def centre_of_mass(geometry, vertices='throat.offset_vertices', **kwargs):
    Calculate the centre of mass of the throat from the voronoi vertices.
    Nt = geometry.num_throats()
    outer_verts = geometry['throat.vertices']
    offset_verts = geometry[vertices]
    normal = geometry['throat.normal']
    z_axis = [0, 0, 1]
    value = _sp.ndarray([Nt, 3])
    for i in range(Nt):
        if len(offset_verts[i]) > 2:
            verts = offset_verts[i]
        elif len(outer_verts[i]) > 2:
            verts = outer_verts[i]
            verts = []
        if len(verts) > 0:
            # For boundaries some facets will already be aligned with the axis -
            # if this is the case a rotation is unnecessary and could also cause
            # problems
            angle = tr.angle_between_vectors(normal[i], z_axis)
            if angle == 0.0 or angle == _sp.pi:
                "We are already aligned"
                rotate_input = False
                facet = verts
                rotate_input = True
                M = tr.rotation_matrix(
                    tr.angle_between_vectors(normal[i], z_axis),
                    tr.vector_product(normal[i], z_axis))
                facet =, M[:3, :3].T)
            # Now we have a rotated facet aligned with the z axis - make 2D
            facet_2D = _sp.column_stack((facet[:, 0], facet[:, 1]))
            z = _sp.unique(_sp.around(facet[:, 2], 10))
            if len(z) == 1:
                # We need the vertices arranged in order so perform a convex hull
                hull = ConvexHull(facet_2D)
                ordered_facet_2D = facet_2D[hull.vertices]
                # Call the routine to calculate an area wighted centroid from the
                # 2D polygon
                COM_2D = vo.PolyWeightedCentroid2D(ordered_facet_2D)
                COM_3D = _sp.hstack((COM_2D, z))
                # If we performed a rotation we need to rotate back
                if (rotate_input):
                    MI = tr.inverse_matrix(M)
                    # Unrotate the offset coordinates using the inverse of the
                    # original rotation matrix
                    value[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)
                    value[i] = COM_3D
                logger.error('Rotation Failed: ' +
                             str(_sp.unique(facet[:, 2])))

    return value
Exemple #2
    def _inverse(self):
        # type: () -> Transformation
        """The inverse of a given transformation.


        return Transformation(inverse_matrix(self.matrix))
def centre_of_mass(geometry, vertices='throat.offset_vertices', **kwargs):
    Calculate the centre of mass of the throat from the voronoi vertices.
    Nt = geometry.num_throats()
    outer_verts = geometry['throat.vertices']
    offset_verts = geometry[vertices]
    normal = geometry['throat.normal']
    z_axis = [0, 0, 1]
    value = _sp.ndarray([Nt, 3])
    for i in range(Nt):
        if len(offset_verts[i]) > 2:
            verts = offset_verts[i]
        elif len(outer_verts[i]) > 2:
            verts = outer_verts[i]
            verts = []
        if len(verts) > 0:
            # For boundaries some facets will already be aligned with the axis -
            # if this is the case a rotation is unnecessary and could also cause
            # problems
            angle = tr.angle_between_vectors(normal[i], z_axis)
            if angle == 0.0 or angle == _sp.pi:
                "We are already aligned"
                rotate_input = False
                facet = verts
                rotate_input = True
                M = tr.rotation_matrix(tr.angle_between_vectors(normal[i], z_axis),
                                       tr.vector_product(normal[i], z_axis))
                facet =, M[:3, :3].T)
            # Now we have a rotated facet aligned with the z axis - make 2D
            facet_2D = _sp.column_stack((facet[:, 0], facet[:, 1]))
            z = _sp.unique(_sp.around(facet[:, 2], 10))
            if len(z) == 1:
                # We need the vertices arranged in order so perform a convex hull
                hull = ConvexHull(facet_2D)
                ordered_facet_2D = facet_2D[hull.vertices]
                # Call the routine to calculate an area wighted centroid from the
                # 2D polygon
                COM_2D = vo.PolyWeightedCentroid2D(ordered_facet_2D)
                COM_3D = _sp.hstack((COM_2D, z))
                # If we performed a rotation we need to rotate back
                if (rotate_input):
                    MI = tr.inverse_matrix(M)
                    # Unrotate the offset coordinates using the inverse of the
                    # original rotation matrix
                    value[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)
                    value[i] = COM_3D
                logger.error('Rotation Failed: ' + str(_sp.unique(facet[:, 2])))

    return value
def distance_transform(network, geometry, offset, **kwargs):
    Use the Voronoi vertices and perform image analysis to obtain throat properties

    import math
    import numpy as np
    from skimage.morphology import convex_hull_image
    from skimage.measure import regionprops
    from scipy import ndimage

