Exemple #1
	def send_to_all(self, recipients, subject, body, format=None):
			Sends an email to all recipients and does the translation.
		if not format:
			format = {}

		for recipient in recipients:
			if not recipient:
				logging.warning("Ignoring empty recipient.")

			# We try to get more information about the user from the database
			# like the locale.
			user = self.pakfire.users.get_by_email(recipient)
			if user:
				# Get locale that the user prefers.
				locale = tornado.locale.get(user.locale)
				# Get the default locale.
				locale = tornado.locale.get()

			# Translate the message.
			_subject = locale.translate(subject) % format
			_body    = locale.translate(body) % format

			# If we know the real name of the user we add the realname to
			# the recipient field.
			if user:
				recipient = "%s <%s>" % (user.realname, user.email)

			# Add the message to the queue that it is sent.
			self.add(recipient, _subject, _body)
Exemple #2
def format_amount_of_time(seconds, precision=2, locale=None):
    """Return the number of seconds formatted 'X days, Y hours, ...'

    The time units that will be used are days, hours, minutes, seconds.
    Only the first "precision" units will be output. If they're not
    enough, a "more than ..." will be prefixed (non-positive precision
    means infinite).

    seconds (int): the length of the amount of time in seconds.
    precision (int): see above
    locale (tornado.locale.Locale): the locale to be used.

    return (string): seconds formatted as above.

    seconds = abs(int(seconds))

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    if seconds == 0:
        return locale.translate("0 seconds")

    units = [("day", 60 * 60 * 24),
             ("hour", 60 * 60),
             ("minute", 60),
             ("second", 1)]

    ret = list()
    counter = 0

    for name, length in units:
        tmp = seconds // length
        seconds %= length
        if tmp == 0:
        elif tmp == 1:
            ret.append(locale.translate("1 %s" % name))
            ret.append(locale.translate("%%d %ss" % name) % tmp)
        counter += 1
        if counter == precision:

    ret = locale.list(ret)

    if seconds > 0:
        ret = locale.translate("more than %s") % ret

    return ret
Exemple #3
def format_amount_of_time(seconds, precision=2, locale=None):
    """Return the number of seconds formatted 'X days, Y hours, ...'

    The time units that will be used are days, hours, minutes, seconds.
    Only the first "precision" units will be output. If they're not
    enough, a "more than ..." will be prefixed (non-positive precision
    means infinite).

    seconds (int): the length of the amount of time in seconds.
    precision (int): see above
    locale (tornado.locale.Locale): the locale to be used.

    return (string): seconds formatted as above.

    seconds = abs(int(seconds))

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    if seconds == 0:
        return locale.translate("0 seconds")

    units = [("day", 60 * 60 * 24), ("hour", 60 * 60), ("minute", 60),
             ("second", 1)]

    ret = list()
    counter = 0

    for name, length in units:
        tmp = seconds // length
        seconds %= length
        if tmp == 0:
        elif tmp == 1:
            ret.append(locale.translate("1 %s" % name))
            ret.append(locale.translate("%%d %ss" % name) % tmp)
        counter += 1
        if counter == precision:

    ret = locale.list(ret)

    if seconds > 0:
        ret = locale.translate("more than %s") % ret

    return ret
Exemple #4
 def TLU(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Return a translated string in the user's locale inferred by Tornado,
        falling back to u2606 locale if it can't."""
     if self.application.hb_config["ignore_browser_locale"]:
         return self.TL(*args, **kwargs)
     locale = self.get_browser_locale(self.application.hb_config["language"])
     return locale.translate(*args, **kwargs)
 def test_csv(self):
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "csv_translations")
     locale = tornado.locale.get("fr_FR")
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(locale, tornado.locale.CSVLocale))
     self.assertEqual(locale.translate("school"), u"\u00e9cole")
Exemple #6
 def test_gettext(self):
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gettext_translations'),
     locale = tornado.locale.get("fr_FR")
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(locale, tornado.locale.GettextLocale))
     self.assertEqual(locale.translate("school"), u"\u00e9cole")
Exemple #7
def format_datetime_smart(dt, timezone, locale=None):
    """Return dt formatted as 'date & time' or, if date is today, just 'time'

    dt (datetime): a datetime object
    timezone (subclass of tzinfo): the timezone the output should be in
    return (str): the [date and] time of dt, formatted using the given locale

