def __init__(self, weights_path, opts): # Create the layers of the neural network, with the same options we used in training self.opts = opts.__dict__ net_options = {xx: opts[xx] for xx in train_helpers.net_params} net = train_helpers.create_net(SPEC_HEIGHT=N_MELS, **net_options) # Create theano functions test_output = lasagne.layers.get_output(net['prob'], deterministic=True) x_in = net['input'].input_var self.pred_fn = theano.function([x_in], test_output) # Load params weights = pickle.load(open(weights_path)) lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(net['prob'], weights) # Create an object which will iterate over the test spectrograms appropriately self.test_sampler = train_helpers.SpecSampler(256, opts.HWW_X, opts.HWW_Y, False, opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=False)
def __init__(self, opts, weights_path): """Create the layers of the neural network, with the same options we used in training""" self.opts = namedtuple("opts", opts.keys())(*opts.values()) tf.reset_default_graph() net_options = {xx: opts[xx] for xx in train_helpers.net_params} = train_helpers.create_net(SPEC_HEIGHT=N_MELS, **net_options) self.sess = tf.Session() train_saver = tf.train.Saver() print("Loading from {}".format(weights_path)) train_saver.restore(self.sess, weights_path) # Create an object which will iterate over the test spectrograms appropriately self.test_sampler = train_helpers.SpecSampler( 256, self.opts.HWW_X, self.opts.HWW_Y, False, self.opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=False)
def train_and_test(train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y, test_files, logging_dir, opts, TEST_FOLD=99, val_X=None, val_y=None): ''' Doesn't do any data loading - assumes the train and test data are passed in as parameters! ''' if val_X is None: val_X = test_X val_y = test_y # # creaging samplers and batch iterators train_sampler = SpecSampler(64, opts.HWW_X, opts.HWW_Y, opts.DO_AUGMENTATION, opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=True, balanced=True) test_sampler = SpecSampler(64, opts.HWW_X, opts.HWW_Y, False, opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=True) height = train_X[0].shape[0] net = train_helpers.create_net(height, opts.HWW_X, opts.LEARN_LOG, opts.NUM_FILTERS, opts.WIGGLE_ROOM, opts.CONV_FILTER_WIDTH, opts.NUM_DENSE_UNITS, opts.DO_BATCH_NORM) y_in = T.ivector() x_in = net['input'].input_var # print lasagne.layers.get_output_shape_for(net['prob']) trn_output = lasagne.layers.get_output(net['prob'], deterministic=False) test_output = lasagne.layers.get_output(net['prob'], deterministic=True) params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(net['prob'], trainable=True) _trn_loss = lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy(trn_output, y_in).mean() _test_loss = lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy( test_output, y_in).mean() _trn_acc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(trn_output, axis=1), y_in)) _test_acc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(test_output, axis=1), y_in)) updates = lasagne.updates.adam(_trn_loss, params, learning_rate=opts.LEARNING_RATE) print "Compiling...", train_fn = theano.function([x_in, y_in], [_trn_loss, _trn_acc], updates=updates) val_fn = theano.function([x_in, y_in], [_test_loss, _test_acc]) pred_fn = theano.function([x_in], test_output) print "DONE" for epoch in range(opts.MAX_EPOCHS): ###################### # TRAINING trn_losses = [] trn_accs = [] for xx, yy in tqdm(train_sampler(train_X, train_y)): trn_ls, trn_acc = train_fn(xx, yy) trn_losses.append(trn_ls) trn_accs.append(trn_acc) ###################### # VALIDATION val_losses = [] val_accs = [] for xx, yy in test_sampler(test_X, test_y): val_ls, val_acc = val_fn(xx, yy) val_losses.append(val_ls) val_accs.append(val_acc) print " %03d :: %02f - %02f - %02f - %02f" % ( epoch, np.mean(trn_losses), np.mean(trn_accs), np.mean(val_losses), np.mean(val_accs)) ####################### # TESTING if small: results_savedir = force_make_dir(logging_dir + 'results/') predictions_savedir = force_make_dir(logging_dir + 'per_file_predictions/') else: results_savedir = force_make_dir(logging_dir + 'results_SMALL_TEST/') predictions_savedir = force_make_dir( logging_dir + 'per_file_predictions_SMALL_TEST/') test_sampler = SpecSampler(64, opts.HWW_X, opts.HWW_Y, False, opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=False) for fname, spec, y in zip(test_files, test_X, test_y): probas = [] y_true = [] for Xb, yb in test_sampler([spec], [y]): probas.append(pred_fn(Xb)) y_true.append(yb) y_pred_prob = np.vstack(probas) y_true = np.hstack(y_true) y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred_prob, axis=1) with open(predictions_savedir + fname, 'w') as f: pickle.dump([y_true, y_pred_prob], f, -1) # save weights from network param_vals = lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(net['prob']) with open(results_savedir + "weights_%d.pkl" % TEST_FOLD, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(param_vals, f, -1)
def predict(A, B, ENSEMBLE_MEMBERS, SPEC_TYPE, CLASSNAME, HWW_X, HWW_Y, DO_AUGMENTATION, LEARN_LOG, NUM_FILTERS, WIGGLE_ROOM, CONV_FILTER_WIDTH, NUM_DENSE_UNITS, DO_BATCH_NORM, MAX_EPOCHS, LEARNING_RATE): # Loading data golden_1, golden_2 = data_io.load_splits(test_fold=0) test_files = golden_1 + golden_2 test_X, test_y = data_io.load_data(test_files, SPEC_TYPE, LEARN_LOG, CLASSNAME, A, B) # # creaging samplers and batch iterators test_sampler = SpecSampler(64, HWW_X, HWW_Y, False, LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=True) height = test_X[0].shape[0] net = train_helpers.create_net(height, HWW_X, LEARN_LOG, NUM_FILTERS, WIGGLE_ROOM, CONV_FILTER_WIDTH, NUM_DENSE_UNITS, DO_BATCH_NORM) x_in = net['input'].input_var test_output = lasagne.layers.get_output(net['prob'], deterministic=True) pred_fn = theano.function([x_in], test_output) test_sampler = SpecSampler(64, HWW_X, HWW_Y, False, LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=False) y_preds_proba = collections.defaultdict(list) y_gts = {} def bal_acc(y_true, y_pred_class): total = {} total['tm'] = y_true.shape[0] total['tp'] = np.logical_and(y_true == y_pred_class, y_true == 1).sum() total['tn'] = np.logical_and(y_true == y_pred_class, y_true == 0).sum() total['fp'] = np.logical_and(y_true != y_pred_class, y_true == 0).sum() total['fn'] = np.logical_and(y_true != y_pred_class, y_true == 1).sum() A = float(total['tp']) / sum(total[key] for key in ['tp', 'fn']) B = float(total['tn']) / sum(total[key] for key in ['fp', 'tn']) return (A + B) / 2.0 # Load network weights for idx in range(ENSEMBLE_MEMBERS): print "Predicting with ensemble member: %d" % idx weights = pickle.load(open(load_path % (train_name, idx, classname))) lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(net['prob'], weights) ####################### # TESTING for fname, spec, y in zip(test_files, test_X, test_y): probas = [] y_true = [] for Xb, yb in test_sampler([spec], [y]): probas.append(pred_fn(Xb)) y_true.append(yb) y_preds_proba[fname].append(np.vstack(probas)) y_gts[fname] = np.hstack(y_true) all_pred_prob = np.vstack(y_preds_proba[fname][-1] for fname in test_files) all_pred = np.argmax(all_pred_prob, axis=1) all_gt = np.hstack(y_gts[fname] for fname in test_files) print bal_acc(all_gt, all_pred) # aggregating ensemble members all_probs = [] all_gt = [] for fname in test_files: combined_preds_prob = np.stack(y_preds_proba[fname]).mean(0) combined_preds = np.argmax(combined_preds_prob, axis=1) y_gt = y_gts[fname] with open(predictions_savedir + fname, 'w') as f: pickle.dump([y_gt, combined_preds_prob], f, -1) all_probs.append(combined_preds) all_gt.append(y_gt) y_pred_class = np.hstack(all_probs) y_true = np.hstack(all_gt) print "Combined:", bal_acc(y_true, y_pred_class)
