Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, repo, cfgname, branch, revset, rfilter, parent):
        repo is a hg repo instance
        QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent)
        self._cache = []
        self.graph = None
        self.timerHandle = None
        self.dotradius = 8
        self.rowheight = 20
        self.rowcount = 0
        self.repo = repo
        self.revset = revset
        self.filterbyrevset = rfilter
        self.unicodestar = True
        self.unicodexinabox = True
        self.cfgname = cfgname

        # To be deleted
        self._user_colors = {}
        self._branch_colors = {}

        self._columnmap = {
            "Rev": self.getrev,
            "Node": lambda ctx, gnode: str(ctx),
            "Graph": lambda ctx, gnode: "",
            "Description": self.getlog,
            "Author": self.getauthor,
            "Tags": self.gettags,
            "Branch": self.getbranch,
            "Filename": lambda ctx, gnode: gnode.extra[0],
            "Age": lambda ctx, gnode: hglib.age(ctx.date()).decode("utf-8"),
            "LocalTime": lambda ctx, gnode: hglib.displaytime(ctx.date()),
            "UTCTime": lambda ctx, gnode: hglib.utctime(ctx.date()),
            "Changes": self.getchanges,

        if repo:
Exemple #2
    def on_get_value(self, rowref, column):
        (revid, graphnode, lines, path) = self.graphdata[rowref]

        if column == REVID: return revid
        if column == LINES: return lines
        if column == LAST_LINES:
            if rowref>0:
                return self.graphdata[rowref-1][2]
            return []
        if column == WFILE: return path or ''

            ctx = self.repo[revid]
        except IndexError:
            return None

        # non-cached columns

        if column in (HEXID, REVHEX, BRANCH, LOCALTIME, UTC):
            if column == HEXID:
                return str(ctx)
            if column == REVHEX:
                hexid = gtklib.markup(str(ctx), face='monospace')
                return '%s: %s' % (revid, hexid)
            if column == BRANCH:
                return ctx.branch()
            if column == LOCALTIME:
                return hglib.displaytime(ctx.date())
            if column == UTC:
                return hglib.utctime(ctx.date())

        # cached columns

        if revid not in self.revisions:
            self.revisions[revid] = {}
        cache = self.revisions[revid]

        if cache.has_key(column):
            return cache[column]

        if column in (COMMITER, FGCOLOR):
            cache[COMMITER] = hglib.toutf(hglib.username(ctx.user()))

        if column == TAGS:
            tags = self.repo.nodetags(ctx.node())
            cache[TAGS] = hglib.toutf(', '.join(tags))

        elif column == SVNREV:
            extra = ctx.extra()
            cvt = extra.get('convert_revision', '')
            if cvt.startswith('svn:'):
                rev = cvt.split('/', 1)[-1]
                rev = rev.split('@', 1)[-1]
                rev = None
            cache[SVNREV] = rev and hglib.toutf('r%s' % rev) or ''

        elif column == AGE:
            cache[AGE] = hglib.age(ctx.date())

        elif column == FGCOLOR:
            cache[FGCOLOR] = self.color_func(revid, cache[COMMITER])

        elif column == CHANGES:
            parent = self.parents.get(revid, None)
            if parent is None:
                parent = ctx.parents()[0].node()
            M, A, R = self.repo.status(parent, ctx.node())[:3]
            common = dict(color=gtklib.BLACK)
            M = M and gtklib.markup(' %s ' % len(M),
                             background=gtklib.PORANGE, **common) or ''
            A = A and gtklib.markup(' %s ' % len(A),
                             background=gtklib.PGREEN, **common) or ''
            R = R and gtklib.markup(' %s ' % len(R),
                             background=gtklib.PRED, **common) or ''
            cache[CHANGES] = ''.join((M, A, R))

        elif column in (MESSAGE, GRAPHNODE):
            # convert to Unicode for valid string operations
            summary = hglib.tounicode(ctx.description()).replace(u'\0', '')
            if self.longsummary:
                limit = 80
                lines = summary.splitlines()
                if lines:
                    summary = lines.pop(0)
                    while len(summary) < limit and lines:
                        summary += u'  ' + lines.pop(0)
                    summary = summary[0:limit]
                    summary = ''
                lines = summary.splitlines()
                summary = lines and lines[0] or ''
            escape = gtklib.markup_escape_text
            summary = escape(hglib.toutf(summary))

