def balance_handler(bot, update): key = connection.get(, "api_key") secret = connection.get(, "api_secret") if not key: update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "*API Access not configured*", "", "To activate API access please use", "/api yourkey yoursecret" ]), reply_markup=main_keyboard()) else: account_response = account_get(key, secret) if account_response.status_code != 200: update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "*Your Balance*", "", "Something went wrong.", "Please ensure your api credentials are correct.", "", "/api yourkey yoursecret", ]), reply_markup=main_keyboard()) else: data = json.loads(account_response.text) balances = [] for balance in sorted(data["balances"], key=lambda k: k['asset']): if float(balance["available"]) > 0: balances.append( "*{: <6}* {:}".format( balance["asset"].upper(), balance["available"]) ) changes = [] current_balances_as_dict = dict((d["asset"], d["available"]) for d in data["balances"]) balance_changes = tradeiobot.util.balance_changes( current_balances_as_dict, json.loads(connection.get(, "previous_balance") or "{}" ) ) connection.set(, "previous_balance", json.dumps(current_balances_as_dict) ) if balance_changes: changes.append("\n*Changes*\n") for asset in sorted(balance_changes): changes.append("*{: <6}* {:.8f}".format(asset.upper(), balance_changes[asset])) update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "*Your Balances*", "" ] + balances + changes), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def api_handler(bot, update, groups): key, secret = groups connection.set(, "api_key", key) connection.set(, "api_secret", secret) update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "*API settings saved*" ]), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def volume_handler(bot, update): volume = update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "*24h Exchange Volume*\n", "{volume:,.2f} USDT", "", "Note: For the USDT conversion of all instruments the calculation is based on the Exchange's USDT markets for BTC, ETH, TIOx and TUSD.", config.SPONSOR_MESSAGE ]).format(volume=volume), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def start_handler(bot, update): update.message.reply_html("\n".join([ "<b>Welcome to the Bot (unofficial)</b>\n", "The following commands are currently available:\n", "/markets - List of all instruments", "/volume - 24h exchange volume", "/exchange - on CMC", "/token - TIOx on CMC", "/progress - progress tracker", "/about - Usage stats and additional info" ]), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def exchange_handler(bot, update): update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "* on CMC*", "", "*Rank:* ?", "*Volume:* ? USD", "", "This functionality has been disabled. It may be reenabled in the future " "but will require bot users to provide their own CMC API keys.", "", "_Source:" ]), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def progress_handler(bot, update): update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join( itertools.chain( ["* Progress Tracker*"], [""], ["*Backlog*"], map(lambda i: "▪ {}".format(i), howsitcoming.load_backlog()), [""], ["*In progress*"], map(lambda i: "▪ {}".format(i), howsitcoming.load_in_progress()), [""], ["*Pending deployment*"], map(lambda i: "▪ {}".format(i), howsitcoming.load_pending_deployment()), [""], ["_Source:"] ) ), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def token_handler(bot, update): update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "*TIOx on CMC*", "", "*Price:* {price_usd:,.4f} USD", "*24h volume:* {volume_24h_usd:,.2f} USD", "*Marketcap:* {market_cap_usd:,.2f} USD", "", "*Circulating supply:* {circulating_supply:,.0f} TIO", "*Total supply:* {total_supply:,.0f} TIO", "", "*Rank:* {rank}", "", "_Source:" ]).format( **tradeiobot.token.load_token_ticker() ), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def instrument_handler(bot, update, groups): instrument_name = groups[0] # groups comes from the regex used by the handler from_, to = instrument_name.split("_") instrument =, enrich=True) precision = get_precision_for_currency(to) show_usdt = lambda k: "" if to == "USDT" else " ({%s:,.2f} USDT)" % k update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "*{instrument_name} Market* {trend_symbol}\n", "*Open:* {open:." + precision + "f} {to}" + show_usdt("open_usdt"), "*Close:* {close:." + precision + "f} {to}" + show_usdt("close_usdt"), "*High:* {high:." + precision + "f} {to}" + show_usdt("high_usdt"), "*Low:* {low:." + precision + "f} {to}" + show_usdt("low_usdt"), "*Volume:* {volume:f} {from_} ({volume_usdt:.2f} USDT)", ]).format( **instrument, instrument_name=instrument_name, trend_symbol=get_trend_symbol(instrument), from_=from_, to=to ), reply_markup=main_keyboard())
def about_handler(bot, update): update.message.reply_markdown("\n".join([ "* Bot (unoffical)*", "", "*Uptime:* {uptime:0>8}", "*Requests served:* {hits}", "*Unique users:* {users}", "", "*Version:* {version}", "*Commit:* {commit}", "*License:* MIT", "", "_Contributions welcome!_", "" ]).format( uptime=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=tradeiobot.stats.get_uptime())), hits=tradeiobot.stats.get_hits(), users=tradeiobot.stats.get_unique_users(), version=tradeiobot.config.VERSION, commit=tradeiobot.config.COMMIT ), reply_markup=main_keyboard(), disable_web_page_preview=True)
def markets_handler(bot, update): instruments = response_buffer = ["<b> Exchange Instruments</b>"] last_market_from = None for market in sorted(instruments.keys()): from_, to = market.split("_") if not last_market_from or not market.startswith(last_market_from): response_buffer.append("\n<b>{} markets</b>".format(from_)) last_market_from = from_ precision = get_precision_for_currency(to) response_buffer.append( ( "{trend_symbol} /{market} " "{close:." + precision + "f} {to}" ).format( trend_symbol=get_trend_symbol(instruments[market]), market=market, close=instruments[market]["close"], to=to ) ) update.message.reply_html("\n".join(response_buffer), reply_markup=main_keyboard())