Exemple #1
def simulateBySymbol(filename, combineByOrderDate=False, agentNums=[100]):
	Treat all bidders for the same symbol, in ALL dates, as a distribution of values for that symbol.
	datasetFilename = "datasets/"+filename+".CSV"
	resultsFilename = "results/"+filename+("-combined" if combineByOrderDate else "")+"-r"+str(max(agentNums))+".csv" 
	resultsFilenameTemp = "results/"+filename+"-temp.csv" 
	results = DataFrame(columns=COLUMNS)

	for symbol,allTimeTraders in torq.auctionsBySymbol(datasetFilename, combineByOrderDate):
		date = 0
		for agentNum in agentNums:
			traders = [random.choice(allTimeTraders) for i in range(agentNum)]
			print("Simulating auction {}-{} with {} traders".format(symbol,date,len(traders)))
			totalBuyers = sum([t.isBuyer for t in traders])
			totalSellers = len(traders)-totalBuyers
			totalUnits = sum([t.totalUnits() for t in traders])
			maxUnitsPerTrader = max([t.totalUnits() for t in traders])   # maxUnitsPerTrader is denoted in the paper by m.
			stddev = np.sqrt(sum([t.totalUnits()**2 for t in traders]))
			(buyersWALRAS, sellersWALRAS, sizeWALRAS, gainWALRAS) = WALRAS(traders) # sizeWALRAS is denoted in the paper by k. 
			(sizeMIDALottery, gainMIDALottery, gainMIDALottery, sizeMIDAVickrey, tradersGainMIDAVickrey, totalGainMIDAVickrey) = MIDA(traders, Lottery=True, Vickrey=True)
			resultsRow = [
				totalBuyers, totalSellers, totalBuyers+totalSellers, min(totalBuyers,totalSellers), totalUnits,
				maxUnitsPerTrader, stddev,
				buyersWALRAS, sellersWALRAS, sizeWALRAS,
				gainWALRAS, gainMIDALottery, tradersGainMIDAVickrey, totalGainMIDAVickrey]
			results.loc[len(results)] = resultsRow
	return results
def torqSimulateBySymbol(filename, combineByOrderDate=False, agentNums=[100]):
	Treat all bidders for the same symbol, in ALL dates, as a distribution of values for that symbol.
    datasetFilename = "datasets/" + filename + ".CSV"
    resultsFilename = "results/" + filename + (
        "-combined" if combineByOrderDate else "") + "-s" + str(
            max(agentNums)) + ".csv"
    return simulateAuctions(sampleAuctions(
        agentNums, torq.auctionsBySymbol(datasetFilename, combineByOrderDate)),
                            keyColumns=("symbol", ))