def startashipment(request, host_id=None, transaction_form_submitted=False, invoice=None, cal_form_submitted=False, packagedays_count = None, ): random3digits = random.randint(100,999) #set timezone local_timezone = request.session.setdefault('django_timezone', 'UTC') local_timezone = pytz.timezone(local_timezone) enduser = request.user calendar_submit_button_text = "Select Dates and Proceed to Payment" if host_id: host = get_object_or_404(UserInfo, pk=host_id) else: host = None #Determine if payment is needed or balance will suffice balance = enduser.account_balance_packages if balance > 0: payment_needed = False amount_due = 0.00 remaining_balance = balance - 1 else: if enduser.betauser_free: payment_needed = False else: payment_needed = True amount_due = None #this is processed on the payment page if they aren't applying account balance remaining_balance = None connections_all = Connection.objects.filter(end_user=enduser) #Empty variables for availability/ conflict stuff days_package_may_come_thismonth = [] days_package_may_come_nextmonth = [] month1days_count = None month2days_count = None conflicts_date_from = [] conflicts_startmonths = [] conflicts_startthismonth = [] conflicts_startnextmonth = [] conflicts_startandend_thismonth = [] conflicts_startandend_nextmonth = [] conflicts_startthismonth_endnextmonth = [] conflicts_startthismonth_endlater = [] conflicts_startnextmonth_endlater = [] days_withconflicts_thismonth = [] days_withconflicts_nextmonth = [] days_withconflicts_later = [] #if host/no host - get caklendar_homebrew created fields if host: transcount = Transaction.objects.filter(host=host).count() + 1 #counts transactions that this receiver_email has received (could change to host email) #invoice = "H" + str( + "U" + str( + "N" +str(transcount) +"D" + str(date_today.month) + str( + str(time.hour) + "R" + str(random3digits) #h2u14N13D112210R123 = transaciton between host2, user14, host's 13th transaction #JMY updating invoice algorithm - removing date to make it smaller invoice = "H" + str( + "U" + str( + "N" +str(transcount) + "R" + str(random3digits) #h2u14N13D112210R123 = transaciton between host2, user14, host's 13th transaction conflicts = HostConflicts_DateVersion.objects.filter(host=host) for conflict in conflicts: if conflict.month == thismonth_num: days_withconflicts_thismonth.append( if conflict.month == nextmonth_num: days_withconflicts_nextmonth.append( #i think i do this to remove duplicates days_withconflicts_thismonth = list(set(days_withconflicts_thismonth)) days_withconflicts_nextmonth = list(set(days_withconflicts_nextmonth)) #determine if there is a conflict host_package_conflict = False for day in days_package_may_come_thismonth: if day in days_withconflicts_thismonth: host_package_conflict = True for day in days_package_may_come_nextmonth: if day in days_withconflicts_nextmonth: host_package_conflict = True else: #if no host specified that stuff is empty/none conflicts = None host_package_conflict = False #do payment variables/ transaction form stuff once they've checked the calendar day favortype='package' #transaction_form_submitted = False #packagedays_count = None if cal_form_submitted: cal_form = CalendarCheckBoxes() packagedays = None packagedays_string = None trans_form_package = None trans = Transaction() #request.method = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST': trans_form_package = CreatePackageTransaction(request.POST) if trans_form_package.is_valid(): title = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['title'] payment_option = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['payment_option'] note_to_host = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['note_to_host'] paypal_quantity = 1 if payment_option=="bundle10": price=host.price_package_bundle10 youselected="Bundle of 10 Packages" balance_created = 9 #10 minus the 1 they just bought elif payment_option=="bundle20": price=host.price_package_bundle20 youselected="Bundle of 20 Packages" balance_created = 19 #20 minus the 1 they just bought elif payment_option=="annual": price=host.price_package_annual youselected="Annual" balance_created = 1000 #Notional - this option is not in place currently else: price=host.price_package_per youselected="Per Package" balance_created = None #Next, add the data to the transaction table trans.balance_created_packages = balance_created trans.payment_option = payment_option trans.title = title trans.favortype = favortype trans.note_to_host = note_to_host trans.price = price trans.youselected = youselected trans.paypal_quantity = paypal_quantity = host trans.enduser = enduser trans.invoice = invoice #Account balance/ create amount_due if enduser.account_balance_packages: if enduser.account_balance_packages > 0: trans.amount_due = 0 trans.payment_needed = False else: trans.amount_due = price trans.payment_needed = True else: trans.amount_due = price trans.payment_needed = True arrivalwindow_days_count = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['packagedays_count'] trans.arrivalwindow_days_count = arrivalwindow_days_count day1 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day1'] day1string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day1string'] if day1: trans.arrivalwindow_day1 = day1 day2 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day2'] day2string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day2string'] if day2: trans.arrivalwindow_day2 = day2 day3 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day3'] day3string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day3string'] if day3: trans.arrivalwindow_day3 = day3 day4 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day4'] day4string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day4string'] if day4: trans.arrivalwindow_day4 = day4 day5 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day5'] day5string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day5string'] if day5: trans.arrivalwindow_day5 = day5 day6 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day6'] day6string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day6string'] if day6: trans.arrivalwindow_day6 = day6 day7 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day7'] day7string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day7string'] if day7: trans.arrivalwindow_day7 = day7 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 1: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day1 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 2: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + " or " + str(day2string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day2 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 3: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str(day2string) + ", or " + str(day3string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day3 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 4: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str(day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", or " + str(day4string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day4 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 5: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str(day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", " + str(day4string) + ", or " + str(day5string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day5 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 6: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str(day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", " + str(day4string) + ", " + str(day5string) + ", or " + str(day6string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day6 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 7: trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day7 trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str(day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", " + str(day4string) + ", " + str(day5string) + ", " + str(day6string) + ", or " + str(day7string) transaction_form_submitted = True else: print trans_form_package.errors transaction_form_submitted = False errors_on_trans_form = 'There are errors on the transaction form' else: trans_form_package = CreatePackageTransaction() transaction_form_submitted = False errors_on_trans_form = 'Method is not POST' #if cal_form_submitted is false else: transaction_form_submitted = False errors_on_trans_form = 'Cal_form was not submitted' trans_form_package = None transaction_form_submitted = False packagedays = [] packagedays_string = [] #do the cal_form submission stuff if request.method == 'POST': cal_form = CalendarCheckBoxes(data=request.POST) if cal_form.is_valid(): for daynumber in range(1,32): #starts at zero otherwise so this will stop at 31 daycheckedmonth1 = cal_form.cleaned_data['month1day'+str(daynumber)] if daycheckedmonth1: #checked day needs to be in YYYY-MM-DD format checked_day = str(thisyear) + "-" + str(thismonth_num) + "-" + str(daynumber) checked_day_string = str(thismonth) + " " + str(daynumber) packagedays.append(checked_day) packagedays_string.append(checked_day_string) days_package_may_come_thismonth.append(daynumber) for daynumber in range(1,32): daycheckedmonth2 = cal_form.cleaned_data['month2day'+str(daynumber)] if daycheckedmonth2: checked_day = str(nextmonth_calendar_year) + "-" + str(nextmonth_num) + "-" + str(daynumber) checked_day_string = str(nextmonth) + " " + str(daynumber) packagedays.append(checked_day) packagedays_string.append(checked_day_string) days_package_may_come_nextmonth.append(daynumber) month1days_count = len(days_package_may_come_thismonth) month2days_count = len(days_package_may_come_nextmonth) cal_form_submitted = True else: print cal_form.errors else: cal_form = CalendarCheckBoxes() packagedays_count = len(packagedays) #if the transaction form has been submitted redirect to new page if transaction_form_submitted == True: cal_form = None if payment_needed: return HttpResponseRedirect("/transactions/payment/host" + str( + "/invoice" + str(invoice) + "/favortype" + str(favortype) + "/") else: return HttpResponseRedirect("/transactions/shippackage/host" + str( + "/account_balance/invoice" + str(invoice) + "/") #if the transaction form has not been submitted else: return render(request, 'blocbox/startashipment.html', { 'enduser':enduser, 'host': host, 'connections_all': connections_all, #'cal_relations_host_count': cal_relations_host_count, 'cal_relations_host': cal_relations_host, 'cal_list_host': cal_list_host, 'here': quote(request.get_full_path()), #Python calendar variables (independent of conflict app) 'local_timezone': local_timezone, 'date_today': date_today, 'datetime_now': datetime_now, 'thisyear': thisyear, 'nextyear': nextyear, 'thisyeaer_isleap': thisyear_isleap, 'nextyear_isleap': nextyear_isleap, 'thismonth': thismonth, 'nextmonth': nextmonth, 'thismonth_calendar': thismonth_calendar, 'nextmonth_calendar': nextmonth_calendar, 'monthrange_thismonth': monthrange_thismonth, 'monthrange_nextmonth': monthrange_nextmonth, 'days_in_thismonth': days_in_thismonth, 'days_in_nextmonth': days_in_nextmonth, 'today_dayofmonth_num': today_dayofmonth_num, 'nextmonth_calendar_year': nextmonth_calendar_year, #conflict app variables (if host) 'conflicts': conflicts, 'conflicts_startthismonth': conflicts_startthismonth, 'conflicts_startnextmonth': conflicts_startnextmonth, 'conflicts_startandend_thismonth': conflicts_startandend_thismonth, 'conflicts_startandend_nextmonth': conflicts_startandend_nextmonth, 'days_withconflicts_thismonth': days_withconflicts_thismonth, 'days_withconflicts_nextmonth': days_withconflicts_nextmonth, #days package may come 'days_package_may_come_thismonth': days_package_may_come_thismonth, 'days_package_may_come_nextmonth': days_package_may_come_nextmonth, 'host_package_conflict': host_package_conflict, #Calendar check boxes form 'cal_form': cal_form, 'packagedays': packagedays, 'packagedays_string': packagedays_string, 'packagedays_count': packagedays_count, 'cal_form_submitted': cal_form_submitted, 'calendar_submit_button_text': calendar_submit_button_text, #payment stuff once the calendar checkboxes are checked 'trans_form_package': trans_form_package, 'invoice': invoice, 'favortype': favortype, 'errors_on_trans_form': errors_on_trans_form, 'transaction_form_submitted': transaction_form_submitted, 'random3digits': random3digits, 'payment_needed': payment_needed, 'amount_due': amount_due, 'remaining_balance': remaining_balance, 'request': request, })
def startashipment( request, host_id=None, transaction_form_submitted=False, invoice=None, cal_form_submitted=False, packagedays_count=None, ): random3digits = random.randint(100, 999) #set timezone local_timezone = request.session.setdefault('django_timezone', 'UTC') local_timezone = pytz.timezone(local_timezone) enduser = request.user calendar_submit_button_text = "Select Dates and Proceed to Payment" if host_id: host = get_object_or_404(UserInfo, pk=host_id) else: host = None #Determine if payment is needed or balance will suffice balance = enduser.account_balance_packages if balance > 0: payment_needed = False amount_due = 0.00 remaining_balance = balance - 1 else: if enduser.betauser_free: payment_needed = False else: payment_needed = True amount_due = None #this is processed on the payment page if they aren't applying account balance remaining_balance = None connections_all = Connection.objects.filter(end_user=enduser) #Empty variables for availability/ conflict stuff days_package_may_come_thismonth = [] days_package_may_come_nextmonth = [] month1days_count = None month2days_count = None conflicts_date_from = [] conflicts_startmonths = [] conflicts_startthismonth = [] conflicts_startnextmonth = [] conflicts_startandend_thismonth = [] conflicts_startandend_nextmonth = [] conflicts_startthismonth_endnextmonth = [] conflicts_startthismonth_endlater = [] conflicts_startnextmonth_endlater = [] days_withconflicts_thismonth = [] days_withconflicts_nextmonth = [] days_withconflicts_later = [] #if host/no host - get caklendar_homebrew created fields if host: transcount = Transaction.objects.filter(host=host).count( ) + 1 #counts transactions that this receiver_email has received (could change to host email) #invoice = "H" + str( + "U" + str( + "N" +str(transcount) +"D" + str(date_today.month) + str( + str(time.hour) + "R" + str(random3digits) #h2u14N13D112210R123 = transaciton between host2, user14, host's 13th transaction #JMY updating invoice algorithm - removing date to make it smaller invoice = "H" + str( ) + "U" + str( + "N" + str(transcount) + "R" + str( random3digits ) #h2u14N13D112210R123 = transaciton between host2, user14, host's 13th transaction conflicts = HostConflicts_DateVersion.objects.filter(host=host) for conflict in conflicts: if conflict.month == thismonth_num: days_withconflicts_thismonth.append( if conflict.month == nextmonth_num: days_withconflicts_nextmonth.append( #i think i do this to remove duplicates days_withconflicts_thismonth = list(set(days_withconflicts_thismonth)) days_withconflicts_nextmonth = list(set(days_withconflicts_nextmonth)) #determine if there is a conflict host_package_conflict = False for day in days_package_may_come_thismonth: if day in days_withconflicts_thismonth: host_package_conflict = True for day in days_package_may_come_nextmonth: if day in days_withconflicts_nextmonth: host_package_conflict = True else: #if no host specified that stuff is empty/none conflicts = None host_package_conflict = False #do payment variables/ transaction form stuff once they've checked the calendar day favortype = 'package' #transaction_form_submitted = False #packagedays_count = None if cal_form_submitted: cal_form = CalendarCheckBoxes() packagedays = None packagedays_string = None trans_form_package = None trans = Transaction() #request.method = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST': trans_form_package = CreatePackageTransaction(request.POST) if trans_form_package.is_valid(): title = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['title'] payment_option = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'payment_option'] note_to_host = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['note_to_host'] paypal_quantity = 1 if payment_option == "bundle10": price = host.price_package_bundle10 youselected = "Bundle of 10 Packages" balance_created = 9 #10 minus the 1 they just bought elif payment_option == "bundle20": price = host.price_package_bundle20 youselected = "Bundle of 20 Packages" balance_created = 19 #20 minus the 1 they just bought elif payment_option == "annual": price = host.price_package_annual youselected = "Annual" balance_created = 1000 #Notional - this option is not in place currently else: price = host.price_package_per youselected = "Per Package" balance_created = None #Next, add the data to the transaction table trans.balance_created_packages = balance_created trans.payment_option = payment_option trans.title = title trans.favortype = favortype trans.note_to_host = note_to_host trans.price = price trans.youselected = youselected trans.paypal_quantity = paypal_quantity = host trans.enduser = enduser trans.invoice = invoice #Account balance/ create amount_due if enduser.account_balance_packages: if enduser.account_balance_packages > 0: trans.amount_due = 0 trans.payment_needed = False else: trans.amount_due = price trans.payment_needed = True else: trans.amount_due = price trans.payment_needed = True arrivalwindow_days_count = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'packagedays_count'] trans.arrivalwindow_days_count = arrivalwindow_days_count day1 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day1'] day1string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'arrivalwindow_day1string'] if day1: trans.arrivalwindow_day1 = day1 day2 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day2'] day2string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'arrivalwindow_day2string'] if day2: trans.arrivalwindow_day2 = day2 day3 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day3'] day3string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'arrivalwindow_day3string'] if day3: trans.arrivalwindow_day3 = day3 day4 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day4'] day4string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'arrivalwindow_day4string'] if day4: trans.arrivalwindow_day4 = day4 day5 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day5'] day5string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'arrivalwindow_day5string'] if day5: trans.arrivalwindow_day5 = day5 day6 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day6'] day6string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'arrivalwindow_day6string'] if day6: trans.arrivalwindow_day6 = day6 day7 = trans_form_package.cleaned_data['arrivalwindow_day7'] day7string = trans_form_package.cleaned_data[ 'arrivalwindow_day7string'] if day7: trans.arrivalwindow_day7 = day7 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 1: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day1 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 2: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str( day1string) + " or " + str(day2string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day2 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 3: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str( day2string) + ", or " + str(day3string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day3 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 4: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str( day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", or " + str( day4string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day4 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 5: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str( day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", " + str( day4string) + ", or " + str(day5string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day5 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 