Exemple #1
def writeOutTriangulation(tri, filebase="mesh", nbase=0, verbose=0):
    collect necessary steps to write out files for triangle data structures

    failed = False
    if tri == None:
        failed = True
        return failed
    if not nbase in [0, 1]:
        print 'must have vertex base numbering = 0 or 1, got nbase= ', nbase
        failed = True
        return failed

    nodes = triangulate.getPoints(tri)
    patts = triangulate.getPointAttributes(tri)
    pmarks = triangulate.getPointMarkers(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing node file'
    printNodeFile(nodes, filebase, patts, pmarks, nbase=nbase)

    elems = triangulate.getTriangles(tri)
    eatts = triangulate.getTriangleAttributes(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing elements file'
    printElemFile(elems, filebase, eatts, nbase=nbase)

    segms = triangulate.getSegments(tri)
    segmmks = triangulate.getSegmentMarkers(tri)
    holes = triangulate.getHoles(tri)
    regions = triangulate.getRegions(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing poly file'

    edges = triangulate.getEdges(tri)
    edgemks = triangulate.getEdgeMarkers(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing edges file'
    printEdgeFile(edges, filebase, edgemks, nbase=nbase)

    neigs = triangulate.getNeighbors(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing neighbors file'
    printNeighborFile(neigs, filebase, nbase=nbase)

    return failed
def writeOutTriangulation(tri,filebase="mesh",nbase=0,verbose=0):
    collect necessary steps to write out files for triangle data structures

    failed = False
    if tri == None:
        failed = True
        return failed
    if not nbase in [0,1]:
        print 'must have vertex base numbering = 0 or 1, got nbase= ',nbase
        failed = True
        return failed

    nodes = triangulate.getPoints(tri)
    patts = triangulate.getPointAttributes(tri)
    pmarks= triangulate.getPointMarkers(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing node file'

    elems = triangulate.getTriangles(tri)
    eatts = triangulate.getTriangleAttributes(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing elements file'

    segms  = triangulate.getSegments(tri)
    segmmks= triangulate.getSegmentMarkers(tri)
    holes  = triangulate.getHoles(tri)
    regions= triangulate.getRegions(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing poly file'

    edges  = triangulate.getEdges(tri)
    edgemks= triangulate.getEdgeMarkers(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing edges file'

    neigs  = triangulate.getNeighbors(tri)
    if verbose > 0:
        print 'writing neighbors file'

    return failed
Exemple #3
    def convertToAdhPyUtilMesh(self, verbose=0):
        Generate a representation in the format expected by

        Need to make sure the triangle mesh has generated
           elements (triangles)
        First set the _global arrays for
        import MeshTools
        triInfo = triangulate.getInfo(self.trirep[0])
        if verbose > 1:
            print 'generating adhPyUtilMesh:'
            print self.infoFormat % triInfo
        #end if

        #create basic adhPyUtil mesh
        meshout = MeshTools.Mesh()

        #get basic information to make sure I can proceed
        #with current mesh representation
        nNodes_global = triInfo[0]
        nElems_global = triInfo[2]
        nNodes_elem = triInfo[3]
        nEdges_global = triInfo[8]
        spaceDim = 2
        assert (nNodes_global > 0 and nElems_global > 0 and nNodes_elem >= 3
                and nEdges_global > 0)

        #subtract off base since adhPyMesh wants base 0 more or less
        nbase = self.nbase
        #should also check? base zero,
        #get the minimum array information
        nodeArray = triangulate.getPoints(self.trirep[0])
        meshout.nNodes_global = nNodes_global
        meshout.nodeArray = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nNodes_global, 3),
        for nN in range(nNodes_global):
            meshout.nodeArray[nN, :spaceDim] = nodeArray[nN, :spaceDim] - nbase
        elemArray = triangulate.getTriangles(self.trirep[0])
        #ignore higher order nodes for adhPyUtil mesh
        meshout.nNodes_element = spaceDim + 1
        meshout.nElements_global = nElems_global
        #just copy over first 3 nodes
        meshout.elementNodesArray = Numeric.zeros(
            (nElems_global, spaceDim + 1), Numeric.Int)
        for eN in range(nElems_global):
            meshout.elementNodesArray[eN, :] = elemArray[eN, :spaceDim +
                                                         1] - nbase
        #end eN

