Exemple #1
    def org_task(self, org):
        Fetches new and modified flow runs for the given org and creates/updates
        poll responses.
        from tracpro.orgs_ext.constants import TaskType
        from tracpro.polls.models import Poll, PollRun, Response

        client = org.get_temba_client()
        redis_connection = get_redis_connection()
        last_time_key = LAST_FETCHED_RUN_TIME_KEY % org.pk
        last_time = redis_connection.get(last_time_key)

        if last_time is not None:
            last_time = parse_iso8601(last_time)
            newest_runs = Response.objects.filter(
            newest_runs = newest_runs.exclude(
            newest_run = newest_runs.first()
            last_time = newest_run.created_on if newest_run else None

        until = timezone.now()

        total_runs = 0
        for poll in Poll.objects.active().by_org(org):
            poll_runs = client.get_runs(flows=[poll.flow_uuid],
            total_runs += len(poll_runs)

            # convert flow runs into poll responses
            for run in poll_runs:
                    Response.from_run(org, run, poll=poll)
                except ValueError as e:
                    logger.error("Unable to save run #%d due to error: %s" %
                                 (run.id, e.message))

        logger.info("Fetched %d new and updated runs for org #%d (since=%s)" %
                    (total_runs, org.id,
                     format_iso8601(last_time) if last_time else 'Never'))

        task_result = dict(time=datetime_to_ms(timezone.now()),
        org.set_task_result(TaskType.fetch_runs, task_result)

        redis_connection.set(last_time_key, format_iso8601(until))
Exemple #2
def fetch_org_runs(org_id):
    Fetches new and modified flow runs for the given org and creates/updates
    poll responses.
    from tracpro.orgs_ext.constants import TaskType
    from tracpro.polls.models import Poll, PollRun, Response

    org = Org.objects.get(pk=org_id)

    client = org.get_temba_client()
    redis_connection = get_redis_connection()
    last_time_key = LAST_FETCHED_RUN_TIME_KEY % org.pk
    last_time = redis_connection.get(last_time_key)

    if last_time is not None:
        last_time = parse_iso8601(last_time)
        newest_runs = Response.objects.filter(pollrun__poll__org=org).order_by("-created_on")
        newest_runs = newest_runs.exclude(pollrun__pollrun_type=PollRun.TYPE_SPOOFED)
        newest_run = newest_runs.first()
        last_time = newest_run.created_on if newest_run else None

    until = timezone.now()

    total_runs = 0
    for poll in Poll.get_all(org):
        poll_runs = client.get_runs(flows=[poll.flow_uuid], after=last_time, before=until)
        total_runs += len(poll_runs)

        # convert flow runs into poll responses
        for run in poll_runs:
                Response.from_run(org, run, poll=poll)
            except ValueError as e:
                logger.error("Unable to save run #%d due to error: %s" % (run.id, e.message))

        "Fetched %d new and updated runs for org #%d (since=%s)"
        % (total_runs, org.id, format_iso8601(last_time) if last_time else "Never")

    task_result = dict(time=datetime_to_ms(timezone.now()), counts=dict(fetched=total_runs))
    org.set_task_result(TaskType.fetch_runs, task_result)

    redis_connection.set(last_time_key, format_iso8601(until))
Exemple #3
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        org_id = int(args[0]) if args else None
        if not org_id:
            raise CommandError("Most provide valid org id")

            org = Org.objects.get(pk=org_id)
        except Org.DoesNotExist:
            raise CommandError("No such org with id %d" % org_id)

        minutes, hours, days = options['minutes'], options['hours'], options[

        if not (minutes or hours or days):
            raise CommandError(
                "Must provide at least one of --minutes --hours or --days")

        since = timezone.now() - relativedelta(
            minutes=minutes, hours=hours, days=days)

        self.stdout.write('Fetching responses for org %s since %s...' %
                          (org.name, since.strftime('%b %d, %Y %H:%M')))

        client = org.get_temba_client()

        polls_by_flow_uuids = {
            p.flow_uuid: p
            for p in Poll.objects.active().by_org(org)

        runs = client.get_runs(flows=polls_by_flow_uuids.keys(), after=since)

        self.stdout.write("Fetched %d runs for org %s" % (len(runs), org.id))

        created = 0
        updated = 0
        for run in runs:
            if run.flow not in polls_by_flow_uuids:
                continue  # Response is for a Poll not tracked for this org.

            poll = polls_by_flow_uuids[run.flow]
                response = Response.from_run(org, run, poll=poll)
            except ValueError as e:
                self.stderr.write("Unable to save run #%d due to error: %s" %
                                  (run.id, e.message))

            if getattr(response, 'is_new', False):
                created += 1
                updated += 1

            "Created %d new responses and updated %d existing responses" %
            (created, updated))
Exemple #4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        org_id = int(args[0]) if args else None
        if not org_id:
            raise CommandError("Most provide valid org id")

            org = Org.objects.get(pk=org_id)
        except Org.DoesNotExist:
            raise CommandError("No such org with id %d" % org_id)

        minutes, hours, days = options['minutes'], options['hours'], options['days']

        if not (minutes or hours or days):
            raise CommandError("Must provide at least one of --minutes --hours or --days")

        since = timezone.now() - relativedelta(minutes=minutes, hours=hours, days=days)

        self.stdout.write('Fetching responses for org %s since %s...' % (org.name, since.strftime('%b %d, %Y %H:%M')))

        client = org.get_temba_client()

        polls_by_flow_uuids = {p.flow_uuid: p for p in Poll.get_all(org)}

        runs = client.get_runs(flows=polls_by_flow_uuids.keys(), after=since)

        self.stdout.write("Fetched %d runs for org %s" % (len(runs), org.id))

        created = 0
        updated = 0
        for run in runs:
            if run.flow not in polls_by_flow_uuids:
                continue  # Response is for a Poll not tracked for this org.

            poll = polls_by_flow_uuids[run.flow]
                response = Response.from_run(org, run, poll=poll)
            except ValueError as e:
                self.stderr.write("Unable to save run #%d due to error: %s" % (run.id, e.message))

            if getattr(response, 'is_new', False):
                created += 1
                updated += 1

        self.stdout.write("Created %d new responses and updated %d existing responses" % (created, updated))