def train_and_test(train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y, test_files, logging_dir, opts, TEST_FOLD=99, val_X=None, val_y=None): ''' Doesn't do any data loading - assumes the train and test data are passed in as parameters! ''' if val_X is None: val_X = test_X val_y = test_y # # creaging samplers and batch iterators train_sampler = SpecSampler(64, opts.HWW_X, opts.HWW_Y, opts.DO_AUGMENTATION, opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=True, balanced=True) test_sampler = SpecSampler(64, opts.HWW_X, opts.HWW_Y, False, opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=True) height = train_X[0].shape[0] net = create_net(height, opts.HWW_X, opts.LEARN_LOG, opts.NUM_FILTERS, opts.WIGGLE_ROOM, opts.CONV_FILTER_WIDTH, opts.NUM_DENSE_UNITS, opts.DO_BATCH_NORM) y_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None)) x_in = net['input'] print("todo - fix this up...") trn_output = net['fc8'] test_output = net['fc8'] _trn_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=trn_output, labels=y_in)) _test_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=test_output, labels=y_in)) print(y_in, trn_output, tf.argmax(trn_output, axis=1)) pred = tf.cast(tf.argmax(trn_output, axis=1), tf.int32) _trn_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.equal(y_in, pred), tf.float32)) pred = tf.cast(tf.argmax(test_output, axis=1), tf.int32) _test_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.equal(y_in, pred), tf.float32)) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=opts.LEARNING_RATE, beta1=0.5, beta2=0.9) train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(_trn_loss, optimizer) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5) with tf.Session() as sess: for epoch in range(opts.MAX_EPOCHS): ###################### # TRAINING trn_losses = [] trn_accs = [] for xx, yy in tqdm(train_sampler(train_X, train_y)): trn_ls, trn_acc, _ = [_trn_loss, _trn_acc, train_op], feed_dict={x_in: xx, y_in: yy}) trn_losses.append(trn_ls) trn_accs.append(trn_acc) ###################### # VALIDATION val_losses = [] val_accs = [] for xx, yy in test_sampler(test_X, test_y): val_ls, val_acc =[_test_loss, _test_acc], feed_dict={x_in: xx, y_in: yy}) val_losses.append(val_ls) val_accs.append(val_acc) print(" %03d :: %02f - %02f - %02f - %02f" % (epoch, np.mean(trn_losses), np.mean(trn_accs), np.mean(val_losses), np.mean(val_accs))) ####################### # TESTING if small: results_savedir = force_make_dir(logging_dir + 'results_SMALL_TEST/') predictions_savedir = force_make_dir(logging_dir + 'per_file_predictions_SMALL_TEST/') else: results_savedir = force_make_dir(logging_dir + 'results/') predictions_savedir = force_make_dir(logging_dir + 'per_file_predictions/') test_sampler = SpecSampler(64, opts.HWW_X, opts.HWW_Y, False, opts.LEARN_LOG, randomise=False, seed=10, balanced=False) for fname, spec, y in zip(test_files, test_X, test_y): probas = [] y_true = [] for Xb, yb in test_sampler([spec], [y]): preds =, feed_dict={x_in: Xb}) probas.append(preds) y_true.append(yb) y_pred_prob = np.vstack(probas) y_true = np.hstack(y_true) y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred_prob, axis=1) print("Saving to {}".format(predictions_savedir)) with open(predictions_savedir + fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump([y_true, y_pred_prob], f, -1) # save weights from network, results_savedir + "weights_%d.pkl" % TEST_FOLD, global_step=1)