Exemple #1
def random_rotation_matrices(num_samples):
    rotation_matrices = np.zeros((num_samples, 3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    for k in range(num_samples):
        random_rot_matrix = transformations.random_rotation_matrix()[:-1, :-1]
        rotation_matrices[k, ...] = random_rot_matrix

    return rotation_matrices
Exemple #2
def random_rotation_matrix():
    """ Build a 3x3 rotation matrix to rotate vectors about some random angle.

        :rtype: tuple(tuple(float))

    rot_mat = _slice_affine(tf.random_rotation_matrix())

    return tuple(map(tuple, rot_mat))
Exemple #3
    def test_matrix_init(self):
        random_m = ttf.random_rotation_matrix()
        ornt = Orientation(random_m[:3, :3])
        euler = ornt.euler
        quat = ornt.quaternion
        matrix = ornt.matrix3

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(matrix, random_m[:3, :3]))
import roslib
import rviz_pyplot as rpp
import numpy as np

import transformations as tr

# Create N coordinate frames
N = 100

frames = []
for i in range(0,N):
    T = tr.random_rotation_matrix()
    T[0:3,3] = np.random.rand(3) * scale

# Create a plotter
plotter = rpp.Plotter()

cframes = rpp.CoordinateFramesMarker(topic="rviz_pyplot/marker_array", defaultSize=0.1)