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    # convert dt and 'now' from UTC to local time
    dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=utc).astimezone(timezone)
    now = make_datetime().replace(tzinfo=utc).astimezone(timezone)

    if dt.date() == now.date():
        return dt.strftime(locale.translate("%H:%M:%S"))
        return dt.strftime(locale.translate("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
Exemple #8
def format_datetime_smart(dt, timezone, locale=None):
    """Return dt formatted as 'date & time' or, if date is today, just 'time'

    dt (datetime): a datetime object
    timezone (subclass of tzinfo): the timezone the output should be in
    return (str): the [date and] time of dt, formatted using the given locale

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    # convert dt and 'now' from UTC to local time
    dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=utc).astimezone(timezone)
    now = make_datetime().replace(tzinfo=utc).astimezone(timezone)

    if dt.date() == now.date():
        return dt.strftime(locale.translate("%H:%M:%S"))
        return dt.strftime(locale.translate("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
Exemple #9
def daily(hours):
    now = time.time()
    offset = 0
    post_ids_to_email = set()
    while True:
        index_posts = conn.query(
            "SELECT * FROM index_posts ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT %s, 100",

        if len(index_posts) == 0:

        post_ids = [post["entity_id"] for post in index_posts]
        for post_id, post in nomagic._get_entities_by_ids(post_ids):
            period = (now - time.mktime(
                    "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple())) / 3600

            if period <= hours:

        offset += 100

    posts_to_email = nomagic._get_entities_by_ids(post_ids_to_email)
    loader = tornado.template.Loader(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../template/")

    locale = tornado.locale.get()
    msg = amazon_ses.EmailMessage()
    msg.subject = locale.translate('Pythonic Info Daily').encode("utf-8")
    msg.bodyHtml = loader.load("email_daily.html").generate(
        posts=posts_to_email, _=locale.translate)

    users = []
    users_not_to_send = []
    users_exists = conn.query("SELECT * FROM index_login")
    for user_id, user in nomagic._get_entities_by_ids(
        [user_exists["entity_id"] for user_exists in users_exists]):
        if user.get("receive_daily_email", True):

    users_invited = conn.query("SELECT * FROM invite")

    sender = amazon_ses.AmazonSES(settings["AmazonAccessKeyID"],
    emails = set([user["login"] for user in users_exists] +
                 [user["email"] for user in users_invited]) - set(
                     [user["email"] for user in users_not_to_send])
    for email in emails:
        if "@" in email:
            print email
            sender.sendEmail(settings["email_sender"], email, msg)
Exemple #10
 def test_gettext(self):
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gettext_translations'),
     locale = tornado.locale.get("fr_FR")
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(locale, tornado.locale.GettextLocale))
     self.assertEqual(locale.translate("school"), u("\u00e9cole"))
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("law", "right"), u("le droit"))
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("good", "right"), u("le bien"))
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("organization", "club", "clubs", 1), u("le club"))
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("organization", "club", "clubs", 2), u("les clubs"))
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("stick", "club", "clubs", 1), u("le b\xe2ton"))
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("stick", "club", "clubs", 2), u("les b\xe2tons"))
Exemple #11
 def test_gettext(self):
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gettext_translations'),
     locale = tornado.locale.get("fr_FR")
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(locale, tornado.locale.GettextLocale))
     self.assertEqual(locale.translate("school"), u"\u00e9cole")
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("law", "right"), u"le droit")
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("good", "right"), u"le bien")
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("organization", "club", "clubs", 1), u"le club")
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("organization", "club", "clubs", 2), u"les clubs")
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("stick", "club", "clubs", 1), u"le b\xe2ton")
     self.assertEqual(locale.pgettext("stick", "club", "clubs", 2), u"les b\xe2tons")
Exemple #12
def format_datetime(dt, timezone, locale=None):
    """Return the date and time of dt formatted according to the given locale

    dt (datetime): a datetime object
    timezone (subclass of tzinfo): the timezone the output should be in
    return (str): the date and time of dt, formatted using the given locale

