def track(self, bbox, model=None): """ tracks target throw a series of images. tracks the face throw images in ortder to avoid the need to preform all the pipline each time. Agrs: bbox (numpy array) : the bounding boxes of faces in the image which we went to track. model (string) : the model name you wish to use for tracking. Return: ret (numpy array) : the bounding boxes with tracking id. track_time (float) : the time it tooks to track. """ if model == None: model = self.pipline_model_options['track_model'] if model == None: model = 'sort' if model == 'sort': if self.track_models['sort'] == None: self.track_models['sort'] = Sort() bbox = self.track_models['sort'].process_bbox(bbox) start = time.time() ret = self.track_models[model].update(bbox) end = time.time() track_time = end - start ret = ret[::-1] return ret, track_time
class Tracker(object): def __init__(self, THRESH, FPS=10): self.algorithm = Sort(THRESH) self.tracked_detections = [] self.video_fps = FPS self.total_counts = 0 def reset_tracks(self): self.tracked_detections = [] def track_dets(self, dets, frame): """ param dets: [x1,y1,x2,y2,conf,class] :param frame: :return: """ new_tracked_detections, erased_trks = self.algorithm.update( dets, self.tracked_detections) # Algoritmo ultra-mega-simplista-jamas-recomendado-para-conteo. for erased in erased_trks: if erased.get_age() / self.video_fps > 2.0: self.total_counts += 1 self.tracked_detections = new_tracked_detections return put_tracked_in_frame(self.tracked_detections, frame), self.total_counts
def load_models(self): """ load the models specified in the options. load th pipeline models which are set using set options if not set it will load the default models. Args: Return: bool: True if all loading was successfully done. """ det_model = self.pipline_model_options['detect_model'] if det_model == 'mtcnn': det = det_mtcnn() self.detect_models['mtcnn'] = det self.detect_models['mtcnn'].load() if det_model == 'dlib': det = det_dlib() self.detect_models['dlib'] = det self.detect_models['dlib'].load() if det_model == 'lffd': det = det_lffd() self.detect_models['lffd'] = det self.detect_models['lffd'].load() rec_model = self.pipline_model_options['recognize_model'] if rec_model == 'facenet': rec = rec_facenet() self.recognize_models['facenet'] = rec self.recognize_models['facenet'].load() if rec_model == 'arcface': rec = rec_arcface() self.recognize_models['arcface'] = rec self.recognize_models['arcface'].load() self.track_models['sort'] = Sort() return True
def __init__(self): # self.sort = MaskSort(max_age=3, max_trajectory_len=20) self.sort = Sort(max_age=3, max_trajectory_len=20)
class PersonTracker: def __init__(self): # self.sort = MaskSort(max_age=3, max_trajectory_len=20) self.sort = Sort(max_age=3, max_trajectory_len=20) # The current simple logic is to map face to body only on this frame and ignore any previous faces def update(self, face_results, body_results, img, rgb=True): """ Requires: this method must be called once for each frame even with empty detections. NOTE: The number of objects returned may differ from the number of detections provided. :param img: original image :param face_results: a list of DetectionResult of face. :param body_results: a list of DetectionResult of body :return: (tracked_people, removed_ids) where tracked_people is a list of TrackedPerson and removed_ids is a list of ids of people which copmletely lost track """ assert isinstance(face_results, list) assert isinstance(body_results, list) for r in face_results: assert isinstance(r, DetectionResult) for r in body_results: assert isinstance(r, DetectionResult) # Sort expect bounding boxes to be passed in the form of [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, score],...] body_boxes = np.array([[*, r.score] for r in body_results]) body_masks = [r.mask for r in body_results] tracked_people, associated_det_inds, removed_ids = self.sort.update( body_boxes) # Match face against tracked people # tracked_body_boxes = tracked_people[:, :4] # tracked_people is [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, score, id],...] tracked_body_masks = [ body_results[det_ind].mask for det_ind in associated_det_inds ] face_boxes = np.array([[*, r.score] for r in face_results]) matched, unmatched_faces, unmatched_bodies = matching( face_boxes, tracked_body_masks, 0.8) # Construct return structure results = [] for face_ind, body_ind in matched: results.append( self._to_tracked_person( tracked_people[body_ind], face_boxes[face_ind], body_results[associated_det_inds[body_ind]].mask)) for body_ind in unmatched_bodies: results.append( self._to_tracked_person( tracked_people[body_ind], None, body_results[associated_det_inds[body_ind]].mask)) # Just ignore any unmatched faces for now return results, removed_ids @staticmethod def _to_tracked_person(body, face, mask): if face is not None: return TrackedPerson(id=int(body[5]), face_box=face[:4], face_score=np.asscalar(face[4]), body_box=body[:4], body_score=np.asscalar(body[4]), body_mask=mask) else: return TrackedPerson(id=int(body[5]), face_box=None, face_score=None, body_box=body[:4], body_score=np.asscalar(body[4]), body_mask=mask)
def __init__(self, THRESH, FPS=10): self.algorithm = Sort(THRESH) self.tracked_detections = [] self.video_fps = FPS self.total_counts = 0
def main(gaze_opt, attr_opt): # gaze_estimator = GazeEstimator(gaze_opt) detector = S3fdFaceDetector() fa = AllInOneAttributer(attr_opt) tracker = Sort(max_age=3, max_trajectory_len=20) update_attr_interval = 0.03 # Attribute update interval in seconds people = {} # Read video by opencv cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/root/models/detection/output/2018-08-30-155619.webm') width, height = cap.get(3), cap.get(4) print((width, height)) cv2.namedWindow("video", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN) cv2.setWindowProperty("video", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) while True: grabbed, image_bgr = if not grabbed: break # Some algorithms only take RGB image, and possibly only in PIL format image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image_pil = Image.fromarray(image_rgb) # Detect and track-by-detection faces = detector.detect(image_bgr) tracked_faces = tracker.update(faces) if len(tracked_faces) > 0: faces = tracked_faces[..., 0:4] ids = tracked_faces[..., 5] # Update the list of tracked people and decide whether to update attributes cur_time = time.time() faces_to_detect_attr = [] ids_to_detect_attr = [] for id, f in zip(ids, faces): if id not in people: people[id] = Person(id) if people[id].last_update + update_attr_interval < cur_time: faces_to_detect_attr.append(f) ids_to_detect_attr.append(id) # Detect and update attributes for faces that are necessary to be updated if len(faces_to_detect_attr) > 0: attributes = fa(image_pil, faces_to_detect_attr) # In RGB color space # Update attributes for id, a in zip(ids_to_detect_attr, attributes): people[id].update(a) # gaze_targets = gaze_estimator(image_pil, [(f[0], f[1], f[2] - f[0], f[3] - f[1]) for f in faces]) # Remove stale people valid_ids = set(tracker.get_valid_ids()) for id in people.keys() - valid_ids: people.pop(id) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image_pil) # for f, id, g in zip(faces, ids, gaze_targets): for f, id in zip(faces, ids): # bbox_color = (255, 0, 0) if people[id].gender == 0 else (0, 0, 255) bbox_color = (255, 0, 0) draw_person_attributes(draw, people[id], f, f) draw_bounding_box_pil(f, draw, bbox_color) # draw_gaze_target_pil((int((g[0] - 1280) / 3 + 320), int(g[1] / 3)), draw, (0, 0, 255)) image_rgb = np.array(image_pil) image_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(image_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imshow('video', image_bgr) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 27: # Esc key to stop break