Exemple #1
 def convertmixedunit(self, labeldtd, accesskeydtd):
     labelpo = self.convertunit(labeldtd)
     accesskeypo = self.convertunit(accesskeydtd)
     if labelpo is None:
         return accesskeypo
     if accesskeypo is None:
         return labelpo
     thepo = po.pounit(encoding="UTF-8")
     thepo.msgidcomment = thepo._extract_msgidcomments() + labelpo._extract_msgidcomments()
     thepo.msgidcomment = thepo._extract_msgidcomments() + accesskeypo._extract_msgidcomments()
     thepo.addnote(labelpo.getnotes("developer"), "developer")
     thepo.addnote(accesskeypo.getnotes("developer"), "developer")
     thepo.addnote(labelpo.getnotes("translator"), "translator")
     thepo.addnote(accesskeypo.getnotes("translator"), "translator")
     # redo the strings from original dtd...
     label = dtd.unquotefromdtd(labeldtd.definition).decode('UTF-8')
     accesskey = dtd.unquotefromdtd(accesskeydtd.definition).decode('UTF-8')
     label = accesskeyfn.combine(label, accesskey)
     if label is None:
         return None
     thepo.source = label
     thepo.target = ""
     return thepo
Exemple #2
 def convertmixedunit(self, labeldtd, accesskeydtd):
     labelpo = self.convertunit(labeldtd)
     accesskeypo = self.convertunit(accesskeydtd)
     if labelpo is None:
         return accesskeypo
     if accesskeypo is None:
         return labelpo
     thepo = po.pounit(encoding="UTF-8")
     thepo.msgidcomment = thepo._extract_msgidcomments() + labelpo._extract_msgidcomments()
     thepo.msgidcomment = thepo._extract_msgidcomments() + accesskeypo._extract_msgidcomments()
     thepo.addnote(labelpo.getnotes("developer"), "developer")
     thepo.addnote(accesskeypo.getnotes("developer"), "developer")
     thepo.addnote(labelpo.getnotes("translator"), "translator")
     thepo.addnote(accesskeypo.getnotes("translator"), "translator")
     # redo the strings from original dtd...
     label = dtd.unquotefromdtd(labeldtd.definition).decode('UTF-8')
     accesskey = dtd.unquotefromdtd(accesskeydtd.definition).decode('UTF-8')
     label = accesskeyfn.combine(label, accesskey)
     if label is None:
         return None
     thepo.source = label
     thepo.target = ""
     return thepo
Exemple #3
 def test_accesskeycase(self):
     """tests that access keys come out with the same case as the original, regardless"""
     simplepo_template = '''#: simple.label\n#: simple.accesskey\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr "%s"\n'''
     simpledtd_template = '''<!ENTITY simple.label "Simple %s">\n<!ENTITY simple.accesskey "%s">'''
     possibilities = [
         #(en label, en akey, en po, af po, af label, expected af akey)
         ("Sis", "S", "&Sis", "&Sies", "Sies", "S"),
         ("Sis", "s", "Si&s", "&Sies", "Sies", "S"),
         ("Sis", "S", "&Sis", "Sie&s", "Sies", "s"),
         ("Sis", "s", "Si&s", "Sie&s", "Sies", "s"),
         # untranslated strings should have the casing of the source
         ("Sis", "S", "&Sis", "", "Sis", "S"),
         ("Sis", "s", "Si&s", "", "Sis", "s"),
         ("Suck", "S", "&Suck", "", "Suck", "S"),
         ("Suck", "s", "&Suck", "", "Suck", "s"),
     for (en_label, en_akey, po_source, po_target, target_label,
          target_akey) in possibilities:
         simplepo = simplepo_template % (po_source, po_target)
         simpledtd = simpledtd_template % (en_label, en_akey)
         dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(simpledtd, simplepo)
         accel = dtd.unquotefromdtd(
         assert accel == target_akey
Exemple #4
def applytranslation(entity, dtdunit, inputunit, mixedentities):
    """applies the translation for entity in the po unit to the dtd unit"""
