Exemple #1
def bubble_PI_wk(g_wk):
    r""" Compute the particle-hole bubble from the single particle lattice Green's function

    .. math::
        \Pi_{abcd}(i\omega_n, k) = - 
        \mathcal{F}_{\tau, \mathbf{r} \rightarrow i\omega_n, \mathbf{k}}
        \left\{ G_{d\bar{a}}(\tau, \mathbf{r}) G_{b\bar{c}}(-\tau, -\mathbf{r}) \right\}

    g_wk : TRIQS Green's function (rank 2) on Matsubara and Brillouinzone meshes
           Single particle lattice Green's function.


    PI_wk : TRIQS Green's function (rank 4) on Matsubara and Brillouinzone meshes
            Particle hole bubble.

    nw = len(g_wk.mesh.components[0]) // 2

    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)
    g_tr = fourier_wr_to_tr(g_wr)
    del g_wr
    PI_tr = chi0_tr_from_grt_PH(g_tr)
    del g_tr
    PI_wr = chi_wr_from_chi_tr(PI_tr, nw=nw)
    del PI_tr
    PI_wk = chi_wk_from_chi_wr(PI_wr)
    del PI_wr

    return PI_wk
Exemple #2
def get_chi0_nk_at_specific_w(g_wk, nw_index=1, nwf=None):
    r""" Compute the generalized bare lattice susceptibility 
    :math:`\chi^{0}_{\bar{a}b\bar{c}d}(i\omega_{n=\mathrm{nw\_index}}, i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})` from the single-particle
    Green's function :math:`G_{a\bar{b}}(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})` for a specific :math:`i\omega_{n=\mathrm{nw\_index}}`.


    g_wk : Gf,
           Single-particle Green's function :math:`G_{a\bar{b}}(i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})`.
    nw_index : int,
               The bosonic Matsubara frequency index :math:`i\omega_{n=\mathrm{nw\_index}}`
               at which :math:`\chi^0` is calculated.
    nwf : int,
          Number of fermionic frequencies in :math:`\chi^0`.    


    chi0_nk : Gf,
               Generalized bare lattice susceptibility
               :math:`\chi^{0}_{\bar{a}b\bar{c}d}(i\omega_{n=\mathrm{nw\_index}}, i\nu_n, \mathbf{k})`.

    fmesh = g_wk.mesh.components[0]
    kmesh = g_wk.mesh.components[1]

    if nwf is None:
        nwf = len(fmesh) // 2

    mpi.report('g_wk ' + str(g_wk[Idx(2), Idx(0, 1, 2)][0, 0]))
    n = np.sum(g_wk.data) // len(kmesh)
    mpi.report('n ' + str(n))

    mpi.report('--> g_wr from g_wk')
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)

    mpi.report('--> chi0_wnr from g_wr')
    chi0_nr = chi0_nr_from_gr_PH_at_specific_w(nw_index=nw_index,
    del g_wr

    mpi.report('--> chi0_wnk from chi0_wnr')
    # Create a 'fake' bosonic mesh to be able to use 'chi0q_from_chi0r'
    chi0_wnr = add_fake_bosonic_mesh(chi0_nr)
    del chi0_nr

    chi0_wnk = chi0q_from_chi0r(chi0_wnr)
    del chi0_wnr

    chi0_nk = chi0_wnk[Idx(0), :, :]
    del chi0_wnk

    return chi0_nk
Exemple #3
def solve_lattice_bse(parm, momsus=False):

    print '--> solve_lattice_bse'

    print 'nw =', parm.nw
    print 'nwf =', parm.nwf

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Setup lattice

    bl = BravaisLattice([(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)])

    bz = BrillouinZone(bl)
    bzmesh = MeshBrillouinZone(bz, n_k=1)  # only one k-point

    e_k = Gf(mesh=bzmesh, target_shape=[1, 1])
    e_k *= 0.

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Lattice single-particle Green's function

    mesh = MeshImFreq(beta=parm.beta, S='Fermion', n_max=parm.nwf_gf)

    parm.Sigma_iw = parm.G_iw.copy()
    G0_iw = parm.G_iw.copy()

    G0_iw << inverse(iOmega_n + 0.5 * parm.U)
    parm.Sigma_iw << inverse(G0_iw) - inverse(parm.G_iw)

    parm.mu = 0.5 * parm.U
    g_wk = lattice_dyson_g_wk(mu=parm.mu, e_k=e_k, sigma_w=parm.Sigma_iw)
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Non-interacting generalized lattice susceptibility

    chi0_wr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=parm.nw, nnu=parm.nwf, gr=g_wr)
    chi0_wk = chi0q_from_chi0r(chi0_wr)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Solve lattice BSE

    parm.chi_wk = chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(chi0_wk, parm.gamma_m)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Store results and static results

    num = np.squeeze(parm.chi_wk.data.real)
    ref = np.squeeze(parm.chi_m.data.real)

