Exemple #1
def denavit_hartenberg(dh_table, show_info):
    Get transformation matrix from Denavit Hartenberg input table

    :param dh_matrix: main denavit hartenberg table size(N, 4)
    :param show_info: show information ("yes" or "no")
    :returns: transformation matrix size(4, 4)
    TM = np.identity((4))

    # Get transformation matrix for each DH row (and keep multiplying it)
    for i in range(np.size(dh_table, 0)):
        TMi_0 = transf.Transformation(dh_table[i, 0], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0]).TM
        TMi_1 = transf.Transformation(0, 0, 0, [dh_table[i, 1], 0, 0]).TM
        TMi_2 = transf.Transformation(0, 0, 0, [0, 0, dh_table[i, 2]]).TM
        TMi_3 = transf.Transformation(0, 0, dh_table[i, 3], [0, 0, 0]).TM

        TM_current = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(TMi_0, TMi_1), TMi_2), TMi_3)
        TM = np.dot(TM, TM_current)

        if (show_info == "yes" or show_info == 1):
            print("TMi_0 -", i, "\n", TMi_0)
            print("TMi_1 -", i, "\n", TMi_1)
            print("TMi_2 -", i, "\n", TMi_2)
            print("TMi_3 -", i, "\n", TMi_3)
            print("TM_current -", i, "\n", TM_current)
            print("TM -", i, "\n", TM, "\n\n")
    return TM
Exemple #2
    def transform(self):
        '''To apply loop transformations on the annotated code'''

        # parse the code to get the AST
        stmts = parser.getParser(self.line_no).parse(self.module_body_code)
        if isinstance(stmts[0], ast.TransformStmt) and stmts[0].stmt is None:
            # transform the enclosed annot_body_code
            annotated_stmts = parser.getParser(self.line_no).parse(
            if len(annotated_stmts) == 1:
                annotated_stmt = annotated_stmts[0]
                annotated_stmt = ast.CompStmt(annotated_stmts[0])
            stmts[0].stmt = annotated_stmt

        # apply transformations
        t = transformation.Transformation(self.perf_params, self.verbose,
                                          self.language, self.tinfo)
        transformed_stmts = t.transform(stmts)

        # generate code for the transformed ASTs
        indent = ' ' * self.indent_size
        extra_indent = '  '
        cgen = codegen.CodeGen(self.language)
        transformed_code = '\n'
        for s in transformed_stmts:
            transformed_code += cgen.generate(s, indent, extra_indent)

        # return the transformed code
        return transformed_code
def align_transformations(match_what, match_to):
    def objective(x):
        t = transformation.from_array(x)
        return np.sum(match_what.change_basis(t).disparity(match_to))
    constraint = { "type" : "eq", "fun" : (lambda x: (np.linalg.norm(x[:4]) - 1) ** 2) }
    x0 = transformation.Transformation().as_array()
    result = scipy.optimize.minimize(objective, x0, constraints=constraint)
    return transformation.from_array(result.x)
Exemple #4
    def tileForRegs(self, loops, ufactors, stmt):
        '''To apply register tiling transformation'''

        # perform the register tiling transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(loops, ufactors, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #5
    def permute(self, seq, stmt):
        '''To apply loop permutation/interchange transformation'''

        # perform the loop permutation transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(seq, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #6
    def optimizeArrayCopy(self, aref, suffix, dtype, dimsizes, stmt):
        '''To apply array copy optimization'''

        # perform the bound replacement transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(aref, suffix, dtype, dimsizes, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #7
    def replaceScalars(self, dtype, prefix, stmt):
        '''To apply scalar replacement transformation'''

        # perform the scalar replacement transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(dtype, prefix, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #8
    def tile(self, tsize, tindex, stmt):
        '''To apply loop tiling transformation'''

        # perform the loop tiling transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(tsize, tindex, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #9
    def replaceBounds(self, lprefix, uprefix, stmt):
        '''To apply bound replacement transformation'''

        # perform the bound replacement transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(lprefix, uprefix, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #10
    def insertPragmas(self, pragmas, stmt):
        '''To apply pragma directive insertion'''

        # perform the pragma directive insertion
        t = transformation.Transformation(pragmas, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #11
    def unrollAndJam(self, ufactor, do_jamming, stmt, parallelize):
        '''To apply unroll-and-jam transformation'''
        debug('orio.module.loop.submodule.unrolljam.UnrollJam: starting unrollAndJam')