    # this converts the po-style string to a dtd-style string
    unquotedstr = inputunit.target
    # check there aren't missing entities...
    if len(unquotedstr.strip()) == 0:
    # handle mixed entities
    for labelsuffix in dtd.labelsuffixes:
        if entity.endswith(labelsuffix):
            if entity in mixedentities:
                unquotedstr, akey = accesskey.extract(unquotedstr)
        for akeytype in dtd.accesskeysuffixes:
            if entity.endswith(akeytype):
                if entity in mixedentities:
                    label, unquotedstr = accesskey.extract(unquotedstr)
                    if not unquotedstr:
                        warnings.warn("Could not find accesskey for %s" %
                        original = dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdunit.definition)
                        # For the sake of diffs we keep the case of the
                        # accesskey the same if we know the translation didn't
                        # change. Casing matters in XUL.
                        if unquotedstr == dtdunit.source and original.lower(
                        ) == unquotedstr.lower():
                            if original.isupper():
                                unquotedstr = unquotedstr.upper()
                            elif original.islower():
                                unquotedstr = unquotedstr.lower()
    if len(unquotedstr) > 0:
        dtdunit.definition = dtd.quotefordtd(
            dtd.removeinvalidamps(entity, unquotedstr))
Exemple #5
def applytranslation(entity, dtdunit, inputunit, mixedentities):
    """applies the translation for entity in the po unit to the dtd unit"""
    # this converts the po-style string to a dtd-style string
    unquotedstr = inputunit.target
    # check there aren't missing entities...
    if len(unquotedstr.strip()) == 0:
    # handle mixed entities
    for labelsuffix in dtd.labelsuffixes:
        if entity.endswith(labelsuffix):
            if entity in mixedentities:
                unquotedstr, akey = accesskey.extract(unquotedstr)
        for akeytype in dtd.accesskeysuffixes:
            if entity.endswith(akeytype):
                if entity in mixedentities:
                    label, unquotedstr = accesskey.extract(unquotedstr)
                    if not unquotedstr:
                        warnings.warn("Could not find accesskey for %s" % entity)
                        original = dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdunit.definition)
                        # For the sake of diffs we keep the case of the
                        # accesskey the same if we know the translation didn't
                        # change. Casing matters in XUL.
                        if unquotedstr == dtdunit.source and original.lower() == unquotedstr.lower():
                            if original.isupper():
                                unquotedstr = unquotedstr.upper()
                            elif original.islower():
                                unquotedstr = unquotedstr.lower()
    if len(unquotedstr) > 0:
        dtdunit.definition = dtd.quotefordtd(dtd.removeinvalidamps(entity, unquotedstr))
Exemple #6
def openDTD(file):
	f = open(file, "r")
	dtdobj = dtd.dtdfile(f)
	dtdentries = dtdobj.units
	d = OrderedDict()
	for i in dtdentries:
		if d.has_key(i.entity): print "Duplicate entry: %s" %i.entity
		else: d[i.entity] = dtd.unquotefromdtd(i.definition)
Exemple #7
 def test_invalid_quoting(self):
     """checks that invalid quoting doesn't work - quotes can't be reopened"""
     # TODO: we should rather raise an error
     dtdsource = '<!ENTITY test.me "bananas for sale""room">\n'
     assert dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdsource[dtdsource.find('"'):]) == 'bananas for sale'
     dtdfile = self.dtdparse(dtdsource)
     assert len(dtdfile.units) == 1
     dtdunit = dtdfile.units[0]
     assert dtdunit.definition == '"bananas for sale"'
     assert dtdfile.serialize() == '<!ENTITY test.me "bananas for sale">\n'
Exemple #8
 def test_invalid_quoting(self):
     """checks that invalid quoting doesn't work - quotes can't be reopened"""
     # TODO: we should rather raise an error
     dtdsource = '<!ENTITY test.me "bananas for sale""room">\n'
     assert dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdsource[dtdsource.find('"'):]) == 'bananas for sale'
     dtdfile = self.dtdparse(dtdsource)
     assert len(dtdfile.units) == 1
     dtdunit = dtdfile.units[0]
     assert dtdunit.definition == '"bananas for sale"'
     assert dtdfile.serialize() == '<!ENTITY test.me "bananas for sale">\n'
Exemple #9
 def test_accesskey_types(self):
     """tests that we can detect the various styles of accesskey"""