    diff = np.max(np.abs(num - ref))
    print 'diff =', diff

    parm.chi_w = chiq_sum_nu_q(parm.chi_wk)  # static suscept

    return parm
Exemple #4
def bubble_setup(beta, mu, tb_lattice, nk, nw, sigma_w=None):

    print tprf_banner(), "\n"

    print 'beta  =', beta
    print 'mu    =', mu
    print 'sigma =', (not (sigma == None))

    norb = tb_lattice.NOrbitalsInUnitCell
    print 'nk    =', nk
    print 'nw    =', nw
    print 'norb  =', norb

    ntau = 4 * nw
    ntot = np.prod(nk) * norb**4 + np.prod(nk) * (nw + ntau) * norb**2
    nbytes = ntot * np.complex128().nbytes
    ngb = nbytes / 1024.**3
    print 'Approx. Memory Utilization: %2.2f GB\n' % ngb

    periodization_matrix = np.diag(np.array(list(nk), dtype=np.int32))
    #print 'periodization_matrix =\n', periodization_matrix

    bz = BrillouinZone(tb_lattice.bl)
    bzmesh = MeshBrillouinZone(bz, periodization_matrix)

    print '--> ek'
    e_k = ek_tb_dispersion_on_bzmesh(tb_lattice, bzmesh, bz)

    if sigma is None:
        print '--> g0k'
        wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=beta, S='Fermion', n_max=nw)
        g_wk = lattice_dyson_g0_wk(mu=mu, e_k=e_k, mesh=wmesh)
        print '--> gk'
        sigma_w = strip_sigma(nw, beta, sigma)
        g_wk = lattice_dyson_g_wk(mu=mu, e_k=e_k, sigma_w=sigma_w)

    print '--> gr_from_gk (k->r)'
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)
    del g_wk

    print '--> grt_from_grw (w->tau)'
    g_tr = fourier_wr_to_tr(g_wr)
    del g_wr

    if sigma is None:
        return g_tr
        return g_tr, sigma_w
Exemple #5
def imtime_bubble_chi0_wk(g_wk, nw=1):

    wmesh, kmesh = g_wk.mesh.components

    norb = g_wk.target_shape[0]
    beta = wmesh.beta
    nw_g = len(wmesh)
    nk = len(kmesh)

    ntau = 4 * nw_g
    ntot = np.prod(nk) * norb**4 + np.prod(nk) * (nw_g + ntau) * norb**2
    nbytes = ntot * np.complex128().nbytes
    ngb = nbytes / 1024.**3

    if mpi.is_master_node():
        print tprf_banner(), "\n"
        print 'beta  =', beta
        print 'nk    =', nk
        print 'nw    =', nw_g
        print 'norb  =', norb
        print 'Approx. Memory Utilization: %2.2f GB\n' % ngb

    mpi.report('--> fourier_wk_to_wr')
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)
    del g_wk

    mpi.report('--> fourier_wr_to_tr')
    g_tr = fourier_wr_to_tr(g_wr)
    del g_wr

    if nw == 1:
        mpi.report('--> chi0_w0r_from_grt_PH (bubble in tau & r)')
        chi0_wr = chi0_w0r_from_grt_PH(g_tr)
        del g_tr
        mpi.report('--> chi0_tr_from_grt_PH (bubble in tau & r)')
        chi0_tr = chi0_tr_from_grt_PH(g_tr)
        del g_tr

        mpi.report('--> chi_wr_from_chi_tr')
        chi0_wr = chi_wr_from_chi_tr(chi0_tr, nw=nw)
        del chi_tr

    mpi.report('--> chi_wk_from_chi_wr (r->k)')
    chi0_wk = chi_wk_from_chi_wr(chi0_wr)
    del chi0_wr

    return chi0_wk
def test_square_lattice_chi00():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Discretizations

    n_k = (2, 2, 1)
    nw_g = 500
    nnu = 400
    nw = 1

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- tight binding parameters

    beta = 20.0
    mu = 0.0
    t = 1.0

    h_loc = np.array([
        [-0.3, -0.5],
        [-0.5, .4],

    T = -t * np.array([
        [1., 0.23],
        [0.23, 0.5],

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- tight binding

    print '--> tight binding model'
    t_r = TBLattice(
        units=[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)],
            # nearest neighbour hopping -t
            (0, 0): h_loc,
            (0, +1): T,
            (0, -1): T,
            (+1, 0): T,
            (-1, 0): T,
        orbital_positions=[(0, 0, 0)] * 2,
        orbital_names=['up_0', 'do_0'],

    e_k = t_r.on_mesh_brillouin_zone(n_k)
    kmesh = e_k.mesh

    wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=beta, S='Fermion', n_max=nw_g)

    print '--> g0_wk'
    g0_wk = lattice_dyson_g0_wk(mu=mu, e_k=e_k, mesh=wmesh)

    print '--> g0_wr'
    g0_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g0_wk)

    print '--> g0_tr'
    g0_tr = fourier_wr_to_tr(g0_wr)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- anaytic chi00