    Nt = geometry.num_throats()
    area = sp.zeros(Nt)
    perimeter = sp.zeros(Nt)
    centroid = sp.zeros([Nt, 3])
    incentre = sp.zeros([Nt, 3])
    inradius = sp.zeros(Nt)
    equiv_diameter = sp.zeros(Nt)
    eroded_verts = sp.ndarray(Nt, dtype=object)

    res = 200
    vertices = geometry['throat.vertices']
    normals = geometry['throat.normal']
    z_axis = [0, 0, 1]

    for i in range(Nt):"Processing throat " + str(i+1)+" of "+str(Nt))
        # For boundaries some facets will already be aligned with the axis - if this
        # is the case a rotation is unnecessary and could also cause problems
        angle = tr.angle_between_vectors(normals[i], z_axis)
        if angle == 0.0 or angle == np.pi:
            # We are already aligned
            rotate_facet = False
            facet = vertices[i]
            rotate_facet = True
            M = tr.rotation_matrix(tr.angle_between_vectors(normals[i], z_axis),
                                   tr.vector_product(normals[i], z_axis))
            facet =[i], M[:3, :3].T)
        x = facet[:, 0]
        y = facet[:, 1]
        z = facet[:, 2]
        # Get points in 2d for image analysis
        pts = np.column_stack((x, y))
        # Translate points so min sits at the origin
        translation = [pts[:, 0].min(), pts[:, 1].min()]
        pts -= translation
        order =
        # Normalise and scale the points so that largest span equals the resolution
        # to save on memory and create clear image"
        max_factor = np.max([pts[:, 0].max(), pts[:, 1].max()])
        f = res/max_factor
        #"Temporarily try using the vox_len as a scale factor"
        #f = 1/geometry._vox_len
        # Scale the offset and define a circular structuring element with radius
        r = f*offset
        # Only proceed if r is less than half the span of the image"
        if r <= res/2:
            pts *= f
            minp1 = pts[:, 0].min()
            minp2 = pts[:, 1].min()
            maxp1 = pts[:, 0].max()
            maxp2 = pts[:, 1].max()
            img = np.zeros([,
            int_pts = np.around(pts, 0).astype(int)
            for pt in int_pts:
                img[pt[0]][pt[1]] = 1
            # Pad with zeros all the way around the edges
            img_pad = np.zeros([np.shape(img)[0] + 2, np.shape(img)[1] + 2])
            img_pad[1:np.shape(img)[0]+1, 1:np.shape(img)[1]+1] = img

            # All points should lie on this plane but could be some rounding errors
            # so use the order parameter
            z_plane = sp.unique(np.around(z, order+2))
            if len(z_plane) > 1:
                logger.error('Rotation for image analysis failed')
                temp_arr = np.ones(1)
                z_plane = temp_arr
            "Fill in the convex hull polygon"
            convhullimg = convex_hull_image(img_pad)
            # Perform a Distance Transform and black out points less than r to create
            # binary erosion. This is faster than performing an erosion and dt can
            # also be used later to find incircle"
            eroded = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(convhullimg)
            eroded[eroded <= r] = 0
            eroded[eroded > r] = 1
            # If we are left with less than 3 non-zero points then the throat is
            # fully occluded
            if np.sum(eroded) >= 3:
                # Do some image analysis to extract the key properties
                regions = regionprops(eroded[1:np.shape(img)[0]+1,
                # Change this to cope with genuine multi-region throats
                if len(regions) == 1:
                    for props in regions:
                        x0, y0 = props.centroid
                        equiv_diameter[i] = props.equivalent_diameter
                        area[i] = props.area
                        perimeter[i] = props.perimeter
                        coords = props.coords
                    # Undo the translation, scaling and truncation on the centroid
                    centroid2d = np.array([x0, y0])/f
                    centroid2d += (translation)
                    centroid3d = np.concatenate((centroid2d, z_plane))
                    # Distance transform the eroded facet to find the incentre and
                    # inradius
                    dt = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(eroded)
                    inx0, iny0 = \
                        np.asarray(np.unravel_index(dt.argmax(), dt.shape)) \
                    incentre2d = np.array([inx0, iny0])
                    # Undo the translation, scaling and truncation on the incentre
                    incentre2d /= f
                    incentre2d += (translation)
                    incentre3d = np.concatenate((incentre2d, z_plane))
                    # The offset vertices will be those in the coords that are
                    # closest to the originals"
                    offset_verts = []
                    for pt in int_pts:
                        vert = np.argmin(np.sum(np.square(coords-pt), axis=1))
                        if vert not in offset_verts:
                    # If we are left with less than 3 different vertices then the
                    # throat is fully occluded as we can't make a shape with
                    # non-zero area
                    if len(offset_verts) >= 3:
                        offset_coords = coords[offset_verts].astype(float)
                        # Undo the translation, scaling and truncation on the
                        # offset_verts
                        offset_coords /= f
                        offset_coords_3d = \
                            np.vstack((offset_coords[:, 0]+translation[0],
                                       offset_coords[:, 1]+translation[1],

