Exemple #1
    def create_from_tss_key(self, pobj, objauth, hierarchyauth, tpm2, alg,
                            keypath, d):

        keypath = keypath[0]

        with open(keypath, "rb") as f:
            keybytes = f.read()
        tss2_privkey = TSSPrivKey.from_pem(keybytes)
        is_empty_auth = tss2_privkey.empty_auth
        phandle = tss2_privkey.parent
        pubbytes = tss2_privkey.public.marshal()
        privbytes = tss2_privkey.private.marshal()

        pid = pobj['id']
        pobj_config = yaml.safe_load(pobj['config'])
        is_transient = pobj_config['transient']
        if not is_transient and (phandle == tpm2.TPM2_RH_OWNER or \
            (phandle >> tpm2.TPM2_HR_SHIFT != tpm2.TPM2_HT_PERSISTENT)):
            sys.exit('The primary object (id: {:d}) is persistent and'
                     ' the TSS Engine key does not have a persistent parent,'
                     ' got: 0x{:x}'.format(pid, phandle))
        elif is_transient and not (phandle == tpm2.TPM2_RH_OWNER
                                   or phandle == 0):
            # tpm2-tss-engine < 1.1.0 used a phandle of 0 instead of tpm2.TPM2_RH_OWNER
            sys.exit('The primary object (id: {:d}) is transient and'
                     ' the TSS Engine key has a parent handle,'
                     ' got: 0x{:x}'.format(pid, phandle))

        if is_empty_auth and len(self._auth) if self._auth is not None else 0:
                'Key expected to have auth value, please specify via option --auth'

        if not is_transient:
            # Im diving into the ESYS_TR serialized format,
            # this isn't the smartest thing to do...
            hexhandle = pobj_config['esys-tr']
            handle_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(hexhandle)[0:4]
            expected_handle = struct.unpack(">I", handle_bytes)[0]
            if phandle != expected_handle:
                sys.exit("Key must be parent of 0x{:X}, got 0x{:X}".format(
                    expected_handle, phandle))

        pobj_handle = get_pobject(pobj, tpm2, hierarchyauth, d)
        pobjauth = pobj['objauth']
        ctx = tpm2.load(pobj_handle, pobjauth, privbytes, pubbytes)
        tertiarypubdata, _ = tpm2.readpublic(ctx, False)

        privfd, tertiarypriv = mkstemp(prefix='', suffix='.priv', dir=d)
            os.write(privfd, privbytes)

        pubfd, tertiarypub = mkstemp(prefix='', suffix='.pub', dir=d)
            os.write(pubfd, pubbytes)

        return (tertiarypriv, tertiarypub, tertiarypubdata)
 def test_rsa_topem(self):
     key = TSSPrivKey.from_pem(rsa_pem)
     pem = key.to_pem()
     self.assertEqual(pem, rsa_pem)
 def test_bad_pem_type(self):
     bad_pem = rsa_pem.replace(b"TSS2", b"BORK")
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as e:
     self.assertEqual(str(e.exception), "unsupported PEM type")
 def test_rsa_frompem(self):
     key = TSSPrivKey.from_pem(rsa_pem)