Exemple #1
def read_sensor(sensor_pin): 
    # Read sensor data
    humidity, temperature = read_retry(DHT22, sensor_pin) 
    if humidity is None and temperature is None:
        trace("Failed to get reading on sensor: " + str(sensor_pin), ERROR)

    return (temperature, humidity) 
def get_recipe(recipe, refresh):
    client = trace(get_client)
    notestore = trace(client.get_note_store)

    # Get the note metadata without a body or resources. This result contains
    # the body hash used for caching.
    partial = tracen('Evernote.note_store.getNote', notestore.getNote, recipe, False, False, False, False)

    # Check the cache for this note.
    key = '%s%s_%s' % (vmenu.app.config['CACHE_PREFIX'], binascii.hexlify(partial.contentHash), vmenu.app.config['RECIPE_IMAGES'])
    content = cache.get(key)
    if content is None or refresh:
        if refresh:
            logging.info('Explicitly refreshing %s', key);
            logging.info('Cache miss for %s', key)
        full = tracen('Evernote.note_store.getNote', notestore.getNote, recipe, True, False, False, False)
        content = strip_tags(full.content.decode('utf-8'))

        def process():
            url_prefix = trace(get_url_prefix)
            if full.resources is not None and vmenu.app.config['RECIPE_IMAGES']:
                for resource in full.resources:
                    content = trace(update_resource, url_prefix, content, resource)

        # Cache the content. The key is the MD5 hash of the server stored content
        # but the stored value in this cache has stripped out tags.
        cache.set(key, content, timeout=vmenu.app.config['CACHE_TIMEOUT'])

    return { "content": content }
Exemple #3
def find_nodes_to_add_edges(this_tg, inkml_obj):
    if len(inkml_obj.objects) == 1:
        return []
    elif len(inkml_obj.objects) <= 3:
        return [i.id for i in inkml_obj.objects if i.id != this_tg.id]
    this_tg_tr = trace()
    for t in inkml_obj.get_traces_in_object(this_tg.id):
    this_tg_tr.id = "this"
    dist = {}
    for tg in range(len(inkml_obj.objects)):
        if inkml_obj.objects[tg].id != this_tg.id:
            other_tg_tr = trace()
            for t in inkml_obj.get_traces_in_object(inkml_obj.objects[tg].id):
            other_tg_tr.id = "Other"
            # if this_tg_tr.bb_center_x <= other_tg_tr.bb_center_x:
            this_dist = this_tg_tr.get_distance_bb_center(other_tg_tr)
            dist[inkml_obj.objects[tg].id] = this_dist
    dist = sorted(dist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
    if len(dist) >= 2:
        return [dist[0][0], dist[1][0]]
    elif len(dist) == 1:
        return [dist[0][0]]
    return []
Exemple #4
def get_features(obj1_traces, obj2_traces):

    tr1 = trace()
    for tr in obj1_traces:
    tr1.id = 'O1'

    tr2 = trace()
    for tr in obj2_traces:
    tr2.id = 'O2'

    features = []

    features.append(get_vertical_bb_distance(tr1, tr2))
    features.append(get_hor_bb_distance(tr1, tr2))
    features.extend(feature_corner_angle_with_center(tr1, tr2))
    features.append(get_angle_between_bb(tr1, tr2))
    features.append(get_distance_between_bb_center(tr1, tr2))
    features.extend(get_offsets([tr1, tr2]))
    features.extend(feature_PSC(tr1, tr2))
    # traces = []
    # for tr in [tr1, tr2]:
    #     traces.append(tr.x)
    #     traces.append(tr.y)
    # traces_dense = sfe.add_points_lin(traces)
    # histogram_of_points = sfe.get_histogram_of_points(traces_dense, 5)
    # features.extend(histogram_of_points)
    return features
def measure():
    # Read data from sensors
    measurements = []

    for sensor in get_sensors():
        if sensor["type"] == "DHT22":
            temp, humidity = dht22.read_sensor(sensor["id"])
            if temp != None:
                    "field": sensor["temperature"],
                    "value": temp
            if humidity != None:
                    "field": sensor["humidity"],
                    "value": humidity
        elif sensor["type"] == "DS18B20":
            temp = ds18b20.read_sensor(get_config("DS18B20_sensor_path"),
            if temp != None:
                    "field": sensor["temperature"],
                    "value": temp
            trace("Unknown sensor type: " + str(sensor), ERROR)

    return measurements
 def process_notes():
     url_prefix = trace(get_url_prefix)
     for n in notes:
         result = {
             'guid': n.guid,
             'title': n.title,
             'thumbnail': trace(get_thumbnail, url_prefix, n.guid)
Exemple #7
 def process_notes():
     url_prefix = trace(get_url_prefix)
     for n in notes:
         result = {
             'guid': n.guid,
             'title': n.title,
             'thumbnail': trace(get_thumbnail, url_prefix, n.guid)
Exemple #8
 def sub_by_rotor(self, rotor_num, num):
     """ substitute the number by one rotor"""
     trace(num, '>')
     assert num in self.alphabet
     num += self.shift[rotor_num]
     num = num % self.alpha_len
     num = self.rotors[rotor_num][num]
     num -= self.shift[rotor_num]
     num = num % self.alpha_len
     trace(num, '>')
     return num
Exemple #9
    def configure(self):   # could be more orthogonal : conf_file = conf_3.py
        ''' the enigma gets it's attributes from the conf file '''
        import conf_3
        # maybe more efficiant: for att in enigma.attributes:
            # self.att = conf_3.att()
        self.rotors = conf_3.rotors()
        self.shift = conf_3.shift()
        self.plugboard = conf_3.plugboard()

