Exemple #1
 def test_add_name(self):
     root = trie.TrieNode('*')
     self.assertEqual(trie.find_autocomplete(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger'),
     trie.add(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger')
     self.assertEqual(trie.find_autocomplete(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger'),
                      ['WhatsApp Messenger'])
def rhyme(N, words):
    root = TrieNode('*')

    for w in words:
        w = w[::-1]
        add(root, w)

    def calc_minimum_num_of_unpaired_words(node):
        Calculates the minimum number of unpaired words for each node.
        :param node: The current node.
        :return: Number of unpaired words at that node.
        if len(node.children) == 0:
            # Got leave --> word ends here
            return 1

        r = sum(calc_minimum_num_of_unpaired_words(c) for c in node.children)
        if node.word_finished:
            # Word finishes --> got a new word here
            r += 1
        if node.char != '*' and r >= 2:
            # If we have more than two words, we can pair them and remove
            # them.
            r = r - 2
        return r

    fv_root = calc_minimum_num_of_unpaired_words(root)
    result = N - fv_root
    return result
Exemple #3
def create_trie(name):
    with open("REM_Keywords.txt", "r") as f:
        keyword_master = trie.TrieNode("*")
        for item in list(f):
            key = re.sub(r'\t+', "", item).rstrip()
            trie.add(keyword_master, key)

    with open(name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(keyword_master, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Exemple #4
 def test_add_two_words_same_stem(self):
     root = {}
     expected1 = 'bat'
     expected2 = 'bar'
     self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, expected1))
     self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, expected2))
     trie.add(root, expected1)
     trie.add(root, expected2)
     self.assertTrue(trie.contains(root, expected1))
     self.assertTrue(trie.contains(root, expected2))
Exemple #5
    def test_everything(self):
        root = {}
        self.assertSetEqual(set(), trie.everything(root))
        expected1 = 'bat'
        expected2 = 'bar'
        self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, expected1))
        self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, expected2))
        trie.add(root, expected1)
        trie.add(root, expected2)

        self.assertSetEqual({expected1, expected2}, trie.everything(root))
def load_data(root, filename):
    Loads the data in the file specified in the filename on the trie root parameter
        with open(args.filename, 'r') as csv_file:
            for line in csv.reader(csv_file):
                trie.add(root, line[0])

        return root
    except (FileNotFoundError, IOError):
        print("Specified file does not exist or insuficient permissions")
Exemple #7
class TestTrieSearchMethods(unittest.TestCase):
    #Test initialization
    root = trie.TrieNode('*')
    with open('test_files/190titles.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
        for line in csv.reader(csv_file):
            trie.add(root, line[0])

    def test_not_found(self):
        self.assertEqual(trie.find_autocomplete(self.root, 'ABCD1234'), [])

    def test_exact_match(self):
            trie.find_autocomplete(self.root, 'WhatsApp Messenger'),
            ['WhatsApp Messenger'])

    def test_unique_match(self):
        self.assertEqual(trie.find_autocomplete(self.root, 'What'),
                         ['WhatsApp Messenger'])

    def test_multiple_match(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(trie.find_autocomplete(self.root, 'W')), 4)

    def test_space_on_prefix(self):
        self.assertEqual(trie.find_autocomplete(self.root, 'Facebook L'),
                         ['Facebook Lite'])
Exemple #8
    def test_count(self):
        root = {}

        self.assertEqual(0, trie.count(root))
        trie.add(root, 'a')
        self.assertEqual(1, trie.count(root))
        trie.add(root, 'b')
        self.assertEqual(2, trie.count(root))
        trie.add(root, 'c')
        self.assertEqual(3, trie.count(root))
        trie.add(root, 'd')
        self.assertEqual(4, trie.count(root))
Exemple #9
 def test_find_prefix_single_more(self):
     root = trie.TrieNode('*')
     trie.add(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger')
     trie.add(root, 'Facebook')
     trie.add(root, 'PayPal')
     self.assertEqual(trie.find_prefix(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger'),
                      (True, 1))
Exemple #10
    def test_she_shells(self):
        root = {}
        self.assertSetEqual(set(), trie.everything(root))

        expected1 = 'she'
        expected2 = 'sells'
        expected3 = 'sea'
        expected4 = 'shells'

        trie.add(root, expected1)
        trie.add(root, expected2)
        trie.add(root, expected3)
        trie.add(root, expected4)

        self.assertSetEqual({expected1, expected2, expected3, expected4},
Exemple #11
    def test_longestprefix(self):
        root = {}
        self.assertSetEqual(set(), trie.everything(root))

        expected1 = 'she'
        expected2 = 'sells'
        expected3 = 'sea'

        trie.add(root, expected1)
        trie.add(root, expected2)
        trie.add(root, expected3)
        self.assertTrue('she' == trie.longestprefix(root, 'shells'))
Exemple #12
 def test_remove(self):
     expected_word = 'bat'
     root = {}
     self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, expected_word))
     trie.add(root, expected_word)
     self.assertTrue(trie.contains(root, expected_word))
     trie.remove(root, expected_word)
     self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, expected_word))
     trie.add(root, 'bar')
     trie.add(root, 'baz')
     trie.remove(root, 'bar')
     self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, 'bar'))
     self.assertTrue(trie.contains(root, 'baz'))
Exemple #13
    def test_startswith(self):
        root = {}
        self.assertSetEqual(set(), trie.everything(root))
        expected1 = 'foo'
        expected2 = 'bar'
        expected3 = 'baz'

        trie.add(root, expected1)
        trie.add(root, expected2)
        trie.add(root, expected3)

        self.assertSetEqual({expected2, expected3},
                            trie.startswith(root, 'ba'))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(), trie.startswith(root, 'z'))
Exemple #14
import trie
from itertools import permutations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = trie.TrieNode('*')

