def build_simcat(Samp=None,brickwcs=None, meta=None): """Creates the simulated source catalog for a given brick (not CCD). The WCS for the brick (not CCD) is used to convert ra,dec of source to x,y pixel location in brickspace Args: Samp: fits_table for the properties of sources in the brick usually a subset of all sources in the brick determined by rowstart (rs) brickwcs: WCS object for the brick meta: 'metacat' table fits_table with configuration-like params for the simulated sources Returns: tuple of cat: skipping_ids: """ log = logging.getLogger('decals_sim') #rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) # Assign central coordinates uniformly but remove simulated sources which # are too near to one another. Iterate until we have the requisite number # of objects. #bounds = brickwcs.radec_bounds() #ra = rand.uniform(bounds[0], bounds[1], nobj) #dec = rand.uniform(bounds[2], bounds[3], nobj) i_keep,i_skip= flag_nearest_neighbors(Samp, radius_in_deg=5./3600) skipping_ids= Samp.get('id')[i_skip]'sources %d, keeping %d, flagged as nearby %d' % (len(Samp),len(i_keep),len(i_skip))) Samp.cut(i_keep) xxyy = brickwcs.radec2pixelxy(Samp.ra,Samp.dec) #cat = Table() #cat['ID'] = Column(Samp.get('id'),dtype='i4') #np.arange(nobj, dtype='i4')) #cat['RA'] = Column(Samp.ra, dtype='f8') #cat['DEC'] = Column(Samp.dec, dtype='f8') #cat['X'] = Column(xxyy[1][:], dtype='f4') #cat['Y'] = Column(xxyy[2][:], dtype='f4') cat = fits_table() for key in ['id','ra','dec']: cat.set(key, Samp.get(key)) cat.set('x', xxyy[1][:]) cat.set('y', xxyy[2][:]) typ=meta.get('objtype')[0] # Mags filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in 'grz'] for band in ['g','r','z']: nanomag= 1E9*10**(-0.4*Samp.get(band)) # Add extinction (to stars too, b/c "decam-chatter 6517") mw_transmission= SFDMap().extinction(['DES %s' % band], Samp.ra, Samp.dec) mw_transmission= 10**(-mw_transmission[:,0].astype(np.float32)/2.5) cat.set('%sflux' % band, nanomag * mw_transmission) cat.set('mw_transmission_%s' % band, mw_transmission) # Galaxy Properties if typ in ['elg','lrg']: # Convert to e1,e2 if given ba,pa if ('ba' in Samp.get_columns()) & ('pa' in Samp.get_columns()): e1,e2= get_e1_e2(Samp.get('ba'),Samp.get('pa')) Samp.set('e1',e1) Samp.set('e2',e2) for key in ['n','rhalf','e1','e2']: cat.set(key, Samp.get(key)) # Sersic n: GALSIM n = [0.3,6.2] for numerical stability,see #{325,450} return cat, skipping_ids
def main(): ps = PlotSequence('shotgun') decals = Decals() C = fits_table('decals-ccds-annotated.fits') print(len(C), 'CCDs') C.cut(C.photometric) C.cut(C.blacklist_ok) print(len(C), 'photometric and not blacklisted') # HACK print('FIXME not cutting on DECALS') #C.cut(C.tilepass > 0) #print(len(C), 'taken by DECaLS') targets = dict(g=24.0, r=23.4, z=22.5) def ivtomag(iv, nsigma=5.): return -2.5 * (np.log10(nsigma / np.sqrt(iv)) - 9) def band_index(band): allbands = 'ugrizY' return allbands.index(band) ccmap = dict(g='g', r='r', z='m') ceil_exptime = dict(g=125., r=125., z=250.) #plt.clf() bands = 'grz' for band in bands: tmag = targets[band] print() print(band, 'band, target depth', tmag) ccds = C[C.filter == band] ccdarea = (2046*4094*(0.262/3600.)**2) print(len(ccds), 'CCDs, total exptime', np.sum(ccds.exptime), '(mean %.1f)' % np.mean(ccds.exptime), 'total area', len(ccds)*ccdarea, 'sq.deg') detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.galnorm_mean totiv = np.sum(1. / detsig1**2) # depth we would have if we had all exposure time in one CCD # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if concentrated in one CCD:', ivtomag(totiv)) # # mean depth # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among', len(ccds), 'CCDs:', ivtomag(totiv / len(ccds))) # print('vs median depth', np.median(ccds.galdepth)) # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among %i/2' % (len(ccds)), 'CCDs:', ivtomag(totiv / (len(ccds)/2))) # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among %i/3' % (len(ccds)), 'CCDs:', ivtomag(totiv / (len(ccds)/3))) # spread over 6000 sq deg sqdeg = 6000 avgiv = totiv * ccdarea / sqdeg #print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread over', sqdeg, 'sqdeg:', ivtomag(avgiv)) tflux = 10.**(tmag / -2.5 + 9) tiv = 1. / (tflux / 5)**2 #print('Fraction of', sqdeg, 'sqdeg survey complete:', avgiv / tiv) iband = band_index(band) ext = ccds.decam_extinction[:,iband] medext = np.median(ext) print('With extinction (median %.2f mag):' % medext) transmission = 10.**(-ext / 2.5) detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.galnorm_mean / transmission totiv = np.sum(1. / detsig1**2) # depth we would have if we had all exposure time in one CCD print('5-sigma galaxy depth if concentrated in one CCD: %.3f' % ivtomag(totiv)) # mean depth print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among', len(ccds), 'CCDs: %.3f' % ivtomag(totiv / len(ccds))) print('vs median depth: %.3f' % np.median(ccds.galdepth - ext)) print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among %i/2' % (len(ccds)), 'CCDs: %.3f' % ivtomag(totiv / (len(ccds)/2))) print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among %i/3' % (len(ccds)), 'CCDs: %.3f' % ivtomag(totiv / (len(ccds)/3))) # spread over 6000 sq deg sqdeg = 6000 avgiv = totiv * ccdarea / sqdeg print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread over', sqdeg, 'sqdeg: %.3f' % ivtomag(avgiv)) print('Fraction of', sqdeg, 'sqdeg survey complete: %.3f' % (avgiv / tiv)) # plt.hist(ccds.exptime, range=(0,250), bins=50, histtype='step', color=ccmap[band]) # I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.exptime < (ceil_exptime[band] - 1.)) # ccds.cut(I) # print('Cutting out exposures with ceil exposure time:', len(ccds)) # # plt.hist(ccds.exptime, bins=25, histtype='step', color=ccmap[band], # linestyle='dotted', linewidth=3, alpha=0.3) # # transmission = transmission[I] # ext = ext[I] # # detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.galnorm_mean / transmission # totiv = np.sum(1. / detsig1**2) # # depth we would have if we had all exposure time in one CCD # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if concentrated in one CCD:', ivtomag(totiv)) # # mean depth # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among', len(ccds), 'CCDs:', ivtomag(totiv / len(ccds))) # print('vs median depth', np.median(ccds.galdepth - ext)) # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among %i/2' % (len(ccds)), 'CCDs:', ivtomag(totiv / (len(ccds)/2))) # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread equally among %i/3' % (len(ccds)), 'CCDs:', ivtomag(totiv / (len(ccds)/3))) # # spread over 6000 sq deg # sqdeg = 6000 # avgiv = totiv * ccdarea / sqdeg # print('5-sigma galaxy depth if spread over', sqdeg, 'sqdeg:', ivtomag(avgiv)) # print('Fraction of', sqdeg, 'sqdeg survey complete:', avgiv / tiv) # plt.xlabel('Exposure time (s)') # ps.savefig() print() dra = 4094 / 2. / 3600 * 0.262 ddec = 2046 / 2. / 3600 * 0.262 ralo = max( 0, min(C.ra - dra / np.cos(np.deg2rad(C.dec)))) rahi = min(360, max(C.ra + dra / np.cos(np.deg2rad(C.dec)))) declo = max(-90, min(C.dec - ddec)) dechi = min( 90, max(C.dec + ddec)) # brick 0001m002 #ralo,rahi = 0., 0.25 #declo,dechi = -0.375, -0.125 #ralo, rahi = 0, 1 #declo, dechi = 0, 1 ralo, rahi = 0, 0.5 declo, dechi = 0, 0.5 print('RA,Dec range', (ralo, rahi), (declo, dechi)) N = 10000 nbatch = 1000 rr,dd = [],[] ntotal = 0 while ntotal < N: ru = np.random.uniform(size=nbatch) d = np.random.uniform(low=declo, high=dechi, size=nbatch) # Taper the accepted width in RA based on Dec cosd = np.cos(np.deg2rad(d)) I = np.flatnonzero(ru < cosd) if len(I) == 0: continue r = ralo + (rahi - ralo) * ru[I]/cosd[I] d = d[I] rr.append(r) dd.append(d) ntotal += len(r) print('Kept', len(r), 'of', nbatch) ra = np.hstack(rr) dec = np.hstack(dd) del rr del dd ra = ra [:N] dec = dec[:N] print('RA,Dec ranges of samples:', (ra.min(), ra.max()), (dec.min(), dec.max())) # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ra, dec, 'b.', alpha=0.1) # ps.savefig() # CCD size margin = 10 * 0.262 / 3600. # C.dra is in degrees on the sphere, not delta-RA # dra = C.dra / np.cos(np.deg2rad(C.dec)) # ccds = C[(C.ra + dra + margin > ralo) * # (C.ra - dra - margin < rahi) * # (C.dec + C.ddec + margin > declo) * # (C.dec - C.ddec - margin < dechi)] I,J,d = match_radec(C.ra, C.dec, (ralo+rahi)/2., (declo+dechi)/2., degrees_between(ralo,declo, rahi,dechi)/2. + 1., nearest=True) ccds = C[I] print(len(ccds), 'nearby') assert(len(ccds)) print('RA range', ccds.ra.min(), ccds.ra.max()) radius = np.hypot(2046, 4096) / 2. * 0.262 / 3600 * 1.1 II = match_radec(ccds.ra, ccds.dec, ra, dec, radius, indexlist=True) #print('Matching:', II) depthrange = [20,25] depthbins = 100 depthbins2 = 500 galdepths = dict([(b, np.zeros(len(ra))) for b in bands]) iccds = [] for iccd,I in enumerate(II): if I is None: continue ccd = ccds[iccd] print('Matched to CCD %s: %i' % (ccd.expid, len(I))) # Actually inside CCD RA,Dec box? r = ra[I] d = dec[I] # print('degrees_between: ccd ra,dec', ccd.ra, ccd.dec) # for ri,di in zip(r, degrees_between(r, ccd.dec + np.zeros_like(r), # ccd.ra, ccd.dec)): # print('ri: di', ri, di) J = np.flatnonzero((degrees_between(r, ccd.dec+np.zeros_like(r), ccd.ra, ccd.dec) < dra) * (np.abs(d - ccd.dec) < ddec)) print('Actually inside CCD RA,Dec box:', len(J)) if len(J) == 0: continue I = np.array(I)[J] # j = J[0] # print('deg between', degrees_between(r[j], ccd.dec, # ccd.ra, ccd.dec), 'vs', dra) # print(' dec', d[j], 'dist', np.abs(d[j] - ccd.dec), 'vs', ddec) iccds.append((iccd,I[0])) band = ccd.filter gd = galdepths[band] print('Gal depth in', band, ':', ccd.galdepth) # mag -> 5sig1 -> iv cgd = 10.**((ccd.galdepth - 22.5) / -2.5) cgd = 1. / cgd**2 gd[I] += cgd plt.clf() # plt.plot(ra, dec, 'k.', alpha=0.1) # C1 = fits_table('decals-ccds-annotated.fits') # ii,jj,dd = match_radec(C1.ra, C1.dec, (ralo+rahi)/2.,(declo+dechi)/2,0.5) # C1.cut(ii) # C1.ra -= (C1.ra > 270)*360 # for ccd in C1: # r,dr = ccd.ra, ccd.dra / np.cos(np.deg2rad(ccd.dec)) # d,dd = ccd.dec, ccd.ddec # sty = dict(color='k', alpha=0.1) # if not (ccd.photometric and ccd.blacklist_ok): # sty = dict(color='c', lw=3) # plt.plot([r-dr, r+dr, r+dr, r-dr, r-dr], [d-dd,d-dd,d+dd,d+dd,d-dd], # '-', **sty) for iccd,i in iccds: ccd = ccds[iccd] r,dr = ccd.ra, dra / np.cos(np.deg2rad(ccd.dec)) # HACK r = r + (r > 270)*-360. d,dd = ccd.dec, ddec plt.plot([r-dr, r+dr, r+dr, r-dr, r-dr], [d-dd,d-dd,d+dd,d+dd,d-dd], '-', color=ccmap[ccd.filter], alpha=0.5) plt.plot(ra[i], dec[i], 'k.') plt.plot([ralo,ralo,rahi,rahi,ralo],[declo,dechi,dechi,declo,declo], 'k-', lw=2) #plt.axis([-0.1, 0.6, -0.1, 0.6]) plt.axis([-0.5, 1., -0.5, 1.]) plt.xlabel('RA') plt.ylabel('Dec') ps.savefig() for band in bands: gd = galdepths[band] # iv -> 5sig1 -> mag gd = 1. / np.sqrt(gd) gd = -2.5 * (np.log10(gd) - 9.) plt.clf() plt.hist(gd, range=depthrange, bins=depthbins, histtype='step', color=ccmap[band]) plt.xlabel('5-sigma Galaxy depth (mag)') plt.title('%s band' % band) ps.savefig() print('Reading extinction values for sample points...') sfd = SFDMap() filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in bands] ebv,extinction = sfd.extinction(filts, ra, dec, get_ebv=True) print('Extinction:', extinction.shape) B = decals.get_bricks_readonly() I = decals.bricks_touching_radec_box(None, ralo, rahi, declo, dechi) B.cut(I) print(len(B), 'bricks touching RA,Dec box') depth_hists = {} depth_hists_2 = {} for brick in B: print('Brick', brick.brickname) I = np.flatnonzero((ra > brick.ra1 ) * (ra < brick.ra2) * (dec > brick.dec1) * (dec < brick.dec2)) print(len(I), 'samples in brick') if len(I) == 0: continue wcs = wcs_for_brick(brick) ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra[I], dec[I]) x = np.round(x - 1).astype(int) y = np.round(y - 1).astype(int) for iband,band in enumerate(bands): fn = decals.find_file('nexp', brick=brick.brickname, band=band) print('Reading', fn) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('Missing:', fn) continue nexp = nexp = nexp[y, x] ext = extinction[I, iband] fn = decals.find_file('galdepth', brick=brick.brickname, band=band) print('Reading', fn) galdepth = galdepth = galdepth[y, x] # iv -> mag galdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(5. / np.sqrt(galdepth)) - 9) # extinction-corrected galdepth -= ext un = np.unique(nexp) print('Numbers of exposures:', un) for ne in un: if ne == 0: continue J = np.flatnonzero(nexp == ne) gd = galdepth[J] key = (ne, band) H = depth_hists.get(key, 0) h,e = np.histogram(gd, range=depthrange, bins=depthbins) H = h + H depth_hists[key] = H H = depth_hists_2.get(key, 0) h,e = np.histogram(gd, range=depthrange, bins=depthbins2) H = h + H depth_hists_2[key] = H dlo,dhi = depthrange left = dlo + np.arange(depthbins) * (dhi-dlo) / float(depthbins) binwidth = left[1]-left[0] # for k,H in depth_hists.items(): # plt.clf() #, H, width=binwidth) # plt.xlabel('Galaxy depth (mag)') # (ne,band) = k # plt.title('%s band, %i exposures' % (band, ne)) # plt.xlim(dlo, dhi) # fn = 'depth-%s-%i.png' % (band, ne) # plt.savefig(fn) # print('Wrote', fn) rainbow = ['r', '#ffa000', 'y', 'g', 'b', 'm'] for band in bands: plt.clf() for ne in range(1,10): key = (ne, band) if not key in depth_hists: continue H = depth_hists[key] print('hist length:', len(H)) plt.plot(np.vstack((left, left+binwidth)).T.ravel(), np.repeat(H, 2), '-', color=rainbow[ne-1 % len(rainbow)], label='%i exp' % ne) plt.title('%s band' % band) plt.xlabel('Galaxy depth (mag)') plt.legend(loc='upper left') ps.savefig() left2 = dlo + np.arange(depthbins2) * (dhi-dlo) / float(depthbins2) binwidth2 = left2[1]-left2[0] for band in bands: hsum = 0 for ne in range(1,10): key = (ne, band) if not key in depth_hists_2: continue hsum += depth_hists_2[key] print('%s band:' % band) print('Total number of counts in histogram:', sum(hsum)) # [-1::-1] = reversed hsum = np.cumsum(hsum[-1::-1])[-1::-1] hsum = hsum * 100. / float(N) plt.clf() #plt.plot(left2+binwidth/2, hsum, 'k-') plt.plot(left2, hsum, 'k-') plt.xlabel('Galaxy depth (mag)') plt.ylabel('Cumulative fraction (%)') plt.title('%s band' % band) # 90% to full depth # 95% to full depth - 0.3 mag # 98% to full depth - 0.6 mag for y,x,c in [ (90, targets[band], 'r'), (95, targets[band] - 0.3, 'g'), (98, targets[band] - 0.6, 'b')]: xf = (x - dlo) / (dhi - dlo) yf = y / 100. plt.axvline(x, ymax=yf, color=c, lw=3, alpha=0.3) plt.axhline(y, xmax=xf, color=c, lw=3, alpha=0.3) #mid = left2 + binwidth2/2 print('target : %.1f %% deeper than %.2f' % (y, x)) # ??? left or midpoint? ibin = np.flatnonzero(left2 > x)[0] pct = hsum[ibin] status = ' '*20 if pct >= y: status += '-> pass' else: status += '-> FAIL' plt.axhline(pct, color=c, alpha=0.5) #xmax=xf, print('achieved: %.1f %% %s' % (pct, status)) # deeper than %.2f' % (hsum[ibin], x)) ii = np.flatnonzero(hsum > y) if len(ii): ibin = ii[-1] print(' %.1f %% deeper than %.2f' % (y, left2[ibin])) else: print(' Total coverage only %.1f %%' % max(hsum)) print() plt.xlim(dlo, dhi) plt.ylim(0., 100.) ps.savefig()
def format_catalog(T, hdr, primhdr, allbands, outfn, in_flux_prefix='', flux_prefix=''): # Retrieve the bands in this catalog. bands = [] for i in range(10): b = primhdr.get('BAND%i' % i) if b is None: break b = b.strip() bands.append(b) print('Bands in this catalog:', bands) primhdr.add_record( dict(name='ALLBANDS', value=allbands, comment='Band order in array values')) has_wise = 'wise_flux' in T.columns() has_wise_lc = 'wise_lc_flux' in T.columns() has_ap = 'apflux' in T.columns() # Expand out FLUX and related fields. B = np.array([allbands.index(band) for band in bands]) keys = [ 'flux', 'flux_ivar', 'rchi2', 'fracflux', 'fracmasked', 'fracin', 'nobs', 'anymask', 'allmask', 'psfsize', 'depth', 'galdepth' ] if has_ap: keys.extend(['apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_ivar']) for k in keys: incol = '%s%s' % (in_flux_prefix, k) X = T.get(incol) # print('Column', k, 'has shape', X.shape) # apflux array columns... sh = X.shape if len(sh) == 3: nt, nb, N = sh A = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands), N), X.dtype) A[:, B, :] = X else: A = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands)), X.dtype) A[:, B] = X T.delete_column(incol) T.set('%s%s' % (flux_prefix, k), A) from tractor.sfd import SFDMap print('Reading SFD maps...') sfd = SFDMap() filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands] wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4'] ebv, ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands, T.ra, T.dec, get_ebv=True) T.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32) ext = ext.astype(np.float32) decam_ext = ext[:, :len(allbands)] T.decam_mw_transmission = 10.**(-decam_ext / 2.5) if has_wise: wise_ext = ext[:, len(allbands):] T.wise_mw_transmission = 10.**(-wise_ext / 2.5) # Column ordering... cols = [ 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'brick_primary', 'blob', 'ninblob', 'tycho2inblob', 'type', 'ra', 'ra_ivar', 'dec', 'dec_ivar', 'bx', 'by', 'bx0', 'by0', 'left_blob', 'out_of_bounds', 'dchisq', 'ebv', 'cpu_source', 'cpu_blob', 'blob_width', 'blob_height', 'blob_npix', 'blob_nimages', 'blob_totalpix', 'mjd_min', 'mjd_max', ] cols.extend([flux_prefix + c for c in ['flux', 'flux_ivar']]) if has_ap: cols.extend([ flux_prefix + c for c in ['apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_ivar'] ]) cols.append('decam_mw_transmission') cols.extend([ flux_prefix + c for c in [ 'nobs', 'rchi2', 'fracflux', 'fracmasked', 'fracin', 'anymask', 'allmask', 'psfsize', 'depth', 'galdepth' ] ]) if has_wise: cols.extend([ 'wise_coadd_id', 'wise_flux', 'wise_flux_ivar', 'wise_mask', 'wise_mw_transmission', 'wise_nobs', 'wise_fracflux', 'wise_rchi2' ]) if has_wise_lc: cols.extend([ 'wise_lc_flux', 'wise_lc_flux_ivar', 'wise_lc_nobs', 'wise_lc_fracflux', 