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    # convert dt from UTC to local time
    dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=utc).astimezone(timezone)

    return dt.strftime(locale.translate("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
Exemple #13
def format_datetime(dt, timezone, locale=None):
    """Return the date and time of dt formatted according to the given locale

    dt (datetime): a datetime object
    timezone (subclass of tzinfo): the timezone the output should be in
    return (str): the date and time of dt, formatted using the given locale

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    # convert dt from UTC to local time
    dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=utc).astimezone(timezone)

    return dt.strftime(locale.translate("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
 def test_csv_bom(self):
     with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "csv_translations", "fr_FR.csv"), "rb") as f:
         char_data = to_unicode(f.read())
     # Re-encode our input data (which is utf-8 without BOM) in
     # encodings that use the BOM and ensure that we can still load
     # it. Note that utf-16-le and utf-16-be do not write a BOM,
     # so we only test whichver variant is native to our platform.
     for encoding in ["utf-8-sig", "utf-16"]:
         tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
             with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "fr_FR.csv"), "wb") as f:
             locale = tornado.locale.get("fr_FR")
             self.assertIsInstance(locale, tornado.locale.CSVLocale)
             self.assertEqual(locale.translate("school"), u("\u00e9cole"))
def daily(hours):
    now = time.time()
    offset = 0
    post_ids_to_email = set()
    while True:
        index_posts = conn.query("SELECT * FROM index_posts ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT %s, 100", offset)

        if len(index_posts) == 0:

        post_ids = [post["entity_id"] for post in index_posts]
        for post_id, post in nomagic._get_entities_by_ids(post_ids):
            period = (now - time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(post["datetime"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple())) / 3600

            if period <= hours:

        offset += 100

    posts_to_email = nomagic._get_entities_by_ids(post_ids_to_email)
    loader = tornado.template.Loader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../template/")

    locale = tornado.locale.get()
    msg = amazon_ses.EmailMessage()
    msg.subject = locale.translate('Pythonic Info Daily').encode("utf-8")
    msg.bodyHtml = loader.load("email_daily.html").generate(posts=posts_to_email, _=locale.translate)

    users = []
    users_not_to_send = []
    users_exists = conn.query("SELECT * FROM index_login")
    for user_id, user in nomagic._get_entities_by_ids([user_exists["entity_id"] for user_exists in users_exists]):
        if user.get("receive_daily_email", True):

    users_invited = conn.query("SELECT * FROM invite")

    sender = amazon_ses.AmazonSES(settings["AmazonAccessKeyID"], settings["AmazonSecretAccessKey"])
    emails = set([user["login"] for user in users_exists] + [user["email"] for user in users_invited]) - set([user["email"] for user in users_not_to_send])
    for email in emails:
        if "@" in email:
            print email
            sender.sendEmail(settings["email_sender"], email, msg)
Exemple #16
 def test_csv_bom(self):
     with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'csv_translations',
                            'fr_FR.csv'), 'rb') as f:
         char_data = to_unicode(f.read())
     # Re-encode our input data (which is utf-8 without BOM) in
     # encodings that use the BOM and ensure that we can still load
     # it. Note that utf-16-le and utf-16-be do not write a BOM,
     # so we only test whichver variant is native to our platform.
     for encoding in ['utf-8-sig', 'utf-16']:
         tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
             with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'fr_FR.csv'), 'wb') as f:
             locale = tornado.locale.get('fr_FR')
             self.assertIsInstance(locale, tornado.locale.CSVLocale)
             self.assertEqual(locale.translate("school"), u"\u00e9cole")
Exemple #17
 def test_csv(self):
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'csv_translations'))
     locale = tornado.locale.get("fr_FR")
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(locale, tornado.locale.CSVLocale))
     self.assertEqual(locale.translate("school"), u"\u00e9cole")
Exemple #18
def format_token_rules(tokens, t_type=None, locale=None):
    """Return a human-readable string describing the given token rules

    tokens (dict): all the token rules (as seen in Task or Contest),
                   without the "token_" prefix.
    t_type (str): the type of tokens the string should refer to (can be
                  "contest" to mean contest-tokens, "task" to mean
                  task-tokens, any other value to mean normal tokens).
    locale (tornado.locale.Locale): the locale to be used.

    return (string): localized string describing the rules.