    #import first names
    with open("./names/male-first-names.txt", "r") as first_names_file:
        first_names = first_names_file.readlines()
    for name in first_names:
        trie.add(root, name.lower().replace('\n', ''))

    while name != 'quit':
        name = input(
            "Enter the letters you know with underscores for letters you don't know:\n"

        #get indices of unknown characters
        indice_list = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(name) if char == '_']

        for i in indice_list:
            name = name[:i] + 'a' + name[i + 1:]

        perm = permutations([
            'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
            'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'
        ], len(indice_list))

        name_set = set()
        for letters_permutation in list(perm):
            i = 0
Exemple #15
        cap_params = {}
        cap_params['im_width'], cap_params['im_height'] = video_capture.size()
        cap_params['num_hands_detect'] = 1
        cap_params['hand_score_thresh'] = 0.35
        cap_params['hand_movement_thresh'] = 40

        if args.train:
            # If you find that certain letters are not being recognized, or if you are using a different letter set
            # than I am, you'll have to capture your own training data and retrain the CNN. You can capture training
            # data frames by pressing Enter at any time and frames will be written to images/[A-Z]/
            predictor = trie.TrieNode('*')
            for word in read_from_csv('brown_words'):
                if len(word[0]) <= args.length:
                    trie.add(predictor, word[0])

            words = read_from_csv(args.corpus)

            # You can modify the default accolades and criticisms by modifying the CSV files in corpus/
            accolades = read_from_csv('accolades')
            word_accolades = read_from_csv('word_accolades')
            letter_criticisms = read_from_csv('letter_criticisms')
            thinking = read_from_csv('thinking')
            player_choose_word = read_from_csv('player_choose_word')

            mode = 1
            directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
            iterations = 0
            last_letters = []
            last_letter = ''
Exemple #16
 def test_find_prefix_multiple(self):
     root = trie.TrieNode('*')
     trie.add(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger')
     trie.add(root, 'Facebook')
     trie.add(root, 'Facebook Lite')
     self.assertEqual(trie.find_prefix(root, 'Face'), (True, 2))
Exemple #17
 def test_find_prefix_single_only(self):
     root = trie.TrieNode('*')
     trie.add(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger')
     self.assertEqual(trie.find_prefix(root, 'WhatsApp Messenger'),
                      (True, 1))
Exemple #18
 def test_add(self):
     expected_word = 'bat'
     root = {}
     self.assertFalse(trie.contains(root, expected_word))
     trie.add(root, expected_word)
     self.assertTrue(trie.contains(root, expected_word))
Exemple #19
import sys

import binary_search as Binary
import trie as Trie

# Around 61k words
dictionary_file = open("usa.txt", "r")
dictionary_file2 = open("usa.txt", "r")
# Around 195k words
# dictionary_file = open("english3.txt", "r")
# dictionary_file2 = open("english3.txt", "r")

root = Trie.TrieNode('*')
for word in dictionary_file:
    word = word.strip()
    Trie.add(root, word)

dictionary_arr = dictionary_file2.read().splitlines()

def trie_test():
    return Trie.find_prefix(root, 'appl')

def binary_test():
    return Binary.binary_search(dictionary_arr, 'appl')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    trie_times = timeit.repeat("trie_test()",
Exemple #20
import trie

root = {}

trie.add(root, "foo")
trie.add(root, "bar")
trie.add(root, "baz")
trie.add(root, "bot")

print(trie.startswith(root, 'b'))
print(trie.startswith(root, 'ba'))
print(trie.startswith(root, 'f'))
Exemple #21
GPIO.setup(BUTTON_1, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
GPIO.setup(BUTTON_2, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
GPIO.setup(BUTTON_3, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
GPIO.setup(BUTTON_4, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
GPIO.setup(BUTTON_5, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)

pindex = 0
sentence = ""
word = ""
map = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

trie = trie.Trie()
f = open("words.txt", "r")
for line in f:
    line = line[:len(line) - 2]

while True:
    cindex = 0
    if (GPIO.input(BUTTON_5) == True):
        cindex += 16
    if (GPIO.input(BUTTON_4) == True):
        cindex += 8
    if (GPIO.input(BUTTON_3) == True):
        cindex += 4
    if (GPIO.input(BUTTON_2) == True):
        cindex += 2
    if (GPIO.input(BUTTON_1) == True):
        cindex += 1

    if (cindex == 0 and pindex != 0):
def names_trie(names):
    name_tree = trie.TrieNode('*')
    [trie.add(name_tree, name) for name in names]
    return name_tree
Exemple #23
import trie


if __name__ == '__main__':

    root = {}

    for w in wordle_202201.split(','):
        trie.add(root, w.lower())
    for w in wordle_202202.split(','):
        trie.add(root, w.lower())
    for w in wordle_202203.split(','):
        trie.add(root, w.lower())

    # print(trie.to_json(root))
    # print(sorted(trie.startswith(root, 's')))
    # print(trie.to_json(trie.find(root, 's')))
    # print(sorted(trie.startswith(root, 'c')))
    # print(trie.to_json(trie.find(root, 'c')))
    # print(sorted(trie.startswith(root, 't')))
    # print(trie.to_json(trie.find(root, 't')))
    # print(sorted(trie.startswith(root, 'r')))
    print(trie.to_json(trie.find(root, 'r')))