# This will use the default colors and size 

# Add a big coordinate frame at identity
colors = np.array([[0.8,0.3,0.3,1.0],  # x-axis color (rgba)
                   [0.3,0.8,0.3,1.0],  # y-axis color (rgba)
                   [0.3,0.3,0.8,1.0]]) # z-axis color (rgba)
Exemple #5
def random_so3():
    :return: a random SO(3) matrix (for debugging)
    return tr.random_rotation_matrix()[:3, :3]
def main():
    if len(sys.argv)==1:
        catalogue = 'Bolshoi_250'
        catalogue = sys.argv[1]
    #load halo catalogue
    halocat = sim_manager.CachedHaloCatalog(simname=catalogue, redshift=0.0,
                                            version_name='1.0', halo_finder='Rockstar') 
    halo_table = halocat.halo_table
    Lbox = halocat.Lbox
    N = len(halo_table)
    #tabulate the coordinates of the host
    def ag_func(x):
        return x[0]
    sorting_keys = ['halo_hostid', 'halo_upid']
    # x-coordinate
    key_list = ['halo_x']
    # y-coordinate
    key_list = ['halo_y']
    # z-coordinate
    key_list = ['halo_z']
    #define host and sub haloes
    host = halo_table['halo_upid'] == -1
    sub = halo_table['halo_upid'] != -1
    #calculate the radial distance from host
    host_coords = np.vstack((halo_table['host_x'],halo_table['host_y'],halo_table['host_z'])).T
    sub_coords = np.vstack((halo_table['halo_x'],halo_table['halo_y'],halo_table['halo_z'])).T
    halo_table['local_r'] = distance(host_coords, sub_coords, period=np.array([Lbox]*3))
    #calculate the coordinates wrt to the host
    halo_table['local_x'] = halo_table['halo_x']-halo_table['host_x']
    halo_table['local_y'] = halo_table['halo_y']-halo_table['host_y']
    halo_table['local_z'] = halo_table['halo_z']-halo_table['host_z']
    flip = np.fabs(halo_table['local_x'])>Lbox/2.0
    halo_table['local_x'][flip] = halo_table['local_x'][flip] - np.sign(halo_table['local_x'][flip])*Lbox
    flip = np.fabs(halo_table['local_y'])>Lbox/2.0
    halo_table['local_y'][flip] = halo_table['local_y'][flip] - np.sign(halo_table['local_y'][flip])*Lbox
    flip = np.fabs(halo_table['local_z'])>Lbox/2.0
    halo_table['local_z'][flip] = halo_table['local_z'][flip] - np.sign(halo_table['local_z'][flip])*Lbox
    #calculate the local spherical coordinates
    halo_table['local_theta'] = np.arccos(halo_table['local_z'] / halo_table['local_r'])
    halo_table['local_phi'] = np.arctan2(halo_table['local_y'], halo_table['local_x'])
    #remove NaNs, r=0
    halo_table['local_theta'] = np.nan_to_num(halo_table['local_theta'])
    halo_table['local_phi'] = np.nan_to_num(halo_table['local_phi'])
    #as a test, calculate the positons using the spherical coordinates
    #calculate new positions
    x = halo_table['host_x'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.sin(halo_table['local_theta'])*np.cos(halo_table['local_phi'])
    y = halo_table['host_y'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.sin(halo_table['local_theta'])*np.sin(halo_table['local_phi'])
    z = halo_table['host_z'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.cos(halo_table['local_theta'])
    #take care of PBCs
    flip = (x>Lbox)
    x[flip] = x[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (x<0.0)
    x[flip] = x[flip]+Lbox
    flip = (y>Lbox)
    y[flip] = y[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (y<0.0)
    y[flip] = y[flip]+Lbox
    flip = (z>Lbox)
    z[flip] = z[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (z<0.0)
    z[flip] = z[flip]+Lbox
    #add to table
    halo_table['halo_x_test'] = x
    halo_table['halo_y_test'] = y
    halo_table['halo_z_test'] = z
    halo_table['halo_x_test'][host] = halo_table['halo_x'][host]
    halo_table['halo_y_test'][host] = halo_table['halo_y'][host]
    halo_table['halo_z_test'][host] = halo_table['halo_z'][host]
    #randomize orientation of individual subhaloes
    u = np.random.random(N)
    v = np.random.random(N)
    halo_table['random_phi'] = 2.0*np.pi*u
    halo_table['random_theta'] = np.arccos(2.0*v-1.0)
    #calculate new positions
    x = halo_table['host_x'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.sin(halo_table['random_theta'])*np.cos(halo_table['random_phi'])
    y = halo_table['host_y'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.sin(halo_table['random_theta'])*np.sin(halo_table['random_phi'])
    z = halo_table['host_z'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.cos(halo_table['random_theta'])
    #take care of PBCs
    flip = (x>Lbox)
    x[flip] = x[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (x<0.0)
    x[flip] = x[flip]+Lbox
    flip = (y>Lbox)
    y[flip] = y[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (y<0.0)
    y[flip] = y[flip]+Lbox
    flip = (z>Lbox)
    z[flip] = z[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (z<0.0)
    z[flip] = z[flip]+Lbox
    #add to table
    halo_table['halo_x_ran1'] = x
    halo_table['halo_y_ran1'] = y
    halo_table['halo_z_ran1'] = z
    halo_table['halo_x_ran1'][host] = halo_table['halo_x'][host]
    halo_table['halo_y_ran1'][host] = halo_table['halo_y'][host]
    halo_table['halo_z_ran1'][host] = halo_table['halo_z'][host]
    #randomly rotate system
    unq_ids, N_mem = np.unique(halo_table['halo_hostid'], return_counts=True)
    N_sys = len(unq_ids)
    u = np.random.random(N_sys)
    v = np.random.random(N_sys)
    phi_rot = 2.0*np.pi*u
    theta_rot = np.arccos(2.0*v-1.0)
    phi_rot = np.repeat(phi_rot, N_mem)
    theta_rot = np.repeat(theta_rot, N_mem)
    new_phis = halo_table['local_phi']+phi_rot
    new_thetas = halo_table['local_theta']+theta_rot
    #create rotation matrices