Exemple #10
    def configure(self):   # could be more orthogonal : conf_file = conf.py
        ''' the enigma gets it's attributes from the conf file '''
        # AUR: importing in non-global scope is frowned upon, and I
        # agree it usually just confuses things
        import conf
        # maybe more efficiant: for att in enigma.attributes:
            # self.att = conf.att()
        self.rotors = conf.rotors()
        self.shift = conf.shift()
        self.plugboard = conf.plugboard()

Exemple #11
def log(measurements):
    # Logging

    if(not has_config("logging")):
        trace("no logging", INFO)

    logging = get_config("logging")
    if "trace" in logging:
        trace(measurements, logging["trace"]["level"])

    if "thingspeak" in logging:
        post_thingspeak_channel_update(measurements, logging["thingspeak"]["channel_key"])
Exemple #12
def ray_fan_Y_single(lens, Hx=0, Hy=0, wave=0, **options):

    num_pts = 50
    ys = []
    py = np.linspace(-1,1,num_pts)
    yp,up = paraxial_trace_HP(lens,Hx=Hx,Hy=Hy,Px=0,Py=0,wave=wave)
    for pt in py:
        raytrace = trace(lens,Hx=Hx,Hy=Hy,Px=0,Py=pt,wave=wave)
        ys.append(raytrace.y[-1] - yp[-1])
    raytrace = trace(lens,Hx=Hx,Hy=Hy,Px=0,Py=0,wave=wave).run()
    ys = [y-raytrace.y[-1]+yp[-1] for y in ys] # remove distortion
    return py, ys
Exemple #13
def spot_diagram_standard(lens, pupil_distribution, Hx, Hy, airy=False):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    colors = ['r+','gx','b*','cd','mv','yh']
    geo = []
    for idw, wave in enumerate(lens.wavelengths_list):
        xs = []
        ys = []
        for Px,Py in pupil_distribution.points:
            raytrace = trace(lens,Hx,Hy,Px,Py,wave=idw).run()
        ax.plot(xs,ys,colors[idw%6],label='%.1f nm'%wave)
        rad_str = 'Wave: %.1f nm, RMS Radius: %.3f mm, Geo. Radius: %.3f mm'%(wave,spot_rms(xs,ys),geo[-1])
    if airy:
        theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
        r = 1.22*lens.wavelengths_list[lens.prim_wave]/1e6*lens.FNO()   
        x = r*np.cos(theta)
        y = r*np.sin(theta)
    box = ax.get_position()
    ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
    plt.xlabel('Image Plane X (%s)'%lens.length_unit)
    plt.ylabel('Image Plane Y (%s)'%lens.length_unit)
    plt.title('%s, Spot Diagram: Hx=%.1f, Hy=%.1f'%(lens.name.title(),Hx, Hy))
    plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
    ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
Exemple #14
    def generer(self):
        if self.trois_D :
            p1 = Point(0,0,0)
            p2 = Point(1,0,0)
            p3 = Point(1,1,0)
            p4 = Point(0,1,0)
            base = Facette([p1, p2, p3, p4])
            self.terrain = Paysage(base)
        else :
            p1 = Point(0,0)
            p2 = Point(1,0)
            base = Facette([p1, p2])
            self.terrain = Paysage(base)

        for i in range(self.nb_iter):
            self.terrain.itere(self.puiss, self.fraction)

        X, Y, Z = trace(self.terrain)


        if len(Z) < 1 : #2D
            self.axes2D = self.figure2D.add_subplot(111)
        else : #3D
            self.axes2D = None
            self.axes3D = self.figure3D.gca(projection='3d') #self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            self.axes3D.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.ocean) #ou terrain
Exemple #15
def mtf_geometric_single(lens, v0, Hx=0, Hy=0, wave=0, N=300):
    # define pupil distribution for raytrace
    dist = distribution(type_='rectangular', num_pts=500)
    # raytrace
    xs = []
    ys = []
    for Px,Py in dist.points:
        raytrace = trace(lens,Hx,Hy,Px,Py,wave).run()
    # find line spread function by integrating along x using histogram
    rad_geo = spot_geometric_radius(xs, ys)
    dx = 2*rad_geo/N
    bins = np.arange(-rad_geo,rad_geo,dx)
    A, x = np.histogram(xs, bins)
    v = np.linspace(0,v0,len(A))
    # x is bin edges, use the upper edge of bin
    x = x[1:]
    # calculate MTF at different cycles/mm
    denom = np.sum(A*dx)
    MTF = np.zeros_like(v)
    for k in range(len(v)):
        numC = np.sum(A * np.cos(2*np.pi*v[k]*x) * dx)
        numS = np.sum(A * np.sin(2*np.pi*v[k]*x) * dx)
        Ac = numC/denom
        As = numS/denom
        MTF[k] = np.sqrt(Ac**2 + As**2)
    return v,MTF
Exemple #16
def get_tags(refresh):
    key = vmenu.app.config['CACHE_PREFIX'] + 'tags'
    tags = cache.get(key)