'wise_lc_rchi2', 'wise_lc_mjd' ]) cols.extend([ 'fracdev', 'fracdev_ivar', 'shapeexp_r', 'shapeexp_r_ivar', 'shapeexp_e1', 'shapeexp_e1_ivar', 'shapeexp_e2', 'shapeexp_e2_ivar', 'shapedev_r', 'shapedev_r_ivar', 'shapedev_e1', 'shapedev_e1_ivar', 'shapedev_e2', 'shapedev_e2_ivar', ]) print('Columns:', cols) print('T columns:', T.columns()) # match case to T. cc = T.get_columns() cclower = [c.lower() for c in cc] for i, c in enumerate(cols): if (not c in cc) and c in cclower: j = cclower.index(c) cols[i] = cc[j] # Units deg = 'deg' degiv = '1/deg^2' flux = 'nanomaggy' fluxiv = '1/nanomaggy^2' units = dict(ra=deg, dec=deg, ra_ivar=degiv, dec_ivar=degiv, ebv='mag', wise_flux=flux, wise_flux_ivar=fluxiv, wise_lc_flux=flux, wise_lc_flux_ivar=fluxiv, shapeexp_r='arcsec', shapeexp_r_ivar='1/arcsec^2', shapedev_r='arcsec', shapedev_r_ivar='1/arcsec^2') # Fields that take prefixes funits = dict(flux=flux, flux_ivar=fluxiv, apflux=flux, apflux_ivar=fluxiv, apflux_resid=flux, depth=fluxiv, galdepth=fluxiv) units.update([('%s%s' % (flux_prefix, k), v) for k, v in funits.items()]) # Reformat as list aligned with cols units = [units.get(c, '') for c in cols] T.writeto(outfn, columns=cols, header=hdr, primheader=primhdr, units=units)
def format_catalog(self, T, allbands, outfn, in_flux_prefix='', flux_prefix='', write=False): # args: hdr, primhdr # Retrieve the bands in this catalog. bands = allbands print('Bands in this catalog:', bands) has_wise = 'wise_flux' in T.columns() has_wise_lc = 'wise_lc_flux' in T.columns() has_ap = 'decam_apflux' in T.columns() # Expand out FLUX and related fields from grz arrays to 'allbands' # (eg, ugrizY) arrays. B = np.array([allbands.index(band) for band in bands]) keys = [ 'flux', 'flux_ivar', 'rchi2', 'fracflux', 'fracmasked', 'fracin', 'nobs', 'anymask', 'allmask', 'psfsize', 'depth', 'galdepth' ] if has_ap: keys.extend(['apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_ivar']) for k in keys: incol = '%s%s' % (in_flux_prefix, k) X = T.get(incol) # Handle array columns (eg, apflux) sh = X.shape if len(sh) == 3: nt, nb, N = sh A = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands), N), X.dtype) A[:, B, :] = X else: A = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands)), X.dtype) # If there is only one band, these can show up as scalar arrays. if len(sh) == 1: A[:, B] = X[:, np.newaxis] else: A[:, B] = X T.delete_column(incol) # FLUX_b for each band, rather than array columns. for i, b in enumerate(allbands): T.set('%s%s_%s' % (flux_prefix, k, b), A[:, i]) # WISE wise_prefix = 'wise_' wise_keys = [] if has_wise: wise_keys.extend( ['flux', 'flux_ivar', 'nobs', 'rchi2', 'fracflux']) if has_wise_lc: wise_keys.extend([ 'lc_flux', 'lc_flux_ivar', 'lc_nobs', 'lc_rchi2', 'lc_fracflux', 'lc_mjd' ]) for k in wise_keys: if 'lc_' in k: wisebands = ['w1', 'w2'] else: wisebands = ['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4'] B_wise = np.array([wisebands.index(band) for band in wisebands]) incol = '%s%s' % (wise_prefix, k) #raise ValueError X = T.get(incol) # Handle array columns (eg, apflux) sh = X.shape if len(sh) == 3: nt, nb, N = sh A = np.zeros((len(T), len(wisebands), N), X.dtype) A[:, B_wise, :] = X else: A = np.zeros((len(T), len(wisebands)), X.dtype) # If there is only one band, these can show up as scalar arrays. if len(sh) == 1: A[:, B_wise] = X[:, np.newaxis] else: A[:, B_wise] = X T.delete_column(incol) # FLUX_b for each band, rather than array columns. for i, b in enumerate(wisebands): T.set('%s%s_%s' % ('', k, b), A[:, i]) ### Done WISE from tractor.sfd import SFDMap print('Reading SFD maps...') sfd = SFDMap() filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands] wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4'] ebv, ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands, T.ra, T.dec, get_ebv=True) T.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32) ext = ext.astype(np.float32) decam_ext = ext[:, :len(allbands)] if has_wise: wise_ext = ext[:, len(allbands):] wbands = ['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4'] trans_cols_opt = [] trans_cols_wise = [] # No MW_TRANSMISSION_* columns at all for i, b in enumerate(allbands): col = 'mw_transmission_%s' % b T.set(col, 10.**(-decam_ext[:, i] / 2.5)) trans_cols_opt.append(col) if has_wise: for i, b in enumerate(wbands): col = 'mw_transmission_%s' % b T.set(col, 10.**(-wise_ext[:, i] / 2.5)) trans_cols_wise.append(col) from legacypipe.survey import release_number T.release = np.zeros(len(T), np.int16) + release_number # Column ordering... cols = [ 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'brick_primary', 'type', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra_ivar', 'dec_ivar', 'bx', 'by', 'dchisq', 'ebv', 'mjd_min', 'mjd_max' ] def add_fluxlike(c): for b in allbands: cols.append('%s%s_%s' % (flux_prefix, c, b)) def add_wiselike(c, bands=wbands): for b in bands: cols.append('%s_%s' % (c, b)) add_fluxlike('flux') if has_wise: add_wiselike('flux') add_fluxlike('flux_ivar') if has_wise: add_wiselike('flux_ivar') if has_ap: for c in ['apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_ivar']: add_fluxlike(c) cols.extend(trans_cols_opt) cols.extend(trans_cols_wise) for c in ['nobs', 'rchisq', 'fracflux']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: add_wiselike(c) for c in ['fracmasked', 'fracin', 'anymask', 'allmask']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: pass # Only DR4 on has a wise mask #for i,b in enumerate(wbands[:2]): # col = 'wisemask_%s' % (b) # T.set(col, T.wise_mask[:,i]) # cols.append(col) for c in ['psfsize', 'psfdepth', 'galdepth']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: cols.append('wise_coadd_id') if has_wise_lc: for c in [ 'lc_flux', 'lc_flux_ivar', 'lc_nobs', 'lc_fracflux', 'lc_rchisq', 'lc_mjd' ]: add_wiselike(c, bands=['w1', 'w2']) cols.extend([ 'fracdev', 'fracdev_ivar', 'shapeexp_r', 'shapeexp_r_ivar', 'shapeexp_e1', 