Exemple #1
    def doInvokeFunction(self, function):
        if function.name in self.getProcAddressFunctionNames:
            nameArg = function.args[0].name
            Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)

            # Replace function addresses with ours
            # XXX: Doing this here instead of wrapRet means that the trace will
            # contain the addresses of the wrapper functions, and not the real
            # functions, but in practice this should make no difference.
            print "    _result = _wrapProcAddress(%s, _result);" % (nameArg,)
            Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)
Exemple #2
    def doInvokeFunction(self, function):
        # Same as invokeFunction() but called both when trace is enabled or disabled.
        # Used to modify the behavior of GL entry-points.

        # Override GL extensions
        if function.name in ('glGetString', 'glGetIntegerv', 'glGetStringi'):

        # We implement GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_GREMEDY_*, etc., and not the
        # driver
        if function.name in self.marker_functions:

        # We may be faking KHR_debug, so ensure the pointer queries result is
        # always zeroed to prevent dereference of unitialized pointers
        if function.name == 'glGetPointerv':
            print '    if (params &&'
            print '        (pname == GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION ||'
            print '         pname == GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM)) {'
            print '        *params = NULL;'
            print '    }'

        if function.name in self.getProcAddressFunctionNames:
            else_ = ''
            for marker_function in self.marker_functions:
                if self.api.getFunctionByName(marker_function):
                    print '    %sif (strcmp("%s", (const char *)%s) == 0) {' % (
                        else_, marker_function, function.args[0].name)
                    print '        _result = (%s)&%s;' % (function.type,
                    print '    }'
                else_ = 'else '
            print '    %s{' % else_
            Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)

            # Replace function addresses with ours
            # XXX: Doing this here instead of wrapRet means that the trace will
            # contain the addresses of the wrapper functions, and not the real
            # functions, but in practice this should make no difference.
            if function.name in self.getProcAddressFunctionNames:
                print '    _result = _wrapProcAddress(%s, _result);' % (
                    function.args[0].name, )

            print '    }'

        Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)
Exemple #3
    def doInvokeFunction(self, function):
        # Same as invokeFunction() but called both when trace is enabled or disabled.
        # Used to modify the behavior of GL entry-points.

        # Override GL extensions
        if function.name in ('glGetString', 'glGetIntegerv', 'glGetStringi'):
            Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function, prefix = 'gltrace::_', suffix = '_override')

        # We implement GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_GREMEDY_*, etc., and not the
        # driver
        if function.name in self.marker_functions:

        # We may be faking KHR_debug, so ensure the pointer queries result is
        # always zeroed to prevent dereference of unitialized pointers
        if function.name == 'glGetPointerv':
            print '    if (params &&'
            print '        (pname == GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION ||'
            print '         pname == GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM)) {'
            print '        *params = NULL;'
            print '    }'

        if function.name in self.getProcAddressFunctionNames:
            else_ = ''
            for marker_function in self.marker_functions:
                if self.api.getFunctionByName(marker_function):
                    print '    %sif (strcmp("%s", (const char *)%s) == 0) {' % (else_, marker_function, function.args[0].name)
                    print '        _result = (%s)&%s;' % (function.type, marker_function)
                    print '    }'
                else_ = 'else '
            print '    %s{' % else_
            Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)

            # Replace function addresses with ours
            # XXX: Doing this here instead of wrapRet means that the trace will
            # contain the addresses of the wrapper functions, and not the real
            # functions, but in practice this should make no difference.
            if function.name in self.getProcAddressFunctionNames:
                print '    _result = _wrapProcAddress(%s, _result);' % (function.args[0].name,)

            print '    }'

        Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)
Exemple #4
    def doInvokeFunction(self, function):
        # Same as invokeFunction() but called both when trace is enabled or disabled.
        # Used to modify the behavior of GL entry-points.

        # Override GL extensions
        if function.name in ('glGetString', 'glGetIntegerv', 'glGetStringi'):
            Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function, prefix = 'gltrace::_', suffix = '_override')

        # We implement GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_GREMEDY_*, etc., and not the
        # driver
        if function.name in self.marker_functions:

        if function.name in self.getProcAddressFunctionNames:
            else_ = ''
            for marker_function in self.marker_functions:
                if self.api.getFunctionByName(marker_function):
                    print '    %sif (strcmp("%s", (const char *)%s) == 0) {' % (else_, marker_function, function.args[0].name)
                    print '        _result = (%s)&%s;' % (function.type, marker_function)
                    print '    }'
                else_ = 'else '
            print '    %s{' % else_
            Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)

            # Replace function addresses with ours
            # XXX: Doing this here instead of wrapRet means that the trace will
            # contain the addresses of the wrapper functions, and not the real
            # functions, but in practice this should make no difference.
            if function.name in self.getProcAddressFunctionNames:
                print '    _result = _wrapProcAddress(%s, _result);' % (function.args[0].name,)

            print '    }'

        Tracer.doInvokeFunction(self, function)