        ##adhPyMesh keeps elements per node
        nodeElementsDict = {}
        for eN in range(nElems_global):
            for nN_element in range(spaceDim + 1):
                nN = meshout.elementNodesArray[eN, nN_element]
                if nodeElementsDict.has_key(nN):
                    nodeElementsDict[nN] = [eN]
                #end if
            #end for nN_element
        #end eN
        meshout.max_nElements_node = max(
            len(nodeElementsDict[nN]) for nN in range(meshout.nNodes_global))

        meshout.nElements_node = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nNodes_global, ),
        meshout.nodeElementsArray = Numeric.zeros(
            (meshout.nNodes_global, meshout.max_nElements_node), Numeric.Int)
        for nN, elementList in nodeElementsDict.iteritems():
            meshout.nElements_node[nN] = len(elementList)
            for eN_element, eN in enumerate(elementList):
                meshout.nodeElementsArray[nN, eN_element] = eN
            #end eN_element
        #end nN

        ##now build the element <--> element boundary arrays
        meshout.nElementBoundaries_element = spaceDim + 1
        #make sure Triangle keeps all edges and not just boundary ones
        meshout.nElementBoundaries_global = nEdges_global

        #maps element, local edge number to global edge number
        meshout.elementBoundariesArray = Numeric.zeros(
            (nElems_global, spaceDim + 1), Numeric.Int)

        #maps edge to global element on left and right (out of domain is 0)
        meshout.elementBoundaryElementsArray = Numeric.ones(
            (meshout.nElementBoundaries_global, 2), Numeric.Int)
        meshout.elementBoundaryElementsArray *= -1
        #maps global edge to its local number on the neighboring elements
        meshout.elementBoundaryLocalElementBoundariesArray = Numeric.zeros(
            (meshout.nElementBoundaries_global, 2), Numeric.Int)

        #several options for edge to "left" and "right" element neighbor,
        #could number each neighbor according to which one
        #has a given edge first in the current numbering
        #could try to make element 0 be the one that has same orientation of edge

        elementBoundaryElementsCardArray = Numeric.zeros(
            (meshout.nElementBoundaries_global, ),
            Numeric.Int)  #CardArray in Mesh
        #I have to generate the element-->global edge number mapping manually
        edgeArray = triangulate.getEdges(self.trirep[0])
        edgeDict = {}
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
            n0 = edgeArray[edgeN, 0] - nbase
            n1 = edgeArray[edgeN, 1] - nbase
            edgeDict[(n0, n1)] = edgeN  #global edge number
        #end for

        for eN in range(nElems_global):
            locNodes = elemArray[eN, :spaceDim +
                                 1] - nbase  #global node numbers
            edgeOrientedSame = [False, False, False]
            #edge I is across from node I
            e0 = (locNodes[1], locNodes[2])
            e0rev = (locNodes[2], locNodes[1])
            e0_global = None
            if edgeDict.has_key(e0):
                e0_global = edgeDict[e0]  #same orientation
                edgeOrientedSame[0] = True
            elif edgeDict.has_key(e0rev):  #opposite orientation
                e0_global = edgeDict[
                    e0rev]  #could make negative to denote orientation
            #end if
            assert (not e0_global == None)
            e1 = (locNodes[2], locNodes[0])
            e1rev = (locNodes[0], locNodes[2])
            e1_global = None
            if edgeDict.has_key(e1):
                e1_global = edgeDict[e1]  #same orientation
                edgeOrientedSame[1] = True
            elif edgeDict.has_key(e1rev):  #opposite orientation
                e1_global = edgeDict[
                    e1rev]  #could make negative to denote orientation
            #end if
            assert (not e1_global == None)
            e2 = (locNodes[0], locNodes[1])
            e2rev = (locNodes[1], locNodes[0])
            e2_global = None
            if edgeDict.has_key(e2):
                e2_global = edgeDict[e2]  #same orientation
                edgeOrientedSame[2] = True
            elif edgeDict.has_key(e2rev):  #opposite orientation
                e2_global = edgeDict[
                    e2rev]  #could make negative to denote orientation
            #end if
            assert (not e2_global == None)
            eI_global = Numeric.array([e0_global, e1_global, e2_global],
            meshout.elementBoundariesArray[eN, :] = eI_global
            for eI in eI_global:
                #edge --> element mappings
                elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[eI] += 1
            #end eI