        # perform the unroll-and-jam transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(ufactor, do_jamming, stmt, parallelize)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #12
    def mpiOverlap(self, protocol, msgsize, communication, stmt):
        '''To apply MPI overlap transformation'''

        debug('orio.module.loop.submodule.mpioverlap.MPIOverlap: starting mpiOverlap')

        # perform the MPI overlap transformation                                    
        t = transformation.Transformation(protocol, msgsize, communication, stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement                                             
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #13
    def applyTransf(self, tiles, permuts, regtiles, ujams, scalarrep, boundrep,
                    pragma, openmp, vector, arrcopy, cuda, stmt):
        '''To apply a sequence of transformations'''

        # perform the composite transformations
        t = transformation.Transformation(tiles, permuts, regtiles, ujams,
                                          scalarrep, boundrep, pragma, openmp,
                                          vector, arrcopy, cuda, self.stmt)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #14
    def cudify(self, stmt, targs):
        '''Apply CUDA transformations'''

            'orio.module.loop.submodule.cuda.CUDA: starting CUDA transformations'

        # perform transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(stmt, self.props, targs, self.tinfo)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #15
    def openclify(self, stmt, targs):
        '''Apply OpenCL transformations'''

            'orio.module.loop.submodule.opencl.opencl: starting OpenCL transformations'

        # perform transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(stmt, self.props, targs, self.tinfo)
        transformed_stmt = t.transform()

        # return the transformed statement
        return transformed_stmt
Exemple #16
    def transform(self):
        '''To apply loop transformations on the annotated code'''

        # parse the code to get the AST
        stmts = parser.getParser(self.line_no).parse(self.module_body_code)
        if isinstance(stmts[0], ast.TransformStmt) and stmts[0].stmt is None:
            # transform the enclosed annot_body_code
            annotated_stmts = parser.getParser(self.line_no).parse(
            if len(annotated_stmts) == 1:
                annotated_stmt = annotated_stmts[0]
                annotated_stmt = ast.CompStmt(annotated_stmts[0])
            stmts[0].stmt = annotated_stmt

        # apply transformations
        t = transformation.Transformation(self.perf_params, self.verbose,
                                          self.language, self.tinfo)
        transformed_stmts = t.transform(stmts)

        # generate code for the transformed ASTs
        indent = ' ' * self.indent_size
        extra_indent = '  '
        cgen = codegen.CodeGen(self.language)
        transformed_code = '\n'
        for s in transformed_stmts:
            transformed_code += cgen.generate(s, indent, extra_indent)

        # Example on applying another visitor, e.g., for analysis
        #exampleVisitor = astvisitors.ExampleVisitor()

        # Count operations visitor
        opsVisitor = astvisitors.CountingVisitor()
        debug(str(opsVisitor), level=3)

        # CFG
        if True:
                from orio.module.loop.cfg import CFGGraph
                cfg = CFGGraph(transformed_stmts)
            except Exception, e:
                err('[module.loop.loop] cannot construct CFG: ', e)
Exemple #17
    def transform(self):
        '''To apply loop tiling on the annotated code'''

        # parse the text in the annotation orio.module.body to extract tiling information
        tiling_info = ann_parser.AnnParser(self.perf_params).parse(self.module_body_code)

        # parse the code (in the annotation body) to extract the corresponding AST
        stmts = code_parser.getParser().parse(self.annot_body_code)

        # analyze the AST semantics
        stmts = semant.SemanticAnalyzer(tiling_info).analyze(stmts)

        # perform loop-tiling transformation
        t = transformation.Transformation(tiling_info)
        (stmts, int_vars) = t.transform(stmts)

        # generate the tiled code
        code = self.__generateCode(stmts, int_vars)

        # return the tiled code
        return code
Exemple #18
    def transform(self):
        '''To perform loop tiling'''

        # parse the text in the annotation orio.module.body to extract the tiling information
        tiling_params = ann_parser.AnnParser(self.perf_params).parse(

        # parse the code (in the annotation body) to extract the corresponding AST
        stmts = code_parser.getParser().parse(self.annot_body_code)

        # check and enforce the AST semantics
        stmts = semant.SemanticChecker().check(stmts)

        # perform loop-tiling transformation
        (stmts, int_vars
         ) = transformation.Transformation(tiling_params).transform(stmts)

        # generate the tiled code
        code = self.__generate(stmts, int_vars)

        # return the tiled code
        return code
Exemple #19
    def transform(self):
        """To apply loop tiling on the annotated code"""

        # parse the text in the annotation orio.module.body to extract variable value pairs
        var_val_pairs = ann_parser.AnnParser(self.perf_params).parse(

