Exemple #1
def hello():
    """ Welcome page, loads all tags for the autocomplete.
    Context variables:
      tags: List of tags.
      from_date: Oldest date with daily available data
      to_date: Latest date with daily available data

    tags = [tag.name for tag in db_session.query(Tag).all()]

    fnc_max = func.max(Question.date).label("max")
    fnc_min = func.min(Question.date).label("min")
    dates = db_session.query(fnc_max, fnc_min).one()
    return render_template('graphs.html',
def load_old_data():
    """ Gets old data for each tags and updates the database.
    If DB contains data from 01/01/2015, the execution of this method will
    load the statistics from 31/01/2014.
    qry = db_session.query(func.max(Question.date).label("max_date"),
    maxx, minn = qry.all()[0]
    day_before = minn - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
Exemple #3
def get_samples(tag=None):
    """ Autocomplete query. Returning only available daily samples.
    datadb = db_session.query(Question).filter_by(tag=tag)\
    if (datadb.count() == 0):
        # Tag not found in database, returning 404.
        return render_template('404.html'), 404

    # Preparing json with data
    response_data = {'samples': [el.nquestions for el in datadb]}

    return jsonify(**response_data)
def update_questions(date=None):
    """ Retrieves questions from yesterday if no date is provided. Retrieves
    from the day passed by parameter otherwise
    tags = db_session.query(Tag).all()
    if date is None:
        # We get data from yesterday if we dont provide the parameter
        dateget = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        dateget = date

    logger.debug("Tags to download: %s" % tags)
    for tag in tags:
        logger.info("Obtaining data for tag %s date: %s" % (tag.name, dateget))
        get_questions(tag.name, dateget)
Exemple #5
def get_data_api():
    """ We obtain data for one day only.
    # Obtaining when the last data was downloaded
    fnc_max = func.max(Question.date).label("max")
    fnc_min = func.min(Question.date).label("min")
    dates = db_session.query(fnc_max, fnc_min).one()
    logger.debug("We have data in the database from `%s` to `%s`" % (dates.min, dates.max))
    next_day = dates.max + timedelta(days=1)
    yesterday = datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days=1)
    if next_day < yesterday:
        # If we have data before yesterday, we download data for that day
        # We download data for yesterday at midnight
        logger.info("Downloading data from API on day `%s`" % next_day)