            tstr = ''
            for tag in ctx.tags():
                if tag not in self.hidetags:
                    if tag in self.mqpatches:
                        bg = gtklib.PBLUE
                        bg = gtklib.PYELLOW
                    style = {'color': gtklib.BLACK, 'background': bg}
                    tstr += gtklib.markup(' %s ' % tag, **style) + ' '
            for mark in ctx.bookmarks():
                if mark == self.curbookmark:
                    bg = gtklib.PORANGE
                    bg = gtklib.PLIME
                style = {'color': gtklib.BLACK, 'background': bg}
                tstr += gtklib.markup(' %s ' % mark, **style) + ' '

            node = ctx.node()
            branch = ctx.branch()
            bstr = ''
            status = 0
            if self.branchtags.get(branch) == node:
                bstr += gtklib.markup(' %s ' % branch, color=gtklib.BLACK,
                                      background=gtklib.PGREEN) + ' '
                status = 8

            if revid in self.wcparents:
                sumstr = bstr + tstr + '<b><u>' + summary + '</u></b>'
                status += 4
                sumstr = bstr + tstr + summary
                status += 0

            if node in self.outgoing:
                # outgoing
                if not self.showgraph:
                    marker = hglib.toutf(u'\u2191 ') # up arrow
                    sumstr = marker + sumstr
                status += 1
            elif revid >= self.origtip:
                if revid >= len(self.repo) - self.npreviews:
                    # incoming
                    if not self.showgraph:
                        marker = hglib.toutf(u'\u2193 ') # down arrow
                        sumstr = marker + sumstr
                    status += 3
                    # new
                    status += 2

            cache[MESSAGE] = sumstr
            gcolumn, gcolor = graphnode
            cache[GRAPHNODE] = (gcolumn, gcolor, status)

        return cache[column]
Exemple #3
            return ctx.phasestr()
            return 'draft'

    _columnmap = {
        RevColumn: _getrev,
        BranchColumn: _getbranch,
        DescColumn: _getlog,
        AuthorColumn: _getauthor,
        TagsColumn: _gettags,
        LatestTagColumn: _getlatesttags,
        NodeColumn: lambda self, ctx: str(ctx),
        AgeColumn: lambda self, ctx: hglib.age(ctx.date()).decode('utf-8'),
        LocalDateColumn: lambda self, ctx: hglib.displaytime(ctx.date()),
        UtcDateColumn: lambda self, ctx: hglib.utctime(ctx.date()),
        ConvertedColumn: _getconv,
        PhaseColumn: _getphase,

class FileRevModel(HgRepoListModel):
    Model used to manage the list of revisions of a file, in file
    viewer of in diff-file viewer dialogs.

    _defaultcolumns = ('Graph', 'Rev', 'Branch', 'Description', 'Author',
                       'Age', 'Filename')

    def __init__(self, repoagent, filename, parent=None):
Exemple #4
            cvt = extra.get('p4', '')
            if cvt:
                return cvt
        return ''

    def getphase(self, ctx, gnode):
        if ctx.rev() is None:
            return ''
            return ctx.phasestr()
            return 'draft'

    _columnmap = {
        'Rev':      getrev,
        'Node':     lambda self, ctx, gnode: str(ctx),
        'Graph':    lambda self, ctx, gnode: "",
        'Description': getlog,
        'Author':   getauthor,
        'Tags':     gettags,
        'Latest tags':     getlatesttags,
        'Branch':   getbranch,
        'Filename': lambda self, ctx, gnode: gnode.extra[0],
        'Age':      lambda self, ctx, gnode: hglib.age(ctx.date()).decode('utf-8'),
        'LocalTime':lambda self, ctx, gnode: hglib.displaytime(ctx.date()),
        'UTCTime':  lambda self, ctx, gnode: hglib.utctime(ctx.date()),
        'Changes':  getchanges,
        'Converted': getconv,
        'Phase':    getphase,
Exemple #5
            cvt = extra.get('p4', '')
            if cvt:
                return cvt
        return ''

    def getphase(self, ctx, gnode):
        if ctx.rev() is None:
            return ''
            return ctx.phasestr()
            return 'draft'

    _columnmap = {
        'Rev': getrev,
        'Node': lambda self, ctx, gnode: str(ctx),
        'Graph': lambda self, ctx, gnode: "",
        'Description': getlog,
        'Author': getauthor,
        'Tags': gettags,
        'Latest tags': getlatesttags,
        'Branch': getbranch,
        'Filename': lambda self, ctx, gnode: gnode.extra[0],
        'Age': lambda self, ctx, gnode: hglib.age(ctx.date()).decode('utf-8'),
        'LocalTime': lambda self, ctx, gnode: hglib.displaytime(ctx.date()),
        'UTCTime': lambda self, ctx, gnode: hglib.utctime(ctx.date()),
        'Changes': getchanges,
        'Converted': getconv,
        'Phase': getphase,