    print '--> chi00_wk analytic'
    chi00_wk_analytic = lindhard_chi00_wk(e_k=e_k, nw=nw, beta=beta, mu=mu)

    print '--> chi00_wr analytic'
    chi00_wr_analytic = chi_wr_from_chi_wk(chi00_wk_analytic)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- imtime chi00

    print '--> chi0_tr_from_grt_PH'
    chi00_tr = chi0_tr_from_grt_PH(g0_tr)

    print '--> chi_wr_from_chi_tr'
    chi00_wr = chi_wr_from_chi_tr(chi00_tr, nw=1)

    print '--> chi_w0r_from_chi_tr'
    chi00_wr_ref = chi_w0r_from_chi_tr(chi00_tr)

    print '--> chi0_w0r_from_grt_PH'
    chi00_wr_opt = chi0_w0r_from_grt_PH(g0_tr)

    print 'dchi00_wr     =', np.max(
        np.abs(chi00_wr_analytic.data - chi00_wr.data))
    print 'dchi00_wr_ref =', np.max(
        np.abs(chi00_wr_analytic.data - chi00_wr_ref.data))
    print 'dchi00_wr_opt =', np.max(
        np.abs(chi00_wr_analytic.data - chi00_wr_opt.data))




    print '--> chi_wk_from_chi_wr'
    chi00_wk_imtime = chi_wk_from_chi_wr(chi00_wr)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- imtime chi00 helper function

    chi00_wk_imtime_2 = imtime_bubble_chi0_wk(g0_wk, nw=1)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- imfreq chi00

    print '--> chi00_wnr'
    chi00_wnr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=1, nnu=nnu, gr=g0_wr)

    print '--> chi00_wnk'
    chi00_wnk = chi0q_from_chi0r(chi00_wnr)

    # -- Test per k and w calculator for chi0_wnk
    print '--> chi00_wnk_ref'
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_from_g_wk_PH
    chi00_wnk_ref = chi0q_from_g_wk_PH(nw=1, nnu=nnu, g_wk=g0_wk)

    diff = np.max(np.abs(chi00_wnk.data - chi00_wnk_ref.data))
    print 'chi00_wnk diff =', diff
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(chi00_wnk.data, chi00_wnk_ref.data)

    print '--> chi00_wk_imfreq'
    chi00_wk_imfreq = chi0q_sum_nu(chi00_wnk)

    print '--> chi00_wk_imfreq_tail_corr'
    chi00_wk_imfreq_tail_corr = chi0q_sum_nu_tail_corr_PH(chi00_wnk)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Compare results

    def cf_chi_w0(chi1, chi2, decimal=9):
        chi1, chi2 = chi1[Idx(0), :].data, chi2[Idx(0), :].data
        diff = np.linalg.norm(chi1 - chi2)
        print '|dchi| =', diff
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(chi1, chi2, decimal=decimal)

    print '--> Cf analytic with imtime'
    cf_chi_w0(chi00_wk_analytic, chi00_wk_imtime, decimal=7)

    print '--> Cf analytic with imtime 2'
    cf_chi_w0(chi00_wk_analytic, chi00_wk_imtime_2, decimal=4)

    print '--> Cf analytic with imfreq'
    cf_chi_w0(chi00_wk_analytic, chi00_wk_imfreq, decimal=2)

    print '--> Cf analytic with imfreq (tail corr)'
    cf_chi_w0(chi00_wk_analytic, chi00_wk_imfreq_tail_corr, decimal=5)
Exemple #7
def make_calc():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Read precomputed ED data

    filename = "data_pomerol.tar.gz"
    p = read_TarGZ_HDFArchive(filename)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- RPA tensor

    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import get_rpa_tensor
    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct

    fundamental_operators = fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(p.gf_struct)
    p.U_abcd = get_rpa_tensor(p.H_int, fundamental_operators)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Generalized PH susceptibility

    loc_bse = ParameterCollection()

    loc_bse.chi_wnn = chi_from_gg2_PH(p.G_iw, p.G2_iw_ph)
    loc_bse.chi0_wnn = chi0_from_gg2_PH(p.G_iw, p.G2_iw_ph)

    loc_bse.gamma_wnn = inverse_PH(loc_bse.chi0_wnn) - inverse_PH(
    loc_bse.chi_wnn_ref = inverse_PH(
        inverse_PH(loc_bse.chi0_wnn) - loc_bse.gamma_wnn)


    loc_bse.chi0_w = trace_nn(loc_bse.chi0_wnn)
    loc_bse.chi_w = trace_nn(loc_bse.chi_wnn)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- RPA, using BSE inverses and constant Gamma

    loc_rpa = ParameterCollection()
    loc_rpa.U_abcd = p.U_abcd

    # -- Build constant gamma
    loc_rpa.gamma_wnn = loc_bse.gamma_wnn.copy()
    loc_rpa.gamma_wnn.data[:] = loc_rpa.U_abcd[None, None, None, ...]
    # Nb! In the three frequency form $\Gamma \propto U/\beta^2$
    loc_rpa.gamma_wnn.data[:] /= p.beta**2

    loc_rpa.chi0_wnn = loc_bse.chi0_wnn
    loc_rpa.chi0_w = loc_bse.chi0_w

    # -- Solve RPA
    loc_rpa.chi_wnn = inverse_PH(
        inverse_PH(loc_rpa.chi0_wnn) - loc_rpa.gamma_wnn)
    loc_rpa.chi_w = trace_nn(loc_rpa.chi_wnn)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Bubble RPA on lattice

    lat_rpa = ParameterCollection()