'shapeexp_e1_ivar', 'shapeexp_e2', 'shapeexp_e2_ivar', 'shapedev_r', 'shapedev_r_ivar', 'shapedev_e1', 'shapedev_e1_ivar', 'shapedev_e2', 'shapedev_e2_ivar', ]) # match case to T. cc = T.get_columns() cclower = [c.lower() for c in cc] for i, c in enumerate(cols): if (not c in cc) and c in cclower: j = cclower.index(c) cols[i] = cc[j] # Units deg = 'deg' degiv = '1/deg^2' arcsec = 'arcsec' flux = 'nanomaggy' fluxiv = '1/nanomaggy^2' units = dict(ra=deg, dec=deg, ra_ivar=degiv, dec_ivar=degiv, ebv='mag', shapeexp_r=arcsec, shapeexp_r_ivar='1/arcsec^2', shapedev_r=arcsec, shapedev_r_ivar='1/arcsec^2') # WISE fields wunits = dict(flux=flux, flux_ivar=fluxiv, lc_flux=flux, lc_flux_ivar=fluxiv) # Fields that take prefixes (and have bands) funits = dict(flux=flux, flux_ivar=fluxiv, apflux=flux, apflux_ivar=fluxiv, apflux_resid=flux, psfdepth=fluxiv, galdepth=fluxiv, psfsize=arcsec) # add prefixes units.update([('%s%s' % (flux_prefix, k), v) for k, v in funits.items()]) # add bands for b in allbands: units.update([('%s%s_%s' % (flux_prefix, k, b), v) for k, v in funits.items()]) # add WISE bands for b in wbands: units.update([('%s_%s' % (k, b), v) for k, v in wunits.items()]) # Create a list of units aligned with 'cols' units = [units.get(c, '') for c in cols] # Cleanup # Catalogue for k_new, k_old in zip(['psfdepth', 'rchisq'], ['depth', 'rchi2']): for b in bands: T.rename('%s_%s' % (k_old, b), '%s_%s' % (k_new, b)) #old_col= '%s_%s' % (k_old,b) #if old_col in T.get_columns(): # T.rename(old_col,'%s_%s' % (k_new,b)) #else: # print('warning'.upper() + ' %s not in fits_table' % old_col) for k_new, k_old in zip(['rchisq'], ['rchi2']): for b in ['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4']: T.rename('%s_%s' % (k_old, b), '%s_%s' % (k_new, b)) for k_new, k_old in zip(['lc_rchisq'], ['lc_rchi2']): for b in ['w1', 'w2']: T.rename('%s_%s' % (k_old, b), '%s_%s' % (k_new, b)) for d_key in ['decam_mw_transmission']: if d_key in T.get_columns(): T.delete_column(d_key) # ONLY in DR4 on for col in ['mjd_min', 'mjd_max', 'wise_coadd_id']: if col in cols: i = cols.index(col) cols.pop(i) units.pop(i) # check that cleanup worked for col in cols: if not col in T.get_columns(): raise KeyError('%s in col but not in T' % col) #T.writeto(outfn, columns=cols, header=hdr, primheader=primhdr, units=units) if write: T.writeto(outfn, columns=cols, units=units) print('Wrote %s' % outfn) else: print('Skipping writing of %s' % outfn) return T
def format_catalog(T, hdr, primhdr, allbands, outfn, in_flux_prefix='', flux_prefix='', write_kwargs={}, N_wise_epochs=None, motions=True, gaia_tagalong=False): # Retrieve the bands in this catalog. bands = [] for i in range(10): b = primhdr.get('BAND%i' % i) if b is None: break b = b.strip() bands.append(b) print('Bands in this catalog:', bands) has_wise = 'flux_w1' in T.columns() has_wise_lc = 'lc_flux_w1' in T.columns() has_ap = 'apflux' in T.columns() # Nans,Infs # Ivar -> 0 ivar_nans = [ 'ra_ivar', 'dec_ivar', 'shapeexp_r_ivar', 'shapeexp_e1_ivar', 'shapeexp_e2_ivar' ] for key in ivar_nans: ind = np.isfinite(T.get(key)) == False if np.any(ind): T.get(key)[ind] = 0. # Other --> NaN (PostgreSQL can work with NaNs) other_nans = ['dchisq', 'rchisq', 'mjd_min', 'mjd_max'] for key in other_nans: ind = np.isfinite(T.get(key)) == False if np.any(ind): T.get(key)[ind] = np.nan # Expand out FLUX and related fields from grz arrays to 'allbands' # (eg, ugrizY) arrays. B = np.array([allbands.index(band) for band in bands]) keys = [ 'flux', 'flux_ivar', 'rchisq', 'fracflux', 'fracmasked', 'fracin', 'nobs', 'anymask', 'allmask', 'psfsize', 'psfdepth', 'galdepth' ] if has_ap: keys.extend(['apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_ivar']) for k in keys: incol = '%s%s' % (in_flux_prefix, k) X = T.get(incol) # Handle array columns (eg, apflux) sh = X.shape if len(sh) == 3: nt, nb, N = sh A = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands), N), X.dtype) A[:, B, :] = X else: A = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands)), X.dtype) # If there is only one band, these can show up as scalar arrays. if len(sh) == 1: A[:, B] = X[:, np.newaxis] else: A[:, B] = X T.delete_column(incol) # FLUX_b for each band, rather than array columns. for i, b in enumerate(allbands): T.set('%s%s_%s' % (flux_prefix, k, b), A[:, i]) from tractor.sfd import SFDMap print('Reading SFD maps...') sfd = SFDMap() filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands] wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4'] ebv, ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands, T.ra, T.dec, get_ebv=True) T.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32) ext = ext.astype(np.float32) decam_ext = ext[:, :len(allbands)] if has_wise: wise_ext = ext[:, len(allbands):] wbands = ['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4'] trans_cols_opt = [] trans_cols_wise = [] # No MW_TRANSMISSION_* columns at all for i, b in enumerate(allbands): col = 'mw_transmission_%s' % b T.set(col, 10.**(-decam_ext[:, i] / 2.5)) trans_cols_opt.append(col) if has_wise: for i, b in enumerate(wbands): col = 'mw_transmission_%s' % b T.set(col, 10.