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    if t_type == "contest":
        tokens["type_none"] = locale.translate("no contest-tokens")
        tokens["type_s"] = locale.translate("contest-token")
        tokens["type_pl"] = locale.translate("contest-tokens")
    elif t_type == "task":
        tokens["type_none"] = locale.translate("no task-tokens")
        tokens["type_s"] = locale.translate("task-token")
        tokens["type_pl"] = locale.translate("task-tokens")
        tokens["type_none"] = locale.translate("no tokens")
        tokens["type_s"] = locale.translate("token")
        tokens["type_pl"] = locale.translate("tokens")

    tokens["min_interval"] = int(tokens["min_interval"].total_seconds())
    tokens["gen_time"] = int(tokens["gen_time"].total_seconds() / 60)

    result = ""

    if tokens['initial'] is None:
        # note: we are sure that this text will only be displayed in task
        # pages because if tokens are disabled for the whole contest they
        # don't appear anywhere in CWS
        result += locale.translate(
            "You don't have %(type_pl)s available for this task.") % tokens
    elif tokens['gen_time'] == 0 and tokens['gen_number'] > 0:
        result += locale.translate("You have infinite %(type_pl)s.") % tokens

        result += " "

        if tokens['min_interval'] > 0:
            if tokens['min_interval'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use a %(type_s)s every second.") % tokens
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use a %(type_s)s every %(min_interval)d seconds."
                ) % tokens
            result += locale.translate(
                "You have no limitations on how you use them.") % tokens
        if tokens['initial'] == 0:
            result += locale.translate(
                "You start with %(type_none)s.") % tokens
        elif tokens['initial'] == 1:
            result += locale.translate(
                "You start with one %(type_s)s.") % tokens
            result += locale.translate(
                "You start with %(initial)d %(type_pl)s.") % tokens

        result += " "

        if tokens['gen_time'] > 0 and tokens['gen_number'] > 0:
            if tokens['gen_time'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate("Every minute ") % tokens
                result += locale.translate(
                    "Every %(gen_time)d minutes ") % tokens
            if tokens['max'] is not None:
                if tokens['gen_number'] == 1:
                    result += locale.translate(
                        "you get another %(type_s)s, ") % tokens
                    result += locale.translate(
                        "you get %(gen_number)d other %(type_pl)s, ") % tokens
                if tokens['max'] == 1:
                    result += locale.translate(
                        "up to a maximum of one %(type_s)s.") % tokens
                    result += locale.translate(
                        "up to a maximum of %(max)d %(type_pl)s.") % tokens
                if tokens['gen_number'] == 1:
                    result += locale.translate(
                        "you get another %(type_s)s.") % tokens
                    result += locale.translate(
                        "you get %(gen_number)d other %(type_pl)s.") % tokens
            result += locale.translate(
                "You don't get other %(type_pl)s.") % tokens

        result += " "

        if tokens['min_interval'] > 0 and tokens['total'] is not None:
            if tokens['min_interval'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use a %(type_s)s every second ") % tokens
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use a %(type_s)s every %(min_interval)d seconds "
                ) % tokens
            if tokens['total'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate(
                    "and no more than one %(type_s)s in total.") % tokens
                result += locale.translate(
                    "and no more than %(total)d %(type_pl)s in total."
                ) % tokens
        elif tokens['min_interval'] > 0:
            if tokens['min_interval'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use a %(type_s)s every second.") % tokens
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use a %(type_s)s every %(min_interval)d seconds."
                ) % tokens
        elif tokens['total'] is not None:
            if tokens['total'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use no more than one %(type_s)s in total."
                ) % tokens
                result += locale.translate(
                    "You can use no more than %(total)d %(type_pl)s in total."
                ) % tokens
            result += locale.translate(
                "You have no limitations on how you use them.") % tokens

    return result
Exemple #19
def _trans(s, locale):
    locale = tornado.locale.get(locale)
    s = locale.translate(s).strip("\"")

    return s
Exemple #20
def format_token_rules(tokens, t_type=None, locale=None):
    """Return a human-readable string describing the given token rules

    tokens (dict): all the token rules (as seen in Task or Contest),
                   without the "token_" prefix.
    t_type (str): the type of tokens the string should refer to (can be
                  "contest" to mean contest-tokens, "task" to mean
                  task-tokens, any other value to mean normal tokens).
    locale (tornado.locale.Locale): the locale to be used.