     simplepo_template = '''#: simple.%s\n#: simple.%s\nmsgid "&File"\nmsgstr "F&aele"\n'''
     simpledtd_template = '''<!ENTITY simple.%s "File">\n<!ENTITY simple.%s "a">'''
     for label in ("label", "title"):
         for accesskey in ("accesskey", "accessKey", "akey"):
             simplepo = simplepo_template % (label, accesskey)
             simpledtd = simpledtd_template % (label, accesskey)
             dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(simpledtd, simplepo)
             assert dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdfile.index["simple.%s" % accesskey].definition) == "a"
Exemple #10
 def test_accesskey_types(self):
     """tests that we can detect the various styles of accesskey"""
     simplepo_template = '''#: simple.%s\n#: simple.%s\nmsgid "&File"\nmsgstr "F&aele"\n'''
     simpledtd_template = '''<!ENTITY simple.%s "File">\n<!ENTITY simple.%s "a">'''
     for label in ("label", "title"):
         for accesskey in ("accesskey", "accessKey", "akey"):
             simplepo = simplepo_template % (label, accesskey)
             simpledtd = simpledtd_template % (label, accesskey)
             dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(simpledtd, simplepo)
             assert dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdfile.index["simple.%s" % accesskey].definition) == "a"
def test_roundtrip_quoting():
    specials = ['Fish & chips', 'five < six', 'six > five',
                'Use &nbsp;', 'Use &amp;nbsp;' 
                'A "solution"', "skop 'n bal", '"""', "'''",
                '\n', '\t', '\r',
                'Escape at end \\',
                '\\n', '\\t', '\\r', '\\"', '\r\n', '\\r\\n', '\\']
    for special in specials:
        quoted_special = dtd.quotefordtd(special)
        unquoted_special = dtd.unquotefromdtd(quoted_special)
        print "special: %r\nquoted: %r\nunquoted: %r\n" % (special, quoted_special, unquoted_special)
        assert special == unquoted_special
Exemple #12
def test_roundtrip_quoting():
    specials = [
        'Fish & chips', 'five < six', 'six > five', 'Use &nbsp;',
        'Use &amp;nbsp;'
        'A "solution"', "skop 'n bal", '"""', "'''", '\n', '\t', '\r',
        'Escape at end \\', '\\n', '\\t', '\\r', '\\"', '\r\n', '\\r\\n', '\\'
    for special in specials:
        quoted_special = dtd.quotefordtd(special)
        unquoted_special = dtd.unquotefromdtd(quoted_special)
        print "special: %r\nquoted: %r\nunquoted: %r\n" % (
            special, quoted_special, unquoted_special)
        assert special == unquoted_special
Exemple #13
 def convertstrings(self, thedtd, thepo):
     # extract the string, get rid of quoting
     unquoted = dtd.unquotefromdtd(thedtd.definition).replace("\r", "")
     # escape backslashes... but not if they're for a newline
     # unquoted = unquoted.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\\\\n", "\\n")
     # now split the string into lines and quote them
     lines = unquoted.split('\n')
     while lines and not lines[0].strip():
         del lines[0]
     while lines and not lines[-1].strip():
         del lines[-1]
     # quotes have been escaped already by escapeforpo, so just add the start and end quotes
     if len(lines) > 1:
         thepo.source = "\n".join([lines[0].rstrip() + ' '] + \
                 [line.strip() + ' ' for line in lines[1:-1]] + \
     elif lines:
         thepo.source = lines[0]
         thepo.source = ""
     thepo.target = ""
Exemple #14
 def convertstrings(self, thedtd, thepo):
     # extract the string, get rid of quoting
     unquoted = dtd.unquotefromdtd(thedtd.definition).replace("\r", "")
     # escape backslashes... but not if they're for a newline
     # unquoted = unquoted.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\\\\n", "\\n")
     # now split the string into lines and quote them
     lines = unquoted.split('\n')
     while lines and not lines[0].strip():
         del lines[0]
     while lines and not lines[-1].strip():
         del lines[-1]
     # quotes have been escaped already by escapeforpo, so just add the start and end quotes
     if len(lines) > 1:
         thepo.source = "\n".join([lines[0].rstrip() + ' '] + \
                 [line.strip() + ' ' for line in lines[1:-1]] + \
     elif lines:
         thepo.source = lines[0]
         thepo.source = ""
     thepo.target = ""
Exemple #15
def test_roundtrip_quoting():
    specials = [
        "Fish & chips",
        "five < six",
        "six > five",
        "Use &nbsp;",
        'Use &amp;nbsp;A "solution"',
        "skop 'n bal",
        "Escape at end \\",
        "Completed %S",
        # "Don't buy",