    if tags is None or refresh:
        if refresh:
            logging.info('Explicitly refreshing %s', key);
            logging.info('Cache miss for %s', key)
        client = trace(get_client)
        notestore = trace(client.get_note_store)
        notebook = trace(get_notebook, notestore, vmenu.app.config['NOTEBOOK'])
        tags = tracen('Evernote.note_store.listTagsByNotebook', notestore.listTagsByNotebook, notebook.guid)

        tags = sorted(tags, key = lambda Tag: Tag.name)
        cache.set(key, tags, timeout=vmenu.app.config['CACHE_TIMEOUT'])

    return tags
def thingspeak_post_request(endpoint, param_dict):
    #performs a GET request on the given URL with the params in URL-encoded form
    #returns response payload or False if the response was not positive 
    url = "https://api.thingspeak.com/" + endpoint
    trace("POST: " + url + " Params:" + str(param_dict), INFO)
        request = urllib2.Request(url, urllib.urlencode(param_dict))
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        data = response.read()
        trace("Response: " + data, INFO)
        return data
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
        trace("Negative response from Thingspeak: " + e.reason, WARN)
        trace("Connection to Thingspeak failed", ERROR)
        trace(str(sys.exc_info()), WARN)

    return False   
def thingspeak_post_request(endpoint, param_dict):
    #performs a GET request on the given URL with the params in URL-encoded form
    #returns response payload or False if the response was not positive
    url = "https://api.thingspeak.com/" + endpoint
    trace("POST: " + url + " Params:" + str(param_dict), INFO)
        request = urllib2.Request(url, urllib.urlencode(param_dict))
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        data = response.read()
        trace("Response: " + data, INFO)
        return data
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
        trace("Negative response from Thingspeak: " + e.reason, WARN)
        trace("Connection to Thingspeak failed", ERROR)
        trace(str(sys.exc_info()), WARN)

    return False
Exemple #19
 def __init__(self,
     self.verbose = verbose
     from pyrepl.keymap import compile_keymap, parse_keys
     self.keymap = keymap
     self.invalid_cls = invalid_cls
     self.character_cls = character_cls
     d = {}
     for keyspec, command in keymap:
         keyseq = tuple(parse_keys(keyspec))
         d[keyseq] = command
     if verbose:
         trace('[input] keymap: {}', pprint.pformat(d))
     self.k = self.ck = compile_keymap(d, ())
     self.results = deque()
     self.stack = []
Exemple #20
def spot_diagram_standard_single(lens, pupil_distribution, Hx, Hy, wave=0, **options):
    xs = []
    ys = []
    for Px,Py in pupil_distribution.points:
        raytrace = trace(lens,Hx,Hy,Px,Py,wave).run()
    return xs, ys
Exemple #21
def get_tags(refresh):
    key = vmenu.app.config['CACHE_PREFIX'] + 'tags'
    tags = cache.get(key)

    if tags is None or refresh:
        if refresh:
            logging.info('Explicitly refreshing %s', key)
            logging.info('Cache miss for %s', key)
        client = trace(get_client)
        notestore = trace(client.get_note_store)
        notebook = trace(get_notebook, notestore, vmenu.app.config['NOTEBOOK'])
        tags = tracen('Evernote.note_store.listTagsByNotebook',
                      notestore.listTagsByNotebook, notebook.guid)

        tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda Tag: Tag.name)
        cache.set(key, tags, timeout=vmenu.app.config['CACHE_TIMEOUT'])

    return tags
Exemple #22
    def sub_by_rotor(self, rotor_num, num):
        """ substitute the number by one rotor"""
        trace(num, '>')
        assert num in self.alphabet
        # AUR: You're doing all these rotations all the time, and your code is full of
        # increment-then-%... Maybe the codebase would be clearer if you used a
        # "modular number" class?
        # Something like:
        # >>> a = ModNum(16, 5)
        # >>> a
        # 5mod16
        # >>> a + 1
        # 6mod16
        # >>> a = a + a + a + a
        # >>> a
        # 4mod16
        # or maybe the less magical:
        # >>> a = Rotor(6, 5)
        # >>> a
        # <Rotor 6>
        # >>> a.value
        # 5
        # >>> a.increase()
        # >>> a.value
        # 0
        # >>> a.decrease()
        # >>> a.value
        # 5
        # In general, a very good thought technique when programming is asking "what are my
        # core concepts?" and making those easy to "speak in" without needing to do
        # bookkeeping.