        # filter out some variables used for turning on/off the optimizations
        unroll = 1
        vectorize = 1
        scalar_replacement = 1
        constant_folding = 1
        tile_sizes = []
        for var, val in var_val_pairs:
            if var == "unroll":
                unroll = val
            elif var == "vectorize":
                vectorize = val
            elif var == "scalar_replacement":
                scalar_replacement = val
            elif var == "constant_folding":
                constant_folding = val
                tile_sizes.append((var, val))

        # remove all annotations from the annotation body text
        ann_re = r"/\*@\s*(.|\n)*?\s*@\*/"
        code = re.sub(ann_re, "", self.annot_body_code)

        # extract code regions that cover the full core tiles
        code_regions = self.__extractCoreTiles(code, tile_sizes)

        # parse the full core-tile code and generate a corresponding AST
        n_code_regions = []
        for cr in code_regions:
            if isinstance(cr, str):
            i, v, c = cr
            stmts = code_parser.getParser().parse(c)
            if len(stmts) != 1 or not isinstance(stmts[0], ast.ForStmt):
                err("orio.module.ortildriver.ortildriver: invalid full core-tile code")
            n_code_regions.append((i, v, stmts[0]))
        code_regions = n_code_regions

        # transform the full core-tile code
        transformed_code = ""
        for cr in code_regions:
            if isinstance(cr, str):
                transformed_code += cr
            i, v, s = cr
            t = transformation.Transformation(
                unroll, vectorize, scalar_replacement, constant_folding
            transformed_code += t.transform(i, v, s)

        # insert the declaration code for the tile sizes
        decl_code = ""
        for i, (tvar, tval) in enumerate(tile_sizes):
            decl_code += "  %s = %s;\n" % (tvar, tval)
        if transformed_code[0] != "\n":
            transformed_code = "\n" + transformed_code
        transformed_code = "\n" + decl_code + transformed_code

        # return the transformed code
        return transformed_code
Exemple #20
#             vector_angle_z[0], [vector_x[0], vector_y[0], vector_z[0]])
# print(TM_test.TM)
# THETAS = inverse_kinematics.inverse_kinematics_baxter(TM_test.TM, "left")
# print(THETAS)

# Get each vector of theta_i for all points
THETA_1 = []
THETA_2 = []
THETA_4 = []
THETA_5 = []
THETA_6 = []
THETA_7 = []

for i in range(len(vector_x)):
    TM_i = transformation.Transformation(
        vector_angle_x[i], vector_angle_y[i], vector_angle_z[i],
        [vector_x[i], vector_y[i], vector_z[i]])

    THETAS_i = inverse_kinematics.inverse_kinematics_baxter(TM_i.TM, "left")


if SHOW_RESULTS == True:
    print("\n THETA_1: \n", np.rad2deg(THETA_1))
    print("\n max(THETA_1) =", max(np.rad2deg(THETA_1)))
    print("\n min(THETA_1) =", min(np.rad2deg(THETA_1)))
Exemple #21
    def detection(self, high_contrast):
        tlc = TextLineColeection(self.img_data.textLines)
        corners = []
        rows, cols = self.img_data.crop_gray.shape

            expandX = int (float(cols) * 0.5)
            expandY = int(float(rows) * 0.5)
            w = cols
            h = rows

            corners.append((-1 * expandX, -1 * expandY))
            corners.append((expandX + w, -1 * expandY))
            corners.append((expandX + w, expandY + h))
            corners.append((-1 * expandX, expandY + h))

        elif tlc.longerSegment.length > tlc.charHeight * 3:

            charHeightToPlateWidthRatio = 304.8 / 70
            idealPixelWidth = tlc.charHeight * (charHeightToPlateWidthRatio * 1.03)

            charHeightToPlateHeightRatio = 152.4 / 70
            idealPixelHeight = tlc.charHeight * charHeightToPlateHeightRatio

            verticalOffset = idealPixelHeight * 1.5 / 2
            horizontaOffset = idealPixelWidth * 1.25 / 2
            topLine = tlc.centerHorizontalLine.getParalleLine(verticalOffset)
            bottomLine = tlc.centerHorizontalLine.getParalleLine(-1 * verticalOffset)

            leftLine = tlc.centerVerticalLine.getParalleLine(-1 * horizontaOffset)
            rightLine = tlc.centerVerticalLine.getParalleLine(horizontaOffset)

            topLeft = topLine.intersection(leftLine)
            topRight = topLine.intersection(rightLine)
            botRight = bottomLine.intersection(rightLine)
            botLeft = bottomLine.intersection(leftLine)

