Exemple #1
def test_bbox() -> None:
    """Test the bounding box behaviour against a brute-force loop."""
    rand = Random(1234)  # Ensure reproducibility.
    SIZE = 128.0
    # Build a set of points and keys.
    points = [(Vec(rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE), rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
                   rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE)),
               Vec(rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE), rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
                   rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE)),
               rand.getrandbits(64).to_bytes(8, 'little')) for _ in range(200)]
    tree = RTree()
    for a, b, data in points:
        tree.insert(a, b, data)

    # Pick a random bounding box.
    bb_min, bb_max = Vec.bbox(
            rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
            rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
            rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
            rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
            rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
            rand.uniform(-SIZE, SIZE),
    expected = [
        data for a, b, data in points
        if Vec.bbox_intersect(*Vec.bbox(a, b), bb_min, bb_max)
    found = set(tree.find_bbox(bb_min, bb_max))
    # Order is irrelevant, but duplicates must all match.
    assert sorted(expected) == sorted(found)
Exemple #2
 def open(self):
     """ open the file, get the tree
     self.tfile = TFile(self.fname)
     self.ttree = self.tfile.Get(self.tname)
     self.rtree = RTree(self.ttree)
     #print 'TFile Reader ',self.tfile
Exemple #3
def test_duplicate_insertion() -> None:
    """Test inserting values with the same bbox."""
    tree = RTree()
    tree.insert(Vec(10, 20, 30), Vec(40, 50, 60), 'value1')
    tree.insert(Vec(50, 20, 30), Vec(80, 65, 60), 'another')
    tree.insert(Vec(10, 20, 30), Vec(40, 50, 60), 'value2')
    assert len(tree) == 3
    # Iterating produces both values.
    assert {(*mins, *maxes, val)
            for mins, maxes, val in tree} == {
                (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 'value1'),
                (50, 20, 30, 80, 65, 60, 'another'),
                (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 'value2'),
    # Check all vecs are unique.
    vecs = [vec for mins, maxes, _ in tree for vec in [mins, maxes]]
    assert len(set(map(id, vecs))) == 6, list(tree)
    # Check we can delete one.
    tree.remove(Vec(10, 20, 30), Vec(40, 50, 60), 'value1')
    assert {(*mins, *maxes, val)
            for mins, maxes, val in tree} == {
                (50, 20, 30, 80, 65, 60, 'another'),
                (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 'value2'),
Exemple #4
class TreeReader(IReader):
    """ Read data from a TTree ROOT class inside a ROOT TFile.
    data is each entry of the TTree

    def __init__(self,fname,tname):
        """ Read data from a TTree ROOT class inside a ROOT TFile.
        data is each entry of the TTree
        self.tname = tname
        self.tfile = None
        self.ttree = None
        self.rtree = None

    def eof(self):
        """ end of file
        return (self.rtree.ientry >= self.rtree.nentries)
    def open(self):
        """ open the file, get the tree
        self.tfile = TFile(self.fname)
        self.ttree = self.tfile.Get(self.tname)
        self.rtree = RTree(self.ttree)
        #print 'TFile Reader ',self.tfile
    def read(self):
        """ read and returns the next entry of the tree as a dictionary
        data = self.rtree.getentry()
        return data

    def close(self):
        """ close the file