        num += self.shift[rotor_num]
        num = num % self.alpha_len
        num = self.rotors[rotor_num][num]
        num -= self.shift[rotor_num]
        num = num % self.alpha_len
        trace(num, '>')
        return num
Exemple #23
def read_sensor(sensor_path, sensor_id):
    # Read value of a temperature sensor_id
    lines = read_temperature_raw(sensor_path, sensor_id)
    remaining_retry = 10
    while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != "YES":
        lines = read_temperature_raw(sensor_path, sensor_id)
        if remaining_retry == 0:
            trace("Sensor: " + str(sensor_id) + "read failed giving up", ERROR)
            return 0.0
            trace("Sensor: " + str(sensor_id) + "read failed retry", WARN)
            remaining_retry = remaining_retry - 1

    temp_output = lines[1].find("t=")

    if temp_output != -1:
        temp_string = lines[1].strip()[temp_output + 2:]
        temp_centigrade = float(temp_string) / 1000.0
        return temp_centigrade
Exemple #24
def get_recipes(tag, refresh):
    key = vmenu.app.config['CACHE_PREFIX'] + 'recipes-' + tag
    results = cache.get(key)

    if results is None or refresh:
        if refresh:
            logging.info('Explicitly refreshing %s', key)
            logging.info('Cache miss for %s', key)
        client = trace(get_client)
        notestore = trace(client.get_note_store)
        notebook = trace(get_notebook, notestore, vmenu.app.config['NOTEBOOK'])

        tag_guids = [tag]
        filter = NoteFilter(notebookGuid=notebook.guid, tagGuids=tag_guids)
        offset = 0
        max_notes = 500
        result_spec = NotesMetadataResultSpec(includeTitle=True)
        notes_result = tracen('Evernote.note_store.findNotesMetadata',
                              notestore.findNotesMetadata, filter, offset,
                              max_notes, result_spec)
        notes = sorted(notes_result.notes,
                       key=lambda NoteMetadata: NoteMetadata.title)
        results = []

        def process_notes():
            url_prefix = trace(get_url_prefix)
            for n in notes:
                result = {
                    'guid': n.guid,
                    'title': n.title,
                    'thumbnail': trace(get_thumbnail, url_prefix, n.guid)


        cache.set(key, results, timeout=vmenu.app.config['CACHE_TIMEOUT'])

    return results
Exemple #25
def pipe(img_path, colors_num=16, blur=True, max_pieces_size=0):

    img = cv2.imread(img_path)

    img = img_blur(img)
    img = img_quantize(img, 7)
    cols, rows, _ = img.shape

    svg = SVGBuilder()
    svg.create_canvas(width=rows, height=cols)

    outlines = trace(img)
    draw_outlines(svg, outlines)
Exemple #26
def ray_fan_X_single(lens, Hx=0, Hy=0, wave=0, **options):
    num_pts = 25
    xs = []
    px = np.linspace(0,1,num_pts)
    yp,up = paraxial_trace_HP(lens,Hx=Hx,Hy=Hy,Px=0,Py=0,wave=wave)
    for pt in px:
        raytrace = trace(lens,Hx=Hx,Hy=Hy,Px=pt,Py=0,wave=wave)
        xs.append(raytrace.x[-1] - yp[-1])
    xs = [x-xs[0] for x in xs]  # remove distortion
    return px, xs
Exemple #27
def get_recipe(recipe, refresh):
    client = trace(get_client)
    notestore = trace(client.get_note_store)

    # Get the note metadata without a body or resources. This result contains
    # the body hash used for caching.
    partial = tracen('Evernote.note_store.getNote', notestore.getNote, recipe,
                     False, False, False, False)

    # Check the cache for this note.
    key = '%s%s_%s' % (vmenu.app.config['CACHE_PREFIX'],
    content = cache.get(key)
    if content is None or refresh:
        if refresh:
            logging.info('Explicitly refreshing %s', key)
            logging.info('Cache miss for %s', key)
        full = tracen('Evernote.note_store.getNote', notestore.getNote, recipe,
                      True, False, False, False)
        content = strip_tags(full.content.decode('utf-8'))

        def process():
            url_prefix = trace(get_url_prefix)
            if full.resources is not None and vmenu.app.config['RECIPE_IMAGES']:
                for resource in full.resources:
                    content = trace(update_resource, url_prefix, content,


        # Cache the content. The key is the MD5 hash of the server stored content
        # but the stored value in this cache has stripped out tags.
        cache.set(key, content, timeout=vmenu.app.config['CACHE_TIMEOUT'])

    return {"content": content}
Exemple #28
def get_recipes(tag, refresh):
    key = vmenu.app.config['CACHE_PREFIX'] + 'recipes-' + tag
    results = cache.get(key)

    if results is None or refresh:
        if refresh:
            logging.info('Explicitly refreshing %s', key);
            logging.info('Cache miss for %s', key)
        client = trace(get_client)
        notestore = trace(client.get_note_store)
        notebook = trace(get_notebook, notestore, vmenu.app.config['NOTEBOOK'])

        tag_guids = [tag]
        filter = NoteFilter(notebookGuid=notebook.guid, tagGuids=tag_guids)
        offset = 0
        max_notes = 500
        result_spec = NotesMetadataResultSpec(includeTitle=True)
        notes_result = tracen('Evernote.note_store.findNotesMetadata', notestore.findNotesMetadata, filter, offset, max_notes, result_spec)
        notes = sorted(notes_result.notes, key = lambda NoteMetadata: NoteMetadata.title)
        results = []

        def process_notes():
            url_prefix = trace(get_url_prefix)
            for n in notes:
                result = {
                    'guid': n.guid,
                    'title': n.title,
                    'thumbnail': trace(get_thumbnail, url_prefix, n.guid)

        cache.set(key, results, timeout=vmenu.app.config['CACHE_TIMEOUT'])

