Exemple #1
class HasTimeTraits(HasStrictTraits):
    #: Simple case - no default, no parameters, no metadata
    simple_time = Time()

    #: Time with default
    epoch = Time(UNIX_EPOCH)

    #: Time with default provided via keyword.
    alternative_epoch = Time(default_value=NT_EPOCH)

    #: None prohibited
    none_prohibited = Time(allow_none=False)

    #: None allowed
    none_allowed = Time(allow_none=True)
Exemple #2
class AllTypes(HasTraits):
    """ A simple class with all kinds of traits

    boolean_value = Bool(True, label="Custom Bool Label:")
    button_value = Button("I'm a button!")
    int_value = Int(42, tooltip="You can add a tooltip as well.")
    float_value = Float(3.141592)
    enum_value = Enum("foo", "bar", "baz", "qux")
    int_range_value = Range(low=0, high=10)
    float_range_value = Range(low=0.0, high=1.0)
    list_value = List([0, 1, 2])
    str_value = Str("Word")
    date_value = Date(datetime.date.today())
    time_value = Time(datetime.time())
    range_value = Range(low=0,
                        label="Traits Range Editor:",

    _my_float = Float

    def _button_value_fired(self):
        print "Button was pressed"

    def _anytrait_changed(self, name, old, new):
        print name, "changed from", old, "to", new
class TimeEditorDemo(HasTraits):
    """ Demo class. """
    time = Time(datetime.time(12, 0, 0))
    view = View(
        Item('time', label='Simple Editor'),
            label='Readonly Editor',
            # Show 24-hour mode instead of default 12 hour.

    def _time_changed(self):
        """ Print each time the time value is changed in the editor. """
Exemple #4
class AllTypes(HasTraits):
    """ A simple class with all kinds of traits

    boolean_value = Bool(True, label="Custom Bool Label:")
    button_value = Button("I'm a button!")
    int_value = Int(42, tooltip="You can add a tooltip as well.")
    float_value = Float(3.141592)
    enum_value = Enum("foo", "bar", "baz", "qux")
    int_range_value = Range(low=0, high=10)
    float_range_value = Range(low=0.0, high=1.0)
    list_value = List([0, 1, 2])
    str_value = Str("Word")
    date_value = Date(datetime.date.today())
    time_value = Time(datetime.time())
    range_value = Range(low=0,
                        label="Traits Range Editor:",

    _notifications = List(Tuple)
Exemple #5
class TestClass(HasTraits):
    t = Time()
Exemple #6
class BoundedTime(Control):
    """ A base class for use with widgets that edit a Python
    datetime.time object bounded between minimum and maximum
    values. This class is not meant to be used directly.

    #: The minimum time available in the control. If not defined then
    #: the default value is midnight.
    minimum = Property(Time, depends_on='_minimum')

    #: The internal minimum time storage.
    _minimum = Time(time(0, 0, 0, 0))

    #: The maximum time available in the control. If not defined then
    #: the default value is the second before midnight.
    maximum = Property(Time, depends_on='_maximum')

    #: The internal maximum time storage.
    _maximum = Time(time(23, 59, 59, 999000))

    #: The currently selected time. Default is datetime.now().time(). The
    #: value is bounded between :attr:`minimum` and :attr:`maximum`.
    time = Bounded(Time(datetime.now().time()), low='minimum', high='maximum')

    # Initialization
    def snapshot(self):
        """ Return a dictionary which contains all the state necessary to
        initialize a client widget.

        snap = super(BoundedTime, self).snapshot()
        snap['minimum'] = self.minimum.isoformat()
        snap['maximum'] = self.maximum.isoformat()
        snap['time'] = self.time.isoformat()
        return snap

    def bind(self):
        """ A method called after initialization which allows the widget
        to bind any event handlers necessary.

        super(BoundedTime, self).bind()
        otc = self.on_trait_change
        otc(self._send_minimum, 'minimum')
        otc(self._send_maximum, 'maximum')
        otc(self._send_time, 'time')

    # Message Handling
    def on_action_time_changed(self, content):
        """ The handler for the 'time_changed' action sent from the
        client widget.

        time = parse_iso_dt(content['time']).time()

    def _send_minimum(self):
        """ Send the minimum time to the client widget.

        content = {'minimum': self.minimum.isoformat()}
        self.send_action('set_minimum', content)

    def _send_maximum(self):
        """ Send the maximum time to the client widget.

        content = {'maximum': self.maximum.isoformat()}
        self.send_action('set_maximum', content)

    def _send_time(self):
        """ Send the current time to the client widget.

        if 'time' not in self.loopback_guard:
            content = {'time': self.time.isoformat()}
            self.send_action('set_time', content)

    # Properties
    def _get_minimum(self):
        """ The property getter for the minimum time.

        return self._minimum

    def _set_minimum(self, time):
        """ The property setter for the minimum time.

        If the new minimum is greater than the current maximum, then the
        maximum will be adjusted up.

        if time > self._maximum:
            self._maximum = time
        self._minimum = time

    def _get_maximum(self):
        """ The property getter for the maximum time.

        return self._maximum

    def _set_maximum(self, time):
        """ The property setter for the maximum time.

        If the new maximum is less than the current minimum, then the
        minimum will be ajusted down.

        if time < self._minimum:
            self._minimum = time
        self._maximum = time

    # Private API
    @on_trait_change('minimum, maximum')
    def _adapt_time(self):
        """ Actively adapt the time to lie within the boundaries.

        self.time = min(max(self.time, self.minimum), self.maximum)