        # "Don't \"buy\"",
        'A "thing"',
        '<a href="http',
    for special in specials:
        quoted_special = dtd.quotefordtd(special)
        unquoted_special = dtd.unquotefromdtd(quoted_special)
            "special: %r\nquoted: %r\nunquoted: %r\n"
            % (special, quoted_special, unquoted_special)
        assert special == unquoted_special
Exemple #16
def test_roundtrip_quoting():
    specials = [
        'Fish & chips',
        'five < six',
        'six > five',
        'Use &nbsp;',
        'Use &amp;nbsp;A "solution"',
        "skop 'n bal",
        'Escape at end \\',
        "Completed %S",
        #"Don't buy",
        #"Don't \"buy\"",
        "A \"thing\"",
        "<a href=\"http"
    for special in specials:
        quoted_special = dtd.quotefordtd(special)
        unquoted_special = dtd.unquotefromdtd(quoted_special)
        print("special: %r\nquoted: %r\nunquoted: %r\n" % (special,
        assert special == unquoted_special
Exemple #17
def test_roundtrip_quoting():
    specials = [
        'Fish & chips',
        'five < six',
        'six > five',
        'Use &nbsp;',
        'Use &amp;nbsp;A "solution"',
        "skop 'n bal",
        'Escape at end \\',
        "Completed %S",
        #"Don't buy",
        #"Don't \"buy\"",
        "A \"thing\"",
        "<a href=\"http"
    for special in specials:
        quoted_special = dtd.quotefordtd(special)
        unquoted_special = dtd.unquotefromdtd(quoted_special)
        print("special: %r\nquoted: %r\nunquoted: %r\n" % (special,
        assert special == unquoted_special
Exemple #18
 def test_accesskeycase(self):
     """tests that access keys come out with the same case as the original, regardless"""
     simplepo_template = '''#: simple.label\n#: simple.accesskey\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr "%s"\n'''
     simpledtd_template = '''<!ENTITY simple.label "Simple %s">\n<!ENTITY simple.accesskey "%s">'''
     possibilities = [
             #(en label, en akey, en po, af po, af label, expected af akey)
             ("Sis", "S", "&Sis", "&Sies", "Sies", "S"),
             ("Sis", "s", "Si&s", "&Sies", "Sies", "S"),
             ("Sis", "S", "&Sis", "Sie&s", "Sies", "s"),
             ("Sis", "s", "Si&s", "Sie&s", "Sies", "s"),
             # untranslated strings should have the casing of the source
             ("Sis", "S", "&Sis", "", "Sis", "S"),
             ("Sis", "s", "Si&s", "", "Sis", "s"),
             ("Suck", "S", "&Suck", "", "Suck", "S"),
             ("Suck", "s", "&Suck", "", "Suck", "s"),
     for (en_label, en_akey, po_source, po_target, target_label, target_akey) in possibilities:
         simplepo = simplepo_template % (po_source, po_target)
         simpledtd = simpledtd_template % (en_label, en_akey)
         dtdfile = self.merge2dtd(simpledtd, simplepo)
         accel = dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtdfile.index["simple.accesskey"].definition)
         assert accel == target_akey
Exemple #19
 def tester(raw_original, dtd_ready_result):
     #print dtd.quotefordtd(raw_original)
     assert dtd.quotefordtd(raw_original) == dtd_ready_result
     #print dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtd_ready_result)
     assert dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtd_ready_result) == raw_original
Exemple #20
def test_unquotefromdtd_unimplemented_cases():
    """Test unimplemented unquoting DTD cases."""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&lt;p&gt; and &lt;/p&gt;"') == "<p> and </p>"
Exemple #21
 def tester(raw_original, dtd_ready_result):
     #print dtd.quotefordtd(raw_original)
     assert dtd.quotefordtd(raw_original) == dtd_ready_result
     #print dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtd_ready_result)
     assert dtd.unquotefromdtd(dtd_ready_result) == raw_original
Exemple #22
def test_unquotefromdtd():
    """Test unquoting DTD definitions"""
    # %
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#037;S"') == "Completed %S"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#37;S"') == "Completed %S"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#x25;S"') == "Completed %S"
    # &entity;
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color&light &block;"') == "Color&light &block;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color & Light; Red"') == "Color & Light; Red"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&blockAttackSites;"') == "&blockAttackSites;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&intro-point2-a;"') == "&intro-point2-a;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&basePBMenu.label"') == "&basePBMenu.label"
    # &amp;