**(-wise_ext[:, i] / 2.5)) trans_cols_wise.append(col) from legacypipe.survey import release_number T.release = np.zeros(len(T), np.int16) + release_number # Column ordering... cols = [ 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'brick_primary', 'brightstarinblob', 'type', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra_ivar', 'dec_ivar', 'bx', 'by', 'dchisq', 'ebv', 'mjd_min', 'mjd_max', 'ref_cat', 'ref_id' ] if motions: cols.extend([ 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'parallax', 'pmra_ivar', 'pmdec_ivar', 'parallax_ivar', 'ref_epoch', ]) # Add zero columns if these are missing (eg, if there are no # Tycho-2 or Gaia stars in the brick). tcols = T.get_columns() for c in cols: if not c in tcols: T.set(c, np.zeros(len(T), np.float32)) if gaia_tagalong: gaia_cols = [ #('source_id', np.int64), # already have this in ref_id ('pointsource', bool), # did we force it to be a point source? ('phot_g_mean_mag', np.float32), ('phot_g_mean_flux_over_error', np.float32), ('phot_g_n_obs', np.int16), ('phot_bp_mean_mag', np.float32), ('phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error', np.float32), ('phot_bp_n_obs', np.int16), ('phot_rp_mean_mag', np.float32), ('phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error', np.float32), ('phot_rp_n_obs', np.int16), ('phot_variable_flag', bool), ('astrometric_excess_noise', np.float32), ('astrometric_excess_noise_sig', np.float32), ('astrometric_n_obs_al', np.int16), ('astrometric_n_good_obs_al', np.int16), ('astrometric_weight_al', np.float32), ('duplicated_source', bool), ] tcols = T.get_columns() for c, t in gaia_cols: gc = 'gaia_' + c if not c in tcols: T.set(gc, np.zeros(len(T), t)) else: T.rename(c, gc) cols.append(gc) def add_fluxlike(c): for b in allbands: cols.append('%s%s_%s' % (flux_prefix, c, b)) def add_wiselike(c, bands=wbands): for b in bands: cols.append('%s_%s' % (c, b)) add_fluxlike('flux') if has_wise: add_wiselike('flux') add_fluxlike('flux_ivar') if has_wise: add_wiselike('flux_ivar') if has_ap: for c in ['apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_ivar']: add_fluxlike(c) cols.extend(trans_cols_opt) cols.extend(trans_cols_wise) for c in ['nobs', 'rchisq', 'fracflux']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: add_wiselike(c) for c in ['fracmasked', 'fracin', 'anymask', 'allmask']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: for i, b in enumerate(wbands[:2]): col = 'wisemask_%s' % (b) T.set(col, T.wise_mask[:, i]) cols.append(col) for c in ['psfsize', 'psfdepth', 'galdepth']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: cols.append('wise_coadd_id') if has_wise_lc: lc_cols = [ 'lc_flux', 'lc_flux_ivar', 'lc_nobs', 'lc_fracflux', 'lc_rchisq', 'lc_mjd' ] for c in lc_cols: add_wiselike(c, bands=['w1', 'w2']) # Cut down to a fixed number of WISE time-resolved epochs? if N_wise_epochs is not None: for col in lc_cols: for band in ['w1', 'w2']: colname = col + '_' + band # Cut or pad old value to have N_wise_epochs-length arrays oldval = T.get(colname) n, ne = oldval.shape newval = np.zeros((n, N_wise_epochs), oldval.dtype) ncopy = min(N_wise_epochs, ne) newval[:, :ncopy] = oldval[:, :ncopy] T.set(colname, newval) cols.extend([ 'fracdev', 'fracdev_ivar', 'shapeexp_r', 'shapeexp_r_ivar', 'shapeexp_e1', 'shapeexp_e1_ivar', 'shapeexp_e2', 'shapeexp_e2_ivar', 'shapedev_r', 'shapedev_r_ivar', 'shapedev_e1', 'shapedev_e1_ivar', 'shapedev_e2', 'shapedev_e2_ivar', ]) print('Columns:', cols) print('T columns:', T.columns()) # match case to T. cc = T.get_columns() cclower = [c.lower() for c in cc] for i, c in enumerate(cols): if (not c in cc) and c in cclower: j = cclower.index(c) cols[i] = cc[j] # Units deg = 'deg' degiv = '1/deg^2' arcsec = 'arcsec' flux = 'nanomaggy' fluxiv = '1/nanomaggy^2' units = dict(ra=deg, dec=deg, ra_ivar=degiv, dec_ivar=degiv, ebv='mag', shapeexp_r=arcsec, shapeexp_r_ivar='1/arcsec^2', shapedev_r=arcsec, shapedev_r_ivar='1/arcsec^2') # WISE fields wunits = dict(flux=flux, flux_ivar=fluxiv, lc_flux=flux, lc_flux_ivar=fluxiv) # Fields that take prefixes (and have bands) funits = dict(flux=flux, flux_ivar=fluxiv, apflux=flux, apflux_ivar=fluxiv, apflux_resid=flux, psfdepth=fluxiv, galdepth=fluxiv, psfsize=arcsec) # add prefixes units.update([('%s%s' % (flux_prefix, k), v) for k, v in funits.items()]) # add bands for b in allbands: units.update([('%s%s_%s' % (flux_prefix, k, b), v) for k, v in funits.items()]) # add WISE bands for b in wbands: units.update([('%s_%s' % (k, b), v) for k, v in wunits.items()]) # Create a list of units aligned with 'cols' units = [units.get(c, '') for c in cols] T.writeto(outfn, columns=cols, header=hdr, primheader=primhdr, units=units, **write_kwargs)
def main(cmdlineargs=None, get_copilot=False): global gSFD import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog') # Mosaic or Decam? from camera import (nominal_cal, ephem_observer, default_extension, tile_path) nom = nominal_cal obs = ephem_observer() plotfn_default = 'recent.png' parser.add_option('--ext', default=default_extension, help='Extension to read for computing observing conditions: default %default') parser.add_option('--extnum', type=int, help='Integer extension to read') parser.add_option('--rawdata', help='Directory to monitor for new images: default $MOS3_DATA if set, else "rawdata"', default=None) parser.add_option('--n-fwhm', default=None, type=int, help='Number of stars on which to measure FWHM') parser.add_option('--no-db', dest='db', default=True, action='store_false', help='Do not append results to database') parser.add_option('--no-focus', dest='focus', default=True, action='store_false', help='Do not analyze focus frames') parser.add_option('--fits', help='Write database to given FITS table') parser.add_option('--plot', action='store_true', help='Plot recent data and quit') parser.add_option('--plot-filename', default=None, help='Save plot to given file, default %s' % plotfn_default) parser.add_option('--nightplot', '--night', action='store_true', help="Plot tonight's data and quit") parser.add_option('--qa-plots', dest='doplots', default=False, action='store_true', help='Create QA plots') parser.add_option('--keep-plots', action='store_true', help='Do not remove PNG-format plots (normally merged into PDF)') parser.add_option('--mjdstart', type=float, default=None, help='MJD (UTC) at which to start plot') now = mjdnow() parser.add_option('--mjdend', type=float, default=None, help='MJD (UTC) at which to end plot (default: now, which is %.3f)' % now) parser.add_option('--skip', action='store_true', help='Skip images that already exist in the database') parser.add_option('--threads', type=int, default=None, help='Run multi-threaded when processing list of files on