Exemple #1
def test_init_and_eq_and_ne():
    t1 = Transform()
    assert t1.rotation == Quat.identity()
    assert t1.translation == Vec3.zero()

    rot = Quat.from_rotation_on_axis(2, np.pi)
    trans = Vec3(1, 2, 3)
    t2 = Transform(rot, trans)
    assert t2.rotation == rot
    assert t2.translation == trans

    t3 = Transform.identity()

    assert t1 == t3
    assert t1 != t2
    assert t3 != t2
def create_patches(
        patch_axes    = None,
        save_file     = None,
        transforms    = None,
        patch_filter  = no_background_patches(),
        normalization = norm_percentiles(),
        shuffle       = True,
        verbose       = True,
    """Create normalized training data to be used for neural network training.

    raw_data : :class:`RawData`
        Object that yields matching pairs of raw images.
    patch_size : tuple
        Shape of the patches to be extraced from raw images.
        Must be compatible with the number of dimensions and axes of the raw images.
        As a general rule, use a power of two along all XYZT axes, or at least divisible by 8.
    n_patches_per_image : int
        Number of patches to be sampled/extracted from each raw image pair (after transformations, see below).
    patch_axes : str or None
        Axes of the extracted patches. If ``None``, will assume to be equal to that of transformed raw data.
    save_file : str or None
        File name to save training data to disk in ``.npz`` format (see :func:`csbdeep.io.save_training_data`).
        If ``None``, data will not be saved.
    transforms : list or tuple, optional
        List of :class:`Transform` objects that apply additional transformations to the raw images.
        This can be used to augment the set of raw images (e.g., by including rotations).
        Set to ``None`` to disable. Default: ``None``.
    patch_filter : function, optional
        Function to determine for each image pair which patches are eligible to be extracted
        (default: :func:`no_background_patches`). Set to ``None`` to disable.
    normalization : function, optional
        Function that takes arguments `(patches_x, patches_y, x, y, mask, channel)`, whose purpose is to
        normalize the patches (`patches_x`, `patches_y`) extracted from the associated raw images
        (`x`, `y`, with `mask`; see :class:`RawData`). Default: :func:`norm_percentiles`.
    shuffle : bool, optional
        Randomly shuffle all extracted patches.
    verbose : bool, optional
        Display overview of images, transforms, etc.

    tuple(:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, str)
        Returns a tuple (`X`, `Y`, `axes`) with the normalized extracted patches from all (transformed) raw images
        and their axes.
        `X` is the array of patches extracted from source images with `Y` being the array of corresponding target patches.
        The shape of `X` and `Y` is as follows: `(n_total_patches, n_channels, ...)`.
        For single-channel images, `n_channels` will be 1.

        Various reasons.

    >>> raw_data = RawData.from_folder(basepath='data', source_dirs=['source1','source2'], target_dir='GT', axes='ZYX')
    >>> X, Y, XY_axes = create_patches(raw_data, patch_size=(32,128,128), n_patches_per_image=16)

    - Save created patches directly to disk using :class:`numpy.memmap` or similar?
      Would allow to work with large data that doesn't fit in memory.

    ## images and transforms
    if transforms is None:
        transforms = []
    transforms = list(transforms)
    if patch_axes is not None:
    if len(transforms) == 0:

    image_pairs, n_raw_images = raw_data.generator(), raw_data.size
    tf = Transform(*zip(*transforms)) # convert list of Transforms into Transform of lists
    image_pairs = compose(*tf.generator)(image_pairs) # combine all transformations with raw images as input
    n_transforms = np.prod(tf.size)
    n_images = n_raw_images * n_transforms
    n_patches = n_images * n_patches_per_image
    n_required_memory_bytes = 2 * n_patches*np.prod(patch_size) * 4

    ## memory check

    ## summary
    if verbose:
        print('%5d raw images x %4d transformations   = %5d images' % (n_raw_images,n_transforms,n_images))
        print('%5d images     x %4d patches per image = %5d patches in total' % (n_images,n_patches_per_image,n_patches))
        print('Input data:')
        for t in transforms:
            print('{t.size} x {t.name}'.format(t=t))
        print('Patch size:')
        print(" x ".join(str(p) for p in patch_size))
        print('=' * 66)


    ## sample patches from each pair of transformed raw images
    X = np.empty((n_patches,)+tuple(patch_size),dtype=np.float32)
    Y = np.empty_like(X)

    for i, (x,y,_axes,mask) in tqdm(enumerate(image_pairs),total=n_images,disable=(not verbose)):
        if i >= n_images:
            warnings.warn('more raw images (or transformations thereof) than expected, skipping excess images.')
        if i==0:
            axes = axes_check_and_normalize(_axes,len(patch_size))
            channel = axes_dict(axes)['C']
        # checks
        # len(axes) >= x.ndim or _raise(ValueError())
        axes == axes_check_and_normalize(_axes) or _raise(ValueError('not all images have the same axes.'))
        x.shape == y.shape or _raise(ValueError())
        mask is None or mask.shape == x.shape or _raise(ValueError())
        (channel is None or (isinstance(channel,int) and 0<=channel<x.ndim)) or _raise(ValueError())
        channel is None or patch_size[channel]==x.shape[channel] or _raise(ValueError('extracted patches must contain all channels.'))

        _Y,_X = sample_patches_from_multiple_stacks((y,x), patch_size, n_patches_per_image, mask, patch_filter)

        s = slice(i*n_patches_per_image,(i+1)*n_patches_per_image)
        X[s], Y[s] = normalization(_X,_Y, x,y,mask,channel)

    if shuffle:

    axes = 'SC'+axes.replace('C','')
    if channel is None:
        X = np.expand_dims(X,1)
        Y = np.expand_dims(Y,1)
        X = np.moveaxis(X, 1+channel, 1)
        Y = np.moveaxis(Y, 1+channel, 1)

    if save_file is not None:
        print('Saving data to %s.' % str(Path(save_file)))
        save_training_data(save_file, X, Y, axes)

    return X,Y,axes