    # -- Setup dummy lattice Green's function equal to local Green's function

    bz = BrillouinZone(
        BravaisLattice(units=np.eye(3), orbital_positions=[(0, 0, 0)]))
    periodization_matrix = np.diag(np.array(list([1] * 3), dtype=np.int32))
    kmesh = MeshBrillouinZone(bz, periodization_matrix)
    wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=p.beta, S='Fermion', n_max=p.nwf_gf)

    lat_rpa.g_wk = Gf(mesh=MeshProduct(wmesh, kmesh),
    lat_rpa.g_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)] = p.G_iw

    # -- chi0_wk bubble and chi_wk_rpa bubble RPA

    from triqs_tprf.lattice_utils import imtime_bubble_chi0_wk
    lat_rpa.chi0_wk = imtime_bubble_chi0_wk(lat_rpa.g_wk, nw=1)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import solve_rpa_PH
    lat_rpa.chi_wk = solve_rpa_PH(lat_rpa.chi0_wk, p.U_abcd)

    lat_rpa.chi0_w = lat_rpa.chi0_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_rpa.chi_w = lat_rpa.chi_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]

    print '--> cf Tr[chi0] and chi0_wk'
    print loc_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print 'ok!'

    print '--> cf Tr[chi_rpa] and chi_wk_rpa'
    print loc_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print 'ok!'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Lattice BSE

    lat_bse = ParameterCollection()

    lat_bse.g_wk = lat_rpa.g_wk

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import fourier_wk_to_wr
    lat_bse.g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(lat_bse.g_wk)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0r_from_gr_PH
    lat_bse.chi0_wnr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=1, nnu=p.nwf, gr=lat_bse.g_wr)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_from_chi0r
    lat_bse.chi0_wnk = chi0q_from_chi0r(lat_bse.chi0_wnr)

    # -- Lattice BSE calc
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH
    lat_bse.chi_kwnn = chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(lat_bse.chi0_wnk,

    # -- Trace results
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_sum_nu_tail_corr_PH
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_sum_nu
    lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr = chi0q_sum_nu_tail_corr_PH(lat_bse.chi0_wnk)
    lat_bse.chi0_wk = chi0q_sum_nu(lat_bse.chi0_wnk)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_sum_nu, chiq_sum_nu_q
    lat_bse.chi_kw = chiq_sum_nu(lat_bse.chi_kwnn)

    lat_bse.chi0_w_tail_corr = lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_bse.chi0_w = lat_bse.chi0_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_bse.chi_w = lat_bse.chi_kw[Idx(0, 0, 0), :]

    print '--> cf Tr[chi0_wnk] and chi0_wk'
    print lat_bse.chi0_w_tail_corr.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_bse.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real



    print 'ok!'

    print '--> cf Tr[chi_kwnn] and chi_wk'
    print lat_bse.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print loc_bse.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print 'ok!'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Store to hdf5

    filename = 'data_bse_rpa.h5'
    with HDFArchive(filename, 'w') as res:
        res['p'] = p
Exemple #8
def get_chi0_wnk(g_wk, nw=1, nwf=None):

    fmesh = g_wk.mesh.components[0]
    kmesh = g_wk.mesh.components[1]

    if nwf is None:
        nwf = len(fmesh) / 2

    mpi.report('g_wk ' + str(g_wk[Idx(2), Idx(0, 1, 2)][0, 0]))
    n = np.sum(g_wk.data) / len(kmesh)
    mpi.report('n ' + str(n))

    mpi.report('--> g_wr from g_wk')
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)

    mpi.report('g_wr ' + str(g_wr[Idx(2), Idx(0, 1, 2)][0, 0]))
    n_r = np.sum(g_wr.data, axis=0)[0]
    mpi.report('n_r=0 ' + str(n_r[0, 0]))

    mpi.report('--> chi0_wnr from g_wr')
    chi0_wnr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=nw, nnu=nwf, gr=g_wr)