            expandX = int(float(cols) * 0.15)
            expandY = int(float(rows) * 0.15)
            w = cols
            h = rows
            corners.append((-1 * expandX, -1 * expandY))
            corners.append((expandX + w, -1 * expandY))
            corners.append((expandX + w, expandY + h))
            corners.append((-1 * expandX, expandY + h))
        width = self.img_data.grayImg.shape[1]
        height = self.img_data.grayImg.shape[0]
        imgTransform = transformation.Transformation(self.img_data.grayImg,

        remappedCorners = imgTransform.transformSmallPointsTOBigImage(corners)
        cropSize = imgTransform.getCropSize(remappedCorners, (120, 60))

        transmtx = imgTransform.getTransformationMatrix1(remappedCorners, cropSize[0], cropSize[1])
        newCrop = imgTransform.crop(cropSize, transmtx)
        newLines = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.img_data.textLines)):
            textArea = imgTransform.transformSmallPointsTOBigImage(self.img_data.textLines[i].textArea)
            linePolygon = imgTransform.transformSmallPointsTOBigImage(self.img_data.textLines[i].linePolygon)
            textAreaRemapped = imgTransform.remapSmallPointstoCrop(textArea, transmtx)

            linePolygonRemapped = imgTransform.remapSmallPointstoCrop(linePolygon, transmtx)
            newLines.append(textline.TextLine(textAreaRemapped[0], linePolygonRemapped[0],
                                              newCrop.shape[1], newCrop.shape[0]))

        smallPlateCorners = []
        if high_contrast:
            smallPlateCorners = self.highContrastDetection(newCrop, newLines)
             smallPlateCorners = self.normalDetection(newCrop, newLines)

        imgArea = []
        imgArea.append((0, 0))
        imgArea.append((newCrop.shape[1], 0))
        imgArea.append((newCrop.shape[1], newCrop.shape[0]))
        imgArea.append((0, newCrop.shape[0]))
        newCropTransmtx = imgTransform.getTransformationMatrix2(imgArea, remappedCorners)
        cornersInOriginalImg = []
        if len(smallPlateCorners) > 0:
            cornersInOriginalImg = imgTransform.remapSmallPointstoCrop(smallPlateCorners, newCropTransmtx)

        return cornersInOriginalImg
Exemple #22
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize main node for publishing
        rospy.loginfo('... Initializing MainAction node')

        # Enable baxter if it isn't already enabled

        # Get create main publisher for activating the Joint movements
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command',

        # Create Class to control Baxter's Joints
        self.command = JointCommand()
        self.rate = rospy.Rate(70)

        # Variable to show every print statement for testing
        SHOW_RESULTS = False

        # Define screen pixels for Baxter's image (face LCD screen)
        h = 600
        w = 1024

        # Load image for the Baxter's screen
        img1 = cv2.imread("Tejada.png")

        # Resize the image to get to the maximum possible screen size
        img1 = cv2.resize(img1, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

        # Create publisher for the Image that will be loaded to Baxter
        pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay',

        # Define message that will be loaded to the Image-publisher
        msg1 = cv_bridge.CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(img1, encoding="bgr8")

        # Publish the desired message that contains the image

        # Get main vector for the trajectory
        T1 = trajectory_A.TrajectoryA(5)
        print("\n... Processing trajectory 1 ...\n")
        vector_x = T1.vector_x
        vector_y = T1.vector_y
        vector_z = T1.vector_z
        vector_angle_x = T1.vector_angle_x
        vector_angle_y = T1.vector_angle_y
        vector_angle_z = T1.vector_angle_z
        print("\n... Done processing trajectory 1 ...\n")

        # TM_test = transformation.Transformation(vector_angle_x[0], vector_angle_y[0],
        #             vector_angle_z[0], [vector_x[0], vector_y[0], vector_z[0]])
        # print(TM_test.TM)
        # THETAS = inverse_kinematics.inverse_kinematics_baxter(TM_test.TM, "left")
        # print(THETAS)

        # Get each vector of theta_i for all points
        self.THETA_1 = []
        self.THETA_2 = []
        self.THETA_4 = []
        self.THETA_5 = []
        self.THETA_6 = []
        self.THETA_7 = []

        # Generate main trajectories finding each angle of the joints with IK
        for i in range(len(vector_x)):
            # Get each transformation matrix for all cartesian points given
            TM_i = transformation.Transformation(
                vector_angle_x[i], vector_angle_y[i], vector_angle_z[i],
                [vector_x[i], vector_y[i], vector_z[i]])