                        # Get matrix to un-rotate the co-ordinates back to the
                        # original orientation if we rotated in the first place
                        if rotate_facet:
                            MI = tr.inverse_matrix(M)
                            # Unrotate the offset coordinates
                            incentre[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)
                            centroid[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)
                            eroded_verts[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)

                            incentre[i] = incentre3d
                            centroid[i] = centroid3d
                            eroded_verts[i] = offset_coords_3d

                        inradius[i] = dt.max()
                        # Undo scaling on other parameters
                        area[i] /= f*f
                        perimeter[i] /= f
                        equiv_diameter[i] /= f
                        inradius[i] /= f
                        area[i] = 0
                        perimeter[i] = 0
                        equiv_diameter[i] = 0

    if kwargs['set_dependent'] is True:
        geometry['throat.area'] = area
        geometry['throat.perimeter'] = perimeter
        geometry['throat.centroid'] = centroid
        geometry['throat.diameter'] = equiv_diameter
        geometry['throat.indiameter'] = inradius*2
        geometry['throat.incentre'] = incentre

    return eroded_verts
Exemple #5
 def getTF(self, base, target):
     tf_base = self.getLink(base).position
     tf_target = self.getLink(target).position
     tf_target = np.vstack((tf_target, [0, 0, 0, 1]))
     tf_base = np.vstack((tf_base, [0, 0, 0, 1]))
     return, tf_target)
Exemple #6
    def _throat_props(self):
        Use the Voronoi vertices and perform image analysis to obtain throat
        offset =
        Nt = self.num_throats()
        centroid = sp.zeros([Nt, 3])
        incenter = sp.zeros([Nt, 3])
        area = sp.zeros(Nt)
        perimeter = sp.zeros(Nt)
        inradius = sp.zeros(Nt)
        equiv_diameter = sp.zeros(Nt)
        eroded_verts = sp.ndarray(Nt, dtype=object)

        res = 200
        vertices = self['throat.vertices']
        normals = self['throat.normal']
        z_axis = [0, 0, 1]