    return (string): localized string describing the rules.

    if locale is None:
        locale = tornado.locale.get()

    if t_type == "contest":
        tokens["type_none"] = locale.translate("no contest-tokens")
        tokens["type_s"] = locale.translate("contest-token")
        tokens["type_pl"] = locale.translate("contest-tokens")
    elif t_type == "task":
        tokens["type_none"] = locale.translate("no task-tokens")
        tokens["type_s"] = locale.translate("task-token")
        tokens["type_pl"] = locale.translate("task-tokens")
        tokens["type_none"] = locale.translate("no tokens")
        tokens["type_s"] = locale.translate("token")
        tokens["type_pl"] = locale.translate("tokens")

    tokens["min_interval"] = int(tokens["min_interval"].total_seconds())
    tokens["gen_time"] = int(tokens["gen_time"].total_seconds() / 60)

    result = ""

    if tokens['initial'] is None:
        # note: we are sure that this text will only be displayed in task
        # pages because if tokens are disabled for the whole contest they
        # don't appear anywhere in CWS
        result += locale.translate("You don't have %(type_pl)s available for this task.") % tokens
    elif tokens['gen_time'] == 0 and tokens['gen_number'] > 0:
        result += locale.translate("You have infinite %(type_pl)s.") % tokens

        result += " "

        if tokens['min_interval'] > 0:
            if tokens['min_interval'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate("You can use a %(type_s)s every second.") % tokens
                result += locale.translate("You can use a %(type_s)s every %(min_interval)d seconds.") % tokens
            result += locale.translate("You have no limitations on how you use them.") % tokens
        if tokens['initial'] == 0:
            result += locale.translate("You start with %(type_none)s.") % tokens
        elif tokens['initial'] == 1:
            result += locale.translate("You start with one %(type_s)s.") % tokens
            result += locale.translate("You start with %(initial)d %(type_pl)s.") % tokens

        result += " "

        if tokens['gen_time'] > 0 and tokens['gen_number'] > 0:
            if tokens['gen_time'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate("Every minute ") % tokens
                result += locale.translate("Every %(gen_time)d minutes ") % tokens
            if tokens['max'] is not None:
                if tokens['gen_number'] == 1:
                    result += locale.translate("you get another %(type_s)s, ") % tokens
                    result += locale.translate("you get %(gen_number)d other %(type_pl)s, ") % tokens
                if tokens['max'] == 1:
                    result += locale.translate("up to a maximum of one %(type_s)s.") % tokens
                    result += locale.translate("up to a maximum of %(max)d %(type_pl)s.") % tokens
                if tokens['gen_number'] == 1:
                    result += locale.translate("you get another %(type_s)s.") % tokens
                    result += locale.translate("you get %(gen_number)d other %(type_pl)s.") % tokens
            result += locale.translate("You don't get other %(type_pl)s.") % tokens

        result += " "

        if tokens['min_interval'] > 0 and tokens['total'] is not None:
            if tokens['min_interval'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate("You can use a %(type_s)s every second ") % tokens
                result += locale.translate("You can use a %(type_s)s every %(min_interval)d seconds ") % tokens
            if tokens['total'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate("and no more than one %(type_s)s in total.") % tokens
                result += locale.translate("and no more than %(total)d %(type_pl)s in total.") % tokens
        elif tokens['min_interval'] > 0:
            if tokens['min_interval'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate("You can use a %(type_s)s every second.") % tokens
                result += locale.translate("You can use a %(type_s)s every %(min_interval)d seconds.") % tokens
        elif tokens['total'] is not None:
            if tokens['total'] == 1:
                result += locale.translate("You can use no more than one %(type_s)s in total.") % tokens
                result += locale.translate("You can use no more than %(total)d %(type_pl)s in total.") % tokens
            result += locale.translate("You have no limitations on how you use them.") % tokens

    return result