Exemple #1
def h5diff(f1, f2, key=None, precision=1.e-6):

    Modified version of triqs.utility.h5diff.h5diff
    key is the path of the data set to be compared: e.g., "dmft_out/Sigma_iw"

    if key is None:
        h5diff_org(os.path.abspath(f1), os.path.abspath(f2), precision)

    keys = key.split("/")
    h1 = HDFArchive(os.path.abspath(f1), 'r')
    h2 = HDFArchive(os.path.abspath(f2), 'r')

    for k in keys:
        h1 = h1[k]
        h2 = h2[k]

    compare(key, h1, h2, 0, precision)
    if failures:
        print('-' * 50, file=sys.stderr)
        print('-' * 20 + '  FAILED  ' + '-' * 20, file=sys.stderr)
        print('-' * 50, file=sys.stderr)
        for x in failures:
            print(x, file=sys.stderr)
            print('-' * 50, file=sys.stderr)
        raise RuntimeError("FAILED")
Exemple #2
def compare(key, a, b, level, precision):
    """Compare two objects named key"""

    if verbose and key:
        print(level * '  ' + "Comparing %s ...." % key)

        t = type(a)
        assert isinstance(b, t), "%s have different types" % key

        # !!! added AnalyzerResult in the following line
        if t == dict or isinstance(a, (HDFArchiveGroup, AnalyzerResult)):
            if list(a.keys()) != list(b.keys()):
                    "Two archive groups '%s' with different keys \n %s \n vs\n %s"
                    % (key, list(a.keys()), list(b.keys())))
            for k in set(a.keys()).intersection(list(b.keys())):
                compare(key + '/' + k, a[k], b[k], level + 1, precision)

        # The TRIQS object which are comparable starts here ....
        elif t in [GfImFreq, GfImTime, GfReFreq, GfReTime, GfLegendre]:
            assert_gfs_are_close(a, b, precision)

        elif t in [BlockGf]:
            assert_block_gfs_are_close(a, b, precision)

        elif t in [Operator]:
            assert (a - b).is_zero(), "Many body operators not equal"

        # ... until here
        elif isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray):
            # !!! changed this so that it allows NaN values
                a, b, -int(np.round(np.log10(precision / 1.5))))

        elif t in [int, float, complex]:
            assert abs(a - b) < 1.e-10, " a-b = %" % (a - b)

        elif t in [bool, numpy.bool_]:
            assert a == b

        elif t in [list, tuple]:
            assert len(a) == len(b), "List of different size"
            for x, y in zip(a, b):
                compare(key, x, y, level + 1, precision)

        elif t in [str]:
            assert a == b, "Strings '%s' and '%s' are different" % (a, b)

            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The type %s for key '%s' is not comparable by h5diff" %
                (t, key))

    except (AssertionError, RuntimeError, ValueError) as e:
        # eliminate the lines starting with .., which are not the main error
        # message
        mess = '\n'.join([
            l for l in str(e).split('\n')
            if l.strip() and not l.startswith('..')
        failures.append("Comparison of key '%s'  has failed:\n "
                        "" % key + mess)
Exemple #3
        elif t in [str]:
            assert a == b, "Strings '%s' and '%s' are different" % (a, b)

            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The type %s for key '%s' is not comparable by h5diff" %
                (t, key))

    except (AssertionError, RuntimeError, ValueError) as e:
        # eliminate the lines starting with .., which are not the main error
        # message
        mess = '\n'.join([
            l for l in str(e).split('\n')
            if l.strip() and not l.startswith('..')
        failures.append("Comparison of key '%s'  has failed:\n "
                        "" % key + mess)

compare('', HDFArchive('analyzers.out.h5', 'r'),
        HDFArchive('analyzers.ref.h5', 'r'), 0, 1.e-6)

if failures:
    print('-' * 50, file=sys.stderr)
    print('-' * 20 + '  FAILED  ' + '-' * 20, file=sys.stderr)
    print('-' * 50, file=sys.stderr)
    for x in failures:
        print(x, file=sys.stderr)
        print('-' * 50, file=sys.stderr)
    raise RuntimeError("FAILED")
Exemple #4
def cmp(a, b, precision=1.e-15):
    compare('', a, b, 0, precision)
    if failures:
        raise AssertionError('\n'.join(failures))