def cbind(filename1, filename2, output_filename):
	"""Concatenate column-wise two files of equal number of lines
	If I end up using this often, I should separate it and make it a unix-like util	
	file1 = open(filename1).readlines()
	file2 = open(filename2).readlines()
	output_file = open(output_filename, mode='w')
	assert_eq(len(file1), len(file2))
	for line1, line2 in zip(file1, file2):
		output_file.write('%s %s\n' % (line1.strip(), line2.strip()))
def test():
    assert_eq(locate_sentence((95, 110), '0001'), 1)
def test():
	assert_eq(locate_sentence((95,110), '0001'), 1)