    return results
Exemple #29
def quadraticNumSolutions(a, b, c, base):
    if b == 0:
        return 1
    print(f"Finding Tr(ac / b^2)")
    poly = baseToPoly(base)
    ac = polyMult(a, c, poly)
    print(f"ac = {ac}")
    #bSqr = polyMult(b,2,poly)
    bInv = computeFieldInverse(base, b)
    print(f"bInv = {bInv}")
    bInvSq = polyPowmod(bInv, 2, 1, poly)
    print(f"bInvSq = {bInvSq}")
    tr = trace(polyMult(ac, bInvSq, poly), base)
    print(f"Tr = {tr}")
    if (tr == 0):
        return 2
    return 0
def get_traces(root):
    Extract traces from a inkml file.
    trace_objs = []
    for trac in root.findall('{http://www.w3.org/2003/InkML}trace'):
        this_trace = trace()
        this_trace.id = trac.get('id')
        data = trac.text.rstrip().lstrip()
        xy = data.split(',')
        for one in xy:
            one_xy = one.rstrip().lstrip().split(' ')
    return trace_objs
def spline3(x, y, new_x, boundary, boundary_type='second_derivative', sort=True):
	if boundary_type not in ('derivative', 'second_derivative'):
		print('boundary_type can noly be "derivative" or "second_derivative!"')
	if len(boundary) != 2:
		print('The length of boundary can only be 2!')
	if not (isinstance(new_x,list) or isinstance(new_x,tuple)):
			new_x = [new_x]
			print('The type of new_x is illegal! new_x should be a list or tuple!')
	if sort:
		my_dict = dict(zip(x,y))
		x = sorted(x)
		y = [my_dict[i] for i in x]
	x = np.array(x)
	y = np.array(y)
	n = len(x)
	boundary = np.array(boundary)
	h = x[1:] - x[:-1]
	#miu为三对角矩阵的下次对角,lamb为上次对角, d为三对角方程右边的y向量
	miu = h[:-1]/(h[:-1]+h[1:])
	lamb = h[1:]/(h[1:]+h[:-1])
	d = 6* ((y[2:]-y[1:-1])/(x[2:]-x[1:-1]) - (y[1:-1]-y[:-2])/(x[1:-1]-x[:-2])) / (h[:-1]+h[1:])
	#根据边界条件的不同调整miu, lamb, d的两侧
	if boundary_type == 'derivative':
		lamb = np.insert(lamb, 0, 1)
		miu = np.append(miu, 1)
		d = np.insert(d,[0,len(d)],[6*((y[1]-y[0])/(x[1]-x[0])-boundary[0])/h[0], 6*(boundary[1]-(y[-1]-y[-2])/(x[-1]-x[-2]))/h[-1]])
		lamb = np.insert(lamb, 0, 0)
		miu = np.append(miu, 0)
		d = np.insert(d, [0,len(d)], [2*boundary[0], 2*boundary[1]])
	M = trace(np.array([2]*n), lamb, miu, d)
	new_y = [predict(x,y,h,M,e) for e in new_x]
	return new_y
Exemple #32
 def push(self, evt):
     trace("[input] pushed {!r}", evt.data)
     key = evt.data
     d = self.k.get(key)
     if isinstance(d, dict):
         trace("[input] transition")
         self.k = d
         if d is None:
             trace("[input] invalid")
             if self.stack or len(key) > 1 or unicodedata.category(
                     key) == 'C':
                 self.results.append((self.invalid_cls, self.stack + [key]))
                 # small optimization:
                 self.k[key] = self.character_cls
                 self.results.append((self.character_cls, [key]))
             trace("[input] matched {}", d)
             self.results.append((d, self.stack + [key]))
         self.stack = []
         self.k = self.ck
Exemple #33
def distortion_single(lens, type_='f_tan_theta', wave=0, **options):
    if lens.t[0] < 1e10:
        raise ValueError('Distortion plot requires lens having infinite object.')
    num_pts = 25
    Hys = np.linspace(0,1,num_pts)
    yf = np.array(lens.y_field_list())
    max_f = max(yf)
    if type_ == 'f_tan_theta':
        yp = lens.f2()*np.tan(Hys*np.deg2rad(max_f))
    elif type_ == 'f_theta':
        yp = lens.f2()*Hys*np.deg2rad(max_f)
        raise ValueError('Invalid distortion type selected.')
    yr = []
    for Hy in Hys:
        raytrace = trace(lens,Hx=0,Hy=Hy,Px=0,Py=0,wave=wave).run()

    dist = [100*(x-y)/y for x,y in zip(yr,yp)]
    return dist, Hys
Exemple #34
def dft_attack(seq_s, fun_f, fun_g):
    n = fun_f.degree()
    field = GF(2 ** n, name = 'gamma', modulus = fun_f)
    gamma = field.gen()

    seq_b_iv = []
    for i in range(n):
        seq_b_iv.append(trace(gamma ** i))
    seq_b_generator = lfsr(seq_b_iv, fun_f)
    seq_b = []
    for i in range(2 ** n - 1):
    # print 'seq_b', seq_b

    seq_a = []
    seq_b_doubled = seq_b * 2 # for ease of programming
    for i in range(2 ** n - 1):
        seq_a.append(GF(2)(fun_g(seq_b_doubled[i : (i + n)])))

    fun_p = bma(seq_a)
    if len(seq_s) < fun_p.degree():
        os.stderr.write("algorithm failed\n")

