Exemple #1
def test_qexp():
    angular_velocity_pure_quaterion = np.array([0., math.pi, 0, 0])
    dt = 1.0
    q_integrate_angular_vel = tq.qexp(angular_velocity_pure_quaterion * dt / 2)
    # See https://www.ashwinnarayan.com/post/how-to-integrate-quaternions/ near the end.
    # The formula q(t) = qexp(q_w * t / 2), where q_w is [0 w_x, w_y, w_z]
    # represents angular velocity in x,y,z, produces a quaternion that
    # represents the integration of angular velocity w during time t  so this
    # test rotate the y vector [0 1 0], at math.pi ras/s around the x axis for
    # 1 sec. This is the main use case for using qexp
    assert np.allclose(
        tq.rotate_vector(np.array([0, 1, 0]), q_integrate_angular_vel),
        np.array([0, -1, 0]))

    # from https://www.mathworks.com/help/aerotbx/ug/quatexp.html
    assert np.allclose(tq.qexp(np.array([0, 0, 0.7854, 0])),
                       np.array([0.7071, 0., 0.7071, 0.]),
Exemple #2
def test_qexp_matlab():
    from scipy.io import loadmat
    ml_quats = loadmat(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'processed_quats.mat'))
    o_quats, o_unit_quats, quat_e, quat_p = [
        ml_quats[k] for k in ['quats', 'unit_quats', 'quat_e', 'quat_p']
    for i in range(len(o_quats)):
        assert np.allclose(tq.qexp(o_quats[i]), quat_e[i])
    for i in range(len(o_unit_quats)):
        for p_i, p in enumerate(np.arange(1, 4, 0.5)):
            assert np.allclose(tq.qpow(o_unit_quats[i], p), quat_p[0, p_i][i])
Exemple #3
def test_qexp_qlog():
    # Test round trip
    for unit_quat in unit_quats:
        assert tq.nearly_equivalent(tq.qlog(tq.qexp(unit_quat)), unit_quat)
        assert tq.nearly_equivalent(tq.qexp(tq.qlog(unit_quat)), unit_quat)