Exemple #1
def create_golfer_scores(filename, golfer_list, tournament_list, rounds_list,
    Create GolferRoundScores objects from data in the input file,
    and using previously created object lists to convert names to ids.

    Each line of input contains:
        golfer_name, tourn_name, day, score_h1, score_h2, ..., score_h18

    where golfer_name is the name of the golfer,
          tourn_name is the name of the tournament,
          day is the round day,
          and each score_h# is the golfer's score for that hole

    Note: string input needs to be stripped of any whitespace
          int strings need to be changed to ints

    Use the golfers_list parameter, that was
    returned from the create_golfers function, with the
    following instance variables:

        golfer_id, golfer_name, golfer_birthdate

    Use the tourns_list parameter, that was
    returned from the create_tournaments function, with the
    following instance variables:

        tourn_id, tournament_name, golf_course_id, start_date,
        num_rounds, and num_golfers

    Use the rounds_list object list parameter, that was
    returned from the create_rounds function, with the
    following instance variables:

        round_id, tourn_id, day

    Use the tourn_golfers_list parameter, that was
    returned from the create_tourn_golfers function, with the
    following instance variables:

        tourn_golfers_id, tourn_id, golfer_id

    Create a GolferRoundScores object from every entry in the
    golfer_scores_list:  Add in the following as instance
    variables values:

        golfer_scores_id, tourn_golfer_id, round_id, total_round_score,
        and a list of scores (score_h1, score_h2, ..., score_h18)

    A list is returned, where each element is a GolferRoundScore object


    print("\nThe GolferRoundScores object list\n")
    round_scores_list = []

    # 1. Create lookup dictionaries ...
    #    a. Create a lookup dictionary (golfer_name_to_id)
    #       for associating a golfer_name to golfer_id

    golfer_name_to_id = {}

    #loop to get golfer_name and golfer_id from golfer's list
    for item in golfer_list:
        #golfer_name will be the golfer_list[1]
        golfer_name = Golfer.get_golfer_name(item)
        #golfer_id will be the golfer_list[0]
        golfer_id = Golfer.get_golfer_id(item)
        golfer_name_to_id.update({golfer_name: golfer_id})
    #    b. Create a lookup dictionary (tourn_name_to_id)
    #       for associating tourn_name to tourn_id

    tourn_name_to_id = {}

    #loop to get tourn_name and tourn_id from tournament_list
    for item in tournament_list:
        #tournament_name will be from the tourament list
        tourn_name = Tournament.get_tourn_name(item)
        #tourn_id will be from the tournament list
        tourn_id = Tournament.get_tourn_id(item)
        tourn_name_to_id.update({tourn_name: tourn_id})

    # 2. Create an empty list called 'round_scores_list' that will be
    #    filled in with GolferRoundScore objects whose data comes
    #    from the input file and each of the object list parameters:
    #    golfers_list, tourns_list, rounds_list, tourn_golfers_list
    round_scores_list = []

    # 3. Initialize the golfer_scores_id
    golfer_scores_id = 1
    # 4. Use a try/except block to capture a File Not Found Error
        #    a. Open the input file object for reading the input file
        input_file = open(filename, 'r')
        #    b. Call the csv.reader function, passing in the input file
        #       and capturing the CSV file contents.
        file_lines = csv.reader(input_file)
        #    c. Create a list from the file contents: 'golfer_scores_list'
        golfer_scores_list = list(file_lines)
        #    d. Close input_file object
        # 5. Create an outer loop to read each set of scores in
        #    'golfer_scores_list'
        #    Loop:
        for line in golfer_scores_list:
            #      a. Get the golfer_name, tourn_name, and day from the
            #         the first three elements, stripping whitespace.
            golfer_name = line[0].strip()
            tourn_name = line[1].strip()
            tourn_day = line[2].strip()
            #      b. The rest of the elements (using slice scores[3:])
            #         are converted to a list of ints - scores_list.
            #         Use Python's 'map' function to convert the strings to
            #         ints and then use the 'list' function to convert the
            #         object returned from the map to a list.
            scores_list = line[3:]
            scores_list = map(int, scores_list)
            scores_list = list(scores_list)
            #      c. Get the golfer_id using the golfer_name_to_id
            #        (from step 1a)
            golfer_id = golfer_name_to_id[golfer_name]

            #      d. Get the tourn_id using the tourn_name_to_id
            #        (from step 1b)
            tourn_id = tourn_name_to_id[tourn_name]

            #      e. Call helper functions to get round_id, and the
            #         tourn_golfer_id
            round_id = get_round_id(rounds_list, tourn_id, tourn_day)
            tourn_golfer_id = get_tourn_golfer_id(tourn_golfers_list, tourn_id,

            #      f. Set the total_round_score by summing the scores_list
            total_round_score = sum(scores_list)

            #      g. Create a new GolferRoundScores object, call it
            #         golfer_scores, passing in golfer_scores_id,
            #         tourn_golfer_id, round_id, total_round_score, and the
            #         scores list (from step 5b.)
            golfer_scores = GolferRoundScores(golfer_scores_id,
                                              tourn_golfer_id, round_id,
                                              total_round_score, scores_list)

            #      h. Append the GolferRoundScores object to the
            #         round_scores_list
            #      i. Increment the golfer_scores_id
            golfer_scores_id = golfer_scores_id + 1

    except IOError:
        print("File Not Found Error.")
    # 6. Print the round_scores_list objects to the console
    for rs in round_scores_list:

    # 7. Return the round_scores_list
    return round_scores_list