            # Get each THETA_i for each point with the inverse-kinematics
            THETAS_i = inverse_kinematics.inverse_kinematics_baxter(
                TM_i.TM, "left")

            # Create all vectors of THETA_i for all necessary points

        if SHOW_RESULTS == True:
            print("\n THETA_1: \n", np.rad2deg(self.THETA_1))
            print("\n max(THETA_1) =", max(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_1)))
            print("\n min(THETA_1) =", min(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_1)))
            print("\n THETA_2: \n", np.rad2deg(self.THETA_2))
            print("\n max(THETA_2) =", max(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_2)))
            print("\n min(THETA_2) =", min(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_2)))
            print("\n THETA_4: \n", np.rad2deg(self.THETA_4))
            print("\n max(THETA_4) =", max(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_4)))
            print("\n min(THETA_4) =", min(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_4)))
            print("\n THETA_5: \n", np.rad2deg(self.THETA_5))
            print("\n max(THETA_5) =", max(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_5)))
            print("\n min(THETA_5) =", min(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_5)))
            print("\n THETA_6: \n", np.rad2deg(self.THETA_6))
            print("\n max(THETA_6) =", max(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_6)))
            print("\n min(THETA_6) =", min(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_6)))
            print("\n THETA_7: \n", np.rad2deg(self.THETA_7))
            print("\n max(THETA_7) =", max(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_7)))
            print("\n min(THETA_7) =", min(np.rad2deg(self.THETA_7)))
Exemple #23
    def gen_espiral(self):
        # Variable to show every print statement for testing
        SHOW_RESULTS =False

        # Get main vector for the trajectory
        T1 = trajectory_A.TrajectoryA(5)
        print("\n... Processing trajectory 1 ...\n")
        vector_x = T1.vector_x
        vector_y = T1.vector_y
        vector_z = T1.vector_z
        vector_angle_x = T1.vector_angle_x
        vector_angle_y = T1.vector_angle_y
        vector_angle_z = T1.vector_angle_z
        print("\n... Done processing trajectory 1 ...\n")

        # TM_test = transformation.Transformation(vector_angle_x[0], vector_angle_y[0], 
        #             vector_angle_z[0], [vector_x[0], vector_y[0], vector_z[0]])
        # print(TM_test.TM)
        # THETAS = inverse_kinematics.inverse_kinematics_baxter(TM_test.TM, "left")
        # print(THETAS)

        # Get each vector of theta_i for all points
        THETA_1 = []
        THETA_2 = []
        THETA_4 = []
        THETA_5 = []
        THETA_6 = []
        THETA_7 = []

        for i in range(len(vector_x)):
            TM_i = transformation.Transformation(vector_angle_x[i], vector_angle_y[i], 
                    vector_angle_z[i], [vector_x[i], vector_y[i], vector_z[i]])

            THETAS_i = inverse_kinematics.inverse_kinematics_baxter(TM_i.TM, "left")

        izq0 =  {'left_w0': THETA_5[0], 'left_w1': THETA_6[0], 'left_w2': THETA_7[0], 'left_e0': 0, 'left_e1': THETA_4[0], 'left_s0': THETA_1[0], 'left_s1': THETA_2[0]}
        izq1 =  {'left_w0': THETA_5[9], 'left_w1': THETA_6[9], 'left_w2': THETA_7[9], 'left_e0': 0, 'left_e1': THETA_4[9], 'left_s0': THETA_1[9], 'left_s1': THETA_2[9]}

        izq2 =  {'left_w0': THETA_5[19], 'left_w1': THETA_6[19], 'left_w2': THETA_7[19], 'left_e0': 0, 'left_e1': THETA_4[19], 'left_s0': THETA_1[19], 'left_s1': THETA_2[19]}

        izq3 =  {'left_w0': THETA_5[29], 'left_w1': THETA_6[29], 'left_w2': THETA_7[29], 'left_e0': 0, 'left_e1': THETA_4[29], 'left_s0': THETA_1[29], 'left_s1': THETA_2[29]}

        #ir al centro
        izq5 =  {'left_w0': THETA_5[39], 'left_w1': THETA_6[39], 'left_w2': THETA_7[39], 'left_e0': 0, 'left_e1': THETA_4[39], 'left_s0': THETA_1[39], 'left_s1': THETA_2[39]}

        izq6 =  {'left_w0': THETA_5[49], 'left_w1': THETA_6[49], 'left_w2': THETA_7[49], 'left_e0': 0, 'left_e1': THETA_4[49], 'left_s0': THETA_1[49], 'left_s1': THETA_2[49]}