    Rs = [transformations.random_rotation_matrix()[:3,:3] for x in range(0,N_sys)]
    Rs = np.repeat(Rs, N_mem, axis=0)
    local_positions = np.vstack((halo_table['local_x'],halo_table['local_y'],halo_table['local_z'])).T
    N = len(local_positions)
    new_local_positions = np.array([np.dot(local_positions[i],Rs[i].T) for i in range(0,N)])
    new_local_x = new_local_positions[:,0]
    new_local_y = new_local_positions[:,1]
    new_local_z = new_local_positions[:,2]
    x = halo_table['host_x'] + new_local_x
    y = halo_table['host_y'] + new_local_y
    z = halo_table['host_z'] + new_local_z
    #calculate new positions
    x = halo_table['host_x'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.sin(new_thetas)*np.cos(new_phis)
    y = halo_table['host_y'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.sin(new_thetas)*np.sin(new_phis)
    z = halo_table['host_z'] + halo_table['local_r']*np.cos(new_thetas)
    #take care of PBCs
    flip = (x>Lbox)
    x[flip] = x[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (x<0.0)
    x[flip] = x[flip]+Lbox
    flip = (y>Lbox)
    y[flip] = y[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (y<0.0)
    y[flip] = y[flip]+Lbox
    flip = (z>Lbox)
    z[flip] = z[flip]-Lbox
    flip = (z<0.0)
    z[flip] = z[flip]+Lbox
    #add to table
    halo_table['halo_x_ran2'] = x
    halo_table['halo_y_ran2'] = y
    halo_table['halo_z_ran2'] = z
    halo_table['halo_x_ran2'][host] = halo_table['halo_x'][host]
    halo_table['halo_y_ran2'][host] = halo_table['halo_y'][host]
    halo_table['halo_z_ran2'][host] = halo_table['halo_z'][host]
    #save table
    #set some properties
    redshift = 0.0
    Lbox = 250.0
    particle_mass = 1.35*10**8.0
    num_halos = len(halo_table)
    simname = 'Bolshoi_250'
    version_name = 'isotropized_1.0'
    processing_notes = 'Catalog only contains (sub-)halos with mpeak mass greater than 100 particles.'
    #create custom catalogue
    halo_table = np.array(halo_table)
    halo_catalog = sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog(redshift = redshift,
                                           Lbox = Lbox,
                                           particle_mass = particle_mass,
                                           halo_x = halo_table['halo_x'],
                                           halo_y = halo_table['halo_y'],
                                           halo_z = halo_table['halo_z'],
                                           halo_vx = halo_table['halo_vx'],
                                           halo_vy = halo_table['halo_vy'],
                                           halo_vz = halo_table['halo_vz'],
                                           halo_id = halo_table['halo_id'],
                                           halo_pid = halo_table['halo_pid'],
                                           halo_upid = halo_table['halo_upid'],
                                           halo_mvir = halo_table['halo_mvir'],
                                           halo_m200b = halo_table['halo_m200b'],
                                           halo_m200c = halo_table['halo_m200c'],
                                           halo_rvir = halo_table['halo_rvir'],
                                           halo_rs = halo_table['halo_rs'],
                                           halo_vmax = halo_table['halo_vmax'],
                                           halo_first_acc_scale = halo_table['halo_first_acc_scale'],
                                           halo_acc_scale = halo_table['halo_acc_scale'],
                                           halo_mpeak = halo_table['halo_mpeak'],
                                           halo_vpeak = halo_table['halo_vpeak'],
                                           halo_mpeak_scale = halo_table['halo_mpeak_scale'],
                                           halo_vmax_at_mpeak = halo_table['halo_vmax_at_mpeak'],
                                           halo_half_mass_scale = halo_table['halo_half_mass_scale'],
                                           halo_x_test = halo_table['halo_x_test'],
                                           halo_y_test = halo_table['halo_y_test'],
                                           halo_z_test= halo_table['halo_z_test'],
                                           halo_x_ran1 = halo_table['halo_x_ran1'],
                                           halo_y_ran1 = halo_table['halo_y_ran1'],
                                           halo_z_ran1 = halo_table['halo_z_ran1'],
                                           halo_x_ran2 = halo_table['halo_x_ran2'],
                                           halo_y_ran2 = halo_table['halo_y_ran2'],
                                           halo_z_ran2 = halo_table['halo_z_ran2'],
                                           halo_r = halo_table['local_r'],
                                           halo_phi = halo_table['local_phi'],
                                           halo_theta = halo_table['local_theta'],
                                           halo_local_x = halo_table['local_x'],
                                           halo_local_y = halo_table['local_y'],
                                           halo_local_z = halo_table['local_z']
    #save the catalogue
    fname = cu.get_output_path() + 'processed_data/Multidark/Bolshoi/halo_catalogues/Bolshoi_250_isotropized.hdf5'
    halo_catalog.add_halocat_to_cache(fname, simname, halo_finder,
                                      version_name, processing_notes, overwrite=True)
Exemple #7
def randomTranformation():
    T = tfs.random_rotation_matrix()
    T[0:3, 3] = np.random.rand(3)