    #mpi.report('--> chi0_wnr from g_wr (nompi)')
    #chi0_wnr_nompi = chi0r_from_gr_PH_nompi(nw=nw, nnu=nwf, gr=g_wr)

    del g_wr

    #abs_diff = np.abs(chi0_wnr.data - chi0_wnr_nompi.data)
    #mpi.report('shape = ' + str(abs_diff.shape))
    #idx = np.argmax(abs_diff)
    #mpi.report('argmax = ' + str(idx))
    #diff = np.max(abs_diff)
    #mpi.report('diff = %6.6f' % diff)
    #del chi0_wnr
    #chi0_wnr = chi0_wnr_nompi


    mpi.report('chi0_wnr ' +
               str(chi0_wnr[Idx(0), Idx(0), Idx(0, 0, 0)][0, 0, 0, 0]))
    chi0_r0 = np.sum(chi0_wnr[:, :, Idx(0, 0, 0)].data)
    mpi.report('chi0_r0 ' + str(chi0_r0))

    mpi.report('--> chi0_wnk from chi0_wnr')
    chi0_wnk = chi0q_from_chi0r(chi0_wnr)

    del chi0_wnr

    mpi.report('chi0_wnk ' +
               str(chi0_wnk[Idx(0), Idx(0), Idx(0, 0, 0)][0, 0, 0, 0]))
    chi0 = np.sum(chi0_wnk.data) / len(kmesh)
    mpi.report('chi0 = ' + str(chi0))

    #if mpi.is_master_node():
    if False:
        from triqs_tprf.ParameterCollection import ParameterCollection
        p = ParameterCollection()
        p.g_wk = g_wk
        p.g_wr = g_wr
        p.chi0_wnr = chi0_wnr
        p.chi0_wnk = chi0_wnk

        print '--> Writing debug info for BSE'
        with HDFArchive('data_debug_bse.h5', 'w') as arch:
            arch['p'] = p


    return chi0_wnk
Exemple #9
def get_chi0_wnk(g_wk, nw=1, nwf=None):
    r""" Compute the generalized lattice bubble susceptibility 
    :math:`\chi^{(0)}_{abcd}(\omega, \nu, \mathbf{k})` from the single-particle
    Green's function :math:`G_{ab}(\omega, \mathbf{k})`.


    g_wk : Single-particle Green's function :math:`G_{ab}(\omega, \mathbf{k})`.
    nw : Number of bosonic freqiencies in :math:`\chi`.
    nwf : Number of fermionic freqiencies in :math:`\chi`.    


    chi0_wnk : Generalized lattice bubble susceptibility
               :math:`\chi^{(0)}_{abcd}(\omega, \nu, \mathbf{k})`

    fmesh = g_wk.mesh.components[0]
    kmesh = g_wk.mesh.components[1]

    if nwf is None:
        nwf = len(fmesh) / 2

    mpi.report('g_wk ' + str(g_wk[Idx(2), Idx(0, 0, 0)][0, 0]))
    n = np.sum(g_wk.data) / len(kmesh)
    mpi.report('n ' + str(n))

    mpi.report('--> g_wr from g_wk')
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)

    mpi.report('g_wr ' + str(g_wr[Idx(2), Idx(0, 0, 0)][0, 0]))
    n_r = np.sum(g_wr.data, axis=0)[0]
    mpi.report('n_r=0 ' + str(n_r[0, 0]))

    mpi.report('--> chi0_wnr from g_wr')
    chi0_wnr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=nw, nn=nwf, g_nr=g_wr)

    #mpi.report('--> chi0_wnr from g_wr (nompi)')
    #chi0_wnr_nompi = chi0r_from_gr_PH_nompi(nw=nw, nn=nwf, g_wr=g_wr)

    del g_wr

    #abs_diff = np.abs(chi0_wnr.data - chi0_wnr_nompi.data)
    #mpi.report('shape = ' + str(abs_diff.shape))
    #idx = np.argmax(abs_diff)
    #mpi.report('argmax = ' + str(idx))
    #diff = np.max(abs_diff)
    #mpi.report('diff = %6.6f' % diff)
    #del chi0_wnr
    #chi0_wnr = chi0_wnr_nompi


    mpi.report('chi0_wnr ' +
               str(chi0_wnr[Idx(0), Idx(0), Idx(0, 0, 0)][0, 0, 0, 0]))
    chi0_r0 = np.sum(chi0_wnr[:, :, Idx(0, 0, 0)].data)
    mpi.report('chi0_r0 ' + str(chi0_r0))

    mpi.report('--> chi0_wnk from chi0_wnr')
    chi0_wnk = chi0q_from_chi0r(chi0_wnr)

    del chi0_wnr

    mpi.report('chi0_wnk ' +
               str(chi0_wnk[Idx(0), Idx(0), Idx(0, 0, 0)][0, 0, 0, 0]))
    chi0 = np.sum(chi0_wnk.data) / len(kmesh)
    mpi.report('chi0 = ' + str(chi0))

    #if mpi.is_master_node():
    if False:
        from triqs_tprf.ParameterCollection import ParameterCollection
        p = ParameterCollection()
        p.g_wk = g_wk
        p.g_wr = g_wr
        p.chi0_wnr = chi0_wnr
        p.chi0_wnk = chi0_wnk

        print '--> Writing debug info for BSE'
        with HDFArchive('data_debug_bse.h5', 'w') as arch:
            arch['p'] = p


    return chi0_wnk
Exemple #10
def make_calc():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Read precomputed ED data

    filename = "bse_and_rpa_loc_vs_latt.tar.gz"
    p = read_TarGZ_HDFArchive(filename)['p']