command-line') parser.add_option('--fix-db', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--tiles', default=tile_path, help='Tiles table, default %default') parser.add_option('--no-show', dest='show', default=True, action='store_false', help='Do not show plot window, just save it.') if cmdlineargs is None: opt,args = parser.parse_args() else: opt,args = parser.parse_args(cmdlineargs) if not import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') imagedir = opt.rawdata if imagedir is None: imagedir = os.environ.get('MOS3_DATA', 'rawdata') rawext = opt.ext if opt.extnum is not None: rawext = opt.extnum assert(rawext is not None) from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table tiles = fits_table(opt.tiles) from django.conf import settings import obsdb import pylab as plt plt.figure(figsize=(8,10)) markmjds = [] if opt.nightplot: opt.plot = True if opt.plot_filename is None: opt.plot_filename = 'night.png' # Are we at Tololo or Kitt Peak? Look for latest image. o = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().order_by('-mjd_obs') cam = o[0].camera print('Camera:', cam) if opt.mjdstart is not None: sdate = ephem.Date(mjdtodate(opt.mjdend)) else: sdate = ephem.Date(datenow()) (sunset, eve12, eve18, morn18, morn12, sunrise) = get_twilight( cam, sdate) if opt.mjdstart is None: opt.mjdstart = ephemdate_to_mjd(sunset) print('Set mjd start to sunset:', sunset, opt.mjdstart) if opt.mjdend is None: opt.mjdend = ephemdate_to_mjd(sunrise) print('Set mjd end to sunrise', sunrise, opt.mjdend) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(eve18),'b')) print('Evening twi18:', eve18, markmjds[-1]) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(morn18),'b')) print('Morning twi18:', morn18, markmjds[-1]) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(eve12),'g')) print('Evening twi12:', eve12, markmjds[-1]) markmjds.append((ephemdate_to_mjd(morn12),'g')) print('Morning twi12:', morn12, markmjds[-1]) if opt.plot_filename is None: opt.plot_filename = plotfn_default if opt.fits: ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all() print(ccds.count(), 'measured CCDs') T = db_to_fits(ccds) T.writeto(opt.fits) print('Wrote', opt.fits) return 0 if opt.fix_db: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table tiles = fits_table('obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits') now = mjdnow() #ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all() #ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().filter(mjd_obs__gt=now - 0.25) ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().filter(mjd_obs__gt=57434) print(ccds.count(), 'measured CCDs') for ccd in ccds: try: hdr = fitsio.read_header(ccd.filename, ext=0) # band = hdr['FILTER'] # band = band.split()[0] # = band set_tile_fields(ccd, hdr, tiles) print('Fixed', ccd.filename) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return 0 if opt.plot: plot_recent(opt, nom, tiles=tiles, markmjds=markmjds, show_plot=False) return 0 print('Loading SFD maps...') sfd = SFDMap() if len(args) > 0: mp = None if opt.threads > 1: gSFD = sfd from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc mp = multiproc(opt.threads) if opt.skip: fns = skip_existing_files(args, rawext) else: fns = args if mp is None: for fn in fns: process_image(fn, rawext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles) else: sfd = None, [(fn, rawext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles) for fn in fns]) plot_recent(opt, nom, tiles=tiles, markmjds=markmjds, show_plot=False) return 0 copilot = Copilot(imagedir, rawext, opt, nom, sfd, obs, tiles) # for testability if get_copilot: return copilot return 0
plt.clf() plt.plot(C.ra, C.dec, 'bo', alpha=0.2) plt.savefig('rd.png') # Find the unique exposures (not CCDs), save as E. C.galnorm = C.galnorm_mean nil, I = np.unique(C.expnum, return_index=True) E = C[I] print(len(E), 'exposures') if False: # Find the extinction in the center of the COSMOS region and apply it # as a correction to our target depths (so that we reach that depth # for de-reddened mags). print('Reading SFD maps...') sfd = SFDMap() filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in bands] ext = sfd.extinction(filts, 150., 2.2) print('Extinction:', ext) # -> Extinction: [[ 0.06293296 0.04239261 0.02371245]] E.index = np.arange(len(E)) E.passnum = np.zeros(len(E), np.uint8) E.depthfraction = np.zeros(len(E), np.float32) # Compute which pass number each exposure would be called. zp0 = DecamImage.nominal_zeropoints() # HACK -- copied from obsbot kx = dict( g=0.178, r=0.094,
def format_catalog(T, hdr, primhdr, bands, allbands, outfn, release, write_kwargs=None, N_wise_epochs=None, motions=True, gaia_tagalong=False): if write_kwargs is None: write_kwargs = {} has_wise = 'flux_w1' in T.columns() has_wise_lc = 'lc_flux_w1' in T.columns() has_galex = 'flux_nuv' in T.columns() has_ap = 'apflux' in T.columns() # Nans,Infs # Ivar -> 0 ivar_nans = [ 'ra_ivar', 'dec_ivar', 'shape_r_ivar', 'shape_e1_ivar', 'shape_e2_ivar' ] for key in ivar_nans: ind = np.isfinite(T.get(key)) == False if np.any(ind): T.get(key)[ind] = 0. # Other --> NaN (PostgreSQL can work with NaNs) other_nans = ['dchisq', 'rchisq', 'mjd_min', 'mjd_max'] for key in other_nans: ind = np.isfinite(T.get(key)) == False if np.any(ind): T.get(key)[ind] = np.nan # Expand out FLUX and related fields from grz arrays to 'allbands' # (eg, ugrizY) arrays. keys = [ 'flux', 'flux_ivar', 'rchisq', 'fracflux', 'fracmasked', 'fracin', 'nobs', 'anymask', 'allmask', 'psfsize', 'psfdepth', 'galdepth', 'fiberflux', 'fibertotflux' ] if has_ap: keys.extend([ 'apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_blobresid', 'apflux_ivar', 'apflux_masked' ]) _expand_flux_columns(T, bands, allbands, keys) from tractor.sfd import SFDMap info('Reading SFD maps...') sfd = SFDMap() filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands] wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4'] ebv, ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands, T.ra, T.dec, get_ebv=True) T.