    return T
Exemple #8
    def set_trans(self, translation):
        self.translation = translation

    def get_trans(self):
        return self.translation

d = numpy.array([[-10, 0.00, 0.00], [5, -250, 0.00], [5, 250.00, 0.00],
                 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]])
d = d.T
#D = [[208.68,   211.68, -1288.03],[211.93,   206.51, -1038.11],[213.65,   461.58, -1282.93]]

t = numpy.random.rand(3, 1)

R = random_rotation_matrix()
D = numpy.dot(R[:3, :3], d) + t


# print(d)
# print(R[:3,:3])

f = get_frame(D, d)
# print(f.get_trans())
# print(f.get_rot())

print(numpy.dot(f.get_rot(), d) + f.get_trans())
Exemple #9
import numpy
import math
from transformations import affine_matrix_from_points, translation_matrix, random_rotation_matrix, scale_matrix, concatenate_matrices, superimposition_matrix

# def transform(matrix1, matrix2):

# v0 = [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]]
# v1 = [[0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1], [-2, -2, -2]]
# mat = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
# print(mat)
# v3 = numpy.dot(numpy.array(mat).T, numpy.array(v0))
# print(v3)
# newV = numpy.dot(mat, numpy.array(v1))
# print(newV)

# v0 = numpy.random.rand(3, 3)
# print(v0)
# M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
# print(numpy.allclose(numpy.dot(v0, M), v1))
R = random_rotation_matrix(numpy.random.random(3))
# print(R)
v0 = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
v1 = numpy.dot(R, v0)
M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
print(numpy.allclose(v1, numpy.dot(M, v0)))
Exemple #10
import numpy
import math
from transformations import affine_matrix_from_points, translation_matrix, random_rotation_matrix, scale_matrix, concatenate_matrices, superimposition_matrix

# def transform(matrix1, matrix2):

# v0 = [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]]
# v1 = [[0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1], [-2, -2, -2]]
# mat = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
# print(mat)
# v3 = numpy.dot(numpy.array(mat).T, numpy.array(v0))
# print(v3)
# newV = numpy.dot(mat, numpy.array(v1))
# print(newV)

# v0 = numpy.random.rand(3, 3)
# print(v0)
# M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
# print(numpy.allclose(numpy.dot(v0, M), v1))
R = random_rotation_matrix(numpy.random.random(3))
# print(R)
v0 = [[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]]
v1 = numpy.dot(R, v0)
M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
print(numpy.allclose(v1, numpy.dot(M, v0)))
 def input_fn(dtype):
     m = t.random_rotation_matrix().astype(dtype)
     R = m[:3, :3]
     return m, R
Exemple #12
def random_rotation():
    """ random rotation matrix
    rot_mat = _slice_affine(tf.random_rotation_matrix())
    return tuple(map(tuple, rot_mat))