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- RPA tensor

    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import get_rpa_tensor
    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct

    fundamental_operators = fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(p.gf_struct)
    p.U_abcd = get_rpa_tensor(p.H_int, fundamental_operators)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Generalized PH susceptibility

    loc_bse = ParameterCollection()

    loc_bse.chi_wnn = chi_from_gg2_PH(p.G_iw, p.G2_iw_ph)
    loc_bse.chi0_wnn = chi0_from_gg2_PH(p.G_iw, p.G2_iw_ph)

    loc_bse.gamma_wnn = inverse_PH(loc_bse.chi0_wnn) - inverse_PH(
    loc_bse.chi_wnn_ref = inverse_PH(
        inverse_PH(loc_bse.chi0_wnn) - loc_bse.gamma_wnn)


    from triqs_tprf.bse import solve_local_bse
    loc_bse.gamma_wnn_ref = solve_local_bse(loc_bse.chi0_wnn, loc_bse.chi_wnn)


    loc_bse.chi0_w = trace_nn(loc_bse.chi0_wnn)
    loc_bse.chi_w = trace_nn(loc_bse.chi_wnn)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- RPA, using BSE inverses and constant Gamma

    loc_rpa = ParameterCollection()

    loc_rpa.chi0_wnn = loc_bse.chi0_wnn
    loc_rpa.chi0_w = loc_bse.chi0_w

    loc_rpa.U_abcd = p.U_abcd

    # -- Build constant gamma
    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import get_gamma_rpa
    loc_rpa.gamma_wnn = get_gamma_rpa(loc_rpa.chi0_wnn, loc_rpa.U_abcd)

    # -- Solve RPA
    loc_rpa.chi_wnn = inverse_PH(
        inverse_PH(loc_rpa.chi0_wnn) - loc_rpa.gamma_wnn)
    loc_rpa.chi_w = trace_nn(loc_rpa.chi_wnn)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Bubble RPA on lattice

    lat_rpa = ParameterCollection()

    # -- Setup dummy lattice Green's function equal to local Green's function

    bz = BrillouinZone(
        BravaisLattice(units=np.eye(3), orbital_positions=[(0, 0, 0)]))
    periodization_matrix = np.diag(np.array(list([1] * 3), dtype=np.int32))
    kmesh = MeshBrillouinZone(bz, periodization_matrix)
    wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=p.beta, S='Fermion', n_max=p.nwf_gf)

    lat_rpa.g_wk = Gf(mesh=MeshProduct(wmesh, kmesh),
    lat_rpa.g_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)] = p.G_iw

    # -- chi0_wk bubble and chi_wk_rpa bubble RPA

    from triqs_tprf.lattice_utils import imtime_bubble_chi0_wk
    lat_rpa.chi0_wk = imtime_bubble_chi0_wk(lat_rpa.g_wk, nw=1)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import solve_rpa_PH
    lat_rpa.chi_wk = solve_rpa_PH(lat_rpa.chi0_wk, p.U_abcd)

    lat_rpa.chi0_w = lat_rpa.chi0_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_rpa.chi_w = lat_rpa.chi_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]

    print '--> cf Tr[chi0] and chi0_wk'
    print loc_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print 'ok!'

    print '--> cf Tr[chi_rpa] and chi_wk_rpa'
    print loc_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print 'ok!'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Lattice BSE

    lat_bse = ParameterCollection()

    lat_bse.g_wk = lat_rpa.g_wk

    lat_bse.mu = p.mu

    lat_bse.e_k = Gf(mesh=kmesh, target_shape=p.G_iw.target_shape)
    lat_bse.e_k[Idx(0, 0, 0)] = np.eye(2)

    lat_bse.sigma_w = p.G_iw.copy()
    lat_bse.sigma_w << iOmega_n + lat_bse.mu * np.eye(2) - lat_bse.e_k[Idx(
        0, 0, 0)] - inverse(p.G_iw)

    lat_bse.g_wk_ref = lat_bse.g_wk.copy()
    lat_bse.g_wk_ref[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)] << inverse(iOmega_n +
                                                 lat_bse.mu * np.eye(2) -
                                                 lat_bse.e_k[Idx(0, 0, 0)] -


    #for w in lat_bse.g_wk.mesh.components[0]:
    #    print w, lat_bse.g_wk[w, Idx(0,0,0)][0, 0]

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import fourier_wk_to_wr
    lat_bse.g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(lat_bse.g_wk)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0r_from_gr_PH
    lat_bse.chi0_wnr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=1, nn=p.nwf, g_nr=lat_bse.g_wr)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_from_chi0r
    lat_bse.chi0_wnk = chi0q_from_chi0r(lat_bse.chi0_wnr)

    #for n in lat_bse.chi0_wnk.mesh.components[1]:
    #    print n.value, lat_bse.chi0_wnk[Idx(0), n, Idx(0,0,0)][0,0,0,0]