            for eiloc in range(meshout.nElementBoundaries_element):
                eI = eI_global[eiloc]
                #first visited labelling
                elneig = elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[eI] - 1
                #elneig = 0 #same orientation
                #if not edgeOrientedSame[eiloc]
                #elneig = 1 #opposite
                meshout.elementBoundaryElementsArray[eI, elneig] = eN
                    eI, elneig] = eiloc
            #end eiloc
        #end eN

        #perform some sanity checks
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
            assert (elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[edgeN] in [1, 2])
            eN0 = meshout.elementBoundaryElementsArray[edgeN, 0]
            eN1 = meshout.elementBoundaryElementsArray[edgeN, 1]
            assert (0 <= eN0 and eN0 < meshout.nElements_global)
            if elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[edgeN] == 1:
                assert (eN1 == -1)
                assert (0 <= eN1 and eN1 < meshout.nElements_global)
            #end if
        #end sanity check on edges
        #now take care of boundary edges
        #interior elements counted twice
        sumCard = Numeric.sum(elementBoundaryElementsCardArray)
        nExtBnd = 2 * meshout.nElementBoundaries_global - sumCard
        nIntBnd = meshout.nElementBoundaries_global - nExtBnd
        meshout.nExteriorElementBoundaries_global = nExtBnd
        meshout.nInteriorElementBoundaries_global = nIntBnd

        #global edge numbers on exterior boundary
        meshout.exteriorElementBoundariesArray = Numeric.zeros((nExtBnd, ),
        meshout.interiorElementBoundariesArray = Numeric.zeros((nIntBnd, ),

        #enumerate interior and exterior
        interiorI = 0
        exteriorI = 0
        for ebN in range(meshout.nElementBoundaries_global):
            if elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[ebN] == 1:
                meshout.exteriorElementBoundariesArray[exteriorI] = ebN
                exteriorI += 1
                meshout.interiorElementBoundariesArray[interiorI] = ebN
                interiorI += 1
            #end if on card
        #end ebN

        #now track which nodes are on the boundary
        #maps edge --> its nodes
        #this is just the edgelist in triangle
        meshout.elementBoundaryNodesArray = Numeric.zeros(
            (nEdges_global, spaceDim), Numeric.Int)
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
                edgeN, :spaceDim] = edgeArray[edgeN, :spaceDim] - nbase
        #end edgeN
        #2d so edgeList is same as elementBoundaryNodesArray
        meshout.edgeNodesArray = Numeric.zeros((nEdges_global, spaceDim),
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
                edgeN, :spaceDim] = edgeArray[edgeN, :spaceDim] - nbase
        #end edgeN

        #now tell mesh that it doesn't have the list interface
        meshout.hasListInterface = False
        #compute diameters array manually
        meshout.elementDiametersArray = Numeric.zeros(
            (meshout.nElements_global, ), Numeric.Float)
        import math
        for eN in range(meshout.nElements_global):
            elen = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nElementBoundaries_element, ),
            for eloc in range(meshout.nElementBoundaries_element):
                eg = meshout.elementBoundariesArray[eN,
                                                    eloc]  #glocal edge number
                n0, n1 = meshout.elementBoundaryNodesArray[
                    eg, 0:2]  #global node numbers number
                de = meshout.nodeArray[n0, :] - meshout.nodeArray[n1, :]
                elen[eloc] = math.sqrt(de[0]**2 + de[1]**2)
            #end eloc
            meshout.elementDiametersArray[eN] = max(elen)
        #end eN
        meshout.hasGeometricInfo = True
        return meshout
    def convertToAdhPyUtilMesh(self,verbose=0):
        Generate a representation in the format expected by