6: trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str( day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", " + str( day4string) + ", " + str( day5string) + ", or " + str(day6string) trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day6 if arrivalwindow_days_count == 7: trans.arrivalwindow_lastday = day7 trans.arrivalwindow_string = str(day1string) + ", " + str( day2string) + ", " + str(day3string) + ", " + str( day4string) + ", " + str(day5string) + ", " + str( day6string) + ", or " + str(day7string) transaction_form_submitted = True else: print trans_form_package.errors transaction_form_submitted = False errors_on_trans_form = 'There are errors on the transaction form' else: trans_form_package = CreatePackageTransaction() transaction_form_submitted = False errors_on_trans_form = 'Method is not POST' #if cal_form_submitted is false else: transaction_form_submitted = False errors_on_trans_form = 'Cal_form was not submitted' trans_form_package = None transaction_form_submitted = False packagedays = [] packagedays_string = [] #do the cal_form submission stuff if request.method == 'POST': cal_form = CalendarCheckBoxes(data=request.POST) if cal_form.is_valid(): for daynumber in range( 1, 32): #starts at zero otherwise so this will stop at 31 daycheckedmonth1 = cal_form.cleaned_data['month1day' + str(daynumber)] if daycheckedmonth1: #checked day needs to be in YYYY-MM-DD format checked_day = str(thisyear) + "-" + str( thismonth_num) + "-" + str(daynumber) checked_day_string = str(thismonth) + " " + str( daynumber) packagedays.append(checked_day) packagedays_string.append(checked_day_string) days_package_may_come_thismonth.append(daynumber) for daynumber in range(1, 32): daycheckedmonth2 = cal_form.cleaned_data['month2day' + str(daynumber)] if daycheckedmonth2: checked_day = str(nextmonth_calendar_year) + "-" + str( nextmonth_num) + "-" + str(daynumber) checked_day_string = str(nextmonth) + " " + str( daynumber) packagedays.append(checked_day) packagedays_string.append(checked_day_string) days_package_may_come_nextmonth.append(daynumber) month1days_count = len(days_package_may_come_thismonth) month2days_count = len(days_package_may_come_nextmonth) cal_form_submitted = True else: print cal_form.errors else: cal_form = CalendarCheckBoxes() packagedays_count = len(packagedays) #if the transaction form has been submitted redirect to new page if transaction_form_submitted == True: cal_form = None if payment_needed: return HttpResponseRedirect("/transactions/payment/host" + str( + "/invoice" + str(invoice) + "/favortype" + str(favortype) + "/") else: return HttpResponseRedirect("/transactions/shippackage/host" + str( + "/account_balance/invoice" + str(invoice) + "/") #if the transaction form has not been submitted else: return render( request, 'blocbox/startashipment.html', { 'enduser': enduser, 'host': host, 'connections_all': connections_all, #'cal_relations_host_count': cal_relations_host_count, 'cal_relations_host': cal_relations_host, 'cal_list_host': cal_list_host, 'here': quote(request.get_full_path()), #Python calendar variables (independent of conflict app) 'local_timezone': local_timezone, 'date_today': date_today, 'datetime_now': datetime_now, 'thisyear': thisyear, 'nextyear': nextyear, 'thisyeaer_isleap': thisyear_isleap, 'nextyear_isleap': nextyear_isleap, 'thismonth': thismonth, 'nextmonth': nextmonth, 'thismonth_calendar': thismonth_calendar, 'nextmonth_calendar': nextmonth_calendar, 'monthrange_thismonth': monthrange_thismonth, 'monthrange_nextmonth': monthrange_nextmonth, 'days_in_thismonth': days_in_thismonth, 'days_in_nextmonth': days_in_nextmonth, 'today_dayofmonth_num': today_dayofmonth_num, 'nextmonth_calendar_year': nextmonth_calendar_year, #conflict app variables (if host) 'conflicts': conflicts, 'conflicts_startthismonth': conflicts_startthismonth, 'conflicts_startnextmonth': conflicts_startnextmonth, 'conflicts_startandend_thismonth': conflicts_startandend_thismonth, 'conflicts_startandend_nextmonth': conflicts_startandend_nextmonth, 'days_withconflicts_thismonth': days_withconflicts_thismonth, 'days_withconflicts_nextmonth': days_withconflicts_nextmonth, #days package may come 'days_package_may_come_thismonth': days_package_may_come_thismonth, 'days_package_may_come_nextmonth': days_package_may_come_nextmonth, 'host_package_conflict': host_package_conflict, #Calendar check boxes form 'cal_form': cal_form, 'packagedays': packagedays, 'packagedays_string': packagedays_string, 'packagedays_count': packagedays_count, 'cal_form_submitted': cal_form_submitted, 'calendar_submit_button_text': calendar_submit_button_text, #payment stuff once the calendar checkboxes are checked 'trans_form_package': trans_form_package, 'invoice': invoice, 'favortype': favortype, 'errors_on_trans_form': errors_on_trans_form, 'transaction_form_submitted': transaction_form_submitted, 'random3digits': random3digits, 'payment_needed': payment_needed, 'amount_due': amount_due, 'remaining_balance': remaining_balance, 'request': request, })