    # -- Lattice BSE calc
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH
    lat_bse.chi_kwnn = chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(lat_bse.chi0_wnk,

    # -- Lattice BSE calc with built in trace
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_sum_nu_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH
    lat_bse.chi_kw_ref = chiq_sum_nu_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(
        lat_bse.chi0_wnk, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)

    # -- Lattice BSE calc with built in trace using g_wk
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_sum_nu_from_g_wk_and_gamma_PH
    lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_ref = chiq_sum_nu_from_g_wk_and_gamma_PH(
        lat_bse.g_wk, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)

    # -- Trace results
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_sum_nu_tail_corr_PH
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_sum_nu
    lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr = chi0q_sum_nu_tail_corr_PH(lat_bse.chi0_wnk)
    lat_bse.chi0_wk = chi0q_sum_nu(lat_bse.chi0_wnk)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_sum_nu, chiq_sum_nu_q
    lat_bse.chi_kw = chiq_sum_nu(lat_bse.chi_kwnn)


    from triqs_tprf.bse import solve_lattice_bse
    lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr, tmp = solve_lattice_bse(lat_bse.g_wk,

    from triqs_tprf.bse import solve_lattice_bse_e_k_sigma_w
    lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_new = solve_lattice_bse_e_k_sigma_w(
        lat_bse.mu, lat_bse.e_k, lat_bse.sigma_w, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)


    lat_bse.chi0_w_tail_corr = lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_bse.chi0_w = lat_bse.chi0_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr = lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr[Idx(0, 0, 0), :]
    lat_bse.chi_w = lat_bse.chi_kw[Idx(0, 0, 0), :]

    print '--> cf Tr[chi0_wnk] and chi0_wk'
    print lat_bse.chi0_w_tail_corr.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_bse.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real



    print 'ok!'

    print '--> cf Tr[chi_kwnn] and chi_wk (without chi0 tail corr)'
    print lat_bse.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print loc_bse.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print 'ok!'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Use chi0 tail corrected trace to correct chi_rpa cf bubble

    dchi_wk = lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr - lat_bse.chi0_wk
    dchi_w = dchi_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]

    loc_rpa.chi_w_tail_corr = loc_rpa.chi_w + dchi_w

    # -- this will be the same, but it will be close to the real physical value
    lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr_ref = lat_bse.chi_w + dchi_w
    loc_bse.chi_w_tail_corr_ref = loc_bse.chi_w + dchi_w

    print '--> cf Tr[chi_rpa] and chi_wk_rpa'
    print loc_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print loc_rpa.chi_w_tail_corr.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print '--> cf Tr[chi_kwnn] with tail corr (from chi0_wnk)'
    print lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr.data.reshape((4, 4)).real
    print lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr_ref.data.reshape((4, 4)).real


    print 'ok!'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Store to hdf5

    filename = 'data_bse_rpa.h5'
    with HDFArchive(filename, 'w') as res:
        res['p'] = p
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi

from pytriqs.gf import Gf, MeshImFreq, MeshProduct
from pytriqs.gf import MeshBrillouinZone, MeshCyclicLattice
from pytriqs.lattice import BrillouinZone, BravaisLattice

from triqs_tprf.lattice import lattice_dyson_g0_wk
from triqs_tprf.lattice import fourier_wk_to_wr
from triqs_tprf.lattice import fourier_wr_to_wk

bz = BrillouinZone(BravaisLattice([[1, 0], [0, 1]]))

periodization_matrix = np.diag(np.array([10, 10, 1], dtype=np.int32))

bzmesh = MeshBrillouinZone(bz, periodization_matrix)
lmesh = MeshCyclicLattice(bz.lattice, periodization_matrix)

e_k = Gf(mesh=bzmesh, target_shape=[1, 1])

for k in bzmesh:
    e_k[k] = -2 * (np.cos(k[0]) + np.cos(k[1]))  # does not work...

mesh = MeshImFreq(beta=1.0, S='Fermion', n_max=1024)
g0_wk = lattice_dyson_g0_wk(mu=1.0, e_k=e_k, mesh=mesh)

g0_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g0_wk)
g0_wk_ref = fourier_wr_to_wk(g0_wr)

np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(g0_wk.data, g0_wk_ref.data)
Exemple #12
def imtime_bubble_chi0_wk(g_wk, nw=1):
    ncores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    wmesh, kmesh = g_wk.mesh.components

    norb = g_wk.target_shape[0]
    beta = wmesh.beta
    nw_g = len(wmesh)
    nk = len(kmesh)

    ntau = 2 * nw_g

    # -- Memory Approximation

    ng_tr = ntau * np.prod(nk) * norb**2  # storing G(tau, r)
    ng_wr = nw_g * np.prod(nk) * norb**2  # storing G(w, r)
    ng_t = ntau * norb**2  # storing G(tau)

    nchi_tr = ntau * np.prod(nk) * norb**4  # storing \chi(tau, r)
    nchi_wr = nw * np.prod(nk) * norb**4  # storing \chi(w, r)
    nchi_t = ntau * norb**4  # storing \chi(tau)
    nchi_w = nw * norb**4  # storing \chi(w)
    nchi_r = np.prod(nk) * norb**4  # storing \chi(r)