        Need to make sure the triangle mesh has generated
           elements (triangles)
        First set the _global arrays for
        import MeshTools
        triInfo = triangulate.getInfo(self.trirep[0])
        if verbose > 1:
            print 'generating adhPyUtilMesh:'
            print self.infoFormat % triInfo
        #end if

        #create basic adhPyUtil mesh
        meshout = MeshTools.Mesh()

        #get basic information to make sure I can proceed
        #with current mesh representation
        nNodes_global = triInfo[0]; nElems_global = triInfo[2];
        nNodes_elem   = triInfo[3]; nEdges_global = triInfo[8];
        spaceDim      = 2
        assert(nNodes_global > 0 and nElems_global > 0
               and nNodes_elem >= 3 and nEdges_global > 0)

        #subtract off base since adhPyMesh wants base 0 more or less
        nbase = self.nbase
        #should also check? base zero, 
        #get the minimum array information
        nodeArray = triangulate.getPoints(self.trirep[0])
        meshout.nNodes_global     = nNodes_global
        meshout.nodeArray = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nNodes_global,3),
        for nN in range(nNodes_global):
            meshout.nodeArray[nN,:spaceDim] = nodeArray[nN,:spaceDim]-nbase
        elemArray  = triangulate.getTriangles(self.trirep[0])
        #ignore higher order nodes for adhPyUtil mesh
        meshout.nNodes_element    = spaceDim+1
        meshout.nElements_global  = nElems_global
        #just copy over first 3 nodes
        meshout.elementNodesArray = Numeric.zeros((nElems_global,spaceDim+1),
        for eN in range(nElems_global):
            meshout.elementNodesArray[eN,:] = elemArray[eN,:spaceDim+1]-nbase
        #end eN

        ##adhPyMesh keeps elements per node
        for eN in range(nElems_global):
            for nN_element in range(spaceDim+1):
                nN = meshout.elementNodesArray[eN,nN_element]
                if  nodeElementsDict.has_key(nN):
                    nodeElementsDict[nN] = [eN]
                #end if
            #end for nN_element
        #end eN
        meshout.max_nElements_node = max(len(nodeElementsDict[nN]) for nN in range(meshout.nNodes_global))

        meshout.nElements_node    = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nNodes_global,),Numeric.Int)
        meshout.nodeElementsArray = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nNodes_global,
        for nN,elementList in nodeElementsDict.iteritems():
            meshout.nElements_node[nN] = len(elementList)
            for eN_element,eN in enumerate(elementList):
            #end eN_element
        #end nN

        ##now build the element <--> element boundary arrays
        meshout.nElementBoundaries_element = spaceDim+1
        #make sure Triangle keeps all edges and not just boundary ones 
        meshout.nElementBoundaries_global  = nEdges_global 

        #maps element, local edge number to global edge number
        meshout.elementBoundariesArray = Numeric.zeros((nElems_global,spaceDim+1),

        #maps edge to global element on left and right (out of domain is 0)
        #maps global edge to its local number on the neighboring elements

        #several options for edge to "left" and "right" element neighbor,
        #could number each neighbor according to which one
        #has a given edge first in the current numbering
        #could try to make element 0 be the one that has same orientation of edge

