Exemple #1
def test_hexary_trie_missing_traversal_node():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)

    key1 = to_bytes(0x0123)
        b'use a value long enough that it must be hashed according to trie spec'

    key2 = to_bytes(0x1234)
    trie.set(key2, b'val2')

    # delete first child of the root
    root_node = trie.root_node.raw

    first_child_hash = root_node[0]

    del db[first_child_hash]

    # Get exception with relevant info about lookup nibbles
    with pytest.raises(MissingTraversalNode) as exc_info:
        trie.traverse((0, 1, 2, 3))

    exception = exc_info.value
    assert exception.nibbles_traversed == (0, )
    assert encode_hex(first_child_hash) in str(exception)

    # Other keys are still traversable
    node = trie.traverse((1, ))
    assert node.value == b'val2'
    assert node.sub_segments == ()
Exemple #2
def test_hexary_trie_root_node_annotation():
    trie = HexaryTrie({})
    trie[b'\x41A'] = b'LONG' * 32
    trie[b'\xffE'] = b'LONG' * 32
    root = trie.root_node

    assert root == trie.traverse(())
def test_traverse_into_partial_path(trie_items, traverse_key, path_to_node, sub_segments, node_val):
    What happens when you try to traverse into an extension or leaf node
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db)
    for key, val in trie_items:
        trie[key] = val

    with pytest.raises(TraversedPartialPath) as excinfo:

    exc = excinfo.value
    assert exc.nibbles_traversed == path_to_node
    assert exc.node.sub_segments == sub_segments
    assert exc.node.value == node_val
Exemple #4
def test_traverse_non_matching_leaf():
    trie = HexaryTrie({})
    EMPTY_NODE = trie.root_node

    trie[b'\xFFleaf-at-root'] = b'some-value'
    final_root = trie.root_node

    # Traversing partway into the leaf raises the TraversedPartialPath exception
    with pytest.raises(TraversedPartialPath):
        trie.traverse((0xf, ))
    with pytest.raises(TraversedPartialPath):
        trie.traverse_from(final_root, (0xf, ))

    # But traversing to any *non*-matching nibble should return a blank node, because no
    #   children reside underneath that nibble. Returning the leaf with a mismatched nibble
    #   would be a bug.
    for nibble in range(0xf):
        # Note that we do not want to look at the 0xf nibble, because that's the one that
        #   should raise the exception above
        assert trie.traverse((nibble, )) == EMPTY_NODE
        assert trie.traverse_from(final_root, (nibble, )) == EMPTY_NODE