Exemple #1
def json_to_tx(coin, data):
    t = messages.TransactionType()
    t.version = data["version"]
    t.lock_time = data.get("locktime")

    if coin["decred"]:
        t.expiry = data["expiry"]

    t.inputs = [_json_to_input(coin, vin) for vin in data["vin"]]
    t.bin_outputs = [_json_to_bin_output(coin, vout) for vout in data["vout"]]

    # zcash extra data
    if is_zcash(coin) and t.version >= 2:
        joinsplit_cnt = len(data["vjoinsplit"])
        if joinsplit_cnt == 0:
            t.extra_data = b"\x00"
        elif joinsplit_cnt >= 253:
            # we assume cnt < 253, so we can treat varIntLen(cnt) as 1
            raise ValueError("Too many joinsplits")
        elif "hex" not in data:
            raise ValueError(
                "Raw TX data required for Zcash joinsplit transaction")
            rawtx = bytes.fromhex(data["hex"])
            extra_data_len = 1 + joinsplit_cnt * 1802 + 32 + 64
            t.extra_data = rawtx[-extra_data_len:]

    if is_polis(coin):
        dip2_type = data.get("type", 0)

        if t.version == 3 and dip2_type != 0:
            # It's a DIP2 special TX with payload

            if "extraPayloadSize" not in data or "extraPayload" not in data:
                raise ValueError("Payload data missing in DIP2 transaction")

            if data["extraPayloadSize"] * 2 != len(data["extraPayload"]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "extra_data_len (%d) does not match calculated length (%d)"
                    (data["extraPayloadSize"], len(data["extraPayload"]) * 2))
            t.extra_data = polis_utils.num_to_varint(
                data["extraPayloadSize"]) + bytes.fromhex(data["extraPayload"])

        # Trezor firmware doesn't understand the split of version and type, so let's mimic the
        # old serialization format
        t.version |= dip2_type << 16

    return t
Exemple #2
def json_to_tx(coin, data):
    t = messages.TransactionType()
    t.version = data["version"]
    t.lock_time = data.get("locktime")

    if coin["decred"]:
        t.expiry = data["expiry"]

    t.inputs = []
    for vin in data["vin"]:
        if "scriptSig" in vin and vin["scriptSig"]["hex"] == "c9":
            i = messages.TxInputType()
            i.prev_hash = b"\0" * 32
            i.prev_index = vin["sequence"]
            i.script_sig = bytes.fromhex(vin["scriptSig"]["hex"])
            i.sequence = vin["sequence"]
            t.inputs.append(_json_to_input(coin, vin))
    t.bin_outputs = [_json_to_bin_output(coin, vout) for vout in data["vout"]]

    # zcash extra data
    if is_zcash(coin) and t.version >= 2:
        joinsplit_cnt = len(data["vjoinsplit"])
        if joinsplit_cnt == 0:
            t.extra_data = b"\x00"
        elif joinsplit_cnt >= 253:
            # we assume cnt < 253, so we can treat varIntLen(cnt) as 1
            raise ValueError("Too many joinsplits")
        elif "hex" not in data:
            raise ValueError(
                "Raw TX data required for Zcash joinsplit transaction")
            rawtx = bytes.fromhex(data["hex"])
            extra_data_len = 1 + joinsplit_cnt * 1802 + 32 + 64
            t.extra_data = rawtx[-extra_data_len:]

    if is_extra_payload(coin):
        dip2_type = data.get("type", 0)

        if t.version == 3 and dip2_type != 0:
            # It's a DIP2 special TX with payload
            if dip2_type == DashTxType.SPEC_CB_TX:
                data["extraPayload"] = serialize_cbTx(data)
            elif dip2_type == DashTxType.LELANTUS_JSPLIT:
                data["extraPayload"] = serialize_Lelantus(data)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Only spending of V3 coinbase outputs has been inplemented. "
                    "Please file an issue at https://github.com/firoorg/firo-masternode-tool/issues containing "
                    "the tx type=" + str(dip2_type))
            data["extraPayloadSize"] = len(data["extraPayload"]) >> 1

            if "extraPayloadSize" not in data or "extraPayload" not in data:
                raise ValueError("Payload data missing in DIP2 transaction")

            if data["extraPayloadSize"] * 2 != len(data["extraPayload"]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "extra_data_len (%d) does not match calculated length (%d)"
                    (data["extraPayloadSize"], len(data["extraPayload"]) * 2))
            t.extra_data = dash_utils.num_to_varint(
                data["extraPayloadSize"]) + bytes.fromhex(data["extraPayload"])

        # Trezor firmware doesn't understand the split of version and type, so let's mimic the
        # old serialization format
        t.version |= dip2_type << 16

    return t