def test_parse_error(self):
        """Given a yaml file with incorrect syntax, throw a warning"""
        with self.assertRaises(exc.TowerCLIError):
            parser.extra_vars_loader_wrapper(["a: b\nincorrect == brackets"])

        with self.assertRaises(exc.TowerCLIError):
            parser.extra_vars_loader_wrapper(["a: b\nincorrect = =brackets"])
    def test_read_from_file(self):
        """Give it some with '@' and test that it reads from the file"""
        mock_open = mock.mock_open()
        with mock.patch('', mock_open, create=True):
            manager = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
   = 'foo: bar'

        # Ensure that "open" was triggered in test
        self.assertIn("fake_file1.yml", 'r'), mock_open.mock_calls)
        self.assertIn("fake_file2.yml", 'r'), mock_open.mock_calls)
        self.assertIn("fake_file3.yml", 'r'), mock_open.mock_calls)
 def test_unicode_dump(self):
     """Test that data is dumped without unicode character marking."""
     for data in self.COMBINATION_DATA:
         string_rep = parser.extra_vars_loader_wrapper(data[0])
         self.assertEqual(yaml.load(string_rep), data[1])
         assert "python/unicode" not in string_rep
         assert "\\n" not in string_rep
 def test_combine_raw_params(self):
     """Given multiple files which all have raw parameters, make sure
     they are combined in the '_raw_params' key entry"""
     a_kv = "foo=bar\na"
     b_kv = "baz=fam\nb"
     result = parser.extra_vars_loader_wrapper([a_kv, b_kv])
     rdict = yaml.load(result)
     self.assertEqual(rdict['_raw_params'], "a b")
 def test_precedence(self):
     """Test that last value is the one that overwrites the others"""
     adict = {"a": 1}
     ayml = yaml.dump(adict)
     a2dict = {"a": 2}
     a2yml = yaml.dump(a2dict)
     result = parser.extra_vars_loader_wrapper([ayml, a2yml])
     rdict = yaml.load(result)
     self.assertEqual(rdict['a'], 2)
 def test_many_combinations(self):
     """Combine yaml with json with bare values, check that key:value
     pairs are preserved at the end."""
     adict = {"a": 1}
     bdict = {"b": 2}
     ayml = yaml.dump(adict)
     bjson = yaml.dump(bdict, default_flow_style=True)
     cyml = "5"
     result = parser.extra_vars_loader_wrapper([ayml, bjson, cyml])
     rdict = yaml.load(result)
     self.assertEqual(rdict['a'], 1)
     self.assertEqual(rdict['b'], 2)
 def test_returns_input_text(self):
     """Give it only one file, and it should give it right back."""
     mock_text = "\n\nfoo:   baar\n\n\n"