    # 2
    coset_leaders = coset(2 ** n - 1)
    for k in coset_leaders: # coset() is changed?
        if 1 == gcd(k, 2 ** n - 1) and k is not 1:
    # k_inverse = field(k).pth_power(-1) # not right?
    for i in range(2 ** n - 1):
        if (i * k) % (2 ** n - 1) == 1:
            k_inverse = i
    #print 'k_inverse', k_inverse

    # 3
    # print 'seq_a', seq_a
    # print type(seq_a[0])
    (A_k, S_k) = dft(seq_s, seq_a)
    # print 'A_k', A_k

    # online phase
    # 1
    # print 'seq_s', seq_s 
    # two dft computations are combined now
    # print 'S_k', S_k

    # 2
    # print 'k', k
    # print 'k_inverse', k_inverse
    # k_inverse = 13
    gamma_tau = (S_k[k] * (A_k[k] ** (-1))) ** (k_inverse)

    # print gamma_tau
    # 3
    result_u = []
    for i in range(n):
        result_u.append(trace(gamma_tau * (gamma_tau.parent().gen() ** i)))

    return result_u
Exemple #35
def log(*args):
    trace.trace('cppblocks.compiler', *args)
Exemple #36
# set I/O
ptext_path = sys.argv[1]
etext_path = os.path.join("%s.encripted.txt" % ptext_path)
f_ptext = file(ptext_path)
ptext = f_ptext.read()
f_etext = file(etext_path, 'w')

enigma_1 = core.enigma()
# AUR: Unless this is somehow overridden later, it wouldn't work, as
# argv[2] is a string and those are immutable, and you mutate the
# shift state all the time.
# Aren't there errors when doing shift[i] += 1?
enigma_1.shift = shift_user = sys.argv[2]

# protector
if ptext[-1] == '\n':
    ptext = ptext[:-1]

# calling the enigma function from the core, using the parameters from the conf, passing the result to the output file.
for char in ptext:
    assert(char != '\n') # for some reason, the last char in the file is <CR>, but it doen't appear in a text editor
    assert(int(char) in enigma_1.alphabet)
    p_num = int(char)
    trace(p_num, '>>>>>>>>>>>')
    e_num = enigma_1.click(p_num)
    trace(e_num, '>>>>>>>>>>>')
#    e_char = chr(e_num)
    e_char = str(e_num)
Exemple #37
import draw
import trace

##points = int(raw_input('Points? '))
##outer = int(raw_input('Outer Radius? '))
##inner = int(raw_input('Inner Radius? '))
##x = int(raw_input('Origin (x)? '))
##y = int(raw_input('Origin (y)? '))
##output = str(raw_input('Output? '))

#draw.drawstar(points, outer, inner, x, y, output)
#draw.drawfunction('x^2', -2, 2)
Exemple #38
def log(*args):
    trace.trace('cppblocks.expr.scanner', *args)
isa = sys.argv[2]

approx_dir = os.environ.get('APPROXGEM5')
apps_dir = approx_dir + '/workloads/' + isa + '/apps/' + app_name
app_prefix = apps_dir + '/' + app_name

raw_outcomes_path = approx_dir + '/gem5/outputs/x86/'

raw_trace_file = app_prefix + '_clean_dump_parsed_merged.txt'
pruning_db_file = app_prefix + '_pruning_database.txt'
raw_outcomes_file = raw_outcomes_path + app_name + '.outcomes_raw'
mem_bounds_file = app_prefix + '_mem_bounds.txt'

dependent_stores_file = app_prefix + '_dependent_stores.txt'

app_trace = trace(raw_trace_file)

mem_bounds = [
    int(i) for i in open(mem_bounds_file).read().splitlines()[1].split()
mem_bit_start = max(mem_bounds)

raw_outcomes_list = open(raw_outcomes_file).read().splitlines()

pruning_db = [
    pc_info(None, None, None, in_string=i)
    for i in open(pruning_db_file).read().splitlines()[1:]

pilot_db_map = {i.pilot: i for i in pruning_db}
Exemple #40
 def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
     return trace(f, *args, **kwargs)
    shapes = open('./maps/' + map + '/shapes', 'r')
    lights = open('./maps/' + map + '/lights', 'r')

    shapedat = ""

    for id, shape in enumerate(shapes.read()[:-1].split('\n')):
        line = shape.split(' ')
        base = './textures/' + line[0] + '/'
        path = base + 'texture.png'

        x = []

        if path in lookup:
            x = lookup[path]
            x = trace(path)
            x = [[point[0] + int(line[1]), point[1] + int(line[2])]
                 for point in x]
            x = flatten(x)
            lookup[path] = x

        if len(x) == 0:

        data = struct.pack('B', 0)  # pack
        data += struct.pack('i', id)  # pack
        data += struct.pack('h', len(x))

        ## offset x and y
        data += struct.pack('i', int(line[1]))
        data += struct.pack('i', int(line[2]))
Exemple #42
 def _ray_OPL(self, Px, Py, C, R):
     '''OPL from object to reference sphere'''
     raytrace = trace(self.lens, self.Hx, self.Hy, Px, Py, self.wave).run()
     return sum(raytrace.OPL) - self._OPL_XPtoImg(raytrace.ray_list[-1], C,
Exemple #43
import random
from trace import trace
char_nam = int(argv[2])
path = argv[1]
file_1 = file(path, 'w')

for i in xrange(char_num):
Exemple #44
 def process():
     url_prefix = trace(get_url_prefix)
     if full.resources is not None and vmenu.app.config['RECIPE_IMAGES']:
         for resource in full.resources:
             content = trace(update_resource, url_prefix, content, resource)

    for im_slice in image_slices:
        im_slice = str(im_slice)

