # [batch, num_hyp, type_space] type_h = self.activation(self.type_h(output_dec)) # [batch, num_hyp, length] out_arc = self.biaffine(arc_h, arc_c, mask_query=mask_hyp, mask_key=mask) # mask invalid position to -inf for log_softmax if mask is not None: minus_mask_enc = mask.eq(0).unsqueeze(1) out_arc.masked_fill_(minus_mask_enc, float('-inf')) # [batch] mask_last = steps.le(t + 1) mask_stop = steps.le(t) minus_mask_hyp = mask_hyp.eq(0).unsqueeze(2) # [batch, num_hyp, length] hyp_scores = F.log_softmax(out_arc, dim=2).masked_fill_( mask_stop.view(batch, 1, 1) + minus_mask_hyp, 0) # [batch, num_hyp, length] hypothesis_scores = hypothesis_scores.unsqueeze(2) + hyp_scores #UNLABELLED PARSING # [batch, num_hyp, length] mask_leaf = curr_heads.unsqueeze(2).eq( children[:, :num_hyp]) * mask_sent #REMOVED POINTER SORTER. No sacamo la current focus word de las posibles posiciones a apuntar mask_non_leaf = (~mask_leaf) * mask_sent constraints = constraints * (~mask_stop).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) mask_non_leaf = (mask_non_leaf + mask_leaf) * (~constraints) hypothesis_scores.masked_fill_(~(mask_non_leaf), float('-inf')) # [batch, num_hyp * length] hypothesis_scores, hyp_index = torch.sort(hypothesis_scores.view( batch, -1), dim=1, descending=True) # [batch] prev_num_hyp = num_hyp num_hyps = (mask_non_leaf).long().view(batch, -1).sum(dim=1) num_hyp = num_hyps.max().clamp(max=beam).item() if debug: print(num_hyp, num_hyps, beam) # [batch, hum_hyp] hyps = torch.arange(num_hyp, device=device, dtype=torch.int64).view(1, num_hyp) mask_hyp = # [batch, num_hyp] hypothesis_scores = hypothesis_scores[:, :num_hyp] hyp_index = hyp_index[:, :num_hyp] base_index = hyp_index / max_len base_index = torch.floor_divide(hyp_index, max_len) child_index = hyp_index % max_len # [batch, num_hyp] hyp_heads = curr_heads.gather(dim=1, index=base_index) hyp_gpars = curr_gpars.gather(dim=1, index=base_index) # [batch, num_hyp, length] base_index_expand = base_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, max_len) constraints = constraints.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) constraints.scatter_(2, child_index.unsqueeze(2), True) heads = heads.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) heads.scatter_(2, hyp_heads.unsqueeze(2), child_index.unsqueeze( 2)) # es equivalente a heads[head]=child_index types = types.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) # [batch, num_hyp] org_types = types.gather(dim=2, index=child_index.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2) # [batch, num_hyp, num_steps] base_index_expand = base_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, num_steps + 1) stacked_heads = stacked_heads.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) stacked_heads[:, :, t + 1] = stacked_heads[:, :, t] + 1 """ if self.sibling: siblings = siblings.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand) siblings[:, :, t + 1] = torch.where(mask_leaf, child_index, torch.zeros_like(child_index)) """ #LABELLER # [batch, num_hyp, type_space] base_index_expand = base_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, type_space) child_index_expand = child_index.unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_hyp, type_space) # [batch, num_hyp, num_labels] out_type = self.bilinear( type_h.gather(dim=1, index=base_index_expand), type_c.gather(dim=1, index=child_index_expand)) hyp_type_scores = F.log_softmax(out_type, dim=2) # compute the prediction of types [batch, num_hyp] hyp_type_scores, hyp_types = hyp_type_scores.max(dim=2) hypothesis_scores = hypothesis_scores + hyp_type_scores.masked_fill_( mask_stop.view(batch, 1), 0) types.scatter_(2, hyp_heads.unsqueeze(2), hyp_types.unsqueeze(2)) # hx [decoder_layer, batch * num_hyp, dec_dim] # hack to handle LSTM hx_index = (base_index + batch_index * prev_num_hyp).view(batch * num_hyp) if isinstance(hx, tuple): hx, cx = hx hx = hx[:, hx_index] cx = cx[:, hx_index] hx = (hx, cx) else: hx = hx[:, hx_index] heads = heads[:, 0].cpu().numpy() types = types[:, 0].cpu().numpy() """ #REMOVE CYCLES if self.remove_cycles: for head in heads: for elto in reversed(range(len(head))): if creates_cycle(elto, head): #print('CICLO', elto) #for i,e in enumerate(head): # print(e,'->',i) head[elto]=0 """ return heads, types