Exemple #1
def handleCommand(cmd, entities=gEntities, relations=gRelations):
	# respond to a command from the user
	cmd = string.lower(cmd)
	words = string.split(cmd)
	if words[0] == 'entity' or words[0] == 'e':
		entities[words[1]] = Entity(words[1])
	elif words[0] == 'relation' or words[0] == 'r':
		trans = AskYesNo("Transitive?")
		opp = string.lower(raw_input("Opposite? "))
		relations[words[1]] = Relation(words[1],trans)
		if opp:
			relations[opp] = Relation(opp,trans, \
	elif words[0] == 'list':
		print "Entities:", tostr(entities.keys())
		print "Relations:", tostr(relations.keys())
		agent = entities[words[0]]
		relation = relations[words[1]]
		if words[2][-1] == '?':
			object = entities[words[2][:-1]]
			handleQuestion( agent, relation, object )
			object = entities[words[2]]
			handleStatement( agent, relation, object )
def create_network(movies, genres, ratings):
    facts = []
    for movie_id in movies:
        movie_genres = get_genres_for_movie(int(tostr(movie_id)))
        m = get_movie_entity(tostr(movie_id), movies)
        for g in movie_genres:
            genre_entity = get_genre_entity(tostr(g), genres)
            if genre_entity != None:
                facts.append(Fact(m, belongsTo, genre_entity))
        #movie_rating = get_rating_for_movie(int(tostr(movie_id)))
        #facts.append(Fact(m, has, get_rating_entity(tostr(movie_rating))))
    return facts
def get_similar_movies(object):
    movies, genres, ratings = create_entities(df)
    create_network(movies, genres, ratings)
    liked_movies = [
        x[0].tolist() for x in object.usr.getUsrHist() if x.tolist()[1] == 1
    #print liked_movies
    for lm in liked_movies:
        lm_entity = get_movie_entity(str(lm), movies)
        if lm_entity != None:
            liked_genres = lm_entity.getObjects(belongsTo)
            #print tostr(liked_genres)
            for lg in liked_genres:
                lg_entity = get_genre_entity(tostr(lg), genres)
                similar_movies = [
                    tostr(sm) for sm in lg_entity.getObjects(whatBelongsTo)
    return similar_movies
Exemple #4
# get the global "is-a" relationship
isa = GetIsA()

# inverse of "is-a" is "exampleOf"
example = GetExampleOf()

# declare some entities we want to store knowledge about
thing = Entity("thing")
animal = Entity("animal")
bird = Entity("bird")
fish = Entity("fish")
minnow = Entity("minnow")
trout = Entity("trout")
ape = Entity("ape")

# declare some facts: what's what?
Fact(animal, isa, thing)
Fact(ape, isa, animal)
Fact(bird, isa, animal)
Fact(fish, isa, animal)
Fact(trout, isa, fish)
Fact(minnow, isa, fish)

# rint out some of the things we know (directly or by induction)
print "trout is:", tostr(trout.objects(isa))
print "animal is:", tostr(animal.objects(isa))
print "fish:", tostr(fish.objects(example))
print "fish:", tostr(fish.agents(isa))
print "animals:", tostr(animal.agents(isa))
def tobase64(x):
        python2/3 compatible conversion to urlsafe base64 encoding

        return tostr(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(tobytes(x))).replace('=', '')
def tobase64(x):
        python2/3 compatible conversion to urlsafe base64 encoding

    return tostr(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(tobytes(x))).replace('=', '')
Exemple #7
bird = Entity("bird")
fish = Entity("fish")
minnow = Entity("minnow")
trout = Entity("trout")
ape = Entity("ape")

# declare some facts: what's what?
Fact(animal, isa, thing)
Fact(ape, isa, animal)
Fact(bird, isa, animal)
Fact(fish, isa, animal)
Fact(trout, isa, fish)
Fact(minnow, isa, fish)

# print out some of the things we know (directly or by induction)
print "trout is:", tostr( trout.objects(isa) )
print "animal is:", tostr( animal.objects(isa) )
print "fish:", tostr( fish.objects(example) )
print "fish:", tostr( fish.agents(isa) )
print "animals:", tostr( animal.agents(isa) )

# declare size relationships
biggerThan = Relation("bigger than", 1)
smallerThan = Relation("smaller than", 1, biggerThan)

# declare a couple facts
Fact( minnow, smallerThan, trout )
Fact( trout, smallerThan, ape )
Exemple #8
from semnet import *
from tostr import tostr
import string
# get the global "is-a" relationship
isa = GetIsA()
# inverse of "is-a" is "exampleOf"
example = GetExampleOf()
# declare some entities we want to store knowledge about
thing = Entity("thing")
animal = Entity("animal")
bird = Entity("bird")
fish = Entity("fish")
minnow = Entity("minnow")
trout = Entity("trout")
ape = Entity("ape")
# declare some facts: what's what?
Fact(animal, isa, thing)
Fact(ape, isa, animal)
Fact(bird, isa, animal)
Fact(fish, isa, animal)
Fact(trout, isa, fish)
Fact(minnow, isa, fish)
# print out some of the things we know (directly or by induction)
print "trout is:", tostr( trout.objects(isa) )
print "animal is:", tostr( animal.objects(isa) )
print "fish:", tostr( fish.objects(example) )
print "fish:", tostr( fish.agents(isa) )
print "animals:", tostr( animal.agents(isa) )
Exemple #9
from semnet import *
def get_movie_entity(movie_id, movie_entities):
    for m in movie_entities:
        if tostr(m) == movie_id:
            return m
def get_genre_entity(genre, genre_entities):
    for g in genre_entities:
        if tostr(g) == genre:
            return g