        #lo,up,bk = define_aperture.define_aperture("t"+im_slice+"_"+file_name,coo,i)
        sigma,bk = define_aperture.define_aperture("t"+im_slice+"_"+file_name,coo,i)

        #print sigma,bk

        # if len(coo) > 1:
        #     sigma = sigma /2

        ### Trace along the brigthest star (coo[0])
        signal_trace = trace.trace("t"+im_slice+"_"+file_name,coo[0][0],bk)
        dist = []
        for k in range(len(coo)):
        for k in range(len(dist)):
            if dist[k] == min(dist):
                signal_trace = signal_trace + (coo[0][0]-coo[k][0])

        print "t"+im_slice+"_"+file_name

        ### Make trace plot
        image = pyfits.getdata("t"+im_slice+"_"+file_name)
Exemple #46
def simulate(tb, max_pi_events=-1, trace_list=[], trace_mode="none"):
    Breadth first simulation

    if trace_mode == "event":
        traceevent = True
        traceon = True
    elif trace_mode == "end" or trace_mode == "none":
        traceevent = False
        traceon = False
    else:  # trace_mode == "tick"
        traceevent = False
        traceon = True

    verbose = goptions['verbose']
    statson = goptions['stats']
    osclimit = goptions['osclimit']
    nostrobe = goptions['nostrobe']

    # ensure that all gates in the top level netlist have their verbose
    # attribute set, if it exists
    if verbose:
        for g in tb.gatelist:
            if hasattr(g, "verbose"):
                g.verbose = True

    sticky_result = True

    netlist = tb.netlist
    if not len(tb.events):
        print "Error - no events to simulate"
        return (None, 0, None, None, 0)
    elif max_pi_events < 0:
        max_pi_events = len(tb.events) + 1

    tr = trace.trace(trace_list, tb)
    if verbose:
        print tr.log_header()

    # supply nets start simulation with their correct values, but need to
    # add their fanout to the eval list for the first pass through the
    # simulation. Also resolve all nets based on 'X' starting values in
    # drivers
    eval_list = []
    for n in [n for n in tb.get_nets(regexp='', hier=True)]:

#    # add all (simulatable) gates to the evaluation list for the first pass through - this seems to work better
#    # for gate level netlists though not for predominantly transistor level ones!
    eval_list = [[
        g.simulate for g in tb.get_gates(regexp='', hier=True)
        if hasattr(g, 'simulate')

    total_passes = 0
    total_fails = 0
    stats = {
        "Rotations": [],
        "Wheel lengths": [],
        "Net Evals": [],
        "Gate Evals": [],

    pi_count = -1

    s = time.time()

    for (events, po_events) in tb.events[:max_pi_events]:

        pi_count += 1
        loop_counter = 0

        if statson:
            stats["Wheel lengths"] = []
            stats["Gate Evals"] = []
            stats["Net Evals"] = []
            stats = None

        event_wheel = [events]

        while event_wheel:
            loop_counter += 1
            net_evals = 0
            # and add fanout of nets to the evaluation list
            if traceevent:
                result = tr.log_changes(pi_count)[0]
                if verbose and result:
                    print result

            # first update all nets drivers based on the event_wheel contents, resolve the net
            # and add the fanout events to the evaluation list.
            while event_wheel:
                for (n, state, driverpin) in event_wheel.pop():
                    # some nets may enter the event_wheel more than once so only resolve those
                    # where a change could take place
                    if driverpin.state != state:
                        driverpin.state = state
                        net_evals += 1

            if statson:
                stats["Wheel lengths"].append(len(event_wheel))
                stats["Gate Evals"].append(len(eval_list))
                stats["Net Evals"].append(net_evals)
                stats["Rotations"] = [loop_counter + 1]

            event_wheel = [e() for ee in eval_list for e in ee]
            eval_list = []

            if loop_counter > osclimit:
                print "* Oscillations detected, bailing out of simulation tick", pi_count

        if not nostrobe or traceon:
            (result, passes, fails) = tr.log_changes(pi_count, po_events, nostrobe, \
                                                         stats=stats, traceon=traceon)
            total_passes += passes
            total_fails += fails

            if result and verbose:
                print result

            if goptions['stoponfail'] and fails > 0:

    e = time.time()
    if trace_mode == "end":
        result = tr.log_changes(pi_count,
        if verbose:
            print result

    if verbose:
        print tr.log_footer()

    return (tr, pi_count + 1, total_passes, total_fails, (e - s))
Exemple #47
  <anItem hi="there" now="again">2</anItem>

doc2 = """<?xml version="1.0"?><one><two>Three</two><two/></one>"""