        elementBoundaryElementsCardArray = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nElementBoundaries_global,),
                                                         Numeric.Int) #CardArray in Mesh
        #I have to generate the element-->global edge number mapping manually
        edgeArray = triangulate.getEdges(self.trirep[0])
        edgeDict  = {}
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
            n0 = edgeArray[edgeN,0]-nbase; n1 = edgeArray[edgeN,1]-nbase
            edgeDict[(n0,n1)] = edgeN #global edge number
        #end for
        for eN in range(nElems_global):
            locNodes = elemArray[eN,:spaceDim+1]-nbase #global node numbers
            edgeOrientedSame = [False,False,False]
            #edge I is across from node I
            e0 = (locNodes[1],locNodes[2]); e0rev = (locNodes[2],locNodes[1])
            e0_global = None
            if edgeDict.has_key(e0):
                e0_global = edgeDict[e0] #same orientation
                edgeOrientedSame[0] = True
            elif edgeDict.has_key(e0rev):     #opposite orientation
                e0_global = edgeDict[e0rev]   #could make negative to denote orientation
            #end if
            assert(not e0_global == None)
            e1 = (locNodes[2],locNodes[0]); e1rev = (locNodes[0],locNodes[2])
            e1_global = None
            if edgeDict.has_key(e1):
                e1_global = edgeDict[e1] #same orientation
                edgeOrientedSame[1] = True
            elif edgeDict.has_key(e1rev):     #opposite orientation
                e1_global = edgeDict[e1rev]   #could make negative to denote orientation
            #end if
            assert(not e1_global == None)
            e2 = (locNodes[0],locNodes[1]); e2rev = (locNodes[1],locNodes[0])
            e2_global = None
            if edgeDict.has_key(e2):
                e2_global = edgeDict[e2] #same orientation
                edgeOrientedSame[2] = True
            elif edgeDict.has_key(e2rev):     #opposite orientation
                e2_global = edgeDict[e2rev]   #could make negative to denote orientation
            #end if
            assert(not e2_global == None)
            eI_global = Numeric.array([e0_global,e1_global,e2_global],
            meshout.elementBoundariesArray[eN,:] = eI_global
            for eI in eI_global:
                #edge --> element mappings
                elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[eI] += 1
            #end eI

            for eiloc in range(meshout.nElementBoundaries_element):
                eI     = eI_global[eiloc]
                #first visited labelling
                elneig = elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[eI]-1
                #elneig = 0 #same orientation
                #if not edgeOrientedSame[eiloc]
                #elneig = 1 #opposite
            #end eiloc
        #end eN

        #perform some sanity checks
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
            assert(elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[edgeN] in [1,2])
            eN0 = meshout.elementBoundaryElementsArray[edgeN,0]
            eN1 = meshout.elementBoundaryElementsArray[edgeN,1]
            assert(0 <= eN0 and eN0 < meshout.nElements_global)
            if elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[edgeN] == 1:
                assert(eN1 == -1)
                assert(0 <= eN1 and eN1 < meshout.nElements_global)
            #end if
        #end sanity check on edges
        #now take care of boundary edges
        #interior elements counted twice
        sumCard = Numeric.sum(elementBoundaryElementsCardArray)
        nExtBnd = 2*meshout.nElementBoundaries_global-sumCard
        nIntBnd = meshout.nElementBoundaries_global-nExtBnd

        #global edge numbers on exterior boundary

        #enumerate interior and exterior
        interiorI = 0
        exteriorI = 0
        for ebN in range(meshout.nElementBoundaries_global):
            if elementBoundaryElementsCardArray[ebN] == 1:
                exteriorI+= 1
                interiorI+= 1
            #end if on card
        #end ebN

        #now track which nodes are on the boundary
        #maps edge --> its nodes
        #this is just the edgelist in triangle
        meshout.elementBoundaryNodesArray = Numeric.zeros((nEdges_global,spaceDim),
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
        #end edgeN
        #2d so edgeList is same as elementBoundaryNodesArray
        meshout.edgeNodesArray = Numeric.zeros((nEdges_global,spaceDim),
        for edgeN in range(nEdges_global):
        #end edgeN

        #now tell mesh that it doesn't have the list interface
        #compute diameters array manually
        import math
        for eN in range(meshout.nElements_global):
            elen = Numeric.zeros((meshout.nElementBoundaries_element,),
            for eloc in range(meshout.nElementBoundaries_element):
                eg = meshout.elementBoundariesArray[eN,eloc] #glocal edge number
                n0,n1 = meshout.elementBoundaryNodesArray[eg,0:2] #global node numbers number
                de = meshout.nodeArray[n0,:]-meshout.nodeArray[n1,:]
                elen[eloc] = math.sqrt(de[0]**2 + de[1]**2)
            #end eloc
        #end eN
        return meshout