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; Light"') == "Color & Light"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; &block;"') == "Color & &block;"
    # nbsp
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&#x00A0;"') == "&#x00A0;"
    # '
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'Don&apos;t buy'") == "Don't buy"
    # "
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'Don&apos;t &quot;buy&quot;'") == 'Don\'t "buy"'
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"A &quot;thing&quot;"') == "A \"thing\""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"A &#x0022;thing&#x0022;"') == "A \"thing\""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'<a href=\"http'") == "<a href=\"http"
    # other chars
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&#187;"') == u"»"
Exemple #23
def test_unquotefromdtd_unimplemented_cases():
    """Test unimplemented unquoting DTD cases."""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; Light"') == "Color & Light"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; &block;"') == "Color & &block;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&lt;p&gt; and &lt;/p&gt;"') == "<p> and </p>"
Exemple #24
def test_unquotefromdtd_unimplemented_cases():
    """Test unimplemented unquoting DTD cases."""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&lt;p&gt; and &lt;/p&gt;"') == "<p> and </p>"
Exemple #25
def test_unquotefromdtd():
    """Test unquoting DTD definitions"""
    # %
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#037;S"') == "Completed %S"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#37;S"') == "Completed %S"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#x25;S"') == "Completed %S"
    # &entity;
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color&light &block;"') == "Color&light &block;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color & Light; Red"') == "Color & Light; Red"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&blockAttackSites;"') == "&blockAttackSites;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&intro-point2-a;"') == "&intro-point2-a;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&basePBMenu.label"') == "&basePBMenu.label"
    # &amp;
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; Light"') == "Color & Light"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; &block;"') == "Color & &block;"
    # nbsp
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&#x00A0;"') == "&#x00A0;"
    # '
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'Don&apos;t buy'") == "Don't buy"
    # "
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'Don&apos;t &quot;buy&quot;'") == 'Don\'t "buy"'
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"A &quot;thing&quot;"') == 'A "thing"'
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"A &#x0022;thing&#x0022;"') == 'A "thing"'
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'<a href=\"http'") == '<a href="http'
    # other chars
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&#187;"') == "»"
Exemple #26
def test_unquotefromdtd_unimplemented_cases():
    """Test unimplemented unquoting DTD cases."""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; Light"') == "Color & Light"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color &amp; &block;"') == "Color & &block;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&lt;p&gt; and &lt;/p&gt;"') == "<p> and </p>"
Exemple #27
def test_unquotefromdtd():
    """Test unquoting DTD definitions"""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#037;S"') == "Completed %S"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#37;S"') == "Completed %S"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Completed &#x25;S"') == "Completed %S"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color&light &block;"') == "Color&light &block;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"Color & Light; Red"') == "Color & Light; Red"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&blockAttackSites;"') == "&blockAttackSites;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&#x00A0;"') == "&#x00A0;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&intro-point2-a;"') == "&intro-point2-a;"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"&basePBMenu.label"') == "&basePBMenu.label"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'Don&apos;t buy'") == "Don't buy"
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'Don&apos;t &quot;buy&quot;'") == 'Don\'t "buy"'
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd('"A &quot;thing&quot;"') == "A \"thing\""
    assert dtd.unquotefromdtd("'<a href=\"http'") == "<a href=\"http"