if __name__ == "__main__" :
  #from xml.dom.ext.reader import Sax2
  from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
  from trace import trace
  #reader = Sax2.Reader()
  #doc1 = reader.fromString(doc)
  doc2 = parseString(doc)
  #doc = reader.fromSt("DnD.xml")
  #expr = Compile("/d_n_d_players/player/../../d_n_d_players/player/character")
  expr = Compile("/root/*")
  #expr = Compile(" 2 + 5 * 3")
  #for n in range(1) :
  #  if n % 100 == 0 :
  #    print ".",
  #  for i in expr(doc, Environment()) :
  #    Print (i)
  #    print
  #    #pass
  result = expr(trace(doc2), Environment())
  print repr(result)
  for r in result:
    print repr(r)
  #expr(test_doc, Environment())
Exemple #48
def log(*args):
    trace.trace('cppblocks.expr.eval', *args)
Exemple #49
def dft(sequence, reference=None):
    if None == reference:
        N = len(sequence)
        seq_a = list(sequence)
        N = len(reference)
        seq_a = list(reference)
        seq_a_target = list(sequence)

    fun_p = bma(seq_a * 2)  # turn sequence as periodic
    L = fun_p.degree()

    # assert 2 * L <= len(seq_a)

    # selection of parameters
    # fine smallest n, s.t. N | (2^n - 1)
    n = 1
    while 0 != (2 ** n - 1) % N:  # this means N cannot be even number
        n += 1
    # print n

    # define the extension field
    TheExtensionField = GF(2 ** n, "beta")
    beta = TheExtensionField.gen()
    fun_f = TheExtensionField.polynomial()
    TheExtensionPolynomialRing = TheExtensionField["Y"]
    # print fun_f

    # construct a new m-seq {b_t}
    seq_b_iv = []
    for i in range(n):
        seq_b_iv.append((beta ** i).trace())
    seq_b_generator = lfsr(seq_b_iv, fun_f)
    seq_b = []
    for i in range(2 ** len(seq_b_iv) - 1):
    # print seq_b_iv
    # print seq_b

    # let alpha be an element in GF(2^n) with order N
    alpha = beta ** ((2 ** n - 1) / N)
    # print alpha, alpha ** N

    # procedure
    # step 1. compute coset
    I = coset(N)
    # print I

    # step 2.
    fun_p_extended = TheExtensionPolynomialRing(fun_p)
    # print fun_p_extended

    spectra_A = [None] * N
    spectra_A_target = [None] * N
    for k in I:
        if fun_p_extended(alpha ** k) != 0:
            spectra_A[k] = 0
            if reference:
                spectra_A_target[k] = 0

        # print 'k', k, fun_p_extended(alpha ** k)

        # sub-routine for computing A_k
        # 1. get coset size
        m = I[k]
        # print k, m, n

        # 2. k-decimation sequence
        seq_c = []
        if m == n:
            for t in range(2 * m):
                seq_c.append(seq_b[(t * k) % (2 ** n - 1)])
        elif m < n:
            for t in range(2 * m):
                seq_c.append(trace(alpha ** (k * t), m))
            import sys

            sys.stderr.write("should never happen?\n")

        # print seq_b
        # print seq_c

        fun_p_k = bma(seq_c)
        # print fun_p
        # print fun_p_k
        # print fun_p / fun_p_k

        matrix_M_ele = []
        for i in range(m):
            for ele in range(i, m + i):
        matrix_M = matrix(GF(2), m, m, matrix_M_ele)
        # print 'matrix_M'
        # print matrix_M

        # 3. contruct a filter
        fun_q = fun_p.parent()(fun_p / fun_p_k)
        # print fun_q
        # print type(fun_q)

        # 4. compute the time convolution
        seq_v_generator = convolution(seq_a, fun_q)
        seq_v = []
        for i in range(m):

        if reference:
            seq_v_target_generator = convolution(seq_a_target, fun_q)
            seq_v_target = []
            for i in range(m):

        # 4.5 solve linear equations to get x_i
        matrix_x = matrix_M.inverse() * matrix(GF(2), m, 1, seq_v)
        # print 'matrix_x'
        # print matrix_x
        if reference:
            matrix_x_target = matrix_M.inverse() * matrix(GF(2), m, 1, seq_v_target)
            # print 'matrix_x_target'
            # print matrix_x_target

        # 5. compute A_k = V * T
        V = 0
        for i in range(m):
            if 1 == matrix_x[i][0]:
                V += alpha ** (i * k)
        if reference:
            V_target = 0
            for i in range(m):
                if 1 == matrix_x_target[i][0]:
                    V_target += alpha ** (i * k)

        fun_q_extended = TheExtensionPolynomialRing(fun_q)

        # print fun_q_extended
        T = fun_q_extended(alpha ** k) ** (-1)
        # print T
        # print type(T)

        A_k = V * T
        # print A_k
        spectra_A[k] = A_k

        if reference:
            A_k_target = V_target * T
            spectra_A_target[k] = A_k_target

    # print spectra_A
    # print spectra_A_target
    # to compute the A_k where k is not coset leader
    for i in I:
        for j in range(1, I[i]):
            spectra_A[(i * (2 ** j)) % N] = spectra_A[i] ** (2 ** j)
            if reference:
                spectra_A_target[(i * (2 ** j)) % N] = spectra_A_target[i] ** (2 ** j)
    # print alpha ** 6

    if None == reference:
        return spectra_A
        return spectra_A, spectra_A_target
Exemple #50
def log(*args):
    trace.trace('cppblocks.filefinder', *args)