Exemple #1
def test_decode_png(img_path, pil_mode, mode):

    with Image.open(img_path) as img:
        if pil_mode is not None:
            img = img.convert(pil_mode)
        img_pil = torch.from_numpy(np.array(img))

    img_pil = normalize_dimensions(img_pil)

    if img_path.endswith("16.png"):
        # 16 bits image decoding is supported, but only as a private API
        # FIXME: see https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/4731 for potential solutions to making it public
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                           match="At most 8-bit PNG images are supported"):
            data = read_file(img_path)
            img_lpng = decode_image(data, mode=mode)

        img_lpng = _read_png_16(img_path, mode=mode)
        assert img_lpng.dtype == torch.int32
        # PIL converts 16 bits pngs in uint8
        img_lpng = torch.round(img_lpng / (2**16 - 1) * 255).to(torch.uint8)
        data = read_file(img_path)
        img_lpng = decode_image(data, mode=mode)

    tol = 0 if pil_mode is None else 1

    if PILLOW_VERSION >= (8, 3) and pil_mode == "LA":
        # Avoid checking the transparency channel until
        # https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/5593#issuecomment-878244910
        # is fixed.
        # TODO: remove once fix is released in PIL. Should be > 8.3.1.
        img_lpng, img_pil = img_lpng[0], img_pil[0]

    torch.testing.assert_close(img_lpng, img_pil, atol=tol, rtol=0)
Exemple #2
    def test_decode_image(self):
        for img_path in get_images(IMAGE_ROOT, ".jpg"):
            img_pil = torch.load(img_path.replace('jpg', 'pth'))
            img_pil = img_pil.permute(2, 0, 1)
            img_ljpeg = decode_image(read_file(img_path))

        for img_path in get_images(IMAGE_DIR, ".png"):
            img_pil = torch.from_numpy(np.array(Image.open(img_path)))
            img_pil = img_pil.permute(2, 0, 1)
            img_lpng = decode_image(read_file(img_path))
Exemple #3
    def test_decode_jpeg(self):
        conversion = [(None, 0), ("L", 1), ("RGB", 3)]
        for img_path in get_images(IMAGE_ROOT, ".jpg"):
            for pil_mode, channels in conversion:
                with Image.open(img_path) as img:
                    is_cmyk = img.mode == "CMYK"
                    if pil_mode is not None:
                        if is_cmyk:
                            # libjpeg does not support the conversion
                        img = img.convert(pil_mode)
                    img_pil = torch.from_numpy(np.array(img))
                    if is_cmyk:
                        # flip the colors to match libjpeg
                        img_pil = 255 - img_pil

                img_pil = normalize_dimensions(img_pil)
                data = read_file(img_path)
                img_ljpeg = decode_image(data, channels=channels)

                # Permit a small variation on pixel values to account for implementation
                # differences between Pillow and LibJPEG.
                abs_mean_diff = (img_ljpeg.type(torch.float32) - img_pil).abs().mean().item()
                self.assertTrue(abs_mean_diff < 2)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Expected a non empty 1-dimensional tensor"):
            decode_jpeg(torch.empty((100, 1), dtype=torch.uint8))

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Expected a torch.uint8 tensor"):
            decode_jpeg(torch.empty((100, ), dtype=torch.float16))

        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            decode_jpeg(torch.empty((100), dtype=torch.uint8))
Exemple #4
def test_decode_jpeg_cuda(mode, img_path, scripted):
    if "cmyk" in img_path:
        pytest.xfail("Decoding a CMYK jpeg isn't supported")

    data = read_file(img_path)
    img = decode_image(data, mode=mode)
    f = torch.jit.script(decode_jpeg) if scripted else decode_jpeg
    img_nvjpeg = f(data, mode=mode, device="cuda")

    # Some difference expected between jpeg implementations
    assert (img.float() - img_nvjpeg.cpu().float()).abs().mean() < 2
def test_decode_png(img_path, pil_mode, mode):

    with Image.open(img_path) as img:
        if pil_mode is not None:
            img = img.convert(pil_mode)
        img_pil = torch.from_numpy(np.array(img))

    img_pil = normalize_dimensions(img_pil)
    data = read_file(img_path)
    img_lpng = decode_image(data, mode=mode)

    tol = 0 if pil_mode is None else 1
    assert img_lpng.allclose(img_pil, atol=tol)
Exemple #6
    def test_decode_png(self):
        conversion = [(None, 0), ("L", 1), ("LA", 2), ("RGB", 3), ("RGBA", 4)]
        for img_path in get_images(FAKEDATA_DIR, ".png"):
            for pil_mode, channels in conversion:
                with Image.open(img_path) as img:
                    if pil_mode is not None:
                        img = img.convert(pil_mode)
                    img_pil = torch.from_numpy(np.array(img))

                img_pil = normalize_dimensions(img_pil)
                data = read_file(img_path)
                img_lpng = decode_image(data, channels=channels)

                tol = 0 if conversion is None else 1
                self.assertTrue(img_lpng.allclose(img_pil, atol=tol))

        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            decode_png(torch.empty((), dtype=torch.uint8))
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            decode_png(torch.randint(3, 5, (300,), dtype=torch.uint8))
Exemple #7
def test_decode_png(img_path, pil_mode, mode):

    with Image.open(img_path) as img:
        if pil_mode is not None:
            img = img.convert(pil_mode)
        img_pil = torch.from_numpy(np.array(img))

    img_pil = normalize_dimensions(img_pil)
    data = read_file(img_path)
    img_lpng = decode_image(data, mode=mode)

    tol = 0 if pil_mode is None else 1

    if PILLOW_VERSION >= (8, 3) and pil_mode == "LA":
        # Avoid checking the transparency channel until
        # https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/5593#issuecomment-878244910
        # is fixed.
        # TODO: remove once fix is released in PIL. Should be > 8.3.1.
        img_lpng, img_pil = img_lpng[0], img_pil[0]

    torch.testing.assert_close(img_lpng, img_pil, atol=tol, rtol=0)
Exemple #8
def test_decode_jpeg(img_path, pil_mode, mode):

    with Image.open(img_path) as img:
        is_cmyk = img.mode == "CMYK"
        if pil_mode is not None:
            if is_cmyk:
                # libjpeg does not support the conversion
                pytest.xfail("Decoding a CMYK jpeg isn't supported")
            img = img.convert(pil_mode)
        img_pil = torch.from_numpy(np.array(img))
        if is_cmyk:
            # flip the colors to match libjpeg
            img_pil = 255 - img_pil

    img_pil = normalize_dimensions(img_pil)
    data = read_file(img_path)
    img_ljpeg = decode_image(data, mode=mode)

    # Permit a small variation on pixel values to account for implementation
    # differences between Pillow and LibJPEG.
    abs_mean_diff = (img_ljpeg.type(torch.float32) - img_pil).abs().mean().item()
    assert abs_mean_diff < 2