def run(cls, w0, **kwargs): c = dict() for k in cls.config_defaults.keys(): if k not in kwargs: c[k] = cls.config_defaults[k] else: c[k] = kwargs[k] # return dict result = dict() # get timestep and nsteps for integration binary_period = 2*np.pi # Omega = 1 dt = binary_period / c['nsteps_per_period'] nsteps = c['nperiods'] * c['nsteps_per_period'] # integrate orbit logger.debug("Integrating orbit with dt={0}, nsteps={1}".format(dt, nsteps)) try: t = np.linspace(0., c['nperiods']*binary_period, nsteps) t,ws = dop853_integrate_r3bp(np.atleast_2d(w0).copy(), t, c['q'], c['ecc'], c['nu'], atol=1E-11, rtol=1E-10, nmax=0) except RuntimeError: # ODE integration failed logger.warning("Orbit integration failed.") dEmax = 1E10 else: logger.debug('Orbit integrated successfully, checking energy conservation...') # check Jacobi energy conservation for the orbit E = 2*r3bp_potential(ws[:,0,:3].copy(), c['q'], c['ecc'], c['nu']) \ - (ws[:,0,3]**2 + ws[:,0,4]**2 + ws[:,0,5]**2) dE = np.abs(E[1:] - E[0]) dEmax = dE.max() / np.abs(E[0]) logger.debug('max(∆E) = {0:.2e}'.format(dEmax)) if dEmax > c['energy_tolerance']: logger.warning("Failed due to energy conservation check.") result['freqs'] = np.ones((2,2))*np.nan result['success'] = False result['error_code'] = 2 result['dE_max'] = dEmax return result # start finding the frequencies -- do first half then second half sf1 = SuperFreq(t[:nsteps//2+1], p=c['hamming_p']) sf2 = SuperFreq(t[nsteps//2:], p=c['hamming_p']) # define slices for first and second parts sl1 = slice(None,nsteps//2+1) sl2 = slice(nsteps//2,None) # TODO: the 2's below should change if we do the full 3d problem if c['force_cartesian']: fs1 = [(ws[sl1,0,j] + 1j*ws[sl1,0,j+3]) for j in range(2)] fs2 = [(ws[sl2,0,j] + 1j*ws[sl2,0,j+3]) for j in range(2)] else: # use Poincare polars # first need to flip coordinates so that circulation is around z axis new_ws = gc.cartesian_to_poincare_polar(ws) fs1 = [(new_ws[sl1,j] + 1j*new_ws[sl1,j+3]) for j in range(2)] fs2 = [(new_ws[sl2,j] + 1j*new_ws[sl2,j+3]) for j in range(2)] logger.debug("Running SuperFreq on the orbits") try: freqs1,d1,ixs1 = sf1.find_fundamental_frequencies(fs1, nintvec=c['nintvec']) freqs2,d2,ixs2 = sf2.find_fundamental_frequencies(fs2, nintvec=c['nintvec']) except: result['freqs'] = np.ones((2,2))*np.nan result['success'] = False result['error_code'] = 3 return result result['freqs'] = np.vstack((freqs1, freqs2)) result['dE_max'] = dEmax result['dt'] = float(dt) result['nsteps'] = nsteps result['amps'] = np.vstack((d1['|A|'][ixs1], d2['|A|'][ixs2])) result['success'] = True result['error_code'] = 0 return result
def main(ngrid, CJ, q, ecc=0., nu=0., max_xy=3., output_path=None, run_name=None, overwrite=False, plot=False): """ """ # create path if output_path is None: output_path = os.path.join(project_path, "output") if run_name is None: run_name = "n{}_cj{:.3f}_q{:.0e}_e{:.0e}_nu{:.0e}".format(ngrid, CJ, q, ecc, nu) path = os.path.join(output_path, run_name) else: path = output_path"Caching to: {}".format(path)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # path to initial conditions cache w0path = os.path.join(path, 'w0.npy') if os.path.exists(w0path) and overwrite: os.remove(w0path) if not os.path.exists(w0path): # generate initial conditions # box # grid = np.linspace(-max_xy,max_xy,ngrid) # z = np.zeros(ngrid*ngrid) # xyz = np.vstack(map(np.ravel, np.meshgrid(grid, grid))+[z]).T.copy() # disc r = np.sqrt(np.random.uniform(0.,max_xy**2,ngrid*ngrid)) phi = np.random.uniform(0.,2*np.pi,ngrid*ngrid) xyz = np.zeros((len(r),3)) xyz[:,0] = r*np.cos(phi) xyz[:,1] = r*np.sin(phi) U = r3bp_potential(xyz, q, ecc, nu) # ignore all points above ZVC ix = 2*U >= CJ xyz = xyz[ix] U = U[ix] r = np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, axis=-1)) vmag = np.sqrt(2*U - CJ) vx = -vmag * xyz[:,1]/r vy = vmag * xyz[:,0]/r vxyz = np.zeros_like(xyz) vxyz[:,0] = vx vxyz[:,1] = vy w0 = np.hstack((xyz,vxyz)) CJs = 2*r3bp_potential(xyz, q, ecc, nu) - vx**2 - vy**2 assert np.allclose(CJs, CJ) else: w0 = np.load(w0path)"Initial conditions file already exists!\n\t{}".format(w0path)) if plot: fig,ax = pl.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,8)) ax.plot(w0[:,0], w0[:,1], ls='none', marker=',', color='k') fig.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'w0.png'), dpi=300)"Number of initial conditions: {}".format(len(w0))), w0)