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32) ext = ext.astype(np.float32) decam_ext = ext[:, :len(allbands)] if has_wise: wise_ext = ext[:, len(allbands):] wbands = ['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4'] gbands = ['nuv', 'fuv'] trans_cols_opt = [] trans_cols_wise = [] for i, b in enumerate(allbands): col = 'mw_transmission_%s' % b T.set(col, 10.**(-decam_ext[:, i] / 2.5)) trans_cols_opt.append(col) if has_wise: for i, b in enumerate(wbands): col = 'mw_transmission_%s' % b T.set(col, 10.**(-wise_ext[:, i] / 2.5)) trans_cols_wise.append(col) T.release = np.zeros(len(T), np.int16) + release # Column ordering... cols = [ 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'brick_primary', 'maskbits', 'fitbits', 'type', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra_ivar', 'dec_ivar', 'bx', 'by', 'dchisq', 'ebv', 'mjd_min', 'mjd_max', 'ref_cat', 'ref_id' ] if motions: cols.extend([ 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'parallax', 'pmra_ivar', 'pmdec_ivar', 'parallax_ivar', 'ref_epoch', ]) # Add zero columns if these are missing (eg, if there are no # Tycho-2 or Gaia stars in the brick). tcols = T.get_columns() for c in cols: if not c in tcols: T.set(c, np.zeros(len(T), np.float32)) if gaia_tagalong: gaia_cols = [ ('phot_g_mean_mag', np.float32), ('phot_g_mean_flux_over_error', np.float32), ('phot_g_n_obs', np.int16), ('phot_bp_mean_mag', np.float32), ('phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error', np.float32), ('phot_bp_n_obs', np.int16), ('phot_rp_mean_mag', np.float32), ('phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error', np.float32), ('phot_rp_n_obs', np.int16), ('phot_variable_flag', bool), ('astrometric_excess_noise', np.float32), ('astrometric_excess_noise_sig', np.float32), ('astrometric_n_obs_al', np.int16), ('astrometric_n_good_obs_al', np.int16), ('astrometric_weight_al', np.float32), ('duplicated_source', bool), ('a_g_val', np.float32), ('e_bp_min_rp_val', np.float32), ('phot_bp_rp_excess_factor', np.float32), ('astrometric_sigma5d_max', np.float32), ('astrometric_params_solved', np.uint8), ] tcols = T.get_columns() for c, t in gaia_cols: gc = 'gaia_' + c if not c in tcols: T.set(gc, np.zeros(len(T), t)) else: T.rename(c, gc) cols.append(gc) def add_fluxlike(c): for b in allbands: cols.append('%s_%s' % (c, b)) def add_wiselike(c, bands=None): if bands is None: bands = wbands for b in bands: cols.append('%s_%s' % (c, b)) def add_galexlike(c): for b in gbands: cols.append('%s_%s' % (c, b)) add_fluxlike('flux') if has_wise: add_wiselike('flux') if has_galex: add_galexlike('flux') add_fluxlike('flux_ivar') if has_wise: add_wiselike('flux_ivar') if has_galex: add_galexlike('flux_ivar') add_fluxlike('fiberflux') add_fluxlike('fibertotflux') if has_ap: for c in [ 'apflux', 'apflux_resid', 'apflux_blobresid', 'apflux_ivar', 'apflux_masked' ]: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise and has_ap and 'apflux_w1' in T.get_columns(): add_wiselike('apflux') add_wiselike('apflux_resid') add_wiselike('apflux_ivar') if has_galex and has_ap and 'apflux_nuv' in T.get_columns(): add_galexlike('apflux') add_galexlike('apflux_resid') add_galexlike('apflux_ivar') cols.extend(trans_cols_opt) cols.extend(trans_cols_wise) for c in ['nobs', 'rchisq', 'fracflux']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: add_wiselike(c) for c in ['fracmasked', 'fracin', 'anymask', 'allmask']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: for i, b in enumerate(wbands[:2]): col = 'wisemask_%s' % (b) T.set(col, T.wise_mask[:, i]) cols.append(col) for c in ['psfsize', 'psfdepth', 'galdepth', 'nea', 'blob_nea']: add_fluxlike(c) if has_wise: add_wiselike('psfdepth') if has_wise: cols.extend(['wise_coadd_id', 'wise_x', 'wise_y']) if has_wise_lc: trbands = ['w1', 'w2'] lc_cols = [ 'lc_flux', 'lc_flux_ivar', 'lc_nobs', 'lc_fracflux', 'lc_rchisq', 'lc_mjd' ] for c in lc_cols: add_wiselike(c, bands=trbands) add_wiselike('lc_epoch_index', bands=trbands) T.lc_epoch_index_w1 = np.empty((len(T), N_wise_epochs), np.int16) T.lc_epoch_index_w2 = np.empty((len(T), N_wise_epochs), np.int16) # initialize... T.lc_epoch_index_w1[:] = -1 T.lc_epoch_index_w2[:] = -1 # Cut down to a fixed number of WISE time-resolved epochs? if N_wise_epochs is not None: # mapping from (nobs, mjd) to indices to keep keep_epochs = {} newvals = {} for band in trbands: # initialize new (cut) arrays for col in lc_cols: colname = col + '_' + band oldval = T.get(colname) n, _ = oldval.shape newval = np.zeros((n, N_wise_epochs), oldval.dtype) newvals[colname] = newval lc_nobs = T.get('lc_nobs_%s' % band) lc_mjd = T.get('lc_mjd_%s' % band) lc_epoch = T.get('lc_epoch_index_%s' % band) # Check each row (source) individually, since coverage isn't # uniform across a brick for row, (nobs, mjd) in enumerate(zip(lc_nobs, lc_mjd)): key = tuple(nobs) + tuple(mjd) if key not in keep_epochs: I = one_lightcurve_bitmask(nobs, mjd, n_final=N_wise_epochs) # convert to integer index list I = np.flatnonzero(I) keep_epochs[key] = I else: I = keep_epochs[key] for col in lc_cols: colname = col + '_' + band oldval = T.get(colname) newval = newvals[colname] newval[row, :len(I)] = oldval[row, I] assert (np.all(I) < 255) lc_epoch[row, :len(I)] = I.astype(np.int16) for k, v in newvals.items(): T.set(k, v) del keep_epochs cols.extend([ 'sersic', 'sersic_ivar', 'shape_r', 'shape_r_ivar', 'shape_e1', 'shape_e1_ivar', 'shape_e2', 'shape_e2_ivar' ]) debug('Columns:', cols) debug('T columns:', T.columns()) # match case to T. cc = T.get_columns() cclower = [c.lower() for c in cc] for i, c in enumerate(cols): if (not c in cc) and c in cclower: j = cclower.index(c) cols[i] = cc[j] units = get_units_for_columns(cols, list(allbands) + wbands + gbands) T.writeto(outfn, columns=cols, header=hdr, primheader=primhdr, units=units, **write_kwargs)