        for i in self.throats('delaunay'):
  "Processing throat " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(Nt))
            # For boundaries some facets will already be aligned with the axis
            # if this is the case a rotation is unnecessary
            angle = tr.angle_between_vectors(normals[i], z_axis)
            if angle == 0.0 or angle == np.pi:
                # We are already aligned
                rotate_facet = False
                facet = vertices[i]
                rotate_facet = True
                M = tr.rotation_matrix(
                    tr.angle_between_vectors(normals[i], z_axis),
                    tr.vector_product(normals[i], z_axis))
                facet =[i], M[:3, :3].T)
            x = facet[:, 0]
            y = facet[:, 1]
            z = facet[:, 2]
            # Get points in 2d for image analysis
            pts = np.column_stack((x, y))
            # Translate points so min sits at the origin
            translation = [pts[:, 0].min(), pts[:, 1].min()]
            pts -= translation
            order =
            # Normalise and scale the points so that largest span equals the
            # resolution to save on memory and create clear image
            max_factor = np.max([pts[:, 0].max(), pts[:, 1].max()])
            f = res / max_factor
            # Scale the offset and define a structuring element with radius
            r = f * offset
            # Only proceed if r is less than half the span of the image"
            if r <= res / 2:
                pts *= f
                minp1 = pts[:, 0].min()
                minp2 = pts[:, 1].min()
                maxp1 = pts[:, 0].max()
                maxp2 = pts[:, 1].max()
                img = np.zeros([
           - minp1) + 1),
           - minp2) + 1)
                int_pts = np.around(pts.astype(float), 0).astype(int)
                for pt in int_pts:
                    img[pt[0]][pt[1]] = 1
                # Pad with zeros all the way around the edges
                img_pad = np.zeros(
                    [np.shape(img)[0] + 2,
                     np.shape(img)[1] + 2])
                img_pad[1:np.shape(img)[0] + 1, 1:np.shape(img)[1] + 1] = img
                # All points should lie on this plane but could be some
                # rounding errors so use the order parameter
                z_plane = sp.unique(np.around(z.astype(float), order + 1))
                if len(z_plane) > 1:
                    logger.error('Throat ' + str(i) + ' Rotation Failure')
                    temp_arr = np.ones(1)
                    z_plane = temp_arr
                "Fill in the convex hull polygon"
                convhullimg = convex_hull_image(img_pad)
                # Perform a Distance Transform and black out points less than r
                # to create binary erosion. This is faster than performing an
                # erosion and dt can also be used later to find incircle
                eroded = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(convhullimg)
                eroded[eroded <= r] = 0
                eroded[eroded > r] = 1
                # If we are left with less than 3 non-zero points then the
                # throat is fully occluded
                if np.sum(eroded) >= 3:
                    # Do some image analysis to extract the key properties
                    cropped = eroded[1:np.shape(img)[0] + 1,
                                     1:np.shape(img)[1] + 1].astype(int)
                    regions = regionprops(cropped)
                    # Change this to cope with genuine multi-region throats
                    if len(regions) == 1:
                        for props in regions:
                            x0, y0 = props.centroid
                            equiv_diameter[i] = props.equivalent_diameter
                            area[i] = props.area
                            perimeter[i] = props.perimeter
                            coords = props.coords
                        # Undo the translation, scaling and truncation on the
                        # centroid
                        centroid2d = [x0, y0] / f
                        centroid2d += (translation)
                        centroid3d = np.concatenate((centroid2d, z_plane))
                        # Distance transform the eroded facet to find the
                        # incenter and inradius
                        dt = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(eroded)
                        temp = np.unravel_index(dt.argmax(), dt.shape)
                        inx0, iny0 = np.asarray(temp).astype(float)
                        incenter2d = [inx0, iny0]
                        # Undo the translation, scaling and truncation on the
                        # incenter
                        incenter2d /= f
                        incenter2d += (translation)
                        incenter3d = np.concatenate((incenter2d, z_plane))
                        # The offset vertices will be those in the coords that
                        # are closest to the originals
                        offset_verts = []
                        for pt in int_pts:
                            vert = np.argmin(
                                np.sum(np.square(coords - pt), axis=1))
                            if vert not in offset_verts:
                        # If we are left with less than 3 different vertices
                        # then the throat is fully occluded as we can't make a
                        # shape with non-zero area
                        if len(offset_verts) >= 3:
                            offset_coords = coords[offset_verts].astype(float)
                            # Undo the translation, scaling and truncation on
                            # the offset_verts
                            offset_coords /= f
                            offset_coords_3d = \
                                np.vstack((offset_coords[:, 0]+translation[0],
                                           offset_coords[:, 1]+translation[1],
                            oc_3d = offset_coords_3d.T
                            # Get matrix to un-rotate the co-ordinates back to
                            # the original orientation if we rotated in the
                            # first place
                            if rotate_facet:
                                MI = tr.inverse_matrix(M)
                                # Unrotate the offset coordinates
                                incenter[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)
                                centroid[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)
                                eroded_verts[i] =, MI[:3, :3].T)
                                incenter[i] = incenter3d
                                centroid[i] = centroid3d
                                eroded_verts[i] = oc_3d

                            inradius[i] = dt.max()
                            # Undo scaling on other parameters
                            area[i] /= f * f
                            perimeter[i] /= f
                            equiv_diameter[i] /= f
                            inradius[i] /= f
                            area[i] = 0
                            perimeter[i] = 0
                            equiv_diameter[i] = 0

        self['throat.area'] = area
        self['throat.perimeter'] = perimeter
        self['throat.centroid'] = centroid
        self['throat.diameter'] = equiv_diameter
        self['throat.indiameter'] = inradius * 2
        self['throat.incenter'] = incenter
        self['throat.offset_vertices'] = eroded_verts