    if nw == 1:
        ntot_case_1 = ng_tr + ng_wr
        ntot_case_2 = ng_tr + nchi_wr + ncores * (nchi_t + 2 * ng_t)
        ntot_case_3 = 4 * nchi_wr

        ntot = max(ntot_case_1, ntot_case_2, ntot_case_3)

        ntot_case_1 = ng_tr + nchi_tr + ncores * (nchi_t + 2 * ng_t)
        ntot_case_2 = nchi_tr + nchi_wr + ncores * (nchi_w + nchi_t)

        ntot = max(ntot_case_1, ntot_case_2)

    nbytes = ntot * np.complex128().nbytes
    ngb = nbytes / 1024.**3

    if mpi.is_master_node():
        print tprf_banner(), "\n"
        print 'beta  =', beta
        print 'nk    =', nk
        print 'nw    =', nw_g
        print 'norb  =', norb
        print 'Approx. Memory Utilization: %2.2f GB\n' % ngb

    mpi.report('--> fourier_wk_to_wr')
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)
    del g_wk

    mpi.report('--> fourier_wr_to_tr')
    g_tr = fourier_wr_to_tr(g_wr)
    del g_wr

    if nw == 1:
        mpi.report('--> chi0_w0r_from_grt_PH (bubble in tau & r)')
        chi0_wr = chi0_w0r_from_grt_PH(g_tr)
        del g_tr
        mpi.report('--> chi0_tr_from_grt_PH (bubble in tau & r)')
        chi0_tr = chi0_tr_from_grt_PH(g_tr)
        del g_tr

        mpi.report('--> chi_wr_from_chi_tr')
        chi0_wr = chi_wr_from_chi_tr(chi0_tr, nw=nw)
        del chi0_tr

    mpi.report('--> chi_wk_from_chi_wr (r->k)')
    chi0_wk = chi_wk_from_chi_wr(chi0_wr)
    del chi0_wr

    return chi0_wk
Exemple #13
def gw_sigma_wk(Wr_wk, g_wk, fft_flag=False):
    r""" GW self energy :math:`\Sigma(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})` calculator

    Fourier transforms the screened interaction and the single-particle
    Green's function to imagiary time and real space.

    .. math::
        G_{ab}(\tau, \mathbf{r}) = \mathcal{F}^{-1}
          \left\{ G_{ab}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k}) \right\}

    .. math::
        W^{(r)}_{abcd}(\tau, \mathbf{r}) = \mathcal{F}^{-1}
          \left\{ W^{(r)}_{abcd}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k}) \right\}

    computes the GW self-energy as the product

    .. math::
        \Sigma_{ab}(\tau, \mathbf{r}) =
          \sum_{cd} W^{(r)}_{abcd}(\tau, \mathbf{r}) G_{cd}(\tau, \mathbf{r})

    and transforms back to frequency and momentum

    .. math::
        \Sigma_{ab}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k}) =
          \mathcal{F} \left\{ \Sigma_{ab}(\tau, \mathbf{r}) \right\}


    V_k : TRIQS Green's function (rank 4) on a Brillouinzone mesh
          static bare interaction :math:`V_{abcd}(\mathbf{k})`

    Wr_wk : TRIQS Green's function (rank 4) on Matsubara and Brillouinzone meshes
            retarded screened interaction :math:`W^{(r)}_{abcd}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})`
    g_wk : TRIQS Green's function (rank 2) on Matsubara and Brillouinzone meshes
           single particle Green's function :math:`G_{ab}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})`


    sigma_wk : TRIQS Green's function (rank 2) on Matsubara and Brillouinzone meshes
               GW self-energy :math:`\Sigma_{ab}(i\omega_n, \mathbf{k})`

    if fft_flag:

        nw = len(g_wk.mesh.components[0]) // 2
        ntau = nw * 6 + 1

        mpi.report('g wk -> wr')
        g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)
        mpi.report('g wr -> tr')
        g_tr = fourier_wr_to_tr(g_wr, nt=ntau)
        del g_wr

        mpi.report('W wk -> wr')
        Wr_wr = chi_wr_from_chi_wk(Wr_wk)
        mpi.report('W wr -> tr')
        Wr_tr = chi_tr_from_chi_wr(Wr_wr, ntau=ntau)
        del Wr_wr

        mpi.report('sigma tr')
        sigma_tr = cpp_gw_sigma_tr(Wr_tr, g_tr)
        del Wr_tr
        del g_tr

        mpi.report('sigma tr -> wr')
        sigma_wr = fourier_tr_to_wr(sigma_tr, nw=nw)

        del sigma_tr
        mpi.report('sigma wr -> wk')
        sigma_wk = fourier_wr_to_wk(sigma_wr)
        del sigma_wr

        sigma_wk = cpp_gw_sigma_wk_serial_fft(Wr_wk, g_wk)

    return sigma_wk